??? about early check-in


Disneyland here we come!
Aug 31, 2000
Ok-I posted a topic over on the resorts board about this, but wonder what everyone here thinks as well. We are going to WDW in Sept & will arrive at the MCO before 10AM. We are planning to use TTC service & make a stop at the grocery store for perishables to be stored in a cooler. BUT since we are arriving so early, is this a good idea? If we can't check-in to our room, then we will have to put the cooler in storage with our luggage--has anyone done this before??

I don't want to seem like a total Scrooge when I get there with my cooler & my food, etc...LOL! The other option I have been thinking about is perhaps renting a car & being able to go wherever we want all week. I do alot of rewards programs, so I can probably get a decent deal on one.

OK--sorry for being so long, if anyone has read this far-bless you! & if you have any suggestions for me--even better!!


We've done this before and it wasn't a problem checking the cooler with the luggage at all. :) Have a great trip!

Going to DISNEYLAND in April! Going to DISNEY WORLD in June! ºoº
I wa wondering the same thing, our flight gets in at 10am, I've already purchased collapsable cooler
and want to stop at grocery on our way in which means won't get to resort til after noon. We will rent a car, but I still don't want to waste time going back out to a grocery store(Hate Gooding's, most pathetic excuse for a grocery store ever seen) Other trips have been able to get into room early. Considering buying ice at grocery & setting up cooler in car just in case can't get in room upon arrival. Would that work for you? also have heard that when send room request into room controller 4 days before arrival that you can mention that you will arrive early & ask to have a room ready.
we have done early arrival with a cooler and stored it with the luggage - Ithink this is kind of common as no one thought anything of us having one.

<img width="60" height="68" src=Http://homestead.juno.com/rpeot/files/glittermick.gif><img width="68" height="68" src=http://homestead.juno.com/rpeot/files/TiggerFrog.gif>
<FONT color=darkblue size=2>Feb 1995 - Caribbean Beach</FONT>
<FONT color=cadetblue size=2>Feb 1997 - Port Orleans</FONT>
<FONT color=darkred size=2>Nov 1997 - Offsite</FONT>
<FONT color=darkgoldenrod size=2>Feb 2000 - Dixie Landings</FONT>
<FONT color=orangered size=2>Nov 2001 - All Star Movies </FONT>
I've "checked" a cooler full of food before and it worked fine. I think you should still rent a car. Getting from point A to point B in WDW can be a problem. Plus, with a car you can eat offsite and visit the WDW Outlet Stores at the outlet malls.

-- Robin
I appreciate the tips everyone! We are still thinking about renting a car, so now I need to start working on that.....add it to the list. But the fun for me is in the planning. Thanks again!


I just got back from WDW last Saturday. We stayed from 2/16-2/23. We also had used TTC and stopped to do grocery before arrival. I can tell you if you have a backpack try this. Bring cans of tuna plastic bottle of mayo, ketchup, mustard. Coffee,
filters, cereal, oatmeal, cookies, crackers. Macaroni. Then all you will need to pickup at the store will be your parishables. Milk, eggs, bread,
cheese,butter, fruits, etc. We took about 25 minutes and bought about $50.00 worth of groceries. It lasted us the whole week. We only ate out 3 nights at Epcot. On your return you can use the packpack for anything. By the way we were a family of 4. When we arrived at the hotel they checked our bags and cooler all together without any problem. Everything was fine when we finally got to the room and put the food in the refrig.
Have a great time and enjoy. Don't worry be happy!!
that you purchased at WDW.
We have taken a hard shell cooler and packed it with with cereal spoons and ect., and checked it on the flight. We did rent a car and went shopping and filled the cooler with what we would need. We used ice from the machines and it worked just fine. When we went home we used the cooler for souveniors.
I bought a thick "luggage strap" from Target to secure our hardside cooler before checking it with our luggage on the plane. I definately wouldn't pack anything heavy or valuable in it. Putting paper plates, cups, napkins, spoons, etc. in it is a great idea, Dumbo33! :)

Going to DISNEYLAND in April! Going to DISNEY WORLD in June! ºoº


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