ABC's of Trip Planning (Oct 10-20), Vol. 2- Z is for: Zippidee Doo Dah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Popping in to say howdy! It's been fun watching your photo posts on FB. Can't wait to see all of the pics you take on this trip. You are almost at the 30 day mark! :yay:

Color me flabbergasted!

What an honor to have My Golden, (Never) Flaky Friend drop in!
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This I need to see.

It might be very amusing. Or very ugly depending on a) how much I've had to drink to go through with it and b) my unpredictable gag reflex.

I'm irritated with the white sky/fog, but I boosted the sharpness (probably too much) and added a bit more saturation. Meh. But yeah, you guys were right, the pole needed to go.

Got 'em! Returned the Nikes, got Asics.... returned those too and got New Balance. These seem to be doing the trick.

I am starting to wear my Keens with thicker socks to see if that stretches them out a bit, and I will likely take them and try wearing with socks to see how it goes.

My very first trip.
I think I was... 7?
My Dad's sister, husband and two kids came from Germany. Uncle didn't speak a lick of English. Except...
"Stopping! Stopping! Stopping!" every few minutes so he could take a picture. It was more amusing than funny. At least to me. I can't speak for my Dad.

That's kinda cute and funny. But if your dad was on a timetable, probably it wasn't as much so to him.

5 cases? How many SD cards are you bringing?!?!?
Need the meter for my studio strobes. Beats click, darn, click, darn, click, darn, click, almost, click, getting close, click, there we go.

I was thinking of bringing 5 so I could switch out every other day or so. That way if one gets lost or corrupted I'd only lose a couple days of photos.

Never heard of 'em.

I found them fascinating in a geeky sort of way. I started digging into the history a bit and, I dunno, a other-worldly sort of landscape they make and a colorful history to boot.

I didn't need to know that.
Just one more reason to stay out of the water.

Did you ever watch the Jaws movies?

Gorgeous shot.

Thanks! :) Still, I was super annoyed the lighting and white sky issue. The fog was really problematic on this trip. So much so, that I think the polarizing filter wouldn't even have done diddly crap to help make better images.

No clue. lady slippers? pkondz doesn't do flowers.

Nope. Pkondz should stop and smell a few roses now and then. ;)

Oooh! Oooh! I got it! 5 naked ladies!

AKA Pink Amaryllis

Ding, ding, ding!!! I thought it was just Naked Ladies... 5?

All caught up! Love the San Fran updates............brings back some wonderful memories! :love:

Thanks, Marv! We had a super fun time, and also made some fun memories.

Leaning Clock of Frisco??? :rolleyes1

LOL! I seriously only took that shot that way for ONE reason. I had already gotten too close and it would only fit into the frame that way. HAHAHAHA! I was just too lazy to walk back up the block to get it to fit.
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you might regret that. LOL

Surely you jest! Start a PTR and we'll all be there to help you out!

No meds is always good news!


The methotrexate was actually part of my Chemo regimen way back when. Funny how things come full circle. I am actually tolerating it pretty well. Only issue I have had is that my thigh that I inject it into retaliates a bit for a few day's after. It gets "cramps" (for lack of a better word) in it. But not really cramps...they don't come and go. It is a constant dull ache that gets a bit stronger at times especially at night if I am laying on the side that I did the injection on. It has not been enough to cause me to want to stop it, but it is a bit bothersome. I am really hoping that I do see the good results that they are telling me a lot of people get. I am really tired of high doses of prednisone. Between the weight gain and the hot/cold flashes from them, I am beyond ready to be done with them. From my understanding, when the Methotrexate works, it works well, but if it doesn't work, then it is not at all. There is no in between with it.

Yes, that's so weird that it actually is both for cancer and RA. That's strange your thigh would be sore... it's SQ, right? How much longer for the Prednisone? I think I'd be anxious to get off that too. It really messes with blood sugars and weight gain is awful. :( (Among all kinds of other s/e)

I"m glad you're seeing good results from the Rhuematrex! YAY!!

So pretty!

Thanks! Disappointed in the white sky, but you can't have everything.

I never realized how much you guys look alike.

I gave birth to Michaela, the older one on the left, and a friend came to visit while I was still in the hospital. She took one look at her and then said, "Hey Liesa, is that the only face you guys can make?!"


Yes, we all look pretty much alike (the girls and I) .

:thumbsup2 Going to school for Horticulture might have done me some good after all! :rotfl2:

Yes, the epitome of your college career was RIGHT here for this moment!! :dancer::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Color me flabbergasted!

Orange, of course, because Science.

It might be very amusing. Or very ugly depending on a) how much I've had to drink to go through with it and b) my unpredictable gag reflex.

Um.... oh. Perhaps I'll watch from a distance.

I'm irritated with the white sky/fog, but I boosted the sharpness (probably too much) and added a bit more saturation. Meh.

Better, though.
And if you really wanted to, you could darken just the sky. Only you know if it's worth the effort.

But yeah, you guys were right, the pole needed to go.

Thought so. I find if I'm focusing on something that isn't what I want attention drawn to... it needs to go.

I am starting to wear my Keens with thicker socks to see if that stretches them out a bit, and I will likely take them and try wearing with socks to see how it goes.

Good luck with that. I was actually starting to stress (well, maybe a little) over the stupid shoes.

That's kinda cute and funny. But if your dad was on a timetable, probably it wasn't as much so to him.

I doubt he was, other than to be in a particular city by end of day.
Man that trip was fun.

I was thinking of bringing 5 so I could switch out every other day or so. That way if one gets lost or corrupted I'd only lose a couple days of photos.


Did you ever watch the Jaws movies?

First three. The third one was so bad that I never watched the fourth.

So I know what happens in the ocean. :rolleyes2

Thanks! :) Still, I was super annoyed the lighting and white sky issue.

Do you have a graduated ND filter?

The fog was really problematic on this trip. So much so, that I think the polarizing filter wouldn't even have done diddly crap to help make better images.

See previous question.

And no... I don't have one myself. Probably should for my next trip...

Nope. Pkondz should stop and smell a few roses now and then. ;)

Why? What do they smell like?
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How much longer for the Prednisone? I think I'd be anxious to get off that too. It really messes with blood sugars and weight gain is awful. :( (Among all kinds of other s/e)

Uggh tell me about it. I've been on prednisone for 5.5 years. Evidently along with weight gain (which I certainly didn't/don't need), it causes/worsens cataracts. On the plus side of that...I had cataract surgery last year, and can now easily wear sunglasses again since I only wear reading glasses. Even found some that had readers built in.
Day 5 of Our Bay Area Visit

Vacation is always hard to put an end to. But this one, while exceptionally fun, was a bit less traumatic to leave behind. I'd just started a pretty great job (so far), and am very barely just getting the hang of a few things. Enough so that I am not scared to death to just show up. I wanted to get back there soon so as not to lose the momentum and get a bunch more hours in before the much bigger trip on the horizon. I knew I was scheduled the very next day at 8:00, and while on this vacation, my manager had texted adding 2 more days to that work week. I would have to hit the ground running after knowing I wouldn't be in bed tonight until about midnight.

So how did we spend our last day together? RELAXING!!!!

We slept in, because that's what every other vacation, aside from a DISNEY vacation, is all about. Sleeping in, and then seeing and doing as much as possible. So, after a leisurely, slow morning, I met the girls at Susan's around 9:30. She was gracious enough to drive us down the hill and drop me off for a 10:00 pedi appt she had made for me the day before. I REALLY needed it after our 40 mile hike also the day before. My legs were feeling it, and I'd developed a blister on one of my toes, thanks to my new shoes. While more comfy with socks on, I'm still not convinced they are going to work out for pounding the pavement at the parks.

The gal did a mighty fine job with a long massage, hot wax, exfoliant, etc... and I felt a million times better and certainly pampered. It was just what I needed before we headed to Susan's club for a day where the wealthy workout, swim, and all that.

This was where we were headed:

The Claremont Spa Hotel in Oakland

Susan told us she gets about 15 visitor passes a year with her membership and was happy she could treat us to a day there. It was posh and pretty darned beautiful.

After checking in, we headed to the locker room where we got a day use locker and changed into our suits. The directions on how to lock them, and then open them back up, required a Ph.D in ciphering, which none of us has. But we managed to lock everything up and headed out to the pool for some California sunshine and a dip in the saltwater pools.

Here are my views, left, center, and right (note the beautiful blue sky that I wished I'd also had for the day before on our hike and those photos):

See the free towels and new pedi?

I read my book, closed my eyes, then took a swim (not necessarily at the same time). There were about 40 million kids in there too who were on a break from tennis camp who were probably peeing in the pool and doing a crapton of splashing. So I moved to the jacuzzi. It was delightfully warm and bubbly, but there were 2 old ladies in there, ranting about Trump for over 20 minutes before I'd decided that I was SO over hearing about politics and was on vacation, so got out and went back to my chair to read a bit longer.

But I am the type of person who gets really bored pretty easily. Seriously, I have the attention span of a 3 year old, and pretty much just need to keep moving- I have a hard time relaxing... at least in one place for very long. And it was 3:00. And the hotel begged for a bit of exploration. And Susan had mentioned that the lobby bar had a STUNNING view of the Bay and Oakland. I figured I probably needed to check that out myself, so headed to the locker room to dress.

I tried to open our locker and did ok. I got my dress on, my shoes, and wait! Where's my underwear?!

OOooohh, riiiiight, I remembered at the last minute that I had shoved them into Michaela's locker next to mine and was immediately saddened that I didn't have a Ph.D in ciphering. Try as I might, I could not figure out how to get her's open and resigned myself to roaming around the resort and having a drink in the bar a bit less covered than I'd like to have been. I hope to God I was ladylike in my comings and goings. If not, the good news is that I'll never see those people again. I first found the pool snack shop where I bought a glass (plastic) of pinot noir, which was displayed alongside the $14 chips and salsa (all organic of course), $45 guacamole and kale-somethings, and $27 smoothies. Ok, it wasn't that much, maybe I exaggerated by about 10%. With that, I put my purse back next to the girls at at their chairs, and headed up the check out the lobby and bar in the hotel portion of the property. I walked carefully hoping there wasn't a $20 bill on the ground halfway there. Then again, $20 would have been worth it. The tiny tennis tots might have missed and ace or two.

I got all settled in on a couch with my book when all of a sudden the bar server comes over and asks if I'd like something. Uuuuuh, sure? <looks around at swanky clientele> <thinks to self: Self, you had better order something, this place probably isn't just for sitting>

Sure, just let me get my cred.... "OH NO! I"m so sorry, I don't have my purse with me. Is there a way you can look up my friend's membership and put it on her tab? I could always pay her back for some roasted almonds and marinated olives, right? Yes, I really said that.

He thinks he can, so trots off to look her up. Sadly, he returned saying that their computer system was down, but I was ok to sit for a little bit. Which I did. Feeling like an idiot and a little bit naked.

It was nearing time to pack our stuff up and head to the showers where shampoo, conditioner, blow dryers, suit ringers, you name it, was there for our use. I showered up and headed to the hair dryers and couldn't see crap. Oopsies, forgot my glasses, so ran back to the shower to grab them. Popped open the door, and OH MY LORD! Someone had already gotten in and I full-on threw the door open on her thinking it was empty. People, I can't make this stuff up!!!! She was very kind about it and I laughed with her, not at her, but felt badly. After I laughed all the way back to the dressing table.

Finally, after a lovely day of pretending we were part of the New Money Crowd, we were packed and ready to make the trek to the Oakland Airport and head home. The airport experience was boringly uneventful. We paid the captive eater's fees for mediocre Mexican food, none of us was patted down, my toothpaste was confiscated (the same toothpaste that sailed through security on the way there), and we all managed to sit together despite having a B Boarding group.

I was saddened by the fact that we sat on the wrong side of the plane to get the full-view of this:

Luckily, the lady on the other side of our aisle was willing to get these 2 shots of the most incredible sunset I've ever seen from 25,000 ft. It was so memorable that I have friends on FB who also flew into PDX that evening and also posted their photos. It was just beautiful. It reminded me that I, even though it is a huge PITA, I should probably have my Canon ready for use even for flights and travel. Because you just never know.

The last noteworthy thing to share, and is such a fitting ending for this little Mini TR was that we saw these on the shuttle to our Economy Lot:

I found it highly amusing that they were even staying at the SAME resort that we would be at in just a little over a month. After my kids got off, I stopped to wish them a magical trip, and told them we were staying at the same resort, and it was a surprise for my kids. She giggled like a schoolgirl with a crush, and off we went, ready to face the wait until our own magical trip.
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Really enjoyed your SF mini trip report! Looks like you had a really great trip!

I tried to open our locker and did ok. I got my dress on, my shoes, and wait! Where's my underwear?!


resigned myself to roaming around the resort and having a drink in the bar a bit less covered than I'd like to have been. I hope to

:woohoo: You go girl :earseek:

$45 guacamole and kale-somethings, and $27 smoothies.

Wow! Pricey!!

Popped open the door, and OH MY LORD! Someone had already gotten in and I full-on threw the door open on her thinking it was empty. People, I can't make this stuff up!!!!

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:Sounds like quite the flashy last day!!

I found it highly amusing that they were even staying at the SAME resort that we would be at in just a little over a month. After my kids got off, I stopped to wish them a magical trip, and told them we were staying at the same resort, and it was a surprise for my kids. She giggled like a schoolgirl with a crush, and off we went, ready to face the wait until our own magical trip.

Aw, that's cool! I love seeing those yellow tags and seeing where people are going. I get just as excited for them as I do for myself!
Really enjoyed your SF mini trip report!

Thanks, Kelly! Glad to still have you here and following along. :)

:woohoo: You go girl :earseek:

I swear, I don't even try to make stories like this happen... they just do. And that's what makes a TR fun.

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:Sounds like quite the flashy last day!!

And not in a diamonds and glitter sort of way.

Aw, that's cool! I love seeing those yellow tags and seeing where people are going. I get just as excited for them as I do for myself!

Me too! I wonder if we'll see any on our flight from SeaTac?

I'm're spa day was hilarious! !


Stuff like that sorta just follows me; last trip it was a foray into the men's room.
I've been catching up off and on for at least 7 hours :faint: but I am officially caught up!

Ahhh, just love this city! Wish we could spend more time when we're up there in the next couple weeks.

because in our experience the grosser the place, the better the food.

::yes:: ::yes:: ::yes::

We've lived in Central Asia

Wow very cool!....or maybe not??? How was it?

(not THAT kind of groping!)

Aw man! :headache:

The weather was a teensy bit on the cool side

It's seriously always cold there, even in Summer! (well, at least i'm always cold)

***Warning, you are about to enter an area fully devoted to charging exorbitant prices for cheap foreign junk, bland, greasy food, and specializing in catering to hordes of people who probably should have walked 4 more blocks for better food, better souvenirs, and fewer people. I can neither confirm nor deny that a certain walking party fell prey to the tyranny of the urgent.

It's hard to resist the call of Pier 39 and the Wharf!

h, and we did not have the option of oysters. Which is seriously fine with me. They remind me of loogies, and I've made a personal commitment to never try them.

Welp, I guess i'm a loogie eater and i'm okay with that:rotfl2:

I could have made that for $.75 at home. With homemade hot fudge. But what really put me in the bad mood was throwing half of it away. Like I've said a million times, we just aren't big eaters; we split it 3 ways and walked away on sugar overload. We knew what was coming tonight and overdoing it now, wasn't going to be worth it.

I can seriously eat one by myself


Good picture!

See that fresh slice on the side?

Waah no I can't! No picture on my end.

On the way home, I also accidentally picked my nose . There was an immediate volcano eruption right there in the car; hot lava foamed through my nostrils. Tears of anguish flowed from my eyes and my brain nearly melted on impact. Boys and Girls, let this be a lesson to you: Do not pick your peppers and your nose all in one evening.

:lmao:Sorry I don't mean to laugh, but i've had this experience before! And not even from picking my nose! I had an itch on my nose and used my palm/thumb and sniffed at the same time I was rubbing and oooh man! To make it worse eye started watering and I went to rub my so dumb :rotfl:

Good Moooooooorning, Francisconam!!!!


The day always starts with coffee. Always. Not just because I love it, but because by 9:00, if insufficient amounts of caffeine are consumed, I become a monster with a colossal-sized headache.

DH and I tried a juice cleanse once. Holy Calrissian!!! Major, major, major headache! I'm really surprised we didn't kill each other.

Our destination was The Academy of Sciences, also located in the Golden Gate park.

This place is amazing! Was actually looking into taking the kids here while DH has his appointment, since they're free!


Beautiful, beautiful shot!

Following our quick lunch, we made our way to the Planetarium where we watched Soarin' Over California. They are grateful to Disney for giving them their hand-me-downs.

:rotfl:I was like, "Wow really?!" It's been a long day don't judge:lmao:

After that we went into the Earthquake simulation machine where we experienced the same feeling that both the Loma Prieta and the 1906 Quakes would have been like. It was a good reminder for our family to get serious about preparing for the Cascadian one that is predicted to hit any time. They upped the chances again last week with new research from 12% to 40% in the next 40 years depending on your source. And it will be FAR worse than either of the ones in the Simulator.

I'm always checking out earthquaketrack to see past/current activity. Ugh i'm very afraid of the Big One. And apparently I need to brush up on my earthquake preparedness, since you no longer stand in a doorway to protect yourself :confused3that was like ingrained into me as a kid!

My baby was burned by this very badly one time at a park by a moron who dumped their coals out. She thought it was sand and dug her hands in them to play.

Oh my :sad2:

We adore Thai food


Awesome shot! I just love your pics.

Pretty girls!

usan told us she gets about 15 visitor passes a year with her membership and was happy she could treat us to a day there. It was posh and pretty darned beautiful.

Um, amazing!

There were about 40 million kids in there too who were on a break from tennis camp who were probably peeing in the pool

Come on, let's be real. You know there are some adults doing that too :lmao::scared:

OOooohh, riiiiight, I remembered at the last minute that I had shoved them into Michaela's locker next to mine and was immediately saddened that I didn't have a Ph.D in ciphering. Try as I might, I could not figure out how to get her's open and resigned myself to roaming around the resort and having a drink in the bar a bit less covered than I'd like to have been. I hope to God I was ladylike in my comings and goings.

:rotfl2::lmao:HILARIOUS!!!!:rotfl: Going commando is not the biz.
Reading about your relaxing day made me feel relaxed. Until I :rotfl:at forgetting your undies and your purse and creeping on the shower lady:rotfl2: Never a dull moment for you, is there?
Just wanted to say I'M CAUGHT UP! after being oh just a year and a half behind. Aaaaand I'll be there October 1st to the 11th :cool1:
Vacation is always hard to put an end to.

Oh, no. I disagree. I find it's extremely easy. It comes much too soon and you're never prepared for it. I fight it tooth and nail and it still happens.

Enough so that I am not scared to death to just show up.

I've said it before... I don't know how you do what you do. I am in awe.

I would have to hit the ground running after knowing I wouldn't be in bed tonight until about midnight.

Whoa. That's almost as bad as a typical pkondz day.

So how did we spend our last day together? RELAXING!!!!


She was gracious enough to drive us down the hill

Drive you down the hill??? Why didn't you just hop on a skateboard? Or strap on some roller blades?

My legs were feeling it, and I'd developed a blister on one of my toes, thanks to my new shoes.

Burn those shoes! Nobody and nothing messes with our Liesa's tootsies!

Susan told us she gets about 15 visitor passes a year with her membership and was happy she could treat us to a day there. It was posh and pretty darned beautiful.

Nice of her! And lucky for you!

The directions on how to lock them, and then open them back up, required a Ph.D in ciphering, which none of us has.

Why? Why do they do that?
How about.... "Here's the key to your locker. Have a nice day."

(note the beautiful blue sky that I wished I'd also had for the day before on our hike and those photos)

Mother Nature... I'd send a strongly worded letter.

Hey! Those look pedied!

See the free towels and new pedi?


I read my book, closed my eyes, then took a swim (not necessarily at the same time).

Sleep swimming. The scourge of America.

There were about 40 million kids in there too who were on a break from tennis camp who were probably peeing in the pool and doing a crapton of splashing.


So I moved to the jacuzzi.

Which I'm surprised to see didn't have a bunch of kids in it too. Or was it off limits to the juvenile crew?

But I am the type of person who gets really bored pretty easily. Seriously, I have the attention span of a 3 year old, and pretty much just need to keep moving- I have a hard time relaxing... at least in one place for very long.

Is there a name for that? Because that's me.

I tried to open our locker and did ok.


wait! Where's my underwear?!

OOooohh, riiiiight, I remembered at the last minute that I had shoved them into Michaela's locker next to mine and was immediately saddened that I didn't have a Ph.D in ciphering. Try as I might, I could not figure out how to get her's open and resigned myself to roaming around the resort and having a drink in the bar a bit less covered than I'd like to have been.

:lmao: No! :rotfl:

If not, the good news is that I'll never see those people again.

Not to worry. They'll never forget you.

I walked carefully hoping there wasn't a $20 bill on the ground halfway there. Then again, $20 would have been worth it. The tiny tennis tots might have missed and ace or two.


I could always pay her back for some roasted almonds and marinated olives, right? Yes, I really said that.

:laughing: I believe you.

I was ok to sit for a little bit. Which I did. Feeling like an idiot and a little bit naked.

:lmao: You're killing me here. You know that, right?

Oopsies, forgot my glasses, so ran back to the shower to grab them. Popped open the door, and OH MY LORD! Someone had already gotten in and I full-on threw the door open on her thinking it was empty. People, I can't make this stuff up!!!! She was very kind about it and I laughed with her, not at her, but felt badly. After I laughed all the way back to the dressing table.

No. Way!

My goodness, you've certainly had an entertaining day!

my toothpaste was confiscated (the same toothpaste that sailed through security on the way there),

Understandable. You might've brushed your teeth mid-flight. Part of disguising yourself. New shiny teeth and fresh breath. Who knows what nefarious plot you could be up to?

It reminded me that I, even though it is a huge PITA, I should probably have my Canon ready for use even for flights and travel. Because you just never know.

Yeah... I never have it available either. And have missed a few things.
But overall, I'm still happier with it up in the overheads than clogging up my precious foot space.
Looks like I have a couple of days to catch up with here.

The quietness of an empty house and the 'tude of a feline.

I think the drop-kick was invented shortly after man encountered the cat. True story.

The weather was absolutely California perfect- 72, sunny with a whisper of a breeze.

That's not California perfect. That's perfect anywhere.

Me likey! Nice shot.

Me also likey!:thumbsup2

Aww...that's a sweet one.

And those ^^ get the prize for most hilarious name. Bonus, non-contest points to whoever knows the name. flowers?

I'd just started a pretty great job (so far), and am very barely just getting the hang of a few things. Enough so that I am not scared to death to just show up.

Always a good feeling!

We slept in, because that's what every other vacation, aside from a DISNEY vacation, is all about.

Wait, what?? Crap, I'm doing it wrong.

Susan told us she gets about 15 visitor passes a year with her membership and was happy she could treat us to a day there.


The directions on how to lock them, and then open them back up, required a Ph.D in ciphering, which none of us has.

Oh, you just squeegee the widget on the doohickey. It's not that hard.

I read my book, closed my eyes, then took a swim (not necessarily at the same time).

Darn. That would have been awesome!

But I am the type of person who gets really bored pretty easily.


I tried to open our locker and did ok. I got my dress on, my shoes, and wait! Where's my underwear?!


$45 guacamole and kale-somethings

$45 for kale?? That's about $44.79 too much.

Ok, it wasn't that much, maybe I exaggerated by about 10%.

Oh, ok. Carry on, then.

I walked carefully hoping there wasn't a $20 bill on the ground halfway there. Then again, $20 would have been worth it. The tiny tennis tots might have missed and ace or two.


Sure, just let me get my cred.... "OH NO! I"m so sorry, I don't have my purse with me. Is there a way you can look up my friend's membership and put it on her tab? I could always pay her back for some roasted almonds and marinated olives, right? Yes, I really said that.

Wow! You are incredibly fast on your feet!

Popped open the door, and OH MY LORD! Someone had already gotten in and I full-on threw the door open on her thinking it was empty.


It reminded me that I, even though it is a huge PITA, I should probably have my Canon ready for use even for flights and travel. Because you just never know.

Well, sometimes it's ok to enjoy the view just for yourself.

I found it highly amusing that they were even staying at the SAME resort that we would be at in just a little over a month. After my kids got off, I stopped to wish them a magical trip, and told them we were staying at the same resort, and it was a surprise for my kids. She giggled like a schoolgirl with a crush, and off we went, ready to face the wait until our own magical trip.

Nice little reminder there. Just over a month! I can't believe it's almost here!
I've been catching up off and on for at least 7 hours :faint: but I am officially caught up!

But you are very tenacious! Glad you're up to speed!!

Ahhh, just love this city! Wish we could spend more time when we're up there in the next couple weeks.

There is SO much to see! We barely scratched the surface. If I were to go back and do a bit more, I'd: see the Cable Car Museum, the Disney Family Museum, several cathedrals we wanted to see, but ran out of time for, eaten at a seafood place on the Wharf, and maybe gone to a Giants Game.

Wow very cool!....or maybe not??? How was it?

It was... hard. Very rewarding, but very hard. Our house was made of mud bricks which crumbled and melted all the time, so there was constant remodeling to be done, it was mentally and physically exhausting to try and communicate in a foreign language that had to go beyond, "May I have a dozen eggs, please.", and our kids really suffered from blatant discrimination all. day. long. We were constantly out of or didn't have one of the following: water, electricity, internet, cooking gas, or phone. To try and call the utility to get it fixed brought us to tears at least once a week. We would be pulled over and accused of speeding or not wearing seatbelts or whatever and told to pay a bribe, which we never did. So to be able to go back home, it'd take hours. My hubby was thrown in jail once for having had 1 beer and driving home. That was scary. BUT...

We made some amazing friends there, gave our kids the most amazing childhoods anyone could ever have with travel all over the world, and brought lasting and eternal change for many people. It was very rewarding and we wouldn't have changed anything; the hard parts of it were very worth it.

We've seen things most people will never see and did things like milk horses, ride camels, see wild wolves on the open Central Asian steppe, shopped in open bazaars, danced at weddings to dombra music, and drank fermented camel's milk and gallons of tea.

So the answer to your question was... both! :)

It's seriously always cold there, even in Summer! (well, at least i'm always cold)

Oakland gets out from under the fog bank more so, but yeah, it's cold there a lot!

It's hard to resist the call of Pier 39 and the Wharf!

Great for people watching for sure!

Welp, I guess i'm a loogie eater and i'm okay with that:rotfl2:

I just.. . can't. It's a perceived texture thing. LOL!

Waah no I can't! No picture on my end.

Is it corrupted?? Hmmm.... I'll go back and look.

:lmao:Sorry I don't mean to laugh, but i've had this experience before! And not even from picking my nose! I had an itch on my nose and used my palm/thumb and sniffed at the same time I was rubbing and oooh man! To make it worse eye started watering and I went to rub my so dumb :rotfl:

Dumb, but easy to do. I"ve done it multiple times, so I"m not sure what's dumber.

DH and I tried a juice cleanse once. Holy Calrissian!!! Major, major, major headache! I'm really surprised we didn't kill each other.

Not worth it!!! <sits and sips nice, warm mug>

This place is amazing! Was actually looking into taking the kids here while DH has his appointment, since they're free!

YES!! YOu totally should! Absolutely! Just take a billion dollars, though, for lunch.

:rotfl:I was like, "Wow really?!" It's been a long day don't judge:lmao:

:lmao::lmao: I got everyone going on that one.

I'm always checking out earthquaketrack to see past/current activity. Ugh i'm very afraid of the Big One. And apparently I need to brush up on my earthquake preparedness, since you no longer stand in a doorway to protect yourself :confused3that was like ingrained into me as a kid!

Yeah, we were told to duck and cover under our desks at school. I think if/when it hits, I'll be pretty much paralyzed and stand there like a doofus.

Come on, let's be real. You know there are some adults doing that too :lmao::scared:

Ok, fine. You caught me.

:rotfl2::lmao:HILARIOUS!!!!:rotfl: Going commando is not the biz.

:wave: hi there! Just me naked and all under my clothes. :rotfl2:
Reading about your relaxing day made me feel relaxed. Until I :rotfl:at forgetting your undies and your purse and creeping on the shower lady:rotfl2: Never a dull moment for you, is there?

I swear, I don't try to invite this mayhem, but it does seem to follow me. I'm like a crazy-train magnet. I'm dying to see what shenanigans come my way at Disney!

Just wanted to say I'M CAUGHT UP! after being oh just a year and a half behind. Aaaaand I'll be there October 1st to the 11th :cool1:

Well, HI there!!! Been a very long time since seeing you here! So glad you're back and said hi. :) Soooo..... I can totally see you then, right??!! I'll PM you!
I've said it before... I don't know how you do what you do. I am in awe.

Then it's mutual. I absolutely could NOT function on the amount of sleep that you do and feel human. I can work (less optimally) on 6 or 7, but only for about 3 days. Takes all of our collective giftings and talents to make this place work.

Whoa. That's almost as bad as a typical pkondz day.

It was dodgy for sure! :scared:

Drive you down the hill??? Why didn't you just hop on a skateboard? Or strap on some roller blades?

Because what goes down, must come back up. I could barely drag my sorry carcass up when it was time. And skateboards are heavy.

Burn those shoes!

WAIT! Not yet! They still may work out! I wore them around the house all day yesterday, and by the end, they were still feelin' pretty good.

Nice of her! And lucky for you!


Why? Why do they do that?
How about.... "Here's the key to your locker. Have a nice day."

Lost keys?

Mother Nature... I'd send a strongly worded letter.

Being a woman, she'd probably not even listen.

Which I'm surprised to see didn't have a bunch of kids in it too. Or was it off limits to the juvenile crew?

NO, there were a couple kids in there too. One was severely autistic/ dev. disabled who was vocalizing a lot. Maybe there were fewer kids in there because of that?

Is there a name for that? Because that's me.

Adult ADD or ADHD.

:thumbsup2 Yes.

:lmao: You're killing me here. You know that, right?

Seriously, I don't TRY to have this ridiculousness follow me...

No. Way!

My goodness, you've certainly had an entertaining day!

Always. I can't wait to see what mayhem follows at Disney. The TR should be rather entertaining.

Understandable. You might've brushed your teeth mid-flight. Part of disguising yourself. New shiny teeth and fresh breath. Who knows what nefarious plot you could be up to?

So, you're saying I don't have shiny teeth and fresh breath all the time? :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Yeah... I never have it available either. And have missed a few things.
But overall, I'm still happier with it up in the overheads than clogging up my precious foot space.

But you're taller than I am; I don't take up much space.


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