A Salute To All Things Disney, But Mostly Food - A Feb 15 Dining Report - That's a Wrap 7/18

I'm seriously hoping those runners at least showered and changed into clean running attire and tutu's! The races start at 5:30am so to be still in running clothes at dinner time is just :scared:

That cobbler though is one of my absolute favorites. November can't come soon enough!
I love the sound of that cobbler. I have always wanted to try AP, If I wind up switching to WL or the Poly for my next trip i might get my chance.
Kari, how do you guys like WL? I remember you staying there last trip too. We are thinking of renting DVC points for our next trip, and maybe splitting our stay between WL and akl.
Great review of Artist Point, Kari! I was a little surprised that the salmon entree had not yet changed since I had it 4 months earlier. They just substituted the autumn vegetables with winter vegetables. :laughing: As for the berry cobbler...love that stuff! :cloud9:
Ignore her birthday of course and pretend its the next day.

Very smart!

stated we could skip IHOP and just eat at Disney

:rotfl2: Love this!

we missed our flight

Oh my gosh. I can't believe you got to the airport hours ahead of schedule and you still missed the flight! Guess i'll never be taking Frontier unless I get to the airport 5 hours before flying time.

The turkey was nice and pink, an indication of a good smoking, and had a great flavor. The cranberry mayo was a great accompaniment and added some sweetness to sandwich

The cranberry mayo sounds like such a great accompaniment!

Anyone who read my prior report knows I worship at the alter of arugula - so no surprise I was thrilled with the crunch and peppery flavor it brought to the table.

Me too!!! I looooovvvve arugula. It really does have fantastic flavor! A few weeks ago, for the first time ever, I picked up some organic arugula from our local farmers market and OH MY GOSH was it spicy and peppery! I'm wondering if that is really how it's supposed to taste. The grocery version seems much more muted in flavor compared to what I picked up.


She's so adorable!

Ahh! These are cute!

sourdoughie (is that a word)

I'd use it! :rotfl:

Casey was partial to the butter (that kid would eat it straight if I let her)

Love her already! :hyper:

Cedar Plank Roasted King Salmon with Sweet Potato Mash

Yep this is what I got our very first time we visited AP in 2010. Delicious!

Artist Point Cobbler with with Seasonal Berries

And this too! Yum!

Can't believe you didn't try the Portabello Mushroom Soup! :faint::eek: That stuff is addicting, so yummy.
Other than the snafus with the magic band and room (and once you actually made it to FL!), it seems like a great (and yummy) first day! That cobbler looks scrumptious. I wish I could eat that in bed right now.
It was definitely a yummy WL day. Me and my bed could go for some cobbler right about now too ; )

Those dishes both look delicious. I have been hoping to try Artist Point. And you cannot go wrong with dessert and wine in bed. Yum!
They were definitely yummy and a great way to start the trip. Artist Point is definitely worth checking out. Not only is the food good, but its a bit more reserved then a lot of other places.

I'm enjoying your food report and am glad I found it but I think I must switch inyo my comfy pants before I can read any further.
Writing this thing I gotta live in my comfy pants these days ; )

following along! loved your last review :)
Thanks so much for coming along on the journey
I'm seriously hoping those runners at least showered and changed into clean running attire and tutu's! The races start at 5:30am so to be still in running clothes at dinner time is just :scared:

That cobbler though is one of my absolute favorites. November can't come soon enough!
I'm gonna go with there is no chance they showered. I had no idea the race started that early. Insanity

She has the same birthday as my dad!
Happy birthday Dad!

I love the sound of that cobbler. I have always wanted to try AP, If I wind up switching to WL or the Poly for my next trip i might get my chance.
It is ooh so good. Im not a huge pie or cobbler fan, but this stuff is in a league of its own. You should definitely give it a whirl.

Great review of Artist Point, Kari! I was a little surprised that the salmon entree had not yet changed since I had it 4 months earlier. They just substituted the autumn vegetables with winter vegetables. :laughing: As for the berry cobbler...love that stuff! :cloud9:
We found a lot of menus hadn't turned over too much from our September trip to this one 5 months later. We didn't do AP last trip, but Cali Grill was almost exactly the same and Jiko as well. Flying fish seemed to be the leader in switching things up, though foreshadowing that may not have been the best idea.
Okay Ms. Fancypants, I'm gonna see if I can figure out this "multi-quoting" multi-quoting thing you do. Forgive any technical difficulties that may transpire.

Guess i'll never be taking Frontier unless I get to the airport 5 hours before flying time.
Be afraid, be very afraid....

Me too!!! I looooovvvve arugula. It really does have fantastic flavor! A few weeks ago, for the first time ever, I picked up some organic arugula from our local farmers market and OH MY GOSH was it spicy and peppery! I'm wondering if that is really how it's supposed to taste. The grocery version seems much more muted in flavor compared to what I picked up.
Holla arugula lover! Fresh from the farmers market is always amazing, but if you have a Trader Joe's (aka JoJo's in our house) they have really good wild arugula (they call it rocket which is the british name for it) that is way above what other grocery stores have. In fact we just ate some with dinner tonight with just some olive oil, salt, and pepper and it was delicious.

Can't believe you didn't try the Portabello Mushroom Soup! :faint::eek: That stuff is addicting, so yummy.
Sadly I eat organ meat and brains and even nibbled on a pig ear one time, but you could not pay me to eat a mushroom. Odd I know. Jason on the other hand loves them and is still kicking himself for not trying it.
We were up and moving fairly early for us the next morning thanks to the beautiful beeps of the busses outside our window. Never mind that though, it was Magic Kingdom day! Note the bus stop was not all gloom and doom, we did find an upside in that as we were walking to the boat launch we were able to see an MK bus was waiting. So for the price of beeps I at least got efficient transportation ; )

We pulled up to MK before the scheduled 9 am opening which was a first for us. The rope drop show was over already, but we were pretty darn proud of our sleepyheads nonetheless. First order of business....COFFEE. I was hoping for some Starbucks, but the line was horrendous so we marched on. Cheshire Cafe it was. Jason and I each ordered a mocha iced coffee.

These were pretty standard pre-mixed sugary fare, but it completely hit the caffeine spot. Thanks Cheshire!

While headed to Casey's beloved Goofy Roller Coaster we saw these guys, so Casey had to get a picture

I'm not convinced she actually knew who they were, but that girl will hug anyone.

Onward it was to a New Fantasyland - think it will ever be old Fantasyland?- where Casey got to live out her 4 year old fantasy's with a ride on the shortest roller coaster ever, a trip through the air on an elephant, meet 'n greets with a couple of gypsies and a random airline pilot, and a visit to the playboy mansion grotto - I mean Ariel's grotto...

Deep in conversation here.

Then we took a quick whirl through Tomorrowland for a driving lesson, some galactic laser fighting, and getting spit on by an alien. The ladder was Casey's first trip through Stich and in the moment she was not a fan. But then he burped, we got a little laugh, and fear was quickly forgotten. A lot accomplished in 2 1/2 hours, maybe this is why people get up early on vacation ; ) and nothing but coffee in our bellies it was time for lunch!!!!

For lunch I'd done something very un-me and made a fast pass 27 days before our trip for Be Our Guest. We'd eaten here for lunch and dinner before and while I never got what all the hype was about, thought it was a good opportunity to sit down and eat. Luckily I did this 2 days before they moved to the ADR system or no chance I would have had the patience to try and get an ADR.

I'd ordered our meals ahead of time and was able to make a morning adjustment to get Casey her own lunch since I hadn't eaten anything that morning. I think I expected to pay when we walked in and go straight to our seats, but didn't know we still had to wait in line with everyone else. Not sure what the point of preordering was, especially because when we got up there they had no record of our food. Great system ; )

For my lunch I ordered the Tuna Nicoise Salad - Warm Seared Tuna Steak, chilled Green Beans, Potatoes, Olives, Roasted Bell Peppers, Tomatoes and a Hard Poached Egg.

This was a very nice salad though the tuna and potatoes were a bit overcooked (those stringy things in the pictures are potatoes if that gives you any indication). The poached egg was a nice touch and it was the perfect accompaniment to the tuna and briny olives. Though for someone who didn't eat breakfast this was not particularly filling, so you've been warned.

Speaking of which I used my "salad" lunch as an excuse to have a date with this little magic bar while Casey was napping. This was just the carbs I needed.

Jason ordered the Carved Prime Chuck Roast Beef Sandwich - Served warm on a Baguette with Horseradish Sour Cream and French Fries.

I definitely had a case of order envy on this one. The roast beef was a perfect medium rare and paired nicely with the baguette. My only critique (cause ya know I gotta have one) was it needed more horseradish as it was hard to detect the flavor). The fries just like Whispering Canyon were nice and crispy, but sadly cold again.

For Ms. Casey I selected the Whole-Grain Macaroni with Marinara Sauce and Mozzarella served with what was definitely not a whole-grain cookie (I was going to get her fruit or green beans, but she was a little grumpy so I figured sugar would help)

This was cute that she could mix it to her liking. She opted to eat the cheese straight from the ramekin and make her macaroni more like spaghetti. Very french indeed ; ) I tried a bite and it tasted like tomato sauce straight from the can, but she seemed to enjoy.

Here's a photo of the 2 full people from our visit...

Overall our lunch was fine. Nothing I'd get up 180 days before and make an ADR for, but if something last minute is available its a nice break from the park. Otherwise, you'll find me over at Columbia Harbor House.

Unfortunately the cookie didn't quite do the trick on a girl still tired from the previous day, so I let her pick out a toy (a rarity in our house). Despite my urgings for something else she selected a 2-in-1 Anna and Elsa doll (I'm so over frozen for the record)

We did this while Jason went to fix his magic band as it hadn't allowed him entry into the park again today. Turns out there were two of him. Two Jason's, Two Room, Who know's what's next....

Oh wait I do, dinner at what was our favorite meal last trip. Would it make a repeat????
Great food pic. You have helped convince DH he will be satisfied with the BOG portion size sandwich,if nothing else.
Looks like a fun time! That roast beef sandwich looks pretty awesome, and it may be what I get when we go.

I'll be excited to see where you went for dinner!
I've never been but I'm not loving any of the BOG meals I've seen thus far, so as for now it's not on our list. Sorry your food was its mediocre.
I love your reviews! I want to do BOG, though I think I'm no longer leaning to the tuna salad. I loved your Artist Point reviews, it's the signature that holds the most interest for me.
We have an ADR for dinner for BOG in August. Mostly that's for me because I do love being able to have wine with dinner at that was the only place it could be done in MK. We have done dinner before there and it was fine. Lunch was also fine, although I don't think I would ever do it again. It seemed much more expensive than our usual trip to Pecos Bills or Pinnochio Village Haus. I'd rather have a good breakfast and a great dinner. Lunch is kind of a throwaway meal for me.
I'm really enjoying your dining review. Casey is adorable and I love how you surprised her. I actually went with my parents to IHOP this morning and teased them about the fact they didn't take me to Disney. :-)
I, too, had the Tuna Nicoise salad and remember it being a nice change but certainly NOT filling. And, for me, I like being satiated. :D I wish I had ordered a soup, as well.
I will be trying BOG for lunch and breakfast in May. I am not hyping it up too much in mind as I didn't like my dinner there back in Sept 2013.
We were up and moving fairly early for us the next morning thanks to the beautiful beeps of the busses outside our window. Never mind that though, it was Magic Kingdom day! Note the bus stop was not all gloom and doom, we did find an upside in that as we were walking to the boat launch we were able to see an MK bus was waiting. So for the price of beeps I at least got efficient transportation ; )

We pulled up to MK before the scheduled 9 am opening which was a first for us. The rope drop show was over already, but we were pretty darn proud of our sleepyheads nonetheless. First order of business....COFFEE. I was hoping for some Starbucks, but the line was horrendous so we marched on. Cheshire Cafe it was. Jason and I each ordered a mocha iced coffee.

These were pretty standard pre-mixed sugary fare, but it completely hit the caffeine spot. Thanks Cheshire!

While headed to Casey's beloved Goofy Roller Coaster we saw these guys, so Casey had to get a picture

I'm not convinced she actually knew who they were, but that girl will hug anyone.

Onward it was to a New Fantasyland - think it will ever be old Fantasyland?- where Casey got to live out her 4 year old fantasy's with a ride on the shortest roller coaster ever, a trip through the air on an elephant, meet 'n greets with a couple of gypsies and a random airline pilot, and a visit to the playboy mansion grotto - I mean Ariel's grotto...

Deep in conversation here.

Then we took a quick whirl through Tomorrowland for a driving lesson, some galactic laser fighting, and getting spit on by an alien. The ladder was Casey's first trip through Stich and in the moment she was not a fan. But then he burped, we got a little laugh, and fear was quickly forgotten. A lot accomplished in 2 1/2 hours, maybe this is why people get up early on vacation ; ) and nothing but coffee in our bellies it was time for lunch!!!!

For lunch I'd done something very un-me and made a fast pass 27 days before our trip for Be Our Guest. We'd eaten here for lunch and dinner before and while I never got what all the hype was about, thought it was a good opportunity to sit down and eat. Luckily I did this 2 days before they moved to the ADR system or no chance I would have had the patience to try and get an ADR.

I'd ordered our meals ahead of time and was able to make a morning adjustment to get Casey her own lunch since I hadn't eaten anything that morning. I think I expected to pay when we walked in and go straight to our seats, but didn't know we still had to wait in line with everyone else. Not sure what the point of preordering was, especially because when we got up there they had no record of our food. Great system ; )

For my lunch I ordered the Tuna Nicoise Salad - Warm Seared Tuna Steak, chilled Green Beans, Potatoes, Olives, Roasted Bell Peppers, Tomatoes and a Hard Poached Egg.

This was a very nice salad though the tuna and potatoes were a bit overcooked (those stringy things in the pictures are potatoes if that gives you any indication). The poached egg was a nice touch and it was the perfect accompaniment to the tuna and briny olives. Though for someone who didn't eat breakfast this was not particularly filling, so you've been warned.

Speaking of which I used my "salad" lunch as an excuse to have a date with this little magic bar while Casey was napping. This was just the carbs I needed.

Jason ordered the Carved Prime Chuck Roast Beef Sandwich - Served warm on a Baguette with Horseradish Sour Cream and French Fries.

I definitely had a case of order envy on this one. The roast beef was a perfect medium rare and paired nicely with the baguette. My only critique (cause ya know I gotta have one) was it needed more horseradish as it was hard to detect the flavor). The fries just like Whispering Canyon were nice and crispy, but sadly cold again.

For Ms. Casey I selected the Whole-Grain Macaroni with Marinara Sauce and Mozzarella served with what was definitely not a whole-grain cookie (I was going to get her fruit or green beans, but she was a little grumpy so I figured sugar would help)

This was cute that she could mix it to her liking. She opted to eat the cheese straight from the ramekin and make her macaroni more like spaghetti. Very french indeed ; ) I tried a bite and it tasted like tomato sauce straight from the can, but she seemed to enjoy.

Here's a photo of the 2 full people from our visit...

Overall our lunch was fine. Nothing I'd get up 180 days before and make an ADR for, but if something last minute is available its a nice break from the park. Otherwise, you'll find me over at Columbia Harbor House.

Unfortunately the cookie didn't quite do the trick on a girl still tired from the previous day, so I let her pick out a toy (a rarity in our house). Despite my urgings for something else she selected a 2-in-1 Anna and Elsa doll (I'm so over frozen for the record)

We did this while Jason went to fix his magic band as it hadn't allowed him entry into the park again today. Turns out there were two of him. Two Jason's, Two Room, Who know's what's next....

Oh wait I do, dinner at what was our favorite meal last trip. Would it make a repeat????
I love the roast beef sandwich! I've even dreamed about it


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