A Heaping Helping of Disney with a Side Dish of Drama - June 2013 TR

I was going to say.. Happy to help, but did I make it worse? I'm on my phone, but the pictures look fine to me! Love the pic of your boys. We like journey into imagination also, but I personally miss the dream finder version. But I do like this version too.
I hope you don't get rained on. H&V? Curious to see how you all like it. I have heard good and bad lately. It is a bit too confusing atmosphere for me.
Hope the family reunion went well!
Loving your TR, your boys are very sweet :goodvibes:

Thank you!! They do have their moments!

I was going to say.. Happy to help, but did I make it worse? I'm on my phone, but the pictures look fine to me! Love the pic of your boys. We like journey into imagination also, but I personally miss the dream finder version. But I do like this version too.
I hope you don't get rained on. H&V? Curious to see how you all like it. I have heard good and bad lately. It is a bit too confusing atmosphere for me.
Hope the family reunion went well!

No not worse at all!! Thank you for the tip!! They look much better smaller!

Nope not H & V, we went there on our very first trip and DH said, "NEVER AGAIN!!!"

Our family reunion was fun!!! We ended the night trick or treating at a local campground where his family had all of their campers parked for the weekend. The kids had a blast. This mom is EXHAUSTED!!! Off to bed soon!

I'll try to update the rest of this day tomorrow!!! We only have 46 days to go til our first Christmas trip EVER so I really should be working on getting this TR done! ::yes::
Uhhh... Flame throwers down, spare me please, but I really hate that ride. Mostly because of the skunk smell! I hate just that part enough to make me hate the whole thing. Too bad, because Figment is adorable! And the whole rest of the ride is interesting and colourful, just that blast of skunk stays with me forever. :rofl:

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Uhhh... Flame throwers down, spare me please, but I really hate that ride. Mostly because of the skunk smell! I hate just that part enough to make me hate the whole thing. Too bad, because Figment is adorable! And the whole rest of the ride is interesting and colourful, just that blast of skunk stays with me forever.
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Sent from my iPad using DISBoards
Uhhh... Flame throwers down, spare me please, but I really hate that ride. Mostly because of the skunk smell! I hate just that part enough to make me hate the whole thing. Too bad, because Figment is adorable! And the whole rest of the ride is interesting and colourful, just that blast of skunk stays with me forever. :rofl:

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LOL.....you hate it so much that you posted it twice!!! I understand! There are some rides that I just don't get. :confused3 We hate Big Thunder Mountain Railroad but I know that lots of people love it. We find that it beats you up too much to enjoy. No flamethrowers here. :thumbsup2 To each his own....

Do you have a PTR for your dream trip that's coming up? I would love to read about it. NEVER MIND....just found it in your signature. On my way now.....
Great updates! :thumbsup2
Last time I rode Figment we got stuck right in front of the skunk smell. It was awful!:headache:
When I last left ya'll, we were here.....

The skies were darkening up and we were headed into.....

My boys LOVE this ride. I think I say that about every ride. They really do enjoy all of the rides at Epcot. On an upcoming trip with my in-laws they were trying to find a park to skip and my m-i-l suggested that we skip Epcot. That isn't happening!! :rotfl:

Is it just me or does the guy who is drawing look like the painter who used to paint 'happy trees"? I can't remember his name but that's who he reminds me of.

My riding partner in the dark.....

Are we the only ones who always get choppy heads?

I don't remember all what we picked but I do remember that we went skiing and someone fell. I think it was DS7. Anyways, he broke his arm but because we had some super special technology, his arm was made better by this futuristic cast.

Nope look it's me. The smiling mom with the broken arm that's blinking red....

After fixing my arm and coming back to earth we found ourselves on the map.

DS11's picture was so cute of him. He really smiled well for it.....not that you can see since it's so dark.

My boys have always enjoyed powering up the buildings in the game after you exit the ride. This is a MUST every time!!

Every game had people playing so we found the shortest wait at station 2 and stood in line.

They are powering up the city!

Such concentration on DS7's face....notice his tongue sticking out. He works it as much as he uses his arms. :rotfl:

This was a new game for us. We usually power the city and then head out but we decided to hang out a little while (maybe it was raining?) so we played a few more games. It was a lot like the old Simon game. My boys liked it but it wasn't anything spectacular.

Upon exiting, the skies are still blue so maybe it hadn't rained while we were in there. It was very cloudy (and pretty rainy) during a lot of our trip but it was at least not that hot.


So where were we going to?? Nope, it wasn't time for our fastpasses yet. We had other plans first.

Mission Space was another first for me. DH had ridden it on the last trip but I was too afraid to ride it because I had read the horror stories of how sick people would get on it. I mean I have issues with vertigo and being car sick. Would I survive? Would it be a repeat of Star Tours where I just closed my eyes and survived by sitting real still? But didn't I have to open my eyes on this one and push buttons or something? Would I make it through without throwing up? I was so nervous but I had at least agreed to try it on the easier side.

So off we went....

The closer we got, the more nervous I got. I knew from reading that they had barf bags in the ride so I was preparing to ask where they were.

Suddenly we were ushered in.

We walked up to the "ride" and holy smokes is that thing small!!! I felt cramped when I sat in the seat but when that console came toward me I thought I was going to be stuck (and I'm not a big girl). Wow......

Our ride started and I was able to hit the buttons for my screen at the correct times. I actually was able to enjoy the ride and only had to close my eyes at the very end when we crash landed. Other than that I was fine. It really wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be.

My/Our favorite part of the whole ride was the dump area. How did I not know about this before this trip?!?!??!?! :confused3

DS11 played the game in the dump area for about 30 - 45 minutes while DS7 played in the playground area.

DS11 was playing for Orion while I watched both of them from the benches inside the area.

The race to the finish

Yay, he won!!! I only played a little bit in here on the first day and didn't really understand what all we were doing but never fear we would be back.

After checking Orion's accuracy, we moved on to use our fastpasses.

Quick pick of Mickey on the way out....



Next up we were heading over to Test Tack to use our fastpasses. This was a first for me as well as DS11. DH and DS7 had ridden it on the first trip but DS11 backed out at the last minute because of the outdoor part. We had convinced him to at least try it out this time. Would he back out on me again? DH offered to go outside with him if he did.

I was also really hoping that we could customize our car in the fastpass line but we weren't sure if it was all set up yet.

We waited a few minutes in a slow moving line and suddenly we saw this....

YES!! We were going to be able to design our own cars!

DS11 was creating a truck with me.

DS7 was creating with DH. Since we were four people we were able to each design our own cars. I've heard that groups of three were grouped together but we always went together.

The finished product.....heaven help me when he starts driving.....

The new blue cars.....and before we knew it we were buckled in on the ride. DS11 had not backed out! YIPPEE!

I really enjoyed the ride and can't compare it to how it was before the change since I've never ridden it before. The 18 wheeler part scared the crud out of DS11 since he was on that side. He also wasn't really fond of the outside part but he did well and decided that it was worth riding.

Afterwards, we began playing in the dump area by creating a commercial. We watched our commercials and headed over to the next room to take pictures with the cool cars.

DS11 and I were taking pictures with all of the cars. We kept looking around to see which car DS7 and DH were at but we couldn't see them. On about the third car, we texted them to see if they would like to take pictures with us only to find out that they were walking around outside looking for us. :headache: :confused3

So we left and walked over to find them by the restrooms. As I would later find out, DH thought we had walked out after viewing the commercials. He never saw the screens with the cars and assumed that we had just walked straight out. He felt bad about it and wanted to go back and take pictures with us but by then we had "recycled" our white cards and would not be able to choose our backgrounds. Instead, we just moved on.

After finishing Test Track, we were headed out of the park. World Showcase would have to wait until another day. For now we are headed to Hollywood Studios.

We passed the Monsters University statue on the way out. I was too impatient to wait for it to clear out to take my picture. This is the best my impatient self could get.

More gray skies......

This is the coolest spider topiary plant thing ever. At International Gateway, we loaded onto a Friendship boat and headed off.

Sadly, we did not get Captain Redbeard on this trip. We had a really old gentleman who possibly too old to be driving and his equally old partner on the microphone. It was ROUGH ROUGH ride to Hollywood Studios with us bumping into the decks more than one time. :scared:

Any guesses as to where we are having dinner??

Mission Space? Boy you really are brave! I did it once when it first opened, never again. The rest of the family loves it though. DD#2 hasn't tried it yet. Maybe next trip.

We all love Spaceship Earth! And Test track. Glad your son stuck in there & tried it!

Glad the family reunion was fun. ToTing at a campsight sounds fun!
Mission Space? Boy you really are brave! I did it once when it first opened, never again. The rest of the family loves it though. DD#2 hasn't tried it yet. Maybe next trip.

We all love Spaceship Earth! And Test track. Glad your son stuck in there & tried it!

Glad the family reunion was fun. ToTing at a campsight sounds fun!

Yes but I tried the "easy" side. Have you ever tried that one? I ask because I seem to remember that when it first opened there was only the rough make you sick version. It's easier than Star Tours - a LOT easier.

DD#2 can definitely handle it if she survived Expedition Everest!!

I took the day off today to catch up at home. I called in "sick" :sick: and I am sorta sick (I have a sinus infection.....) but ANYWAYS, all that to say that I hope to have an update after while!
Ugh .. Mission Space .. never again ! I did it once before they even had an "easy" side and it pretty much ruined the rest of my day .. it was bad.
My older kids do it still, but I refuse to even "think" about doing it .. not even the "easy" side ! :scared:

Rain, rain stay away !! :cheer2:
Ugh .. Mission Space .. never again ! I did it once before they even had an "easy" side and it pretty much ruined the rest of my day .. it was bad.
My older kids do it still, but I refuse to even "think" about doing it .. not even the "easy" side ! :scared:

Rain, rain stay away !! :cheer2:

You should definitely try the easy side. If I can handle it, anyone can!!

Oh the rains, they are a-coming!!!
So we boarded the boat with Gomer Pile and Barney Fife heading off to Hollywood Studios. You think I'm joking?? I sure wish I had a picture of these two. They were HORRIBLE drivers and I was SICK before we even got to Hollywood Studios! :sick:

Whew, finally we were there! I'm not sure how many "donuts" we made trying to get to the docks. We even did one in reverse. I really thought I would have to grab the trash can but alas I was on level ground and we were off to enjoy the park for a little while before dinner while my stomach settled.

DH went off to ride RNRC and TOT but of course, we boring people chose something different like......

Yep Disney Junior!! It's just about our speed!

This is the same host (is that what you call him?) that we had on our first trip. He's really animated and DS7 loves him!

Blind Mickey.....lol.....yes I'm in one of "those moods" tonight.

Donald is tired of listening to Daisy.

Sweet ole Goofy!

Close up of Donald for DS7.

Our favorite part of the show!


Aye aye Captain....

The moving bush....is that like the burning bush....yeah never mind....

After we got out of Disney Junior, it was time for dinner so we found DH and headed off to......

50's Prime Time Cafe'!!! This brought back SOOO many memories of visiting my great grandparents when I was younger and how their house looked like this!

Oh the irony.....we are watching Andy Griffith!!

Dad's liquor cabinet has grown just a little bit!!

Trying to decide what to order....

The menus kept the boys entertained.

DH kept putting his elbows on the table and our Uncle Joe had to come to our table REPEATEDLY to fuss him. He even threatened to call our mom on him!

We ordered onion rings as our appetizer and really enjoyed them!

I love the little touches like the "Disney" here on our TV.

Our waiter offered to take a picture of us.

The boys split a chocolate shake to go.

They all seemed to enjoy it!

After enjoying our dinner and paying our Uncle Joe for our food, we headed out to go back to Epcot.


We weren't headed back for Illuminations though. We were headed back to ride some more rides.

This time we sat in the very far back outside part of the boat.

I was able to take quite a few pictures on the way back since we were outside.

The further away from HS we got, the darker the skies got in that area.

We stopped at the Swan to drop off and pick up passengers.

Here's where I don't remember exactly what happened....I'm not sure if we had FP's from earlier (I really think we did but I have NO idea when we would have grabbed them.) We headed to Soarin to ride.

I think I may have said that we rode this earlier but I definitely think this was our first time of this trip. DS7 was very nervous as he had never ridden it before.

We ended up at Concourse B.

He had nothing to worry about after all because he loved the ride.

After Soarin, we decided to head over to Mission Space not to ride but to play the game in the dump area. We went in through the gift shop into an empty Mission Space. We went to the game but they were closing it down for the night. I'm not really sure why as it was EMH but o.k. we will move on.

So off we went to look for more rides. We decided to head toward Mexico and Norway to ride those as we circled back to our hotel. On the way towards Mexico back by the First Aid Station, we were stopped by a tired, grouchy CM who told us that all of the countries were closed and that we should head to the front of the park as soon as possible.

I knew that this was incorrect as the park was still open for a while since it was EMH. However, my family was now scared of the misinformed CM. I thanked her for helping us (even though she REALLY didn't help us) and we headed to Mouse Gear as a cut through to get to the countries. DS7 began to panic. He was SOOOOO worried that the CM from earlier would catch us and fuss at us again. He was near tears and begging us to just stop and turn towards the hotel. I told him that I had not come all the way for just one ride.

Once through Mouse Gears, we headed towards Mexico walking as close to the water as possible and as far away from Future WOrld as we could get. It was fairly dark and this made DS7 even more nervous. He was beside himself with panic that we were going to "get caught".

Finally we made it to Mexico and headed inside where there were quite a few people which calmed his nerves a bit. We got in line for the Three Cabelleros and immediately were able to get on a boat.....or so we thought. The people in the line on the side of us decided that they wanted to spread out and when our gate opened they took off into our row. DS7 wasn't sure what to do so he looked at me and turned around as the gate closed. The CM saw what was happening and let him get back with us before closing it a second time. We got on the next boat with DS7 fussing the adults who "stole his row in the boat."

Other than that our ride was very enjoyable. We left and headed to Norway where there were VERY FEW people left to ride. It was just us and a cute couple. We had a great time getting away from the trolls as always but as the ride ended and we exited, I noticed that the movie was not playing (maybe because it was so late). I made a little remark like "OH shucks, the movie is broken. We can't take a nap today." The couple in front of us caught the giggles and laughed through the rest of the shop as we exited.

On our way to the hotel, we were stopped by.....

the bridge opening up to let the barges through. I had never seen this before. It was really neat to be able to see them send the barges off for the evening.

After that we headed back to the hotel and back to bed.

Our plans for tomorrow - Epcot again but for Phineas and Ferb missions this time
On an upcoming trip with my in-laws they were trying to find a park to skip and my m-i-l suggested that we skip Epcot. That isn't happening!! :rotfl:
It's our favourite park too :goodvibes

Are we the only ones who always get choppy heads?
Nope we do near enough everytime too :confused3

We walked up to the "ride" and holy smokes is that thing small!!! I felt cramped when I sat in the seat but when that console came toward me I thought I was going to be stuck (and I'm not a big girl). Wow......
I'm glad you conquered it, I don't get sick but I tried the extreme side once and it made me feel a bit yucky with an experience that wasn't really any better!

The new blue cars.....and before we knew it we were buckled in on the ride. DS11 had not backed out! YIPPEE!
Woohoooo TT is our fave ride of all :thumbsup2

Donald is tired of listening to Daisy.
Love that photo :rotfl2:

Once through Mouse Gears, we headed towards Mexico walking as close to the water as possible and as far away from Future WOrld as we could get. It was fairly dark and this made DS7 even more nervous. He was beside himself with panic that we were going to "get caught".
Poor kid but I would have been the same, I hate getting told off even though I'm now an adult :rotfl2:
It's our favourite park too :goodvibes

Nope we do near enough everytime too :confused3

I'm glad you conquered it, I don't get sick but I tried the extreme side once and it made me feel a bit yucky with an experience that wasn't really any better!

Woohoooo TT is our fave ride of all :thumbsup2

Love that photo :rotfl2:

Poor kid but I would have been the same, I hate getting told off even though I'm now an adult :rotfl2:

Weird that Spaceship Earth seems to make everyone's heads holey.

You should try the easy side. I promise it's MUCH softer.

Donald in that photo looks like my DH anytime I bring up my countdown for this trip!!

Thanks for tagging along!!


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