999 Happy Haunts Ball who's going


Friendly & Honest Pin Trader
Aug 13, 2000
I'm going and so are my Mother and Sister. Who else is going? Maybe we could all meet up someplace and say hi, trade a few pins, or just put a face to a name. We can bounce ideas off each other to find the best place to hook up.

Being my normal fast acting self... I blew it. Missed the chance to go.
It's a girls weekend for us! Me, my mother, Cyn, Mary, Patti and possibly another CM from our store (Bryce).
I'll be there, too!

I'm trying to decide if I should wear a black boa.;)

Mike and I will be in attendance! Would be great to get together with you all.
Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!

Were going...cant wait!!! :p

Now...where can I find a black boa to go with my outfit?? ;)

My husband + I will be coming too. Has anyone gotten a merchandise sheet yet? Will there be a chance to pre-order? We're excited... we've not been to an event like this before. See you there!
I have only got a confirm in the mail (don't get me started on that issue - I don't have a high opinion of ES right now). I hope they are organized enough to get a pre-order done. I think that would be a good idea. They usually do that for Disneyana and the WDCS convention.

We definately should all plan to meet, sometime when it gets closer to going down.
I will be there too! I'm really excited because I've never been to WDW before!! :bounce:

Love your Hitchiking ghost tag Doombuggy! :)



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