9 Days at Disney and We Want More! 1/20-1/29 stay **updated 2/16**


Mar 16, 2013
We just got home from our very first trip to Disney and I'm happy to report that EVERYONE absolutely LOVED it! We are a family of 4. Our children ages 7 and 8 first asked to go to Disney a couple of years ago and last January I finally took the initiative and made a jar to collect money in. My husband is Mr. Serious. There are few things that really get him excited and none of those include family destinations.

Our itinerary was as follows:
Day 1: Arrive and check out Disney Springs
Day 2: Hollywood Studios Part 1 Part 2
Day 3: Animal Kingdom Here
Day 4: EPCOT
Day 5: Rest day (Blue Man Group)
Day 6: EPCOT
Day 7: Rest day
Day 8: Magic Kingdom
Day 9: Magic Kingdom

Because it was our first time at Disney, I didn't feel a need to get the Park Hopper added to our tickets. The schedule for which days we did what parks was based on the crowd prediction calendars and also on what I thought would be best for our family. I wanted to get the kids into "the Bubble" as quickly as possible, so Disney Springs was planned for the first day. Animal Kingdom was planned for day 3 as a way to be able to go to bed early since AK is considered a 1/2 day park. The early bed time on day 3 helped make the very long day 4 extremely pleasant. Our rest day on day 4 was planned so we could sleep in just a bit and then resort hop and then to go Universal's CityWalk to see the Blue Man Group. I knew our 2nd day at EPCOT would be long and tiring, so I planned day 7 to be another rest day in preparation for the back to back days in Magic Kingdom. I wanted to do Magic Kingdom last as a kind of climax to our trip.

The plan worked out extremely well and the strategically placed early bed times and rest days were needed for all 4 of us.

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy Disney through the eyes of first-timers.
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We kept the trip a surprise for our kids. We live in North-Central PA and always fly out of Philadelphia. Knowing that the kids would be wondering why we were doing normal 'getting ready to leave for a while' things, a week before we left we told the kids we'd be going down to Philly to visit some family. Their teachers did an excellent job of keeping the secret from them. We left our house on the 19th after school and headed to Philly to visit our family. On the morning of the 20th, we woke up and told the kids I had forgotten their clothes down in the living room and told them to go downstairs. Once downstairs, they found their special Disney suitcases and special outfits that had been made for them. They were really happy about those things, but I really don't think they understood that they were leaving to actually GO to Disney in a little more than an hour.



We got to the airport, checked our luggage, and headed for security. Surprisingly, the line was virtually non-existent. We went to the first TSA agent and she took our boarding passes and asked the kids what their names were. We always try to be personable to the agents when we are at an airport, so when she asked how our day had been so far (while waiting to direct us to a metal detector), my daughter answered "Great! We just found out we're going to Disney!". The agent then exclaimed "Your going to Disney!? That's wonderful!!". All the other agents running the metal detectors and x-ray machines looked up and cheered for the kids. The kids went through security like pros and once we were all through, an agent who was overseeing everything came over, congratulated the kids on their trip to Disney, told them they did an excellent job going through security, and gave them each "junior agent" stickers. I realize that really isn't a big deal, but we soo appreciated them all being so nice and recognizing the kids for doing so well going through the security check point. There was a family with a couple of children who had gone through just before us and they were all a hot mess in the process. I'm sure having a family who followed directions and were pleasant during the process was something they were happy about.


Our flight left right on time....which is an absolute miracle for us. We've had awful luck with flying out of Philadelphia lately. It was our first time flying in such a large plane....some sort of airbus. We had a great flight and I was really glad it was only 2 hours long because I don't know that the kids or I could have contained our excitement for much longer.

You guys did a great job surprising your kids! Up to the last few hours. Excited to read more about your well planned trip!
We stayed at Coronado Springs for a few reasons. 1- It's not full blown Disney in your face everywhere. I didn't know what to expect with Disney to begin with and I didn't want my husband to get tired of it if it was in our faces 100% of the time. 2- It doesn't share shuttles with other resorts, so I knew that would cut down on travel time in the mornings, and since we are not morning people, that was a good thing! 3- I had heard lots of good things about that particular resort and I liked that it was a moderate resort.

I had scheduled a room request fax to be done using touringplans, but I wasn't sure that having it faxed 5 days before our arrival would be sufficient, so I printed one out and faxed it myself from work at 10 days out. Well, I'm glad I did that because the day came for touringplans to fax it and I got an email notice from them telling me the fax had failed and that they were 'looking into it'. We had booked a standard room with 2 queen beds. I knew that I wanted to be in Casitas 4 (closest to the first bus stop picking up for the parks) and I also did not want to be on the ground floor because Coronado Springs is a conference center. If they were going to have conferences there, I didn't want people walking past our room during the early morning hours. Knowing that a standard room would face the parking lot, which I was completely OK with since we were only planning on being in our room to sleep, I requested a lot-facing room on the 3rd or 4th floor of Casitas 4.

I knew that check-in time was 3:00....imagine my surprise when I received a text message at 11:28am (2 minutes before I put my phone into plane!) mode letting us know our room was ready for us! That text message made the whole trip real for me. We were FINALLY going to Disney! I was like a crazy 3 year old. I told my husband I would try to contain that 3 year old during the trip. :yay:

We landed in Orlando at 1:30 and made our way to the Magical Express. It is the story of my life....no matter what line I pick, it's the 'wrong' one. We go into the shortest line...just 3 families in front of us.... and the family at the counter was having problems. We waited for about 10 minutes when my daughter, who said she didn't have to use the restroom when everyone else used it after getting off the plane, said she needed a restroom. So, I pointed it out to her and told her to hurry up. Wouldn't you know it, as soon as she got to the bathroom, that first family finally got through and then the next 2 zipped through in record time. :rolleyes2 So, we let the family behind us go since we were still waiting on our 8 year old. I finally went and retrieved her (darn those automatic water faucets and kids who play in them!!!) and we got back into line......just in time for yet another family to have a hard time. I've come to the conclusion that the families who were having a hard time with the Magical Express counter were those coming in from other countries. My guess is Disney has other things they have to ask those families than what they ask those who are just coming in domestically. From what I saw, those were the families who were either missing important information or didn't have the 'right' answers. ...or it just could have been the CM whose line we got into....no other line was as slow as ours. I've also come to the conclusion that Disney needs a "trouble shooting" desk that families who are taking forever and clogging up the lines should go to so that it expedites the process for everyone else....or at least someone who floats around providing assistance to the CMs who are having problems. ANYWAYS--we FINALLY got into the Coronado Springs line and about 15 minutes later were on the bus and on our way. We arrived to Coronado Springs, got off the bus, and I led the way to our room. That is when I realized that we had been upgraded to a water-view room!! Now, I will say that technically, we didn't have a very good "water view" because the trees outside of our room had grown tall enough to obstruct the view, but I still appreciated that upgrade. Our 4th floor room was great for seeing fireworks on the evenings we weren't at the parks.

We dropped our book bags into the room and then headed to the bus stop to go to Disney Springs. We were happy to see that the bus stops at CSR had the screens that estimated bus arrivals. I'm a patient person and I knew that buses would come eventually, but it was just nice to be able to have a time frame of how long we'd have to wait. We arrived at Disney Springs and to me, that is the moment we entered The Disney Bubble. It was like magic to us! Everything was bigger than life to us.

We eventually found our way to Earl of Sandwich and completely stumbled through our first meal plan purchase. The poor CM that ended up dealing with us. She was soo patient with us. I'm sure we were not her first "lost" customers, but I was just soo impressed with her smile and happiness to help us. ...and those sandwiches....my goodness they were good!!!

After our late lunch, we stopped to look at the giant Tinker Toy windmill. The kids thought that was the neatest thing.

Then we were off to Once Upon a Toy to build some light sabers. My son, Luke, built one for himself and one as a gift for his best friend, whose birthday we were missing while we were in Disney. Once she saw how neat the light sabers were, my daughter, Maddie, decided she wanted one also. We also laid claim to a Mickey and a Minnie stuffed animal. Oh...can I just say "YAY!" to having things shipped to the resort? Man that was handy!!

Soon after leaving Once Upon a Toy, we found the Lego Store. ...well, maybe I should say the Hulk found my kids!

We had a great time just wandering around and taking in the sites. Before we knew it, it was time for our dinner reservation at Rainforest Cafe. I had read that Disney reservations were not like reservations we'd make here at home and this was definitely a learning experience. I checked in just before our reservation time and then was told we'd have about a 15 minute wait. It didn't make any sense to me, but whatever. It's not like I could do anything about it, right? So, we meandered around their store and looked at all of the fish in the massive aquariums. Finally, they called us and put us into a line where we then waited another 10 minutes to be seated. At one point, my husband leaned over and said "why did we make reservations??". It was during all of that waiting that I was very happy to have well-behaved children. They patiently waited in the line, looking around at things, showing each other things they had discovered, and talked about what they were most looking forward to during the vacation. Finally it was time to be seated and we were thrilled to find that we were being seated at a large table (sized for 6) next to a good sized aquarium. We had a fabulous dinner. I had the Mojo Bones (because I LOVE ribs), my husband had the steak and shrimp, Maddie had the alfredo pasta, and Luke had the macaroni and cheese. We ended up taking the desserts back to the resort....that chocolate cake makes an AWESOME breakfast! :rotfl2:
Very excited to read your report! I love hearing how much people enjoyed their first trip :goodvibes You actually arrived the day DH and I left - we were there the 15th-20th - but left the kids home this time :thumbsup2 We were all down for Thanksgiving so I didn't feel bad!

We stayed at CSR once and loved it, also in Casitas 4! I hadn't made any room requests but I think it's pretty much the best location you can get.

Looking forward to reading more.
January 21st was our first park day. We went to Hollywood Studios.

I knew I wanted to sign my kids up for Jedi Training, so I made sure we were there for rope drop. I had read horror stories about how busy any rope drop could be, so I wasn't really sure what to expect. The crowd predictor had predicted the crowd level would be a 5 our of 10. We had absolutely NO clue what that meant, so I wanted to make sure we were there by 8am. We ended up getting off the bus at 7:51. I went through bag check and sent my husband and kids to wait "on the other side". I ended up being chosen to also go through the metal detector. This was something that happened here and also any time we went through at EPCOT. I've decided they picked me because I chatted with the bag check people while they were looking through my bag and then once I was done there, I usually made eye contact with the next person I saw, which was usually a security person looking for someone to send through the metal detector. So, I happily said "sure thing", made small talk with the men running the metal detector, teased them about being all bundled up for the "cold", and was on my way. I met up with hubby and the kids and walked towards the tapstiles. There were not many people there yet, and since I knew that as soon as we got in there we were going to be going straight and then heading to the left, we took our position at a tapstile on the left. We were the 3rd family for that tapstile and I was just fine with that. We chatted with the family in front of us. They were from Wisconsin, but originally from a town not far from where we live (something we heard alot of while we were in Disney). This was going to be our first time using our magic bands and fingers to get into a park and I wanted my kids to know exactly what to do, so we talked about what we needed to do and then I took my kids over to the tapstiles they were using to let people who had early breakfast ADRs in to watch how everyone was doing the process.

8:50am rolled around and they started letting people into the park. My kids tapped their Mickey heads to the tapstile, scanned their fingers, and we were off! We went straight to Jedi Training sign-ups. We knew basically where we needed to go, but weren't 100% sure. We ended up just following all the other parents with that crazy glint in their eye. We got into line and within 5 minutes, the line stretched quite a ways down the side walk. The line moved quickly and we got to the scheduler in about 10 minutes. It was 9:10 when we walked out of the sign-ups. We had a 9:30 FP for Star Tours, so I suggested we head over to Rock'n Roller Coaster since the app was showing a 5 minute wait and I hadn't been able to get a FP for it. We found our way to the coaster and learned it was off line. There was nothing that we wanted to do on that side of the park, so we decided to go to Star Tours and see what the wait was. The posted time was 10 minutes and we still had 15 minutes or so before our FP started, but we decided to go on Star Tours because...well, why not? The kids were absolutely impressed with what they saw first....

We LOVED Star Tours and wanted to ride it again, so as soon as we got through the gift shop, we found our way back to the entrance again. There was a 5 minute wait posted, so we went right in again without using the FP. We went through the entire line and to the loading area only to find out that the ride had gone off line. We left the ride and decided to make a game plan. While standing there looking at the map, I received an email saying they were basically going to make our FP a floating FP because the ride it was originally for was off line. Sounded good to me!! We decided to walk towards the Muppets 3D Show.

We saw this guy standing around and thought we'd grab a picture with him since all of our friends back at home were supposed to get slammed with a storm, we wanted them to know we were dealing with some snow as well. :D

After the Muppets Show, we headed for Tower of Terror. The kids had once....a long time ago....said they wanted to try it, so I decided to schedule FP for it thinking if they changed their minds, we could just reschedule that FP for something else. Well, they were still game for the ride.....not really knowing what it was....
It turns out they really hated the ride, but hubby and I really enjoyed it! LOL!!! We found a Photographer outside of the ride and had her snap a few pictures. This picture makes me laugh every time I look at it. "Look like your scared!!....like how you were when you were on the ride!"

We decided to take a stroll and see what there was to see and came across the meet and greet for Sorcerer Mickey. There were just a few people in line, so we decided to give it a try. This was our very first character meet and the kids were super excited to meet Mickey. Turns out Mickey has a great sense of humor. As soon as the kids walked in, he tried to hide behind Maddie. Then it dawned on us....she and her brother were both wearing camo sweatshirts, so he was hiding behind those. Ha!! We all had a good laugh about that. ...and we got a really nice picture from our visit with Mickey.

Photobucket isn't letting me resize photos, so I'll have to continue our first day in another post.
Woo hoo! Loving your trip report so far and your kids are adorable :) Can't wait to hear all about it, especially the Jedi training.
**I'm sorry if these pictures are larger than life. Photobucket refuses to let me resize my photos and I really want to make some TR progress.**

After our visit with Mickey, we had about 40 minutes before the kids had to be to the meeting place for the Jedi Training, so we decided to go meet Darth Vader. We use the Disney Visa and decided to use the special Vader meet and greet for Disney card holders. I'm glad they had that!! The wait time for Darth Vader was 40 minutes and the wait time for Chewbacca, who is also in the same area, was 50 minutes. I really wish I had thought ahead and made a sign for my son to hold that said "My name is Luke, are you my father?". :rotfl:

We found Darth to not be very interactive. It seemed that the things he was saying were just pre-recorded things that were piped in.

Our next stop was Jedi Training. The kids had a really great time. We had looked at videos on youtube so we knew what to expect, but what I really wish we had known was that they had added the Seventh Sister to battle so they could double the number of kids doing the event. My kids ended up in the group battling the Seventh Sister...they still had fun, but I had hoped they would go against Darth himself. One thing about this that I REALLY liked was that they had 2 photopass photographers taking a zillion pictures of the kids and all of the action. The kids got cards with numbers that I used to claim the photos. The photographer that I talked to said that we could go to the photopass services booth to claim the photos that had my kids in them or I could use the number on the card and go to the website to get them. He told me getting the photos on the website was better because then I'd get all of the photos they had taken and that there would be photos of the Jedis battling Darth. So, that's what I did........and I ended up with about 250 photos from just that event!!!

Here is Maddie doing her patented one-handed light sabering.

Luke was totally into it...

Next stop: Lunch time!!!
We did the Fantasmic lunch package at Hollywood and Vine. I realize my kids are a little old for Disney Jr., but we are fairly strict with the things they watch on TV and they still seem to really enjoy Jake and the Neverland Pirates, so I thought they would enjoy it. The food was good. We avoided the kid's food area of the buffet for the most part. My kids don't eat that kind of food much. My daughter was thrilled with the salmon that was on the buffet, my son enjoyed the roast beef. Both of them enjoyed the "adult" mac&cheese which had shrimp and lobster in it.

After our meal, we decided to do some low-key activities since we were soo full. We did the Great Movie Ride which we all REALLY enjoyed and then we went to see Beauty and the Beast Live. Belle is Maddie's favorite princess and she LOVES all things Beaut and the Beast related.

We used our floating FP on the Rock'n Roller Coaster. It-Was-AWESOME!!! All 4 of us loved it and Luke was soo proud of himself because it was his first loop. We would have loved to go on it again, but the wait was 40 minutes and we weren't willing to stand in line that long.

Next we decided to go to the Lights, Motor, Action stunt show. It was great and the kids really enjoyed learning how stunts are done for movies. As soon as the show was over, we headed to the opposite side of the park for Fantasmic. I had read that we didn't have to worry about seating because we had done the dining package and we were getting there 30 minutes in advance, but it was really hard to not worry about getting good seats with the amount of people heading to the seating area. There were soo many people, it was like we were in a herd of cattle. BUT, we got to where they let the dining package people sit and were extremely pleased to find that we were going to be sitting in the center area and that there was plenty of room for us to pick a seat we'd like. The day had been a little breezy and we REALLY hate getting wet, so we sat about 2/3 of the way up from the front row to avoid getting wet by mist. The show was absolutely fabulous!!! We did still get just a little wet, but it was completely tolerable. You can see from the photo below just how much seating room there was around us when we got there.

We tend to avoid the "the show is over, we gotta get outta here" rush, so we just kind of sat and people watched for about 15 minutes and then made our way out of the arena. The kids were hungry, so we decided to grab a meal for them to share at Rosie's All American Cafe. While the kids were eating, we were pleasantly surprised when Symphony of the Stars started. We were sitting in a great location to see most of the show and we didn't even try. :cool1:

We were happy to return to Coronado Springs, fall into our beds, and pass out.
It turns out they really hated the ride, but hubby and I really enjoyed it! LOL!!!
Ha! TOT is my favorite ride in all of WDW; DS13 and I ride it multiple times each trip :thumbsup2 But DS10 had been refusing to ride it, so on our trip last Nov. we finally talked him into trying it. He was all calm and cool until the drop lol!! Needless to say, he now hates it, too!

we were pleasantly surprised when Symphony of the Stars started.
Weren't they awesome? DH and I caught them last month. Neither of us have any interest whatsoever in SW but we enjoy fireworks, so we made a point to see them on our kid-free trip. LOVED them!
Ha! TOT is my favorite ride in all of WDW; DS13 and I ride it multiple times each trip :thumbsup2 But DS10 had been refusing to ride it, so on our trip last Nov. we finally talked him into trying it. He was all calm and cool until the drop lol!! Needless to say, he now hates it, too!

Weren't they awesome? DH and I caught them last month. Neither of us have any interest whatsoever in SW but we enjoy fireworks, so we made a point to see them on our kid-free trip. LOVED them!

Hahaha!!! Your son will never forgive you for that. Our son got over it pretty quickly, but my daughter felt kind of ill for a little after it.

The fireworks were AWESOME! And we discovered the next day that we could see them from our room!
Our next day was spent in Animal Kingdom. We had a fastpass for Expedition Everest scheduled for 9:05, so I didn't feel a need to get to the park to wait for rope drop. ....AND....it was a little rainy that morning, so I didn't expect there to be an insane amount of people there. Also, "they" were predicting the crowd level to be a 1 for that day, so I was expecting to be able to just walk around and do whatever we pleased whenever we pleased.

We got to the park at 9 on the nose and there was practically nobody there. I did the bag check and was again selected to go through the metal detector. This came as no surprise since I was the only person there at the time! It was just as painless as the previous day and I had the security people chuckling by the time I left the metal detector (it's my goal in life...haha). We walked into Animal Kingdom and my daughter immediately started freaking out. "There she issssssss!!!!! THERE SHE ISSSSS!!!!!!!!!" And she was right....there she was.

Let me back up to the bus ride to the park. During the drive to the park, I asked the kids what they wanted to see or do the most that day. Luke wanted to see the animals and Maddie wanted to see "the green people with the really long arms and legs". I had NO idea what she was talking about....but she did. Well, we walked in and "THERE SHE ISSSSSSSSS!!!!!!". Yes, there she was. As soon as I saw her, I remembered seeing something about her in the Disney planning DVD we had gotten a year previous to that day. I have no idea how Maddie remembered that, but she did and I am soo happy that she got to see her while we were there! She was magnificent and it was amazing to me that when she went into certain positions, people would literally walk under her and not realize she was there. She was gracious enough to have her picture taken with the kids. It's something I don't think I'll ever forget.

Next, we stopped at the Wilderness Explorers place and got the kids their books, learned the 'call', and got their first badges. Then we headed to Expedition Everest. On the way, we saw someone with the WE program, so we stopped and learned about her alphabet. She wrote the kids' names in their books and posed for a picture with the kids.

We found our way to EE and saw the wait time was just 10 minutes, so we didn't bother to use our fastpass. We walked through the line and looked at the neat stuff there was to see. We got right onto the coaster and were surprised to find that while we were "climbing" Mt. Everest we were being pelted by rain. It was a good roller coaster and I really found it interesting how the track moved so that you were actually backtracking and then going other directions. We enjoyed it soo much that we decided to do it again right away....this time we used the FP since the wait time had gone to 20 minutes (but really, it wasn't needed), and enjoyed the ride WITHOUT the rain. :)

We made our way to our next FP ride, which was The Primeval Whirl. This was not the first time for the kids and I to be on this ride. There is actually an amusement park not far from our house that has the same exact coaster with a different name. Afterward, we came across Safari Donald and got a few nice pictures with him.

And then bumped into this gal from the Tarzan movie (but I cannot remember her name for the life of me).

From there, we decided we'd stop and have some lunch. We went to Flame Tree BBQ which I had heard great things about. The kids and hubby claimed a table in a covered pavilion because the rain kept coming and going and I really didn't want to end up sitting and eating in the rain. I ordered our meals and couldn't believe the amount of food when it came out! A girl who was behind the counter realized I was on my own and offered to help me carry a tray to our table. I really appreciated that! She followed me to the table, helped me get stuff handed out, and then listened to my kids' questions about the birds that were stalking them while they sat at the table. She said she didn't know the answers to their questions, but that she'd ask someone else who might know and come back to us. I told her it really wasn't necessary because I knew she had other people to wait on and said goodbye to her. I was quite surprised 10 minutes later when she returned with all the answers to Luke and Maddie's questions. Over and over again, the staff at Disney impressed me by doing things like this.

Next it was time to go on the safari. On the way, we stopped for a family photo in front of the Tree of Life. Look at how few people are around!

We had a wonderful time on the safari. I took a zillion pictures, but the lions are my favorite...

After the safari, we decided to take the train to Rafiki's Planet Watch. There, the kids earned a bunch of WE badges, saw some animals at the petting zoo, and met Rafiki. We also saw Chip and Dale (but decided not to get pictures with them) as well as Tarzan. The kids were pretty freaked out by him and were not interested in going anywhere near him.

We took the train back to the main part of the park and then decided to walk one of the trails so the kids could get some more WE badges. The kids were much more interested in earning WE badges than they were in going to shows or riding rides. We did decide to do It's Tough to be a Bug, but my kids completely freaked out when the grasshopper decided we needed to be exterminated. Then they completely LOST it when very large spiders dropped down from the ceiling. I do not think we will ever be able to get them in there again.

The rest of the day was filled by earning WE badges until our 4:45pm dinner reservation at Yak & Yeti. The food there was excellant. Hubby had the Bhaktapur Duck, I had the Tempura Shrimp, Luke had chicken tenders, and Maddie had the Teriyaki chicken breast. For dessert, the kids both had ice cream sundaes, Hubby had the cheesecake, and I had the fried wontons. We took our time eating and talking about our day. The kids could not stop talking about how much they enjoyed earning their badges (they got all but 6 of them!). We chatted a little about going to Epcot the next day, and then decided it was time to go back to the resort. We left Yak & Yeti at 6:45 and enjoyed strolling through the completely empty park. We got a really great photo of the tree at dusk (it looks a little bright because I slowed the shutter speed down for this shot).

This was the walkway to leave the park. I just loved how it looked with the lights.

We waited only a few minutes before a bus came for us and 6 minutes later we were back at Coronado Springs. We decided to get off at the stop for El Centro so that we could pick up our cups to use at the resort. We filled them up just because we could and then took a really nice stroll next to the lake to get back to our room. CSR is really beautiful at night time. We returned to our room and were just about to shower the kids off when we heard fireworks. It turns out we could see the fireworks at Hollywood Studios from in front of our room!!! We enjoyed the fireworks and then got the kids showered and into bed.

We couldn't have had a better day at Animal Kingdom....and we didn't do half the things they have there! I think Hubby would have liked to do more than walk around and collect WE badges that day, but I reminded him that the kids enjoying themselves was what mattered the most. The kids learned alot and LOVED talking to all the different people. We could have easily spent another day there.
I love the description of your day at AK. So many people knock this park but we love it. We decided it's become a park to visit twice during our trip. What a great day you had!! Love the pics.


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