45 degrees-still winter coat weather?


DIS Veteran
Dec 10, 2003
My kids are complaining because I've still been putting their winter coats on them for school. The high tomorrow is 45...do you think a fleece with a spring coat on top is warm enough? They say that's what the other kids are wearing. I'm so sick of cold!
We live in Texas and my kids never wear a winter coat to school. Even if it's cold they just wear a hoodie. But they are teenagers and don't have lockers at their school so if they wore a coat they would have to carry it around all day.

Honestly I wouldn't make a kid wear a winter coat at 45 degrees. That's jacket weather to me. I don't wear a coat unless it's in the mid to low 30's.
For 45, just a fleece coat should be fine. Although, I guess it depends where you live. I live in NH and ditch all coats when it finally hits 50 degrees. Unless it's snowing hard, I don't put on a winter coat until the windchill is below 30.
Your kids can hang out and have a pity party with my kids who don't like my rules either;).

The rules in my house are all about the temperature, so I don't get much resistance. Under 60 is long sleeves and pants AND the winter coat. 60-70 is long everything but they can use their heavy fleece lined hoodies. Here it has to be above 70 to wear shorts or short sleeves WITH a thick seatshirt/hoodie on top because the mornings are 30 degrees cooler. Above 80 = no jacket necessary.

They still tell me what everyone else is doing but they don't really have any expectation of change so there is no whining. Tomorrow should be a good day for confusion since Friday it was 80 degrees here:headache:

good luck


It finally hit 70 here last Friday and the kids were in shorts and tees. They start wearing spring jackets around 45-50. By the end of winter they are so sick of their winter coats they don't care about the temp and I don't blame them. I'm sick of mine too.
60-70 is long everything but they can use their heavy fleece lined hoodies. Here it has to be above 70 to wear shorts or short sleeves WITH a thick seatshirt/hoodie on top because the mornings are 30 degrees cooler. Above 80 = no jacket necessary.

60-70 and they wear fleece hoodies?! I'd be dying! @OP It probably depends on where you live. It was 65-70 here in Maine on Friday, and I don't think I saw anyone with a coat! Jeans and tees! The kids at the bus stop were all wearing their spring coats. 45 for a high does mean that the morning is around 30 though, so a winter coat would probably be better than a fleece.

I already packed away my winter coat, but it's supposed to get back to the mid 40s this week. Oh well. ;)
Our mornings start out as low as 38-40 degrees and the afternoons can then get up to 75-80! How about that kind of jacket planning! Generally, you don't see a lot of winter coats around here.

At 45, I'd let them go in heavier sweatshirts or fleece.
My kids are complaining because I've still been putting their winter coats on them for school. The high tomorrow is 45...do you think a fleece with a spring coat on top is warm enough? They say that's what the other kids are wearing. I'm so sick of cold!

Pah.....thats shorts and Ts weather in Scotland....bairns would have the paddling pool out !! :laughing:
No offense but :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl::rotfl2::lmao:

45 is NOT winter coat weather, fleece is JUST fine. Heck, around here just a hoodie is what the "cold" kids wear at that temp. Keep in mind that kids internal temp is higher and they don't feel cold like we old people do, plus they are running around and staying warm. I figure my kids know better then I if they are cold, hot or whatever. I would never put rules on what they have to wear at certain temps.

LuvOrlando, our kids would DIE of heat stroke wearing the clothing schedule you have for your kids :lmao:. It is 48° and I have on a turtleneck and cotton sweater and that is just fine.
Thanks everyone..my kids should thank you because I guess they can wear their spring coats tomorrow, but with a fleece! The HIGH is 45 so that means the morning will be cold!
Well my kids don't even really own winter coats and wear hoodies no matter what the temp is and we do get some mornings in the 30s. Today it was 91 and tomorrow it will be about 100 so we are going swimming. We do have ski clothes since my kids and DH ski but thats the extent of our warm weather wear. I would of thought that people from cold climates have thicker blood and can deal with the cold weather better and not need heavy coats unless it is snowing? We have our hrat up in the winter if it gets below 60 for any length of time, but my kids still wouldn't be caught dead in much more then a hoodie.
This is one of those battles DH and I have chosen not to engage with DS on.

He's nearly twelve, and has always 'run hot'. We're in New England, and he did not wear his winter coat to school one time this winter. He's worn it to go sledding, playing out in the snow, but not for the <5 minute wait for the school bus. More often than not he wore his North Face fleece, which was plenty warm. Once the weather gets into the 40s or so, he wears a heavy hoodie. He's been wearing shorts once or twice a week for a few weeks now. He also wears mostly short sleeve tshirts to school.

He's old enough to know if he's cold, and he won't do it again. He also has an extra long sleeve tshirt and pair of windpants in his locker, so if it gets really chilly, he's got some layers to put on.
I would of thought that people from cold climates have thicker blood and can deal with the cold weather better and not need heavy coats unless it is snowing?

That we are, I wore open-toed shoes on the first day of spring. I think the high was 40. :rotfl:
I let my kids decide and they can deal with the consequences (within reason--we're not talking frost bite). I don't put on a coat unless it's in the 20's, and even then, I'm talking a light jacket. I totally understand it if they say they don't want to wear a coat because I don't get cold unless it's well below freezing.
My DS (13) has been wearing shorts and a hooded sweatshirt to school since early March and we're in Wisconsin :eek: DH continues to try to tell him to dress warm :rotfl2: I say he'll learn when he freezes his butt off and let him wear what he wants. Poor DH still argues with him every morning :confused3 BTW he hasn't gotten sick from lack of clothing.
It can be 45 and the wind chill can bring the temp down to 37. It all depends on where you are.
I let my kids decide and they can deal with the consequences (within reason--we're not talking frost bite). I don't put on a coat unless it's in the 20's, and even then, I'm talking a light jacket. I totally understand it if they say they don't want to wear a coat because I don't get cold unless it's well below freezing.

Im pretty much the same... I fuss for them to wear a coat, they say they're fine, so I let it go.... I used to hate when my mom made we wear a coat too......
Ok I guess I don't get the battle over wearing a coat or not. :confused3 Surely they know whether or not they're cold; why not let them decide?
It's all relative. I only bring out the coat during the week if it's under 25.

It's the fleece all the way, heated house to heated vehicle to heated building. That freezing for 100 feet into the building from my car is a last jolt awake. I didn't own a winter coat for years. I didn't buy one until I went back to school and had to start trekking into Manhattan twice a week during the winter.

Then again, I've been known to stop at Dunkin Donuts for an ice latte during a snow storm. So maybe I'm just abnormal. :crazy2:


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