3 Generations Wandering the Wilderness from "Cabin" Camping to Club Level-FW & WL

Getting all caught up! Things are just so busy that I don't have DIS time like I used to. Hope you & your family had a very Merry Christmas!

Looks like y'all had quite a good bit of fun @ MK before heading to AK.

The shoelace trick! :rotfl: Sounds like something my family would do to me.

Glad the rain didn't last long at AK. But at least y'all had great seats for the Nemo show. We don't always go to AK & when we do, we don't stay very long. So, we've never seen the Nemo show.
Hi Heather! Willow and I wanted to stop by and wish you a ....

I hope 2015 is a wonderful year for you and your family. :goodvibes
Thanks so much for sharing the constructions photos.

We get our family portraits taken every other year in Disney. We've done all 4 park and now are moving on to resorts. WL is our home DVC resort so we wanted to get them taken there first. But I was wondering how the construction would be, and from your pics I know we can't get some of the views we want for our pics.

HAPPY 2015!!!!!! Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and fabulous New Year!

Has it really been a month since I was last on the TR???!! :rolleyes: December was a complete blur...really. Between cheer competitions, Christmas festivities, school, and now a new puppy, we were going 90 to nothing. But it's all good.....life with a family of 5 is never dull. Our newest member of the family is a little Shichon - the kids named him Sulley (a Disney name, of course).

You must have been really tired if you didn't notice that your shoes were being messed with.

We finally saw Nemo at AK for the first time this year and I was surprised at how good it was. :goodvibes

Tired was the understatement! By day 10 of our Disney adventures, I was dragging....REALLY dragging.

Looks like those mice were playing while the cat slept:faint:.Was this payback or did you get revenge later? Great close-up of the sleeping tiger…now, who does that remind me of:scratchin. The bats are a favorite of ours and I just love it when they're cooling themselves by flapping and eating watermelon - so cute.

It was nice when you used to get free priority seating for Nemo when you'd eat at select times at Tusker House. I don't think they have that feature any longer since I guess it's FP+ now. It's very well done, but we've only gone once.

Love the DiVine shot and AK family photo - lots of good shots for your Christmas card

No revenge ...at that point in our trip, I was too mentally exhausted to come up with anything creative:rolleyes: And yep...plenty of shots for the Christmas card, or actually my New Year's card.

Catching up on your last few updates. I seriously can't believe the people that would wait 240 minutes to meet the princesses. You are so lucky your kids understand time. We were able to snag FP's last trip but if we hadn't my daughter wouldn't have even known they were there.

Love the face painting. And then being able to be chauffeured by Mike and a princess, very fancy indeed.

Poor you having that just mean, awful trick played on your (silently laughing to myself). Your family certainly likes to have fun.

Love the AK pictures. I agree its a great park to just meander and get lost in.

Can't wait to hear about flying fish. It's one of my perennial favorites.

Guess people temporarily lose their minds at Disney and don't mind waiting 240 minutes. I'll be the first to admit, I've done some fairly crazy things while at the World, but I can say with certainty....NEVER will I wait over 2 hours for anything...never.

Our family does enjoy a good laugh....and even though I was the one on the receiving end, it was pretty funny. They got me good.

Inquiring about APs??? Do tell :)

What sneaky tricksters to do that do you on the bus! :rotfl:

I love just wandering around AK and enjoying the animals. Those bats are some of my favorites!

No APs this year. After careful consideration, we knew we wouldn't be using them to get our moneny's worth. Just didn't make sense to spend that kind of money. Maybe next year.... ::yes::

lucky you realized about the laces & didn't do a face plant!! Love AK, I think it's the best themed park in WDW. They put in so much attention to detail. The trails are great. Love the one near Safari! They had a baby gorilla, Lily, a few years back and it's been fun watching her grow!!

We like Nemo, but Lion King is our fav!! :upsidedow

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

Oh most definitely - the Lion King! It's my favorite, too. And we did have a great Thanksgiving, and Christmas....and New Year (just a little behind, aren't I???:rolleyes1)

Hope y'all did as well, Sue.

Did our FP bookings for January trip last week! Looking forward to the Royal Rooms! You were in Oak weren't you? That's what I requested.

Yay for FPs!!!!! And yep...I think it was Oak. Great location...not too far from anything, really. Which FPs did you book???

Hi Heather!

Yes - there is a Hidden Mickey book for DCL. I wonder where mine is…. :laughing:

:rotfl2: The shoe-lace trick!!! I can’t believe they did that to you!

I cannot believe you were able to go into AK and actually walk a trail or two first thing. My child would have been racing full-throttle for EE. :laughing:

Have GOT to get that DCL book for Stephen and my dad!

And Roni....me race to EE....:sick::sick: The only one of the 3 who REALLY love it is Faith. Wish I did love it and could ride it without consequences...

And yep...the good ol' shoe-lace trick. Got me good :laughing:

Hi Y'all!

Well, even though Heather and I have been keeping up on the phone, I have been MIA from the disboards. This happens every late fall. I am always swamped with work in October, then November and December comes with the holidays and continued busy time with my work, and I always take my disboards break. It doesn't help that I am obsessed with all things Christmas, so my free time on the internet (what I have), is on pinterest and watching Christmas movies! Needless to say, as Josie and I get caught up on our disboards this morning, I am so excited and happy to read the last installment of Heather's mini trip report with our visit!

It was so bittersweet when we woke up Sunday morning for our Hollywood Studios day. We were all having a blast, just like I knew we would, and we knew the clock was ticking until they had to leave. Caleb and I so appreciated the time they took to drive 4.5 hours each way for our quick visit. Heather and I knew we had to do it so we could stop having to talk about 'my close friend in Michigan/Georgia' that we had secretly never met in person! People just don't get it, except all of you! Our day was perfect, so much fun (and HOT, like skin melting hot!).

After we walked them out and they left Caleb and I took a break back at the resort, he slept and I walked around AKL and took pictures. I was seriously sad and depressed, I hated that Heather and Stephen had to leave and was missing them terribly. The fact that Caleb and I had several more days in our favorite place was the only thing that perked me back up.

It was a special dismeet, not only did I get to meet my dear friend, but our boys became friends too and we put the official 'meeting in person' friend requirement to rest! I am certain we will meet again at WDW and likely our homes over the years to come. We are both grateful to God for bringing us together through the disboards, so cool! I plan to be a granny running around the World with Heather, of course we will wear matching Disney t shirts!

Now, onto the rest of the fun with this awesome family....thanks for letting us join in for part of the TR Heather!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

What an awesome little trip we had!!!!! I really should have taken off that Monday, too. Hindsight, I guess. The whole way home, Stephen and I kept saying that.

And yes....holy cow it was a scorcher that day!!!!! Seriously hot! Obviously the heat is something that us Southerners deal with, but I had forgotten how hot it gets at Disney in August.

I like the plans for our "senior" retirement days at Disney. I can picture it now... two old ladies cruising around the World with matching shirts :laughing:...and maybe a grandkid or two. Fun! Bill already said he's gonna be a Disney fishing guide when he retires.

Ok...so when is your next trip to Disney??? Need to know so I can invite myself again :laughing:

Looking forward to years of fun with your family :goodvibes You are such a blessing dear friend!

Getting all caught up! Things are just so busy that I don't have DIS time like I used to. Hope you & your family had a very Merry Christmas!

Looks like y'all had quite a good bit of fun @ MK before heading to AK.

The shoelace trick! :rotfl: Sounds like something my family would do to me.

Glad the rain didn't last long at AK. But at least y'all had great seats for the Nemo show. We don't always go to AK & when we do, we don't stay very long. So, we've never seen the Nemo show.

Hi there! I totally understand the "busy" thing. Life is crazy, isn't it?!

Next time you're at Disney, take Reed to see Nemo. I bet he would LOVE it...and you, too.

Hi Heather! Willow and I wanted to stop by and wish you a ....

I hope 2015 is a wonderful year for you and your family. :goodvibes

Thanks, Roni:goodvibes Hope yours is good, as well.

Thanks so much for sharing the constructions photos.

We get our family portraits taken every other year in Disney. We've done all 4 park and now are moving on to resorts. WL is our home DVC resort so we wanted to get them taken there first. But I was wondering how the construction would be, and from your pics I know we can't get some of the views we want for our pics.


How awesome to have your pics done at Disney!!! Fabulous idea!!! The construction at the WL should be completed ... I think. The Lodge will make a beautiful backdrop for your shots. Do y'all use a Disney photographer or have someone else come in and take the pictures?
Day 10
Dinner at Flying Fish
Part 1

After some rest and relaxation at the WL, we set out for the Boardwalk via the bus…. WL to MK to BW.

It didn’t take us too long before we arrived at the beautiful Boardwalk Inn.

We quickly strolled through the resort and then to the restaurant. The reservation was at 7:00pm, so we knew we would have plenty of time after dinner to meander around the Boardwalk area. Faith, on the other hand, had another idea…she would dance her way to dinner…singing at the top of her lungs.

Once we arrived, we had a short wait…there were tons of people already there, but no surprise.

So what does one do while waiting??? Snap pictures, of course. ::yes::

It passes the time… I promise :teeth:

We didn’t have to wait long at all, and were seated towards the middle of the restaurant. One thing we did notice was the noise level…a bit loud. Our waiter was quite prompt in the beginning, but he soon lost interest in our table – he was very nice, though. The place was super busy, so I have a feeling he was a little swamped.

We started with the appetizers…

Crispy Togarashi-scented Calamari and Florida Rock Shrimp - Spiced Green Papaya, Wakame, and Vegetable Julienne with an Asian-inspired Dipping Sauce


Yellowfin Tuna Tartare and Crispy Tempura Tuna-Vegetable Sushi Roll - Hijiki and Wakame Seaweed, Yuzu Tobiko, and Wasabi Foam with a Sweet-and-Spicy Sauce

Yummy once again!!!!

The presentation of the dishes was quite impressive….very neatly plated.

Appetizer Duo - Crispy Maine Coast Jonah Crab Cake and Our Very Own Caesar Salad

Yummy once again!!!

Continued to next post.....

Continued from previous post

Flying Fish
Part 2

Main Course…

Basic kid’s meal…nothing special

However…this kid’s grilled cheese was outstanding!! No lie!!!:woohoo:

Oak-grilled Maine Sea Scallops - Roasted Pumpkin, Sage, Pecorino Romano, and Mascarpone-laced Risotto di Carnaroli with crispy Prosciutto Cracklings

Mom had this plate, but it was totally undercooked…almost raw. And while I love sushi…this wasn’t supposed to be a sushi plate. She had to send it back and have it cooked a bit more. Just an ok dish.

And I have no idea what this is :confused: ….sorry…it’s been quite a few months since the trip.


Anyone care to guess what I may have ordered????

You guessed it! Classic Tahitian Vanilla Crème Brûlée - Breton French Butter Biscuits with Blackberry and Strawberry accentuations

OMG knee slappin' good!!!!!

We dined for quite a while, so needless to say the natives were getting restless!

….and impatient. Check please!

It was finally time to leave Flying Fish and hit the Boardwalk area.

Faith was dying to get this done (not even sure what you call this exactly). The boys weren’t too thrilled to have to wait, so they horsed around outside probably disturbing all those within ear shot. :rolleyes1

It was a beautiful night although a tad bit rainy.

We ventured through the shops….

….and made a family portrait.

Usually you can be as silly as you want at Disney and no one blinks an eye. However, while posing for this family photo, we got a few irritated stares and snide glances :snooty:. Apparently we weren’t supposed to be behaving as such at the Boardwalk. Whatever!!! :laughing:

They obviously didn’t know that I can be passive aggressive when need be. So what does one do??? Get more silly pictures! :teeth:

On our way back to the bus stop, we strolled through the lobby…and so very glad we did. An entertainer was getting ready to perform, so we stayed to watch. He was really good, and very funny – lots of audience participation. Even Bill was chosen to shoot a little basketball.

I think Bill surprised the entertainer and the audience when the ball went straight through the hoop! :cheer2:

Lots of fun this evening on the Boardwalk!!! One day we’ll make it to one of the EP resorts for a stay…hopefully.

Up next…early morning WL shots (imagine that):confused3

Great update!

I absolutely LOVE the silly family photo with the fun hats! I can't believe y'all got snide looks from people. I mean, if you can't be silly at Disney, where can you be silly?!? :confused3

Boardwalk is at the top my "must try" resort list. We've actually changed our trip plans for 2015....I let my sister convince me not to go to DLR & go with her family to WDW instead. And we're going during Easter. :scared1: I was hoping the spring discount would be good enough to put Boardwalk in my "comfort zone" for this trip but it just didn't happen. But, we are trying AKL for the 1st time & I'm excited about that.

Any pics of the new dog to share with us?
I didn't know that they had entertainers in the lobby of the BW. The evening looks like fun.

You'll have to try an Epcot resort, The kids would love the pools. :)
Great update!

I absolutely LOVE the silly family photo with the fun hats! I can't believe y'all got snide looks from people. I mean, if you can't be silly at Disney, where can you be silly?!? :confused3

Exactly! :goodvibes Actually it was just this one lady and her daughter. Guess they thought we were being a bit immature for our ages....and we were ;) :laughing:

Boardwalk is at the top my "must try" resort list. We've actually changed our trip plans for 2015....I let my sister convince me not to go to DLR & go with her family to WDW instead. And we're going during Easter. :scared1: I was hoping the spring discount would be good enough to put Boardwalk in my "comfort zone" for this trip but it just didn't happen. But, we are trying AKL for the 1st time & I'm excited about that.

I've actually booked BWI then got cold feet, and Bill wasn't overly excited about staying there. I think he's changed his tune a bit since our visit.

And you did what???!!! :scared1: No DL??!! I was looking so forward to your TR. Oh well...I totally get why you did. Y'all will have a great time with your sister. You'll love AKL!!!! Awesome awesome resort. I would go back in a heartbeat. And now you'll be able to have more time at AK;)

Any pics of the new dog to share with us?

We do have pics of course :teeth: but I haven't uploaded them to Photobucket. Need to do that, don't I?!

I didn't know that they had entertainers in the lobby of the BW. The evening looks like fun.

We didn't either...just got lucky and happened up on this guy. I didn't think to look at the BWI's daily activities to see if they had nightly events like this.

You'll have to try an Epcot resort, The kids would love the pools. :)

Well would you believe we booked a BCV for a few nights before the cruise??!!:woohoo: Guess I need to change my ticker ::yes:: The kids are looking forward to SAB and Beaches n' Cream.
Well would you believe we booked a BCV for a few nights before the cruise??!!:woohoo: Guess I need to change my ticker ::yes:: The kids are looking forward to SAB and Beaches n' Cream.

You bet they are. And you'll like it, too. ;) They have people who will take your food and beverage orders and bring it to you at the pool.

Do you plan to go to the parks, too?
I love silly hat pictures, some other guests just don't get it! All of the food looks so good.
You bet they are. And you'll like it, too. ;) They have people who will take your food and beverage orders and bring it to you at the pool.

Do you plan to go to the parks, too?

Food and beverage by the pool!! :woohoo::thumbsup2 Excellent!!!! Thanks for the info.

Not sure about the parks, yet. I'm hoping to return for a long weekend for MNSSHP or MVMCP, and we'll do parks then. We've been known to go to Disney and just relax at the resort and pool ::yes::

I love silly hat pictures, some other guests just don't get it! All of the food looks so good.

True Disney fans get it, don't they??!! :snooty: Glad to wear my hats loud and proud :teeth:
Food and beverage by the pool!! :woohoo::thumbsup2 Excellent!!!! Thanks for the info.

Not sure about the parks, yet. I'm hoping to return for a long weekend for MNSSHP or MVMCP, and we'll do parks then. We've been known to go to Disney and just relax at the resort and pool ::yes::

You will be able to walk over to the miniature golf course. It is right behind the Dolphin resort.
You will be able to walk over to the miniature golf course. It is right behind the Dolphin resort.

GREAT idea! :thumbsup2 I didn't even think about that...the kids would have a ball doing the miniature golf, especially Stephen. Thanks for the information once again:goodvibes
Day 11
Another Early Morning Picture Expedition
Part 1

To no one’s surprise, I had to do one more early morning trek through the beautiful Wilderness Lodge grounds. Morning times are my absolute favorite part of the day at Disney. And I know, I’ve said that 151 times, haven’t I??? :rolleyes1 Actually, any vacation we do, I get up early at least once and do the whole picture thing.

There wasn’t a soul around. :confused3 I thought for sure I would encounter other early birds….no such luck.

I always enjoy venturing over to the villa area. I can totally see why DCV owners like this resort….very peaceful and serene.

Making my way to Bay Lake….

When my kids were younger, they really enjoyed this play area. Kinda sad that they’re growing up… :(

Continued to next post….

Continued from previous post….

Day 11
Another Early Morning Picture Expedition
Part 2

I can tell it’s gonna be another beautiful day :goodvibes sooooo excited!!!

We never get tired of this view….

When I’m out during the morning hours, I always feel so lucky to have opportunities like this – crazy, I know. Most people value their sleep :laughing:

Well, I’m assuming this shot will look differently now that the renovations have taken place ;)

And my last early morning shot for this trip :(….(some of you are thinking… “finally!”) :laughing:

Up next….DHS and then the Dessert Party at the MK!!!! (fun! fun! fun!)

Lovely pictures of WL, such a beautiful resort. Have you ever stayed at the BW? You will love BCV, what a great add on to your cruise trip.


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