2nd Trip of a Lifetime ----- Day 0

Tony Bush

DIS Veteran
Oct 25, 2001
The Bush family :

Me - Tony,
DW - Paulet
DS - Jack, 11
DD - Chloe, 9

Packed the kids off to school despite their protestations that it just wouldn't be worth going in for the 1 day !
Drove over to the kennels to drop off our dog (Blade) and cat (Monty) for their holiday. Blade went off with the staff his usual happy waggy tailed self. DW got very upset and didn't speak all the way home!
Packed the four cases (we had been preparing for the previous two weeks - so it was quite quick and easy) I walked up to DD's school to collect her at 3.15 - she's never been out so quick. Waited for DS to get home as he comes home by school bus. In he strolls at 4.15 and we're ready to roll......until Jack announces that his glasses are broken!!! So we stop in the town centre to get them fixed.
The drive down to Gatwick is now longer than we planned as we start to hit rush hour traffic on the M25. Arrived at Gatwick at 5.30. Didn't know where to park the car as we were checking in to the Hilton and checking in at the Virgin desk before driving to DW's sisters in Horsham for dinner. I thought I'd drop everyone off outside the Hilton and unload the cases and then park in their car park for an hour or so. As I unloaded at the front door the Concierge asked if we were checking in - I told him the plan and he said I could park outside the front door and he would keep an eye on the car for me.... very kind of him - saved me car park charges and a trek through a car park. Checked into the hotel first - we got a rate of £114 for a family room with no parking through our local travel agent. The room rate listed at the front desk was over twice that!! Resisted the temptaion to nose at our room straight away and instead walked through to the airport. That's the main reason we picked the Hilton - convenience. Got to the Virgin check in desk to find that we were the only people there!!! - hurrah for twighlight check-in! Walked back to our room - it was lovely, much bigger than we expected with lovely 6ft beds. Drove to DW's sisters for dinner and relaxed. Dave (brother-in-law) drove us back to the hotel so we could leave the car at their house.
Dozed off about 11.00 after laying in the dark talking amongst ourselves about what we were looking forward to most. I was looking forward to Discovery Cove - but couldn't say anything as neither of the kids know anything about it - it's a birthday surprise for Chloe.


Next - Day 1 - The flight.
Great report. I'm staying at the Gatwick Hilton in June so it was nice to read about it:teeth:
Nice start Tony.

The Hilton sounds really nice.:)


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