25th Ann.-2 TR w/over 1500 pics!!!!

Thanx!!!! We're actually wanting to move to Anaheim......close to the park!!! :banana: Got the ball rolling this morning, putting a request into a property management (that I've been following the last year online) to see if they'd be willing to work with us.

Whoohoo - good luck with the property management angle :thumbsup2


Sending some love to all the mom's today!!!!! Happy Mother's Day!!! :lovestruc

:goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibesAnd a VERY HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to you Laurie!!! :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes
Hey girl! I finally finished up your trip report. And life report! Congrats to Michaela on learning to walk! That is so exciting, now you'll really have your hands full. And good luck to all of you with moving/finding jobs/living happily ever after!

Maybe employers in Anaheim would be willing to do phone interviews with your hubby... worth a shot to apply to a few places and see what they think!
My hubby is doing some applications on line & hoping that most of the preliminary stuff can be done over the phone but understand he'll probably have to go down..... but we'll just take this one day at a time.

Glad you made it thru the report......there's a LOT there!! :rotfl:
Wow. You have taken me on quite the ride. I came upon and read your entire trip report in 24 hours. I laugh, cried, cheered, and got very angry (the stupid employment test).

First I must say that you have a lovely family and they have an amazing mother/wife.

Congratulations on 25 years. I smile when I see pictures of you two together.

Tyler & Derek are amazing young men.
Happy Birthday Anthony. What a happy boy.
Adaleah is sweet with a 100 watt smile.
Michayla & Shyann are adorable. Congratulations on the adoption.
Very sorry about the job at Disney not working out.
Happy that the guys went back to work.
Thrilled to read about Michayla many steps.

Thank you so much for sharing your story/trip reports with us. I enjoyed reading it and loved all the pictures. If I had to pick a favorite it would have to be the picture with the twins at Plaza Inn where Michayla is tweaking Minnie’s nose. Very cute. :goodvibes
Wow. You have taken me on quite the ride. I came upon and read your entire trip report in 24 hours. I laugh, cried, cheered, and got very angry (the stupid employment test).

First I must say that you have a lovely family and they have an amazing mother/wife.

Congratulations on 25 years. I smile when I see pictures of you two together.

Tyler & Derek are amazing young men.
Happy Birthday Anthony. What a happy boy.
Adaleah is sweet with a 100 watt smile.
Michayla & Shyann are adorable. Congratulations on the adoption.
Very sorry about the job at Disney not working out.
Happy that the guys went back to work.
Thrilled to read about Michayla many steps.

Thank you so much for sharing your story/trip reports with us. I enjoyed reading it and loved all the pictures. If I had to pick a favorite it would have to be the picture with the twins at Plaza Inn where Michayla is tweaking Minnie’s nose. Very cute. :goodvibes

Thank you so much for all your kind words. I really enjoyed doing this report & kinda sad I'm done with it...... I keep coming up with things to put in here that really have nothing to do with the trip......lol

I'm very blessed to have such great kids!!! The boys have always been home-bodies & so helpful. They've really stepped up with us taking in these little ones.
Anthony loves doing his birthday in Disneyland & who wouldn't?? Addy talks about Disneyland non-stop....I've made her quite the fanatic!! That smile is going to get her into a lot of trouble later on....we can just tell!
The twins are so much fun watching them achieve new things. I can't believe they'll be 2 next week!!!
I loved that picture as well....they were fascinated with the noses & gloved hands.

Thanx again for reading my report.....It's nice to know people are still looking thru it!!!! :flower3:
Wow. You have taken me on quite the ride. I came upon and read your entire trip report in 24 hours. I laugh, cried, cheered, and got very angry (the stupid employment test).

First I must say that you have a lovely family and they have an amazing mother/wife.

Congratulations on 25 years. I smile when I see pictures of you two together.

Tyler & Derek are amazing young men.
Happy Birthday Anthony. What a happy boy.
Adaleah is sweet with a 100 watt smile.
Michayla & Shyann are adorable. Congratulations on the adoption.
Very sorry about the job at Disney not working out.
Happy that the guys went back to work.
Thrilled to read about Michayla many steps.

Thank you so much for sharing your story/trip reports with us. I enjoyed reading it and loved all the pictures. If I had to pick a favorite it would have to be the picture with the twins at Plaza Inn where Michayla is tweaking Minnie’s nose. Very cute. :goodvibes

:goodvibesI couldn't have said it better myself.
What a wonderful journey you have just taken me on. I have lost the better part of a day looking at all of your photos, reading your stories and feeling like I was there in DL with you. I think your photos were wonderful and the details you captured were perfect. Your family is very lucky to have a mum like you and you are doing the most wonderful job.

Thank you so much for sharing your trip with me.
WOW! I just got done reading this and you have made me so excited for my upcoming trip.

I WON a 6 night trip to both Disneyland and Disneyworld in June. It will be a crazy week but I'm so excited.

I live in Vermont so the thought of being able to visit California just blows my mind.

It will be my DH and DD's 13 & 16 - perfect ages so we can stay up late!!

Thanks again for a perfect trip report!!!
WOW! I just got done reading this and you have made me so excited for my upcoming trip.

I WON a 6 night trip to both Disneyland and Disneyworld in June. It will be a crazy week but I'm so excited.

I live in Vermont so the thought of being able to visit California just blows my mind.

It will be my DH and DD's 13 & 16 - perfect ages so we can stay up late!!

Thanks again for a perfect trip report!!!

Oh congratulations! What a great thing to win. I hope you have wonderful time. Be sure and do a trip report, I would love to read it.
WOW! I just read the first 29 pages of your trip report while at work today. Yes, very slow day and I felt bad not working, but my company didn't have much for me to do :surfweb:...:confused3 which is not a good thing! But I was encouraged by all that your family has gone through lately. Made me realize that if something happens to my job, it won't be the end of the world.

Comments on the TR...I started reading it because I just had to know what made so many people read it. In other words, why do some people's TR's have like 5000 views and some only 250? And I've figured it out, you are just a fun person! Your spirit is always high and your pictures tell such a great story. I have a feeling you are a very creative person? Your writing is easy to follow and your reviews always tell the whole story. Oh great...now I feel like your English teacher :lmao: But anyways, I did enjoy it and learned alot. While I don't have kids, I am around them very much and look forward to traveling with the kids I know, or my own someday - taking into account all that I've learned and seen through reading this past 8 hour day.

Thanks for the entertainment!!!
First let me just say WOW!

I was given a link to your trip report and I just needed to comment and thankyou for sharing your amazing trip with us all.

You have a wonderful family and you and Mike have obviously done a great job raising a family with awesome family values. Great news that Michaela is taking those steps :banana:

Congratualtions on 25 years together :love:

My husband won a holiday and this coming August our family will be taking our first trip to Disneyland :banana: We are very excited. We are coming from Australia and it will be the first overseas trip for my Hubby and our 3 children (Bailey 9, Ethan 6 and Bethany 3) We are staying at the Howard Johnson and the boys are really excited about Castaway Cove :rotfl:

Bethany is Princess mad so I can't wait to see her face when she gets to meet them :goodvibes

I was having a laugh to myself when looking at some of your "food porn" :laughing: I have never in my life seen anything like the Monte Cristo!!! :scared1: I'm still unsure if I will attempt it or not :lmao:

Your trip report was so very very informative and helpful. We only have 3 days at Disneyland so I now have an idea of what we want to do most and what my children will like the most.

Thakyou again for sharing your family and Disney adventure with us.

P.S - I hope your dream comes true and you get to make that move to Anaheim :grouphug:
What a wonderful journey you have just taken me on. I have lost the better part of a day looking at all of your photos, reading your stories and feeling like I was there in DL with you. I think your photos were wonderful and the details you captured were perfect. Your family is very lucky to have a mum like you and you are doing the most wonderful job.

Thank you so much for sharing your trip with me.

Thank you for taking the time to read it!!!! I'm glad you enjoyed it!!

WOW! I just got done reading this and you have made me so excited for my upcoming trip.

I WON a 6 night trip to both Disneyland and Disneyworld in June. It will be a crazy week but I'm so excited.

I live in Vermont so the thought of being able to visit California just blows my mind.

It will be my DH and DD's 13 & 16 - perfect ages so we can stay up late!!

Thanks again for a perfect trip report!!!

How awesome is that?!!!! I would love to be able to experience WDW!! Your girls are at a great age to venture out maybe giving you a DH some alone time. Definately get there early, take a break mid-day & then go back & close the park down!!! Have a super trip!!

Oh congratulations! What a great thing to win. I hope you have wonderful time. Be sure and do a trip report, I would love to read it.

Yes, we'd love to hear how you won this trip & your experiences from getting to do both parks!!

WOW! I just read the first 29 pages of your trip report while at work today. Yes, very slow day and I felt bad not working, but my company didn't have much for me to do :surfweb:...:confused3 which is not a good thing! But I was encouraged by all that your family has gone through lately. Made me realize that if something happens to my job, it won't be the end of the world.

Comments on the TR...I started reading it because I just had to know what made so many people read it. In other words, why do some people's TR's have like 5000 views and some only 250? And I've figured it out, you are just a fun person! Your spirit is always high and your pictures tell such a great story. I have a feeling you are a very creative person? Your writing is easy to follow and your reviews always tell the whole story. Oh great...now I feel like your English teacher :lmao: But anyways, I did enjoy it and learned alot. While I don't have kids, I am around them very much and look forward to traveling with the kids I know, or my own someday - taking into account all that I've learned and seen through reading this past 8 hour day.

Thanks for the entertainment!!!

Thank you so much!!!! I've never thought of myself as a writer...english was my worst subject!! I did, find it very easy to type out my thoughts during this report.....guess I just needed the right motivation!! I'm glad you still found things useful as I know you've been to DL a few times yourself. Down the road when you have your own kids, it will be like experiencing DL for the first time when you see it thru their eyes!!! I'm glad you got the chance to go thru the report.......but 8 hrs??? :scared1: yikes, this has gotten pretty long...just realized we're on page 36!!

First let me just say WOW!

I was given a link to your trip report and I just needed to comment and thankyou for sharing your amazing trip with us all.

You have a wonderful family and you and Mike have obviously done a great job raising a family with awesome family values. Great news that Michaela is taking those steps :banana:

Congratualtions on 25 years together :love:

My husband won a holiday and this coming August our family will be taking our first trip to Disneyland :banana: We are very excited. We are coming from Australia and it will be the first overseas trip for my Hubby and our 3 children (Bailey 9, Ethan 6 and Bethany 3) We are staying at the Howard Johnson and the boys are really excited about Castaway Cove :rotfl:

Bethany is Princess mad so I can't wait to see her face when she gets to meet them :goodvibes

I was having a laugh to myself when looking at some of your "food porn" :laughing: I have never in my life seen anything like the Monte Cristo!!! :scared1: I'm still unsure if I will attempt it or not :lmao:

Your trip report was so very very informative and helpful. We only have 3 days at Disneyland so I now have an idea of what we want to do most and what my children will like the most.

Thakyou again for sharing your family and Disney adventure with us.

P.S - I hope your dream comes true and you get to make that move to Anaheim :grouphug:

I'm glad you enjoyed the report!! Thank you for the nice compliments.

Congrats on your upcoming trip......how exciting!!!! Your kids are at fun ages & you won't have trouble finding things for all of them to enjoy!! I've never stayed at the HoJo....but here great things & the new water play area they added looks like fun!!

The Monte Cristo.....very tasty!! It's basically a ham & swiss sandwich, deep fried...but what surprised us was the berry dipping sauce..... would have never put those together, but we did & it was delicious!!! Trust me, this sandwich is very rich, that one sandwich would do 2 adults & even a third (depending on appetites). The fun thing about DL is getting to try some new things!

I hope you have a super trip & your kids have the best time of their lives!!
Thank you for the good wishes on our "dream" move...... will update here if anything develops!!



We celebrated last week (everyone was going to be home)....here's the girls cake (ok, just frosting for them due to egg allergy) & after playing in the frosting!!!





:dance3: :cheer2: party: :bday:

I hope they have a wonderful day and you do too, Mom! :goodvibes :hug:

P.s, They're May babies like me! :thumbsup2
Oh happy birthday to you Michayla & Shyann! How exciting! You are lucky little girls!
Happy Birthday girls. Love, love, love those pictures. Thanks for sharing.



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