2019 Banked Points question


<font color=green>Just call me Miss Patient!
Aug 26, 1999
Please be kind, I haven't kept up with anything DVC during Covid. We banked points in 2019 to UY2020 (Feb UY). Due to Covid, we didn't travel anywhere during 2020. Will we lose those points in February 2021, or did DVC offer an extension? Tried to research on my own and gave up. TIA!
There is no extension; however, you can bank them into RCI. You need to call soon though, as than banking window closes in the next few days I believe. You then have two years to use those at any RCI that has availability. But it should be noted there is normally a $90 fee per reservation, but that has been waived the past couple of years, just not guarantees going forward.

PM me if you are past your RCI banking window, I might still be able to help.
No extension was granted for those. Sorry. If you can't find a way to use them, the points banked into 2020 from 2019 expire on 2/1/2021.
Thank you both for your responses, guess we will have to let them expire. We have no interest in RCI, but nice to know that is an option.
Maybe you can do a quick cheap rental before the points expire. Enough to pay maintenance fees and all...$10/point since they expire soon, you might have a lot of takers.

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