2012? Do you believe it?

dont believe in it ill be a junior that year that

i didnt know that they thought the world was gonna end in 2000:eek:
Not so much "the world was gonna end" but that all of the worlds computers would stop working because they would reset to 00 instead of 2000?
This subject kinda goes along with my religion. So I'm not gonna get to into this.

But other than all the scientific facts and other stuff..

I don't believe that it will end. Am I scared? Ahh.. I don't know really.

I think that whatever happens my God with save me, and I don't think that he'll let anything happen to us.

Ermm.. and I really just don't see the world just ending. lol.

I really HATE that they made a movie about it though!
I don't believe in it.. I don't know what else to say other than I don't believe in it.
Not end, but more like the Devil was going to come.. ? Idk really.
I was in the Magic Kingdom that day! haha.

the devil shows up in the happiest place on earth. something about that doesn't make sense to me lol. but anyway, I agree with what you were saying, my religion basically says the same thing. probably the same religion lol.
I just realized that on December 21,2012 the planets will be aligned in 2D way, but they won't be in a 3D way.
Not end, but more like the Devil was going to come.. ? Idk really.
I was in the Magic Kingdom that day! haha.
I graduated 8th grade that day
The Mayans didn't predict the end of the world, their calender just ended on December 12th, 2012. For all we know, they could've just gotten bored and stopped. Lol.

So no. I' don't think it's true.
It's Bull poop. lol

The world was supposed to end in 2000 and 6-6-6...did it? No.
and i think the only reason for the 2012 theory is that that's supposed to be when every planet in our solar system aligns...The mayans were known for their astronomy and they could have predicted this...it could have one of two effects. 1. nothing happens and we go on with life. 2. The poles reverse throwing everything of and basically destroy everything. The chance of 2 happening is very small.

And, not to bring religion into this, but, The main reason i don't believe this is because of that. my beliefs. i'm christian therefore i don't believe the world will end until Jesus comes back to earth. and i know that whatever happens my god will save me. and that's as far as i'm going.

It's Bull poop. lol

The world was supposed to end in 2000 and 6-6-6...did it? No.
and i think the only reason for the 2012 theory is that that's supposed to be when every planet in our solar system aligns...The mayans were known for their astronomy and they could have predicted this...it could have one of two effects. 1. nothing happens and we go on with life. 2. The poles reverse throwing everything of and basically destroy everything. The chance of 2 happening is very small.

And, not to bring religion into this, but, The main reason i don't believe this is because of that. my beliefs. i'm christian therefore i don't believe the world will end until Jesus comes back to earth. and i know that whatever happens my god will save me. and that's as far as i'm going.

That was said very well. Also, I agree.
Eh, I dunno. I'm very superstitious, and I am scared of it, but that's mainly because I have issues with death. I don't think it'll happen, but if it does - there better be some good therapists up there in Heaven! I've always had issues with death and although they've gotten better, it still terrifies me.

So, I'm not throwing the idea out the water, but I don't think it's likely to happen. But what do I know, I'm not a Mayan or an astronomer.
The Mayans didn't predict the end of the world, their calender just ended on December 12th, 2012. For all we know, they could've just gotten bored and stopped. Lol.

So no. I' don't think it's true.

ya u never know. that doesnt mean the world gonna end, i mean their could be a billion different reasons why that stopped....... anyways, i agree with what you said.

haha but this thought scares me.....
i don't believe in it we were talking about it in health.but all i gotta say is im a christian and when its my time to go god will call me no man knows the end of time only god . =)


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