20050709 North East US DISMeet July 2005 - Allentown PA

Well, I don't know what to say (but I'll try anyway)...

First and foremost, I am truly thankful, flattered and overwhelmed by the show of support from those members from the DWT family, the DIS, Allears, etc. who came from so far to the meet. I'd also like to welcome some of the new DWT family members that I'm sure we'll start seeing now the the meet is over!

My sincere thanks to Fred for inviting me to be a part of such a wonderful event!!! I was honored to be included among your list of special guests.

I cannot say enough thanks to Fred and his family for his planning, preparation and associated stress in organizing this fan meet. He unselfishly spent more time and his own money in making this event so special. I know that he got nothing out of this meet other than the satisfaction of bringing us all together (and maybe a few sleepless nights). Bravo, my friend! you pulled it off flawlessly, and you should be proud of what you did. Just 364 days until next year's meet!!! I hope you'll have me back!!!!

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to spend more time chatting with all the wonderful people that I met. It was a little crazy for me during and after the meet (has my cheesecake showed up yet??)

The meet itself was great!! I had such a wonderful time seeing old friends and making new ones. I cannot say enough about the incredible job Fred did in the planning and preparation for this event. Quite an undertaking, i can assure you. I am sure that everyone had a great time!

I had my little TriviaFest, but was under the gun time-wise, so I wasn't all that happy about how I did, but hopefully everyone enjoyed it, including all of the kids. And thanks again to you guys who gave me a Chef-Mickey's style lanyard-waving cheer (not to mention the undeserved standing ovation). Look for a new format for the next MouseFest, BTW.

Thanks to all of you who purchased the book. And I appreciate all of the kind words from those of you who took the time to come over and tell me how much you enjoy the book and site. It makes it all worthwhile.

Let's see... what else? (so much for just doing a quick post tonight)...

Oh, Deanna is sitting here and say HI to all of her new friends, and thanks you for all the nice things you said about her. She continues to be an incredibly supportive (and understanding) person, and I am lucky (remember all those late nights I was buried down the dungeon?)

A thanks to Deb Wills, Len Testa, John Rick and the lovely Mrs. Maryland, all of whom made the meet even more incredible. It was great to see them all again, spend some time chatting, and enjoy their talks.

We made it to Dorney Park this morning, and met up with the gang for a little while (before the heat took its toll on Deanna and we called it a [short] day. Sorry I didn't get to hit some of the coasters with you guys - there's always MouseFest and the DisneyFanMeet 2006!!!!

Again, it was great to see so many Disney fans there, put some faces to the names of people from the DIS. And of course, the showing by the DWT Family was outstanding, and you all made me happy and proud to see you there and call you my friends.

Thanks again!!!!!
Great pictures, Stacey! Thanks so much for posting them! It's so neat to see pictures that different people take - different vantage points of the room, we get to see lots of people, etc. Hope that lots of people post their photos! Thanks for sharing your album with us! :)

You did an amazing job with the Trivia Contest, as always, Lou! Everyone enjoyed it and had a great time! Can't wait 'til the next edition of your Walt Disney World Trivia book is released - your first volume is so comprehensive, I can't imagine what you "left out" (that would be enough to comprise a whole new book).........but we're looking forward to finding out! :)

I'm so disappointed that the Meet is over..........hey! What is everyone doing, next weekend? Want to do it again?! :)
Thanks to all, for the great pictures. It was alomost like being there. Glad all had a great time.
A special thanks to Fred and Renee! What an incredible meet!

Dh, dd and i had a great time and just couldn't get over how much planning and effort Fred did for this - a million thank you's!

I also want to thank Lou, Deb, Len, & John for adding to the festivities and for speaking to the group!
Bmwdsny said:
Good Monring all!!

Had a great time meeting many of you...I met everyone who i am cruising with this Aug. on the Eastern Repo Cruise. Sorry, Tanya, i miss you too!! :confused3 I am sure we ran into each other at one point not knowing one another!

Well, our article is out...Anyone still in Allentown Area, pick up the Newspaper of the "Morning Call" this morning and it is on page B3 of the Local Section. For others, take a look here on website...(no pictures shown though)Dismeet Article

Thanks Fred for doing a wonderful job. I know it was not easy putting all together...Looking forward to next year at the next Dismeet in July 2006.

Going to Dorney Park today..Perhaps i will see many of you there!! Beautiful Day too!! Have fun!!

Here are the pictures that go with the article:

Cassidy Negri (left to right), 9, of Harmony, NJ, Elena Uribe, 12, of Coopersburg, and Ellissa Schatz, 10, of Quakertown, look at collector Disney pins to trade at the second annual Disney fan meet at the Allentown Crowne Plaza Hotel Saturday.

A Disney fan listens to a speaker at the second annual Disney fan meet at the Allentown Crowne Plaza Hotel Saturday.

StaceyA said:
My pics are finally ready!


:cheer2: Your pics are great Stacey! :cheer2:
The ones of Fred and his sleeping beauty princess: at the restaurant are so Disney! ;) We could tell someone was taking pics. We were having our late dinner when we came back from Dorney and were glad to see you all relaxing.

Sandy, Jan and Cassidy
What an awesome time!!! I was so upset when it was over!!! Can't wait for next year.

Jessica - Sorry we didn't get to meet up. I was looking around for you but never found you. DS6 & I came in late - while John Rick was speaking. Also, DS was the one that asked Deb "Where did you get those?"

He was so embarrased after - because we all laughed. I told him it was a good question, and he shouldn't be upset ;)

Dizcrazy - I'm pretty sure we were at the same table. I know you told me your screen name and I think this was it, but not sure. We were at the Great Movie Ride table. Thanks for the coffee ;) .

Fred & Family - Bravo!!! I don't know what else I could add to all the wonderful things said, but we truly had a great time!! This was my first of what I hope to be several Disney meets.... I'm already looking into the land portion of Mousefest.....

I'm also glad that we were finally able to meet after all these years :) . Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to introduce myself to you wonderful wife - next time.

Bravo!! Bravo!! Bravo!!
Hi Beth (aka Liv2CdWorld) :wave: Yes, I am dizcrazy, aka chris.
It was great meeting you and I hope you enjoy the coffee!
dizcrazy said:
Hi Beth (aka Liv2CdWorld) :wave: Yes, I am dizcrazy, aka chris.
It was great meeting you and I hope you enjoy the coffee!
I thought so!! I just remember your real names....

Thanks again! I must say - It's pretty tasty :goodvibes
I would like to add my thanks to Fred and everyone involved in making the Allentown DIS meet such a success. I never did make it over to Dorney on Saturday evening because I got caught up in pin trading and general chatting about all things Disney. What a fun evening. Only wish I would have gotten to bed a little sooner. I had to drive a tad faster than I had planned in order to get back to NE Ohio by 2PM (which I managed to do even though I left the hotel 2 hours later than planned).

I'm not certain that I'll make it to MouseFest 2005, so this was a great opportunity to see a lot of my friends who I usually see in December. I am looking forward to next year's meet. Hopefully I can talk my wife into joining me next time (if real life doesn't get in the way).

And I think that it's safe to say that the "Happiest Place on Earth" may have moved to Allentown this past weekend.

Thanks again to everyone involved for a great time.
It was great to sit and chat with you Saturday night as well! 2am rolls around pretty quickly, huh? ;)

Too bad you won't make it to MF this year. Allentown 2006?? :)
I'm glad you made it home ok and didn't get stopped LOL!!! Sorry we kept you up so late. Next year we need to set up a slide show room.

Hey Lou,
Maybe the cheesecake will be ready by next year. You weren't alone though. Deb waited almost 1/2 an hour for the wine.
I see that I wasn't the only John that wasn't feeling 100% after the meet. I had a bit of a headache at dinner and wasn't feeling up to eating the meal that I ordered. Much to the credit of our waitress, she decided NOT to charge me for dinner. She also offered to let me take my Philly Cheesesteak (with tomato sauce???) in a to-go container (even though I hadn't paid a cent for it). Only thing was that they must have kept the to-go boxes with the cheesecake because, after 15 minutes, I decided that I wasn't ever going to eat that sandwich anyway.

Lou - I haven't completely ruled out MouseFest 2005. I hadn't planned on attending the 2004 event, but I ended up going. I am definitely putting July 15, 2006 on my calendar.
Our waitress tried to pass off tuna as the salmon that we ordered. She tried to convince us that it was "REALLY salmon" but that it was just "well done".......(?!?!) DH literally had to pull her aside (so as not to embarrass her in front of her co-workers) and say "come on, now you KNOW that that's NOT salmon...."! We thought that it was pretty funny, though - we are still laughing about that, now! :)
IASW Rider said:
Our waitress tried to pass off tuna as the salmon that we ordered. She tried to convince us that it was "REALLY salmon" but that it was just "well done".......(?!?!) DH literally had to pull her aside (so as not to embarrass her in front of her co-workers) and say "come on, now you KNOW that that's NOT salmon...."! We thought that it was pretty funny, though - we are still laughing about that, now! :)

I had the Filet and it was awesome!

Lisa, did you see we are "famous"? links to our pictures are on Allearsnet.com and here is a link to the group shot:

Beth, so sorry I missed you! Tell your son that he shouldn't be embarrassed by his question! Tell him that we laughed because we were all wondering the same thing. It was a clever question.

A BIG THANKS to Lou Mongello for the excellent trivia contests! My son participated with the kids and had a Great time. Don't be so hard on yourself - you did a super job. My son says "thanks" for the toy & Mickey lollipop! I messed up though :blush: - never got a copy of your book. The line was dispersed before we got to you & we never got back! I'm glad you have it available on your site (with PayPal too, thanks!) because my son wants to be prepared for next year! Thanks again!!! (FYI - I did get the cheesecake - but it was frozen, LOL)

Jessica :wave:
Mickey's Sister said:
(FYI - I did get the cheesecake - but it was frozen, LOL)

Jessica :wave:

So funny because we got our bill before they even asked if we wanted Dessert and we were going to try something, but once they brought the bill I thought...guess no dessert...lol

Now im kinda glad!
I had a great time. Fred did a great job coordinating the event, and it ran like butter. And it was great to meet new friends, and see some old ones. (I joked with Towncrier that I see him more often than my dentist.)

Funny story: On the way back to the airport Saturday, I realized I'd actually booked my return flight for Sunday, so I had to change the ticket. It was going through Washington DC...I was changing the ticket 90 minutes before the flight...single male, no bags...one-way ticket. See where I'm going with this?

As I was walking through the first TSA checkpoint, the TSA rep pointed at me and said "EXTRA!" I got the full-on security inspection: wand, pat-down, shoes, belt, rolled-down pants, made me turn on the laptop, work the cell-phone, the works.

They also rubbed the little explosive-detection thing on the contents of my backpack. That would have been fine, except my DD7 gave me a small stuffed animal to carry before the trip. When the security guard saw a grown man traveling alone, with a stuffed animal, he held it up and said "What do we have here?"

Without thinking, I said something like "It's name is Lambie. It's a stuffed lamb my daughter asks me to bring on trips." (It's the plush equivalent of a traveling garden gnome, I suppose.) And for a split second, I thought that Lambie might be a one-way ticket to Guantanamo. Fortunately, he laughed, gave Lambie one more x-ray, and I was on my way.

Next time, I may just drive.

lentesta said:
I had a great time. Fred did a great job coordinating the event, and it ran like butter. And it was great to meet new friends, and see some old ones. (I joked with Towncrier that I see him more often than my dentist.)

Funny story: On the way back to the airport Saturday, I realized I'd actually booked my return flight for Sunday, so I had to change the ticket. It was going through Washington DC...I was changing the ticket 90 minutes before the flight...single male, no bags...one-way ticket. See where I'm going with this?

As I was walking through the first TSA checkpoint, the TSA rep pointed at me and said "EXTRA!" I got the full-on security inspection: wand, pat-down, shoes, belt, rolled-down pants, made me turn on the laptop, work the cell-phone, the works.

They also rubbed the little explosive-detection thing on the contents of my backpack. That would have been fine, except my DD7 gave me a small stuffed animal to carry before the trip. When the security guard saw a grown man traveling alone, with a stuffed animal, he held it up and said "What do we have here?"

Without thinking, I said something like "It's name is Lambie. It's a stuffed lamb my daughter asks me to bring on trips." (It's the plush equivalent of a traveling garden gnome, I suppose.) And for a split second, I thought that Lambie might be a one-way ticket to Guantanamo. Fortunately, he laughed, gave Lambie one more x-ray, and I was on my way.

Next time, I may just drive.


:rotfl2: poor Len and Lambie. :rotfl2:


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