2 Castles, 2 Send out 2011 & Ring in 2012...12 Days of Christmas

I know...any idea when the hours will come out. I know they will update them, but I have not seen any mention of when on DIS or EasyWDW.:confused3

Found the answer...sometime between Dec 16th and 23rd, probably the 19th...the only real day I need to see some changes is the 3rd!
:rotfl: She and Erin sound so very much alike! We are truly to the fun parts of our pre-trips!!

My daughter is brilliant when it comes to academics, but real life...that is a puzzle to her! :lmao: Today they got a Dinosaur book and a little dinosaur craft...are we going to stop at the Denver Museum was her guess...

The towel was brought up again today..."Does Aunt Barb's ski condo have hot tubs and a pool? Can we swim in the winter? My response...do you use our hot tub in the winter? Oh Yeah....I swear she is so blonde and so totally focused on those snowboarding lessons...:lmao:
Finished up one more project on my list...this one for the boys


1. Booklet with Pressed Penny Checklists, Maps & Locations


2. Personalized Boo & Goo's penny book to save their pennies in
3. Filled (Stacked quarters and CLEAN pennies) and Customized penny tubes
I also went in my room...locked the door...got out suitcase and put a few things in them...it is killing me not to be packing the things I am stealing from drawers and laundry...I think that I am going just move into the confessional booth after the trip!:rotfl2:

I am sorry to be such a downer, so many of my friends spending the last day being excited before their trips but I need an outlet...

Today...is going to be such a long day...I have been up all night with a breaking momma heart. Ab is having mean girl issues at school, this has been happening off and on now for 3 1/2 years with the same group of girls. We addressed this last year with the adminstration and gave the school a second chance this year because they promised that situation would be taken care of, it started happening again (Ab getting in the car in tears or her being depressed and shutting herself up in her room) and I said something to adminstration who called Ab into her office yesterday and who basically told Ab that she probably misunderstood what the girls meant...SERIOUSLY Ab has been misunderstanding for 3 1/2 years of this CRAP!? Here I go crying again, how do I fix this...there is another issue surrounding one of the mean girls who everyone thinks is a saint and is Ab's academic rival...basically in a few years when the top of the class is announced no matter what Ab does this girl will get the top space...it happened last year at the end of middle school exactly like this, I kid you not and the way the administration addressed Ab today over this 2nd issue leads us to believe that it will happen again that it will not come down to a fair GPA! They sat there and made her feel like a 2nd class student while these girls were defended. We are stuck, if we leave this school the other private school will not accept her until next fall and even though she basically has a straight 99-100 average for her freshman year she will be out of the running for their top spot because she did not go to school there her entire 4 years of high school...Public High schools are really not an option for her and she does not want to go that route. I am so worried about her mental health and what enduring 3 more years of this will do to her. She already stresses out way to much about the future...she has set such high goals for herself and what she wants to do. I know my daughter is not perfect and can be the typical tacky teenager...but I don't know what to do. She is upset at us for even bringing the situation up again at her school because the mean girls will get even in her opinion...she even voiced that to adminstration and they said that they were sure that the girls would come around if they all had a big "pow-wow" and make them aware that their words have been seen by Ab as being hurting...:confused3
I'm so sorry Tammie:hug:
When your kid hurts, you hurt twice as bad. I totally know that.
Ab is soooo smart and she's going to end up going to a great college and doing so well for herself one day and highschool will have not even mattered. Allison doesn't have mean girl problems exactly but whenever she's stressing about something at school I just remind her that once you walk out of those highschool doors, it's rare to even deal with these people again. College is a fresh start (unless all these girls are all going to the same place!)

Hang in there:hug:
p.s. we all have been breaking chunks off that candy you sent and getting our sugar fixes. yum!
I am sorry to be such a downer, so many of my friends spending the last day being excited before their trips but I need an outlet...

Today...is going to be such a long day...I have been up all night with a breaking momma heart. Ab is having mean girl issues at school, this has been happening off and on now for 3 1/2 years with the same group of girls. We addressed this last year with the adminstration and gave the school a second chance this year because they promised that situation would be taken care of, it started happening again (Ab getting in the car in tears or her being depressed and shutting herself up in her room) and I said something to adminstration who called Ab into her office yesterday and who basically told Ab that she probably misunderstood what the girls meant...SERIOUSLY Ab has been misunderstanding for 3 1/2 years of this CRAP!? Here I go crying again, how do I fix this...there is another issue surrounding one of the mean girls who everyone thinks is a saint and is Ab's academic rival...basically in a few years when the top of the class is announced no matter what Ab does this girl will get the top space...it happened last year at the end of middle school exactly like this, I kid you not and the way the administration addressed Ab today over this 2nd issue leads us to believe that it will happen again that it will not come down to a fair GPA! They sat there and made her feel like a 2nd class student while these girls were defended. We are stuck, if we leave this school the other private school will not accept her until next fall and even though she basically has a straight 99-100 average for her freshman year she will be out of the running for their top spot because she did not go to school there her entire 4 years of high school...Public High schools are really not an option for her and she does not want to go that route. I am so worried about her mental health and what enduring 3 more years of this will do to her. She already stresses out way to much about the future...she has set such high goals for herself and what she wants to do. I know my daughter is not perfect and can be the typical tacky teenager...but I don't know what to do. She is upset at us for even bringing the situation up again at her school because the mean girls will get even in her opinion...she even voiced that to adminstration and they said that they were sure that the girls would come around if they all had a big "pow-wow" and make them aware that their words have been seen by Ab as being hurting...:confused3

Don't worry about being a downer! We're always here for each other! I'm sorry I haven't been around the last few weeks either!

I remember those days. My best friends and I in high school were the top 4 girls in our class of 44. All in the top 12. With that few students everything felt like a competition. None of us tried to be out right me to the others, but sometimes it just happened between us even as best friends. So I could just imagine with Abs is going through with girls who aren't friends first and scholastic competition second. We we're the popular girls of our class, so we didn't have that clouding our top scores. There was no way they could have named one of the those girls to the top spots because they frankly just only cared about the social side of school. As for what to do right now for her, besides comfort her and help her however she is showing you she needs you, I don't know. It's only been 6,7,8 years ago for me since my senior year, but I do remember that stride you start moving through Junior and Senior year. If she can just deal with them and ignore them and keep her grades up, as she starts maturing you never know who might turn out to the be popular top girl as well as the academic girl. Tell her to friend the teachers. Go out of her way to personally get to know all of her teachers. You'd be surprised how far they can help you to push you to where you want to go. (They wanted to fail me senior year just so I could stay with them. It really was a conspiracy!) I know it's hard as a mom to sit back and watch the situations you've never been in yet. Even though she's only almost 3, I feel that way with Alexa sometimes already.

I'll stop rambling your ear off. Im packing, so I don't even know if that all made sense! But, :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
I hate mean girl drama! Definitely have dealt with my share as mama bear of Erin, as well.

There's no right answer, Tammie. I find that when I see a particular girl in public, and I can discreetly give her my 'mama look' that says "I'd love to knock your head right off your shoulders if I could and you know I would..." it at least makes me feel somewhat better.

But I've preached, coached, and loved Erin through understanding that the thicker her skin, the broader her shoulders and the "You aren't going to steal my joy" attitude works very well. Easier said than done. We have a pact that when she has a bad day (and they are much much less now), she is granted amnesty at home and can get it 'all off her chest' to me and I will just let her spit, say, cry, rant, rave however she needs to.

I've also tried to teach her that life is definitely going to rain on everyone in some form or fashion and it's very hard to watch those who are undeserving seem to breeze through life... however, I know this to be true, those that breeze through in high school will seldom make it on their own in the real world. Ab needs to be who she's going to be and while it may mean not receiving awards that she most definitely earned, she's definitely got her smarts and no one can take that from her. Tell her "The tallest trees are always going to catch the most wind." She's their target because they choose her to be... most likely out of insecurities and jealousy. She won't understand that right now.

I really_really like Ashley's advice about her building her rapport with her teachers. Help her find a support structure, those rare true friends, even if it's just one or two, who are going to get her back just as she will get theirs... She'll make it!! It totally sucks as a mom watching our girls hurt! Start practicing that stare I was talking about... pretty fun to watch them cower away. ;)

One more thing... research your state laws on bullying... in Oklahoma, and it may be nationwide now, it's illegal. If she is having issues, have her document them, and if the school is not doing anything, force their ethics in because it's the law and they have a duty to protect each and every student in their school as well as provide a learning environment that each and every student can succeed in... and that includes student conflict resolution.
100 Things I am Looking Forward to...

100. Checking into the Royal Pacific Resort
99. Italian Margarita and a Cheeseburger in Paradise at Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville
98. Breakfast at Chef Mickey's
97. Experiencing the Osborne Lights
96. Seeing Lightning McQueen and Mater
95. Grinch and Friends Breakfast
94. Tree of Life
93. Mickey's Philharmonic
92. Christmas Trees
91. Tower of Terror
90. Dinner at T-Rex
89. Pressed Penny hunting for the boys
88. Seeing Tink Fly
87. Breakfast at the Crystal Palace
86. Toy Story Mania and its Line/Queue
85. Innoventions
84. Main Street Stroll
83. Dole Whip
82. Pirates of the Caribbean Ride
81. Jedi Training
80. Mickey Bar
79. Miyuki in Japan
78. Tom Sawyer's Island
77. Riding the Monorail
76. Tonga Toast at Kona Cafe
75. Mission Space: Orange Side
74. Strawberry Soup
73. Kidcot Stations in Epcot
72. Shopping for Mickey Ears
71. Dinner at Ohanas
70. Living with the Land
69. A Mug of Butter Beer
68. Animation Studios Drawing Class
67. Karamelle-Kuche
66. Christmas Store Ornament Shopping
65. F!
64. Honeydukes
63. Tough Being a Bug
62. Swiss Family Treehouse
61. Biergarten
60. Soarin
59. Lego Store in DTD
58. Starring Rolls Cupcakes
57. Haunted Mansion
56. Via Napoli
55. Goofy's Candy Co. in DTD
54. Gingerbread House at GF (& other resort Christmas Displays)
53. Kim Possible Missions in Epcot
52. Macy's Holiday Parade at USO
51. Boulangerie Patisserie in France
50. 50's Primetime Cafe
49. POP Century Resort
48. Exploring the Windows in Hogsmeade
47. Ridemakerz
46. Date with dh at Yachtsman
45. Illuminations
44. Dinner at 1900 Park Fare with the Step Sisters
43. Grinchmas at IOA
42. Snorkeling at Discovery Cove
41. Breadpudding
40. Expedition Everest
39. Parades
38. Ghirardelli sundae
37. Night time in the parks
36. Test Track
35. Mickey Pretzels
34. The Sword in the Stone
33. Fish & Chips
32. Feeding the Larakeets
31. Yak & Yeti
30. Discovery Island Trails
29. Sci Fi Diner
28. Spiderman
27. Rice Krispe Treat
26. Walt & Mickey Statue…Roy & Minnie Statue
25. Festival of the Lion King
24. Main Street Bakery Treats
23. Pirate Tutorial
22. Discovery Club Stops in AK
21. The Simpsons Ride
20. Breakfast at Boma
19. Boardwalk Villas
18. Finding my Picture Frame
17. Dinner at NASCAR
16. Tequila Flight
15. Searching for Hidden Mickey’s
14. Rip Rocket Roller Coaster
13. Lunch at Cinderella’s Royal Table
12. Candlelight Processional
11. Snacking Around the World
10. Drinking Around the World

11. Snacking Around the World
10. Drinking Around the World



After months of research I have come up with both a drink around the world and a snack around the world menu for our family. Of course we will not being drinking the 11 drinks in 1 day…we have to be responsible adults. Stay tuned in my TR for what we finally ate and drank! How is that for a teaser...:rotfl2:
I was a little panicked all afternoon, knowing something was up but not able to get to the DIS to find out. I am sorry for what your Ab is going through. :(

When Katie has had these issues periodically, we have just talked candidly with her. #1 we pump up her self esteem. Tell her specifically all the things she has going for her, that some of those things may even make her the better person than those girls. We tell her to rise above it and be the stronger person. Try to control her temper and emotions. We even tell her that we know it is hard now and will be hard to keep her chin up.

We also talk about what comes around goes around - and it does. And she has learned that. And we also talk about the fact that life isn't always fair and that "losers" often "win", even without merit. The best any person can do is be her best self and surround herself with people who make her happy in life.

Finally, will it be the end of the world if she's not the top of her class, whether she truly deserves it and was cheated, or not? You already know that in Texas, the top 10% of every high school class gets automatic admission to any TX university, and UT is competitive. Katie wanted to go to UT and couldn't get in - because she was top 11%!!! It was heartbreaking for her, but she moved on and found an even better place for herself. Things happen for a reason, and just reassure your Ab that she's going to come out on top.

Big hugs to you and your family. You sure need a break and this vacation!
100 Things I am Looking Forward to...

100. Checking into the Royal Pacific Resort
99. Italian Margarita and a Cheeseburger in Paradise at Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville
98. Breakfast at Chef Mickey's
97. Experiencing the Osborne Lights
96. Seeing Lightning McQueen and Mater
95. Grinch and Friends Breakfast
94. Tree of Life
93. Mickey's Philharmonic
92. Christmas Trees
91. Tower of Terror
90. Dinner at T-Rex
89. Pressed Penny hunting for the boys
88. Seeing Tink Fly
87. Breakfast at the Crystal Palace
86. Toy Story Mania and its Line/Queue
85. Innoventions
84. Main Street Stroll
83. Dole Whip
82. Pirates of the Caribbean Ride
81. Jedi Training
80. Mickey Bar
79. Miyuki in Japan
78. Tom Sawyer's Island
77. Riding the Monorail
76. Tonga Toast at Kona Cafe
75. Mission Space: Orange Side
74. Strawberry Soup
73. Kidcot Stations in Epcot
72. Shopping for Mickey Ears
71. Dinner at Ohanas
70. Living with the Land
69. A Mug of Butter Beer
68. Animation Studios Drawing Class
67. Karamelle-Kuche
66. Christmas Store Ornament Shopping
65. F!
64. Honeydukes
63. Tough Being a Bug
62. Swiss Family Treehouse
61. Biergarten
60. Soarin
59. Lego Store in DTD
58. Starring Rolls Cupcakes
57. Haunted Mansion
56. Via Napoli
55. Goofy's Candy Co. in DTD
54. Gingerbread House at GF (& other resort Christmas Displays)
53. Kim Possible Missions in Epcot
52. Macy's Holiday Parade at USO
51. Boulangerie Patisserie in France
50. 50's Primetime Cafe
49. POP Century Resort
48. Exploring the Windows in Hogsmeade
47. Ridemakerz
46. Date with dh at Yachtsman
45. Illuminations
44. Dinner at 1900 Park Fare with the Step Sisters
43. Grinchmas at IOA
42. Snorkeling at Discovery Cove
41. Breadpudding
40. Expedition Everest
39. Parades
38. Ghirardelli sundae
37. Night time in the parks
36. Test Track
35. Mickey Pretzels
34. The Sword in the Stone
33. Fish & Chips
32. Feeding the Larakeets
31. Yak & Yeti
30. Discovery Island Trails
29. Sci Fi Diner
28. Spiderman
27. Rice Krispe Treat
26. Walt & Mickey Statue…Roy & Minnie Statue
25. Festival of the Lion King
24. Main Street Bakery Treats
23. Pirate Tutorial
22. Discovery Club Stops in AK
21. The Simpsons Ride
20. Breakfast at Boma
19. Boardwalk Villas
18. Finding my Picture Frame
17. Dinner at NASCAR
16. Tequila Flight
15. Searching for Hidden Mickey’s
14. Rip Rocket Roller Coaster
13. Lunch at Cinderella’s Royal Table
12. Candlelight Processional
11. Snacking Around the World
10. Drinking Around the World
9. Breakfast at Three Broomsticks

9. Breakfast at Three Broomsticks



Another place from the book come to life…I know the kids are going to love eating Breakfast at Three Broomsticks! I am going to have them watch the walls carefully and see if they can spot the house elves moving around during breakfast…
Just for my 2 friends headed to the POLY today and tomorrow!!!



And here's a dance for little Alexa....may she truly feel like a princess this week on her 1st trip!!!!

Just for my 2 friends headed to the POLY today and tomorrow!!!



And here's a dance for little Alexa....may she truly feel like a princess this week on her 1st trip!!!!


You always find the best pics and clips Tammie!

Happy single Digit Dance!! Calls for some :banana::banana::banana: Time!!!!

My favorite is still Rapunzel jumping around lol!
Congrats on the Single Digits Dance!

It will be here before you know it.



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