::You're going back AGAIN?!? Our February Family Trip! HOUSE update 4/1!!!::

We headed back to the campsite, and DH and I decided to go down to the beach to watch Wishes and the Electrical Water Parade. We got some hot chocolate and our sweatshirts, and I brought a blanket with me because it was getting pretty cold. We rode our bikes down there....don't ask me how, with all that stuff! There weren't any empty chairs left, but there was a picnic table, so we just sat on top of that. Self pic, while we waited. I look like CRAP, so please disregard.


Wishes started pretty soon and I loved it. I love that they pipe the music in there. so cool. I couldn't get any really good pics....we hadn't quite figured the settings out yet. But here is a few...







After the fireworks, alot of people started leaving, so we got some empty chairs and laid down. The water parade was about 30 minutes later. DH just loves it, it was the first "Disney" thing he saw on his first trip, and just thought it was the coolest thing. I know alot of people think its lame and outdated, but its a nostalgic thing for me, I remember seeing it as a kid and I will always love it.







After all that we headed back, we were exhausted and ready for some sleep! When we got back, there was THIS guy, hanging around outside!!!!



I was that close to him, he didn't even care. He was not scared at all, just sniffing around, hanging out. We opened to door to tell my parents, my dad came out with a broom to chase him off! haha. We ended up seeing quite a few of these guys over the week!!

Then I had to take a picture of our light, all lit up!!


We got showers, and hung out for a little bit before we crashed in the bed.

Up next-our first Disney Day!!!

Great update girl! I love the light your hubby made! He did a great job.

That picture of the armadillo totally shocked me. Call me crazy but I didn't know FL had them. I've never seen one before besides in pictures...I'll have to be on the look out on my next trip.
Great update! I've never stayed at FW before so it's great to see what it's like!

OMG that armadillo scared me! :scared1:
Hi, I followed along with your last trip report, I am so happy you got to go back so soon. I appreciate you taking the time to share this trip, I probably would never have had a chance to see this side of a Disney stay. It looks like so much fun and the feel is very different at the camp grounds, more intimate. Great news on buying your first home.:yay: Now all of you wonderful Disney Christmas decorations have a permanent home! I'll be following al:rolleyes1 ng.
It sounds like you had a great time! I'm so jealous, I wish I could go to Disney a quarter of the times you have been there in the past year. I read your other TR and they were great. I miss Disney so much, but your TR's are help me feel like I am at Disney. Thanks :) I can't wait to hear more about your trip!
Great update girl! I love the light your hubby made! He did a great job.

That picture of the armadillo totally shocked me. Call me crazy but I didn't know FL had them. I've never seen one before besides in pictures...I'll have to be on the look out on my next trip.

lol, those armadillo are EVERYWHERE. We've seen them before, but not as much as we did this trip. At night they were all over the campground. They freaked me out.

Great update! I've never stayed at FW before so it's great to see what it's like!

OMG that armadillo scared me! :scared1:

lol it scared me too! Thanks for reading-you'll have to check out FW sometime!!

Thanks for posting!! Great start...can't wait to read more!!!!


Hi, I followed along with your last trip report, I am so happy you got to go back so soon. I appreciate you taking the time to share this trip, I probably would never have had a chance to see this side of a Disney stay. It looks like so much fun and the feel is very different at the camp grounds, more intimate. Great news on buying your first home.:yay: Now all of you wonderful Disney Christmas decorations have a permanent home! I'll be following al:rolleyes1 ng.

Thanks for joining in!! You are right about the campground, that is why we love it so much!!

Thank you! I'm so excited to move IN, and post some pictures!!!

It sounds like you had a great time! I'm so jealous, I wish I could go to Disney a quarter of the times you have been there in the past year. I read your other TR and they were great. I miss Disney so much, but your TR's are help me feel like I am at Disney. Thanks :) I can't wait to hear more about your trip!

We had a great time-and I'm beginning to get sad, we have been alot this year but I know that will change after our passes expire. We may not be back much next year, so I'm enjoying it while I can!! I'm glad you enjoy reading, that makes writing these TRs so much fun!!!!

Thanks for sticking with me everyone!!!! We finally got into our house Sunday morning, but it RAINED all day Sunday, and then Monday DH and I had the day off, and it kept on raining. Until yesterday morning of course! ugh. But we didn't plan on moving in anyway, we just wanted to get more done than we were able to. But I did get almost all the painting done I wanted to, I will finish on Friday. And then we will completely move in Saturday, and be able to stay there and call it home!! We've been over there every day this week, doing little things...we got a new fridge, and my dad and DH are putting some new flooring down, etc. I'm SO READY for Saturday to get here! It will be overwhelming and TIRING, but I'm ready to get it over with! I have taken a few pictures and will add those here soon!

On the TR front, something is wrong with my laptop cord, so DH has to find me a new one...and all my pictures are on there, and I haven't uploaded any more of them to photobucket, so no update yet. I can't upload them until I get a new cord and can charge my laptop obviously, but hopefully he will do that soon. I haven't really had time anyway, but DON'T GIVE UP ON ME!!! I WILL finish this TR sooner or later!

Thanks again for reading!!!

We'll be here when u are ready! Congrats on almost moving into your new house- so exciting! can't wait to see pics!
We'll be here when u are ready! Congrats on almost moving into your new house- so exciting! can't wait to see pics!

Thanks! Pictures coming soon!

You know I won't go anywhere Hill!:)

aww thanks! :goodvibes

Hi guys!
Thanks again, for everyone being so patient! It has been a CRAZY weekend. We did get moved Saturday, we have a few things left at our apartment to go back and get but we're almost completely moved in. I still have lots of boxes, unpacking, and organizing to do, but we had alot of help, which was awesome so we got alot done! :banana:I dont have new pics yet, but I do have a few to show!

We did have a rough day yesterday. My cat, Oreo, is about 15 years old, I've had her since I was 12, in 6th grade. She peed on our comforter a few times last week, and then Saturday morning I was taking her to my parents' house while we moved, and she peed in my lap. She has randomly peed on stuff like that since she was a baby, but NEVER on me like that. So that scared me. Saturday night we brought her home and she was fine, she was exploring all night, and then yesterday morning she was fine. Yesterday afternoon she started going back and forth to her litter box every few minutes, trying to go. And I could just tell she didn't feel good. So I freaked out and my mom took us to the animal hospital to get checked out. I have never been so upset I dont think. We were scared it was something more serious, but they took blood and said it was pancreatitis. But then this morning they finally got a urine sample and said she definitely has a urinary tract infection, which is what we originally thought. They kept her overnight to give her lots of fluids bc she was so dehydrated, and started her on an antibiotic. She should be fine, but I have been SO stressed and worried about her. I know she's old and the reality of that. Its hard though. She's my baby, and I can't think about all that. But they said she should be ok and ready to come home late this afternoon. ugh. So lots going on here. So say a prayer for my baby if you think about it!

Anyway....I have my pics uploaded for the next TR installment, just haven't had time to sit down and write it yet. So look for that soon.

Here are just a few pictures I took last week, haven't had time to take new ones of the house yet! Thanks again for reading everyone!!! I WILL finish this TR!

The outside...


Our fireplace, I looove it. The house was built in the 70s so I love alot of the older/unique aspects of it!


Down the hallway. Most of the house is painted green...the previous owner had recently painted it and green is one of my favorite colors so I just left it!


This is one of the places I painted. This kitchen wall was orange, which was really pretty, but not my style so much, and I have alot of red in the kitchen so it didn't really go...



and after!


I looove that gold color!

Welcome to our home! I will post more pictures soon!

The house is really nice! Love the pics. I think that gold color will go beautifully with red stuff int he kitchen!

I'm so sorry about your kitty! I can def relate. I have had my cat, Bale, for 15 years and he got really sick about a year ago, for the first time ever. I always know when hes not feeling well. it was so bad I thought i'd loose him. To make matters worse we were about to go on vacation the day after he got sick! Luckily he only needed antibiotics and we had friends who came and fed him the meds, and he was just fine and still is fine today! I'm sure you will feel much better when you get Oreo home and cuddling up with you!
The house is really nice! Love the pics. I think that gold color will go beautifully with red stuff int he kitchen!

I'm so sorry about your kitty! I can def relate. I have had my cat, Bale, for 15 years and he got really sick about a year ago, for the first time ever. I always know when hes not feeling well. it was so bad I thought i'd loose him. To make matters worse we were about to go on vacation the day after he got sick! Luckily he only needed antibiotics and we had friends who came and fed him the meds, and he was just fine and still is fine today! I'm sure you will feel much better when you get Oreo home and cuddling up with you!

Thank you! :hug: That makes me feel better, knowing your kitty is ok! And I know exactly what you mean-this is the first time she's really ever gotten sick, and I KNOW when she isn't right.

I just got home with her, and she is fine I think! She's been roaming around, sitting in all the windows, her favorite pasttime! I'm feeling guilty, because I know that something stressful like moving can add to stuff like this, but she doesn't seem too stressed, just very curious! I just have to make sure she eats and drinks alot today, and keep an eye on things. But she's back to her normal self so I think she's going to be ok!!!
Love the new house! I think you did a great job with the painting too. I agree...the gold is beautiful!

Sending lots of good vibes your way for Oreo. :hug: I know its so hard when your pet is sick and its no consolation even when their older and you know that those things can happen. I'll hope for a speedy recovery.

Keep us posted on the house and your trip of course (and Oreo). Love hearing about it all! :goodvibes
I just got on board and had to read it all...loving it so far. MORE PLEASE!!!popcorn:::laughing: I know hold my horses but so far its great. Thell DH to get that cord pronto you have followers to please:goodvibes
I Love Your House! The gold looks way better than the orange, great choice.
Well I'll be waiting...impatiently:laughing: just kidding!
Hey is Oreo doing better? I hate it when my pet gets sick so I so understand your worry.
The house looks great!!! Congratulations!!! Glad your kitty is okay..I had a cat named Oreo once before too, he was an outdoor cat and hunted everything!!!! :) Can't wait to read more!!!!!
Love the new house! I think you did a great job with the painting too. I agree...the gold is beautiful!

Sending lots of good vibes your way for Oreo. :hug: I know its so hard when your pet is sick and its no consolation even when their older and you know that those things can happen. I'll hope for a speedy recovery.

Keep us posted on the house and your trip of course (and Oreo). Love hearing about it all! :goodvibes

Thank you! I love the colors, I have to admit. I was SO TIRED of all the white walls in our apartment, there isn't a single room here that isn't a color. I love it.

Thanks for the well wishes!! She seems to be doing much better today! Still taking her medicine, and in a much better mood!! Thanks so much!

That gold looks so good!


I just got on board and had to read it all...loving it so far. MORE PLEASE!!!popcorn:::laughing: I know hold my horses but so far its great. Thell DH to get that cord pronto you have followers to please:goodvibes
I Love Your House! The gold looks way better than the orange, great choice.
Well I'll be waiting...impatiently:laughing: just kidding!
Hey is Oreo doing better? I hate it when my pet gets sick so I so understand your worry.

thanks!!! And he found the cord to my old laptop and its working great now, so I've already gotten new pics uploaded!!

She is doing better, thanks!

The house looks great!!! Congratulations!!! Glad your kitty is okay..I had a cat named Oreo once before too, he was an outdoor cat and hunted everything!!!! :) Can't wait to read more!!!!!

Thank you! My Oreo is only indoors, but she likes to think she can hunt, lol. Thanks for reading!

So how's Oreo adjusting to the house?

She is doing good, thanks!! She is sitting right up beside me on the arm of the couch as I type this!

Thanks so much for all the well wishes everyone!! :hug: Oreo seems to be much better. I'm having to give her antibiotics twice a day, and she isn't a fan of it at all! DH had to help me last night hold her down to get it in her mouth! She seems to be in a better mood today, she's been laying in the middle of the living room enjoying all the big windows in the house, she looooves the big sliding glass doors here! I'm trying to get her to eat more, the dr said thats really important so I've been trying all kinds of stuff to see if she'll eat! I'm glad she made it through this and is ok. Thanks again, so much for all the prayers and good thoughts!!!

I'm planning on getting the next TR installment up tonight! So look for it after while! Thanks for reading!

Hey girl I'm so glad that Oreo is doing better! I remember seeing pictures of her in your Disneymoon TR. So cute!

I love the house too! Very cute. The gold looks really nice and I love that green color in the hallway.
PUt the antibiotic in some butter you can put it in her mouth and then rub under her chin. There is a reflex that makes them swallow.


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