You Want to Stay Where?! A July PTR* TR LINK 8/8!

Yay!! I'm in!! So excited to read your PTR! I always love your TRs! We are doing the DxDP in March, and I am really excited about it! Can't wait to read all of your plans!!

And spreadsheets? And favoriting stuff on the Disney Store site?? I resemble that remark...:rotfl2:
I'm here! Yayay another trip!pixiedust:

I love the idea of an ADR game! Don't know how it should be played but I love the idea.

Can't wait to see where you end up staying! Personally I hope it's the Beach Club- it looks amazing!

P.S. Maddie's spring vs. summer break options, of course, were perfectly reasonable ;)

Glad you're here!

I think the ADR game should add some fun. PTRs can get boring.

I'll reveal the resort very soon

Maddie is a reasonable kid. Happy Birthday to you tomorrow!

Girl, you know I wouldn't miss this for the world! There is nothing wrong with lists, lists for lists and don't even get me started on the beloved spreadsheet:cloud9:

So glad that you're here Queen! I am equally glad to have found another listmaker/spreadsheet lover. I have to admit, that Bryan is usually the spreadsheet guy but now I'm a firm believer. Love them.

I'm in, and happy to play the ADR game! Can't wait to see where you're staying!

Yay! I'll reveal our resort choice very soon, and I think the ADR game will be lots of fun.

Hello! I'm o excited you decided to start a PTR! I followed along with your trip reports and figured I'd come out of lurkdom for this one :). I like the idea of the ADR game - should be fun!

So glad you're here! Thanks for de-lurking!

The ADR game should be fun, I have to give Marissa (marDgreen) all the credit. She did it on her PTR and it was lots of fun.

I'm in! I love games and am especially fond of games involving food, restaurants, or a delicious combination of both! I can't wait to find out where you are staying and am so looking forward to Maddie's reaction.

I'm so curious as to where you are going to stay!!!

Are you going to give us clues for you ADR game? You could even do a guess the resort game!

I'll reveal soon!

I think I will give clues. I was thinking that everyone could make initial guesses at all of them when we start, then as I break down the days I'll give clues, and everyone can revise their guesses as needed. The first person to guess them all will win. That might not be fun for anyone who joins in late though. What do you think?

Joining in! Sounds like it's going to be a great trip!

Thanks for joining in! I hope that it will be, I know it will be fun to plan.:goodvibes

I'm in!

Jill in CO

Thanks for joining in Jill!

Looking forward to this one. Read your previous one and enjoyed it! (Oh, and i totally agree with you about Kristen being robbed. Josie angers me everytime I see her face:furious:)

Thanks for joining in! and Welcome!

Oh I was so mad when Kristen took the rap for Josie. I never like Josie, and was already mad that she'd lasted longer than my beloved CJ. I hope that Kristen comes back from Last Chance Kitchen (which I don't watch because I want to be surprised) and kicks all their butts!

Yeah! So glad you're doing a PTR! Can't wait to hear all about your plans! And, can't believe I'm on the first page! :cool1:

Here's some pixiedust: Karen

Thanks for joining in Karen! I can't wait to share them-this is going to be a great trip.

I'm here, glad to be reading a PTR right after your TR finished.

Thanks for joining in! and thanks for reading the TR!

OF COURSE I'M HERE! I would go into Maddie withdrawals without it!

I will go ahead and tell you that I stink at ADR games, but I'm going to give it a try anyway. I may just put down character meals for every one:lmao:.

Maybe I should look into renting points...hmmm...Brandon will be so pleased with you;).

:rotfl: Thanks for joining in! I'll see if I can arrange for some Maddie photo shoots for you between now and the trip.

Every character meal? Not a bad guess. :lmao: Let me know if you have any ideas how we should play.

Oooohhh Brandon is going to love me! :rotfl: I was shocked to see how affordable it was though.
Glad to know I'm not the only one who is spreadsheet-dependent! I'm in ... :surfweb:

Me too! I am so happy to know I'm not the only list crazy spreadsheet maker! You're among friends here...

Count me in!!!


Joining in! I really enjoyed reading your last trip report and am looking forward to hearing all about this next trip too!

I will be taking my 3 princess-obsessed daughters (and my son too!) to WDW for the first time in Sept :dance3:

Welcome! Thanks for reading and joining in the PTR!

Oh you are going to have the BEST TIME EVER!!!! I can't wait to hear all about your kids' first trip. If you have any questions, please ask. I'm sure that if I can't answer someone can. DISsers were so helpful to me before we took Maddie for the first time.

count me in too!


YAAAAY for new plans, so excited, UGH! 16 ADRS?!?! WHAT? I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say one of them is gonna be for Be Our Guest…

:rotfl: You know me girl. I just added a 17th last night (it's a double book though-I'm gonna get back down to 16)

Dear God, I just popped over to that DVC renting points website and I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to use that for my next trip! Hands down!! Like, 1500 for Bay Lake Tower, YES PLEASE! Looks like my next trip with Mom will actually be at a deluxe! I like how easy the website is to use, THANK YOU for posting about it!

Isn't incredibly easy to use? I was SHOCKED at how affordable it could be.

Ah!! That’s so not enough information for now! Lawl, you best be doing lots of real life updates to keep us all update on life and the excited plans for Disney. Eeek, this is awesome, I’m excited to read more!!

I will, I promise! I'm going to reveal the resort very soon.

I loved your last report and can't wait to hear about all your plans for this one!

Thanks so much! Thanks for joining in!

i'm in always love to read trips until i can get the money to fly across the world and get t there

Thanks for joining in!

Just stumbled onto this post today. I could have written this post myself (w/the exception of the little girl (I have 2 boys) and my DH is disney obsessed, and we will only be doing the DDP). I would really like to stay deluxe this time around, but pricing out resorts on the website I was getting discouraged. I checked out Davids Disney point rentals too and couldn't believe that we may be able to stay deluxe in a studio as well. Funny enough Beach Club (my dream resort) is on my list too. Wonder if we will be there the same time? We were thinking we would need to do CBR b/c of price. Let us know how renting points goes. I'm nervous as well, but I can't beat the price. I can't wait to read your report :)

Thanks for joining in!!

So glad to have found another kindred spirit! IF we end up going the points rental route, I'll definitely share.(don't want to give too much away! sounds like a lot of people have done it or are planning to try though-so I'm sure someone around here could help)

Following along. Beach Club is my favorite resort for the decorations/theming. However, I would absolutely love to be be able to walk to the MK.:thumbsup2 Either one would be fabulous.

They both sound divine don't they? The Poly would be my dream resort, but you just can't beat the walk to Epcot or MK.

Thanks for joining in!

I'm here, Shannon. I cannot believe that my two summer trips are wrapped around yours and we will miss. :(

I'm so looking forward to another one of your family TR's.

So glad that you're here Kathy! I know!! Could you just imagine if we were there at the same time? Mark and Maddie's funny hat/tiara pics would have been legendary! :rotfl:

I will be joining too

Thanks for joining in Marita! So glad you're here!

I'm here!!! (And am putting in my vote now for "every princess character meal" on your ADR game!!! :thumbsup2)

Yay! So glad you're here! and an excellent guess! :rotfl:

I'm thinking that everyone could guess all at once, and then can ammend their guesses as I give daily clues. The first to have them all is the winner. What do you think?
shan23877 said:
reality TV junkie (Kristen was robbed on Top Chef!

Yes she was! And I'm so glad Josie finally went home.

Joining in for your PTR! I've enjoyed the last couple trip reports, so this is sure to be fun! I took my DS6 last Feb for our 1st trip and we are now hooked! But of course we don't do the princess related stuff, so it's fun seeing the pink, sparkly side of Disney with Maddie. :)
I'm here!!!!:cool1:

Ohhh, guessing games! Wait! I know, Co. Mustard with the candlestick in the Drawing room!:rotfl2:

:rotfl2:that's it!

Glad you're here Carey!

Following along!

We rented points last year to stay in a 2BR at OKW (we went through **************.com though). I think their prices were very slightly lower than David's. I can't really comment on David's service obviously, never having used his site to rent points, but based on many positive reviews on the dis, I shall assume that it was comparable to the service we received from his competitor. As far as renting points in general, I highly recommend it. It's a WAY less expensive way to stay DVC vs going directly through Disney. The only downsides, for us, were: You pay a lot more upfront to make the booking (compared to the $200 donw payment that Disney requires!) and no daily mousekeeping service! Neither one are a deal breaker to me, but worth mentioning. Oh and having to submit a request and then wait for the return email with availability, then emailing again to book for sure, then getting a confirmation. It's just a lot of back & forth, when comparing to booking online or on the phone w/ Disney where you get instant gratification.

We booked through disney for this year's vacation, but next year I am fairly certain we will rent points again (It's normal to plan next year's vacation when you haven't gone on this year's yet, right? RIGHT?!?!).

OH, and I am in for an ADR guessing game. I like the idea of guessing by the day :)

Can't wait to see your plans start to take shape!


Thanks for all the info! I'm really glad to hear that you had a positive experience with points rental. The things that you mentioned are exactly the things that gave me pause. I like having my bed made every day, and I like being able to instantly see my reservation on Disney's website. I enjoy tinkering with my reservations and such. Did any of them bother you in the long run?

It's totally normal to be planning the next trip already! In fact I think my DH lurks on here just to make sure that I'm not! :lmao:

Yay! I'm definitely here. And can I just say that I LOVE how many people are playing the ADR game? I really do, I never realized it would be such a hit! Hooray!

Can't wait to see where you're staying!

Thanks for letting me steal your great idea! How should we play? Maybe everyone guesses all 16 (with limited hints) and I'll reply to each guess saying how many you have right. then as I break down each day each player can edit their guesses, until eventually someone will have all of them right. What do you think? too hard? just do it by day? It's your game, I'm gonna need your input here! ;)

Glad you're here Marissa.


Count me in too! Can't wait for the guessing game! Specially since it has to do with ADR's.

Welcome! I'm glad that so many are looking forward to the game! Should make it more fun!

I've always wanted to rent points but have been too nervous as well. I love David's! I think we're going to try it this time. Can't wait to see what you've decided!

Glad you're here! I hadn't even thought of renting until this year. I was shocked at how affordable it seems!

Count me in!!

Sounds like it's going to be a fun one!!

So glad that you're here! I hope that it'll be fun, but I don't think I'll live up to how fun your TR is. :goodvibes

Lists, spreadsheets, and tables...I love 'em all! I'm in for another Disney adventure with Maddie!

Yay! Another kindred spirit! It's Maddie's trip for sure-her parents are just along for the ride.

Yay for a Maddie PTR! I love love love the idea of an ADR game! Can't wait to see all the cute outfits you have planned for Maddie. I think I only have about $300 worth of favorited merchandise on so you have me beat there! I am hoping to start a PTR very soon for our Jan-Feb 2014 trip!

Yay!! Glad you're here! The game should be lots of fun (just have to nail down how we'll play :lmao:). OMG I can't wait to start buying her outfits. The Disney Store has the cutest dresses for spring/summer. I'm dying over them.

Let me know when you start the PTR-I'll be there!
I'm a reality TV junkie too, but I have no idea what you're talking about. :rotfl:

I'm guessing your reality tastes run a bit more manly than mine? Pawn Stars, American Pickers, Duck Dynasty? I watch those too. ;)

Smart girl. :rotfl::rotfl2:

She's got our number for sure.
I'm somewhere between Yay!! An ADR Game and I really don't care, just tell us already.

But I'm picking Chef Mickey for the last meal. :rotfl::rotfl2:

It pays to read to read my TRs.:lmao:

You use spreadsheets to plan your trips??? :eek: :scared1:

What kind of a freak are you??? :rolleyes1 :rotfl2::lmao:

A closeted spreadsheet user I presume. :lmao: Glad you're here!

popcorn:: joining in popcorn::


Just joining in! Enjoying it so far, i can't wait to read more!

Thanks for joining in!

Reality Show Junkie reporting for trip report reading duty, Sir! I mean Shannon ;)

Oooh, you little tease you. Don't keep us in suspense too long!

yay! I'm glad you're here Lisa!


You'll be glad to hear that I did some Mickeystoontown type tinkering with our dates today!

Yay!! I'm in!! So excited to read your PTR! I always love your TRs! We are doing the DxDP in March, and I am really excited about it! Can't wait to read all of your plans!!

And spreadsheets? And favoriting stuff on the Disney Store site?? I resemble that remark...:rotfl2:

yay! I'm so glad you're here! Are you so excited for DxDP? I'll have to check your ticker to see if you have a PTR going. Lots of planning involved, but I love it. Bryan and I feel like we're on vacation too by doing some signatures.

I'm so glad that I'm not alone. I've favorited Easter gifts, summer/trip clothes, PJs for me-there's just too much good stuff right now!

Yay for getting to go on another trip.

We're so excited to be going back! Thanks for joining in!

Yes she was! And I'm so glad Josie finally went home.

Joining in for your PTR! I've enjoyed the last couple trip reports, so this is sure to be fun! I took my DS6 last Feb for our 1st trip and we are now hooked! But of course we don't do the princess related stuff, so it's fun seeing the pink, sparkly side of Disney with Maddie. :)

Thanks for joining in!

Me too! Uggghh. She needed to go home. I'm so sad that CJ went so early though. I really hope Kristen makes it back via Last Chance Kitchen, but I'm not watching because I want to be surprised!

I don't get to do any of the boy stuff! I thought she might want to do Pirates League this year, but nope. Still Princessey.
I finally made it over here!

I'm so excited that y'all have another trip planned and I can't wait to hear all about it! Especially where y'all are staying....spill the beans! :cool1:

And you know I don't think you're a freak with your spreadsheets. :lmao: I have my lists in my notebooks and my spreadsheets on my laptop.
Can I just say I adore your trip reports! I am so excited to take our little girl to WDW this October for many reasons- but reading the interactions you, your husband, and Maddie have makes me even more excited!

I really appreciate your feedback about DxDP! We are planning on going doing the same with DD in October for the character interactions (that's her favorite part of our Disneyland trips) and because DH's favorite part is the food. I love hearing positive feedback about it!

And um...I'm currently toggling between 3 different spreadsheets as we approach our 6 month window to book at AKL (through DVC) so I totally understand.
Happy birthday to Maddie!! May all her dreams come true!! : princess:

Hope she enjoys her special day! Karen
Thank you for the birthday wishes!

Happy Birthday to Miss. Maddie today! I hope she has a great day and I can't wait to hear how she reacts to the news!:wizard:princess:

Thanks for all the info! I'm really glad to hear that you had a positive experience with points rental. The things that you mentioned are exactly the things that gave me pause. I like having my bed made every day, and I like being able to instantly see my reservation on Disney's website. I enjoy tinkering with my reservations and such. Did any of them bother you in the long run?

It's totally normal to be planning the next trip already! In fact I think my DH lurks on here just to make sure that I'm not! :lmao:

No problem :) It was a little nerve wracking to not see my reservation instantly, but the main rental sites (david's and **************, as far as I know) both have really great reputations, always positive reviews, etc so that settled me for the most part. The beds not being made is a minor inconvenience.

You do get maid service if you stay long enough..I think it was on day 4. It is slightly a bummer to not have the mousekeepers leaving towel animals, setting up children's toys in cute scenes, etc. I guess I didn't get so much bummed about it, but it's just a fun touch that isn't there when you stay dvc.

I guess you can look at it as a trade off though..for me, staying in a deluxe is highly unlikely, as we like to take longish vacations (9 or 10 days) and the cost of a deluxe for that long on top of everything else (tickets, ddp, BBB appointment, souvenirs, airfare, etc etc and on and on!) is just TOO much, but by renting points we can afford to stay deluxe if we want to.

So would you trade towel animals for the chance to have a more extravagant vacation? Trade having your bed made for a superb location like BLT? If those sound like fair trades, then renting points is for you!

Also, the reservation WILL be available for you to view online. It just took a little bit..not even a LONG time, it just wasn't instant. I want to say that we had a confirmation number in our email with a day or two of making our down payment. Also, Paul (from dvc rental store) had really great communication with us so I never felt like I was out of the loop. I am sure David's does too!

Another cool thing - I mentioned in conversation on the dis that we were renting through Paul and that we were pleased with his service, and he happened to see the post and emailed me to tell me he gave us a credit toward our vacation! So that was awesome, obviously.

Sorry this was so long..but the point is that I would highly recommend renting points if you decide that one of the dvc locations is where you want to stay!
I'll start the guessing game then. You said to write our 16 guesses, then we can adjust them as you post clues and more info about your days? Do we have to guess just the name, or breakfast/lunch/dinner as well? What about the dates? My vote would be for just the names.

1. Cinderella's Royal Table
2. Akershus
3. Chef Mickey
4. Via Napoli
5. 1900 Park Fare
6. Crystal Palace
7. Yak & Yeti
8. Sci-Fi
9. California Grill
10. Kona Cafe
11. Tusker House
12. Cape May Cafe
13. Coral Reef
14. Teppan Edo
15. Hollywood & Vine
16. Be Our Guest
I am most certainly in!

I loved your last trip report, and can't wait to see what you have in store for this one!
I'm in! I love your TR, you have a beautiful princess and so do I, so I get great ideas from you. Thanks for sharing them with us :thumbsup2
Joining in..

Cant wait to see the ADR's too. I bet there is one for Be Our Guest!!

I agree with your DH- Loved POFQ!:)
I'm joining in with my guesses too!
1. Cinderella's Royal Table
2. Akershus
3. Chef Mickey
4. Narcoosees
5. 1900 Park Fare
6. Crystal Palace
7. 50s Prime Time
8. Ohana
9. Les Chefs
10. Mickey's Backyard BBQ
11. Tusker House
12. Cape May Cafe
13. Mama Melrose
14. Le Cellier
15. Hollywood & Vine
16. Be Our Guest


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