WW Weekly Weigh In--- Part 2


Still waiting for "the talk"
Jan 29, 2000
Our original WW weekly weigh in thread was started on 9-23-04, 248 pages later our original thread is about to close (due to board regulations on size). So this thread is our continuation thread for when we hit our 250 page maximum limit on the original thread. The original thread can be found here: http://disboards.com/showthread.php?t=650517

This thread is for you to "talk" with other Weight Watcher members, share the ups and down of the scale, ask questions, post your struggles and your achievements and so much more. It is a place to come for ideas, recipes and good old support. The most important part of a weight loss journey is the support and motivation you receive from others in similar situations. I have been participating in this thread for several years and it has a special place in my journey to be healthy. I look forward to this thread continuing what was started so many years ago.

Thanks TiggerLover!:thanks: I'm glad I found the first thread, and excited about the new one!:woohoo: Weigh in tomorrow morning.....:scared1:
Have a good night.
Thanks for starting the new thread. This week is the first week that I actually ate all my points everyday. I weigh in today so we'll see how I did. Keep up the good work everyone.
I'm so glad I found this thread as you guys were starting it. I feel like I'm getting in on the beginning....even though I'm not. :cool1: I'll weigh in Friday. Thanks for starting the new thread!!!
hope you dont mind me jumping in.

i just completed my first week on WW and lost 8.2 lbs!

im currently training for the Minnie and then Chicago Marathon then the full Disney next year.

i hope to hit 100s by the Chicago in October (i have 46.7 lbs to go)
hope you dont mind me jumping in.

i just completed my first week on WW and lost 8.2 lbs!

im currently training for the Minnie and then Chicago Marathon then the full Disney next year.

i hope to hit 100s by the Chicago in October (i have 46.7 lbs to go)

Wow! 8.2 lbs! That's fantastic!! Good luck in your training! :thumbsup2
hope you dont mind me jumping in.

i just completed my first week on WW and lost 8.2 lbs!

im currently training for the Minnie and then Chicago Marathon then the full Disney next year.

i hope to hit 100s by the Chicago in October (i have 46.7 lbs to go)

What a first week you had! Way to go. :thumbsup2
Help! I feel like such a failure :guilty: I'm only on week 2 after losing 3.4 lbs. last week. The weekend really got me. My aunt and cousin came over on Saturday and I had bought snacks and goodies to cook out. I started out just having a few snacks and counting, but then I just started pigging out and losing track of points. The dark chocolate and chocolate turtle Chex mixes got me. Then on Sunday I was going to jump right back on and just consider all my flex points for the week gone after that, but we wanted to take the baby out to eat for his first restaurant visit, so we went to a Mexican restaurant. I got a vegetarian meal and didn't eat too many chips, but I know I still didn't have the points for that and didn't even bother trying to count them. I tried to talk DH into Applebees so I could eat a WW meal, but he didn't want to go somewhere busy like that with the baby for the first time. Not that I'm blaming him. I have just been so hungry Monday and yesterday. Besides, my sister came over last night and brought cheese and crackers (she did get the 2% cheese for me) to have before dinner, but I ate too much cheese, I know. I'm so afraid to even face the scale tomorrow. I am thinking about using my free pass to skip weigh in, but I would feel like a loser (not in the good way) doing that on only my second week. I have a digital WW scale here at home and I'm tempted to weigh just to see, but I don't know if that's a good idea. I have managed to walk a few times this week. Hopefully that will help. I was already having thoughts this morning of "well, I already blew it so I might as well binge today", but I am telling myself not to think that way. Why is it so hard?!
Help! I feel like such a failure :guilty: I'm only on week 2 after losing 3.4 lbs. last week. The weekend really got me. My aunt and cousin came over on Saturday and I had bought snacks and goodies to cook out. I started out just having a few snacks and counting, but then I just started pigging out and losing track of points. The dark chocolate and chocolate turtle Chex mixes got me. Then on Sunday I was going to jump right back on and just consider all my flex points for the week gone after that, but we wanted to take the baby out to eat for his first restaurant visit, so we went to a Mexican restaurant. I got a vegetarian meal and didn't eat too many chips, but I know I still didn't have the points for that and didn't even bother trying to count them. I tried to talk DH into Applebees so I could eat a WW meal, but he didn't want to go somewhere busy like that with the baby for the first time. Not that I'm blaming him. I have just been so hungry Monday and yesterday. Besides, my sister came over last night and brought cheese and crackers (she did get the 2% cheese for me) to have before dinner, but I ate too much cheese, I know. I'm so afraid to even face the scale tomorrow. I am thinking about using my free pass to skip weigh in, but I would feel like a loser (not in the good way) doing that on only my second week. I have a digital WW scale here at home and I'm tempted to weigh just to see, but I don't know if that's a good idea. I have managed to walk a few times this week. Hopefully that will help. I was already having thoughts this morning of "well, I already blew it so I might as well binge today", but I am telling myself not to think that way. Why is it so hard?!

I would weight yourself today, and then start over fresh right after you weigh yourself. Dont let yourself slip back into old eating habits because you think you did bad. My leader always tells us drink a glass of water and start over, dont let a little slip up become a slide back into old habits.
thanks for starting the new thread tiggerlover.

just back from WI and I'm down 2.2 this week:thumbsup2 One more WI until Lifetime!!!:banana:

Welcome jenniferhornsby and runningjusme :welcome:

runningjusme...great loss your first week! That's amazing!

Marshmelo :grouphug: don't feel like a failure....these things happen. I have weeks like that too...I just did a couple weeks ago and while I did gain that week, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. My leader would say this is when you need your meeting most...don't skip the WI this week. Look at it as a fresh start. Don't let yourself give in to those negative thoughts! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
Great job to everyone who lost weight this week!!:cool1: Me, gained 1.6!:confused: So, Heigh Ho Heigh Ho it's off to the core plan I go!!;) Seriously, I'm just going to change it up a little and see what happens. I'm going to change my workout too. I've been walking, but maybe throw in some other type of exercise too. Any suggestions would be very welcomed! Have a skinny day!:banana:
Well it worked! I ate every point (not flex points) and I lost 3.2 pounds this week. I think I'll be doing that from now on.

Marshmelo remember that every day is a new day. If you had a really bad day or the whole weekend those days are behind you now. Start fresh. I know you can do it. :hug:
Great job to everyone who lost weight this week!!:cool1: Me, gained 1.6!:confused: So, Hi Ho Hi Ho it's off to the core plan I go!!;) Seriously, I'm just going to change it up a little and see what happens. I'm going to change my workout too. I've been walking, but maybe throw in some other type of exercise too. Any suggestions would be very welcomed! Have a skinny day!:banana:

I think you're right...your body needs a little change to move things along. I don't know really anything about working out...I just use the treadmill, but I'm going to Target tonight to get a fitness ball and dvd set that is on sale this week. Hoping to tone up a little!

Well it worked! I ate every point (not flex points) and I lost 3.2 pounds this week. I think I'll be doing that from now on.

great job! :thumbsup2 Keep it up!
I'm going to float away!:boat:
I always drink lots of water, but have had to start taking my allergy meds because of the pollen. I teach, and my throat's so scratchy all the time I'm drinking even MORE water!

Maybe that will help me lose more this week--was only down .4 last week after going up .6 the week before. If I can't lose it I'll WASH the weight away!!:rotfl:
I am so glad to see that everyone is finding our new home. I was bummed to learn that our original thread was closing, but excited to see this new thread grow and grow.

Marshmelo, :hug: do not beat yourself up for one setback. The important thing is to pick yourself up, put the past in the past and start fresh. It takes at least three weeks of doing something over and over again to make it a habit, so learn from your setback and start fresh in the morning. Do not skip your weigh in, that will teach you to hide from your mistakes, face the scale head on (even though you may not like what it says), make yourself be accountable and perhaps that will help you to stay on track. This is not a diet, it is a lifestyle change, you must relearn your whole way of eating, but you can do it one step at a time. Hang in there, you can do this!!

jenniferhornsby, :welcome: to the WW thread, so glad you joined our group!

A big :banana: WOO HOO:banana: runningjusme, what an awesome first week loss. Congratulations to you! Best of luck to you in your training, that is so inspiring.

cepmom, you must be so excited, a great loss this week and only one week away from Lifetime, that is fantastic!:cloud9:

bucci818, :grouphug: no one likes to see a gain, but it sounds like you have a plan in place and are ready to conquer the week. A lot of times if we change a thing or two we can get the scale moving in the right direction. Hang in there!

Grumpy's Wife, I am so glad to hear that it worked for you. I know it sounds crazy to eat more and lose, but it does work, you are proof positive. Great job!:woohoo:

I<3EvilQueen, 5 pounds gone......alright!!! Keep up the great work!!

DizneeMommy, I know what you mean about the water, some days I just feel like I am a floating too! And allergy season doesn't help since you have to keep extra hydrated!!

Here's wishing everyone a great OP week!! Onward and downward!!:cheer2:
Help! I feel like such a failure :guilty: I'm only on week 2 after losing 3.4 lbs. last week. The weekend really got me. My aunt and cousin came over on Saturday and I had bought snacks and goodies to cook out. I started out just having a few snacks and counting, but then I just started pigging out and losing track of points. The dark chocolate and chocolate turtle Chex mixes got me. Then on Sunday I was going to jump right back on and just consider all my flex points for the week gone after that, but we wanted to take the baby out to eat for his first restaurant visit, so we went to a Mexican restaurant. I got a vegetarian meal and didn't eat too many chips, but I know I still didn't have the points for that and didn't even bother trying to count them. I tried to talk DH into Applebees so I could eat a WW meal, but he didn't want to go somewhere busy like that with the baby for the first time. Not that I'm blaming him. I have just been so hungry Monday and yesterday. Besides, my sister came over last night and brought cheese and crackers (she did get the 2% cheese for me) to have before dinner, but I ate too much cheese, I know. I'm so afraid to even face the scale tomorrow. I am thinking about using my free pass to skip weigh in, but I would feel like a loser (not in the good way) doing that on only my second week. I have a digital WW scale here at home and I'm tempted to weigh just to see, but I don't know if that's a good idea. I have managed to walk a few times this week. Hopefully that will help. I was already having thoughts this morning of "well, I already blew it so I might as well binge today", but I am telling myself not to think that way. Why is it so hard?!

I agree with everyone else. Don't let one day of eating get you down. It is going to take a while to "retrain" yourself to eat. WW isn't a diet it's a new lifestyle and it's hard to totally change how you eat overnight. It will take time. Everyday is a new day. Weigh yourself and start fresh. You'll do great!:cheer2: You've got added support here too!!

thanks for starting the new thread tiggerlover.

just back from WI and I'm down 2.2 this week:thumbsup2 One more WI until Lifetime!!!:banana:

Congrats on lifetime!! That's so great!!

Great job to everyone who lost weight this week!!:cool1: Me, gained 1.6!:confused: So, Hi Ho Hi Ho it's off to the core plan I go!!;) Seriously, I'm just going to change it up a little and see what happens. I'm going to change my workout too. I've been walking, but maybe throw in some other type of exercise too. Any suggestions would be very welcomed! Have a skinny day!:banana:

Sounds like you have a great attitude and gameplan. Changing things up does help lose weight. I think your body gets used to doing the same old thing and doesn't "work" as hard to burn calories, etc...or so I've heard. I'm a bit of a creature of habit, so maybe this would work for me too.

Well it worked! I ate every point (not flex points) and I lost 3.2 pounds this week. I think I'll be doing that from now on.
Yay for eating more and losing weight!! :rotfl:

I started trying to exercise some yesterday. I usually just try to eat less and hope that everything comes off that way. I'm nursing my 4 mo. old still...which I've lasted SOOO much longer than I did with DS2. I only lasted 6 wks. with him. Anyways, I'm nursing him and I stay hungrier than if I wasn't. It's making it hard to get those last 5-10 lbs. off! I decided yesterday I needed to do some form of excercise...for weight loss and overall health. All I did yesterday was some sit ups and push ups. I need to start walking, but where's the time?? I guess you make time for the things that are important to you. :confused3
I was a lurker on the old WW post because it took me so long to read all of the posts. I have reading everyone’s success and progress has been a huge inspiration to me. I have been on WW since Jan 5, and so far I have lost a total of -24.4 lbs., I still have a decent way to go but I know this is a life long journey so I am not rushing it. I weigh in on Saturday mornings, my DH and whole family is on WW. It started out as DH, Mom, and me, but the rest of the family has jumped on board so it makes it much easier with family get together and functions.

I look forward to share my journey with all of you.
Good morning everyone.

I am back from wdw, had a wonderful time, and think I ate fairly well while there and I only had 4 mickey bars, but they were good. I actually lost one pound when I came back and weighed in on tuesday morning. Because I was sharing a room with my friend and her daughter, I didn't do any late night snacking which is definitely my downfall at home. I know that 1 pound loss, is probably not true, and I said to myself on tuesday morning that I really need to get back on track and stay there this week to make it a true loss, but then proceeded to eat a whole bag of Pecan Sandies cookies over the last 2 days, and a handful of chocolate eggs at my sisters house, and didn't write a thing down. I am here now to commit to myself again, and will write everything down that I eat now. The weather is great today, though I'm off to work, but after work I'll get outside and play with my son or take a bike ride. Before vacation, I'd been doing the watp videos 6 mornings/week, and I did one yesterday, but today, I didn't get up and do it. Just couldn't get motivated. So today is a new day and a new beginning for me. I'm refreshed from vacation, and ready to start again!!

Congratulations to all who are losing here!! You are doing great, and are an inspiration to me.

To those of us struggling, hang in there. It's is so hard, but we can do it. It is a lifestyle change, and there will be ups and downs, but by not giving up we will reach our goals and make healthy changes that will last forever.

Thanks Tiggerlover for starting this thread up. It has been a long time for the other thread. I first came here in may of 06. When I started here I had lost 17 pounds with ww, and have slowly lost another 24. It may seem painfully slow to some of you, but for me, it is a lifestyle change, and though I may gain and lose 5 or so pounds, I know that weight is gone forever. I won't ever let myself give up and put it all back on like I have done so many times in the past.

Have a great day.
I was a lurker on the old WW post because it took me so long to read all of the posts. I have reading everyone’s success and progress has been a huge inspiration to me. I have been on WW since Jan 5, and so far I have lost a total of -24.4 lbs., I still have a decent way to go but I know this is a life long journey so I am not rushing it. I weigh in on Saturday mornings, my DH and whole family is on WW. It started out as DH, Mom, and me, but the rest of the family has jumped on board so it makes it much easier with family get together and functions.

I look forward to share my journey with all of you.

:welcome: great job on your weight loss so far...that is awesome! This thread has also been a huge inspiration to me. I love that your whole family is on WW now...I'm sure that makes it so much better having that support all around you. Me? I have a DH that brings a big bag of Reeses and Kit Kats in the house and leaves right in the front of the fridge for me to see everytime I get a drink of water :rolleyes: :rotfl:


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