WISH Away the Pounds--January 2013 challenge--Everyone Welcome!

QOTD Sunday, January 6, 2013

Do you meal plan?

And--say something positive. :)


I tend to meal plan for my breakfasts and lunches. Then, I plan one or two days ahead for dinners. When I am trying to lose weight, I will focus on healthier meals. But, I am pretty frugal with food and will always try to look up what I can cook with what is in my frig. I see it as a challenge. My goal for January is to cook what is in my freezer instead of buying anything. My husband looked in our kitchen 'frig and said, "We really do have a lot in here."

For dinners I try to make a salad and eat that before dinner. This tends to keep me from eating more at dinner.

Positive: I walked/ran for an hour today. I got a GPS watch before Christmas but was just too busy to set it up and use it. Well .... I love it! It tracks where I have run, how fast, how many calories I used. I can't wait to use it again.

I also bought a Groupon before Christmas for 30 classes. My goal is to go to a class tomorrow. I haven't been to Jazzercise in a LONG time and I am looking forward to trying it again.

Thanks for the encouragement. I am trying to enjoy every single moment, especially since we had our last baby and now I know I'll never get these moments again. But after a couple of hours of repeating "no, stay in your bed" it gets a little tiresome :p I am lucky though, she is doing very well with the transition. My only problem is that her older sister and she are in bunk beds, and she wakes up in the middle of the night and climbs to the the top bunk and starts playing with her sister! Bad for 2 reasons. I don't want her climbing the bunk beds, and I don't want my older DD being woken up! So today I fashioned a sort of ladder cover for the bottom rungs and we'll see how that goes. Hopefully she won't be able to climb anymore.

I had to chuckle at this! The things moms do to get everyone to sleep at night! Let me know if that contraption works! :goodvibes

SNACK BREAK!!! :cool1:

Most. Amazing. Snack.

Do you eat Mozzarella Cheese sticks? You know, the Part Skim ones that you pull into the strings and eat like you are a 6 year old again?

Try this:

Get a NON-Stick pan (has to be non stick!). Put it on low heat and put the cheese stick in. Slowly let it melt. I use a knife to help it spread out a bit. Cook on low until the cheese is completely melted and the edges are brown. Getting it out of the pan is a little tricky but using a spatula or pancake flipper you should be able to ease it out on to a plate. Eat immediately!

I am not sure if I like the browned edges or the plain melty part best! You can adjust the temperature and cooking time depending on how brown you want it. Sprinkle on a little Garlic powder while it is cooking for added flavor. Someone said that if you don't mess with it while it cooks and let it stay in more of a melted lump with the brown bit on the bottom and sprinkle on the garlic powder it tastes just like garlic bread.

The biggest problem with it is only eating one! You can also use other cheeses but this is so quick and easy. I also found instructions for melting in the microwave but haven't tried that yet.

That sounds delicious. I don't have any of that cheese in our house. When I do, I will be trying that recipe!

Dropping in quick to say hi! It has been awhile.:wave2:

I am now on the road to weight loss due to the fact my dh had a heart attack and a triple bypass on Dec. 27th. 2012.

Here is how I am doing it. Instead of counting calories I am counting fat grams, saturated fat grams (most important number), cholesterol, and sodium.

I will post later what I am cooking. Have to say enjoying it.

I am off to make "hearty healthy beef stew" & banana muffins.:)

Sitting in bed, bored, tired, frustrated, eating chips, waiting for biggest looser to come on

What is wrong with this picture !!!!

I am so sorry to hear about your husband. I am glad the surgery went well. My dad had 6 bypasses after a heart attack about 10 years ago. It ended up being a blessing in disguise. He had numerous stints put in and none of them worked. Now, he feels like a new man!

The road to recovery will take time. Hang in there. :hug:
Rose&Mike said:
I had chips today too Jen. Just one of those days. Hang in there. The surgery is soon right?

Yes Tuesday at 3. Can't have anything to eat after midnight and sure I won't feel like eating after that so figure I will be making up for today :)
Hi, all! Quick catch-up...Downton is back on, and I'm loving it!

QOTD yesterday - I find weekends much harder. I'm out of my routine, we have more last-minute plan changes, and I just seem to graze more and take more liberties. Thankfully, it's just two days...

QOTD today - I do meal plan, but not completely fastidiously. :) I sometimes make freezer meals at the Let's Dish near us, and I also subscribe to the Six O'Clock Scramble. Both provide PointsPlus values, which really helps me. I'm not a short-order cook for our family, so finding meals that we can all eat together and I can make work with WW is a plus. We eat out at least twice a week, typically - the girls' swim class night and gymnastics nights are right around dinnertime, and between school, drive time, etc. - we take the convenience over the extra-late dinnertime and cranky kiddos. And me. :)

Two more short training runs before the half marathon next weekend! I would have had three, but I decided to drop the third this weekend. We were so busy, and I had a little tickle in my throat that I've been beating off with a stick. DH and I fly out for WDW early on Thursday - the goal now is to stay healthy!

Back to Downton - I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

QOTD Sunday, January 6, 2013

Do you meal plan?

And--say something positive. :)


I am off to update the spreadsheet and run my mile.

qotd Saturday--I think weekends are much harder. We run our long runs usually which means I am hungrier. And I just don't stay on a schedule. I do much better on a schedule.

positive for Saturday--I relaxed and enjoyed a family game of scrabble even though I felt the pull to do other things. And it was a good choice. :)

No--not compared to you people lol. I have lots of food in the freezer, cupboards, fridge, I usually make sure something's thawed, I'll plan a few things for the week. If there's nothing we might pull something out of the freezer like panko chicken strips and make sandwiches with them...I need to make sure there's some kind of veggie around to go with dinner. Having sweet potatoes in the garage and yams help-- I had a huge sweet potato with dinner tonight.
Positive--spent 1/2 hour treading water in a very busy pool tonight talking to a lady I know from there.
QOTD, Satuday, January 5, 2013

Do you think it will be easier or harder to stay on plan on the weekends? Why?

And...Say something positive about yourself. :)

Weekends are way harder!!!! That's why I'm answering Saturday's question on Monday morning!:lmao:

QOTD Sunday, January 6, 2013

Do you meal plan?

And--say something positive. :)

I don't mealplan enough. I go in spurts, I do it a few weeks, the plan gets knocked upside down, then I don't do it for awhile. Another thing to work on this year....

POSITIVE: Despite family birthday weekend restaurant calorie overload:scared1:, I tracked everything. Bright side....
QOTD January 7, 2013

Do you snack or are you a strict 3 meals a day kind of person while working on your goals? What is your healthy go to snack?

And...Say something positive. :)
Rose&Mike said:
QOTD January 7, 2013

Do you snack or are you a strict 3 meals a day kind of person while working on your goals? What is your healthy go to snack?

And...Say something positive. :)

I snack if I'm hungry. I have a real issue with delicious and unhealthy food "calling to me" so I try hard to not have that stuff in the house. It's funny though, since I started running I don't want that stuff as much. But I'm also a firm believer in not depriving myself as long as it fits within my calorie goals. Yesterday I had ice cream and still had 160 calories left at the end of the day, so I feel I did well. I find that if I deprive myself I'm much less likely to stick to my plan.

My healthy go-to snack is raw almonds, cottage cheese, popcorn with olive oil and salt, or sugar snap peas and hummus.

Something positive...I've been pleasantly surprised by my strong body. Never thought I'd be regularly running 3 miles! And looking forward to the next run, too!
Thanks for the well wishes, much appreciated.:goodvibes

Here is the site that I am pulling from right now to get menu ideas. My youngest dd who is 16 is not liking the change in our menu.;)

Beef stew was OK. We added salt at the table and not in the dish.


I thought the muffins were pretty good. DH did not care for them and my 16yodd thought they were ICK. In all fairness I did overcook them a bit. This was my first time baking with whole wheat flour.


As far as QOTD?

We are snacking on so far....

Tostitos and salsa
Reduced fat Nilla Wafers
Apples with peanut butter (DH has to have protein to heal)

I am only looking at saturated fat, sodium, & cholesterol at the moment and not focusing on weight loss at all. I hope I can still be a part of this thread. Healthy eating is my priority this month.

I am trying to prepare him for the Lipid Clinic he is going to go to. My dh has abnormally high cholesterol and has issues with statin meds.

I changed my oils. I am using to "Smart Health". I am using NO BUTTER or Margarine.

I bought reduced fat or fat free cheese. The Kraft "fat free" was actually fine.

Switched to 1% milk at the moment. I will go skim, but not yet. He is still healing.

Went to wheat bread.

Also using EGG WHITES only. He can't have any yolks and I am following the same way since I need to get healthy too.

MM--have you looked at cutting out HFCS? I know there is some controversy surrounding it, but Mike fights his cholesterol and saturated fat levels and that is one of the changes that really seemed to help. His dad died of a heart attack at 49, but so far with diet and exercise Mike has stayed off statins--though they have threatened to put him on them a couple of times. :)
Is it to late to join? My goal is to go from 150 back down to 125 and for january i would like to lose 5 pounds. I have decided no ordering out, trying to eat healthy and going to start walking again.
I am meal planning now, since jan 1, but over the past year, where my weight went back up almost 15 pounds from last january, I was obviously not meal planning.
My plan for now is to grocery shop on sunday mornings, make a list and stick to it.
I just got back this morning, and my positive is I did not buy any junk, and it felt good. I thought of you Pamela, and thought you would be proud. ;) I did pick up some ww choc/raspberry bars for a treat, and some frozen greek yogurt bars, both 2 points.

Definitely a good choice. Those family game times don't happen enough. It's so nice to enjoy them.

Hope the coffee helps the headache this morning. :hug:
I did enjoy the ww meeting. the points are the points plus, which has changed a bit since the last time I went. The main changes, processed foods are more points, and all fruits are free. When I tried a few years ago I didn't have the points counter, but now I have it online, so I can figure everything out honestly.

The 360 plan sounds good, talking about tracking, spaces and routines. Tracking food is key, which I know and am proof of. Spaces, setting up your space for success, the kitchen for example, the fruit out in the open, kids treats hidden away, and routines, making healthy habits.

The leader asked us if any of us had just eaten a full meal, and then went for dessert, even though we were full. Of course, we all have, but they are calling that Hedonic Hunger, eating for pleasure, and realizing it needs to be a part of our lives, and we need to learn to fit it in, and keep it under control.

When I've succeed in the past, I've been faithful about tracking and going to meetings, so that's my plan.

Have a happy, healthy sunday everyone!!

Glad to hear you are back to meal planning and tracking. I think it will help a LOT! DD really likes those frozen yogurt bars.

So, I'm up a pound today. Even though you wil see on MFP I went down a pound. I never changed my weight when I got the flu.

I'm ok with the pound though, I knew my number would be off because of being able to eat again.

Today I will attempt a small workout on the treadmill. Still having breakthrough coughing so I'm not going to push myself.
Even if you just walk on the TM and get your blood moving, it will help. It might even help with the congestion, in the long run.

Hope you awake today to sunny skies and healthy lungs!

SNACK BREAK!!! :cool1:

Most. Amazing. Snack.

Do you eat Mozzarella Cheese sticks? You know, the Part Skim ones that you pull into the strings and eat like you are a 6 year old again?

Try this:

Get a NON-Stick pan (has to be non stick!). Put it on low heat and put the cheese stick in. Slowly let it melt. I use a knife to help it spread out a bit. Cook on low until the cheese is completely melted and the edges are brown. Getting it out of the pan is a little tricky but using a spatula or pancake flipper you should be able to ease it out on to a plate. Eat immediately!

I am not sure if I like the browned edges or the plain melty part best! You can adjust the temperature and cooking time depending on how brown you want it. Sprinkle on a little Garlic powder while it is cooking for added flavor. Someone said that if you don't mess with it while it cooks and let it stay in more of a melted lump with the brown bit on the bottom and sprinkle on the garlic powder it tastes just like garlic bread.

The biggest problem with it is only eating one! You can also use other cheeses but this is so quick and easy. I also found instructions for melting in the microwave but haven't tried that yet.

I made something like that for DH last year. I cut the cheese into 1/2 inch rounds and then dropped them into the skillet. He didn't seemed terribly enthused by them, so I didn't try them again...but maybe garlic powder would help!

Dropping in quick to say hi! It has been awhile.:wave2:

I am now on the road to weight loss due to the fact my dh had a heart attack and a triple bypass on Dec. 27th. 2012.

Here is how I am doing it. Instead of counting calories I am counting fat grams, saturated fat grams (most important number), cholesterol, and sodium.

I will post later what I am cooking. Have to say enjoying it.

I am off to make "hearty healthy beef stew" & banana muffins.:)

How scary! Glad to hear he is on the road to recovery. This will definitely be a motivator to changing the food habits for the entire family.

Sitting in bed, bored, tired, frustrated, eating chips, waiting for biggest looser to come on

What is wrong with this picture !!!!

So sorry you are feeling frustrated. Hopefully after surgery you will feel more like you are on the road to recovery instead of being stuck doing nothing.

Hi, all! Quick catch-up...Downton is back on, and I'm loving it!

QOTD yesterday - I find weekends much harder. I'm out of my routine, we have more last-minute plan changes, and I just seem to graze more and take more liberties. Thankfully, it's just two days...

QOTD today - I do meal plan, but not completely fastidiously. :) I sometimes make freezer meals at the Let's Dish near us, and I also subscribe to the Six O'Clock Scramble. Both provide PointsPlus values, which really helps me. I'm not a short-order cook for our family, so finding meals that we can all eat together and I can make work with WW is a plus. We eat out at least twice a week, typically - the girls' swim class night and gymnastics nights are right around dinnertime, and between school, drive time, etc. - we take the convenience over the extra-late dinnertime and cranky kiddos. And me. :)

Two more short training runs before the half marathon next weekend! I would have had three, but I decided to drop the third this weekend. We were so busy, and I had a little tickle in my throat that I've been beating off with a stick. DH and I fly out for WDW early on Thursday - the goal now is to stay healthy!

Back to Downton - I hope everyone has a wonderful week!


Best of luck on the upcoming race, in case I don't get on here again before you leave. Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back.

QOTD January 7, 2013

Do you snack or are you a strict 3 meals a day kind of person while working on your goals? What is your healthy go to snack?

And...Say something positive. :)

I usually plan in at least 2 snacks....mid afternoon and evening. As hard as I tried, I couldn't give up the evening snack, so I plan for it. Usually it is something healthy mid day (fruit, cheese, 100 cal pack of nuts), and a bit more of a treat in the evening (low fat/low carb ice cream, popcorn, low carb chocolate, toast and peanut butter, homemade applesauce, Vitamuffin, cocoa roasted almonds).

Today's positive...I've already done 65 minutes on the TM, but I left on my exercise clothes so I will be inspired to do some free weight work when I watch last night's BL later!

Thanks for the well wishes, much appreciated.:goodvibes

Here is the site that I am pulling from right now to get menu ideas. My youngest dd who is 16 is not liking the change in our menu.;)

Beef stew was OK. We added salt at the table and not in the dish.


I thought the muffins were pretty good. DH did not care for them and my 16yodd thought they were ICK. In all fairness I did overcook them a bit. This was my first time baking with whole wheat flour.


As far as QOTD?

We are snacking on so far....

Tostitos and salsa
Reduced fat Nilla Wafers
Apples with peanut butter (DH has to have protein to heal)

I am only looking at saturated fat, sodium, & cholesterol at the moment and not focusing on weight loss at all. I hope I can still be a part of this thread. Healthy eating is my priority this month.

I am trying to prepare him for the Lipid Clinic he is going to go to. My dh has abnormally high cholesterol and has issues with statin meds.

I changed my oils. I am using to "Smart Health". I am using NO BUTTER or Margarine.

I bought reduced fat or fat free cheese. The Kraft "fat free" was actually fine.

Switched to 1% milk at the moment. I will go skim, but not yet. He is still healing.

Went to wheat bread.

Also using EGG WHITES only. He can't have any yolks and I am following the same way since I need to get healthy too.

I gave up egg yolks a few years ago and I don't miss them at all. And egg whites are available in most restaurants now. I will say I prefer straight up whites over Egg Beaters.

If you are having trouble getting used to the 1% milk in cooking, try fat free evaporated milk instead. This is what I use (combined with 1%) in soups and such. It is a bit "richer" in taste and consistency.

Have you tried coconut oil? I don't use it for everything, as DS is allergic, but I use it on stuff for just myself and/or DH. It is suppsed to be the newest healthy oil. And it smells delish! Other than that I use EVOO for nearly everything else if I use any fat at all.

Is it to late to join? My goal is to go from 150 back down to 125 and for january i would like to lose 5 pounds. I have decided no ordering out, trying to eat healthy and going to start walking again.

Never too late! Welcome aboard! Jump right in!


Happy Monday friends! I have so much energy today and SO much that needs to be done here, I am almost paralyzed trying to figure out where to start! I think I'll do a little trick I do sometimes to maximize my energy and get the basics done. I will set a timer and give myself 10 minutes in each room to get as much done as possible (except for vacuuming). When I've done every room I go back and vacume everywhere. Then I will fold the clean laundry and do my free weights while watching TV for a bit. That will bring me to lunch..then shower and a bit of "me" time to sit at the scrapbook table before the evening dash starts! Just need to figure out the "dinner-to-go" that tonight will require.

Off to grab the timer, turn on some music, and get moving! BBL to chat........P
QOTD January 7, 2013

Do you snack or are you a strict 3 meals a day kind of person while working on your goals? What is your healthy go to snack?

And...Say something positive. :)

I am a snacky person, I try not to eat too much at once so I do five smaller meals a day. For example "breakfast" was a big iced coffee (my only vice lol), a clementine, and 3 egg whites. Around 11:30 I will have a greek yogurt. Lunch is a small salad with turkey breast/string cheese roll-ups. I will have a protein bar around 3:30, then go to the gym, and eat dinner when I get home.

My go-to snack right now is egg whites, or raw green pepper slices. I also have been chowing on baby carrots.
After two weeks of a glorious winter break from school (I'm a teacher), today was my first day back. It's only 10:30 and I'm already wiped out!

Bright side: I am always better about food and working out when I am in my work routine!

QOTD January 7, 2013

Do you snack or are you a strict 3 meals a day kind of person while working on your goals? What is your healthy go to snack?

And...Say something positive. :)

I definitely snack. I get hypoglycemic very easily, so if I don't snack I get bad migraines and woozy feelings.

Favorite snack of the moment: Special K Cracker chips in Sea Salt. OMG so good and you get like 30 for only 110 calories!
MM--have you looked at cutting out HFCS? I know there is some controversy surrounding it, but Mike fights his cholesterol and saturated fat levels and that is one of the changes that really seemed to help. His dad died of a heart attack at 49, but so far with diet and exercise Mike has stayed off statins--though they have threatened to put him on them a couple of times. :)

No, not cutting out the HFCS quite yet. Thanks for the tip. He is getting his Pepsi still.

My dh's cholesterol is abnormally high since he has been in his 20's.
Rose&Mike said:
QOTD January 7, 2013

Do you snack or are you a strict 3 meals a day kind of person while working on your goals? What is your healthy go to snack?

And...Say something positive. :)

I tend to snack at night when I get home from work. I have to really watch what I snack on though because certain things leave me wanting more snacks.

Something positive is that last night while watching biggest loser everyone in my family was munching on ice cream and junk I wanted something too so I went for a handful of grapes. The were delicious and really left me satisfied.
Ok, I've been reading and participating but haven't had a chance to post yet, so get ready for a bunch of QOTD answers.... Bear with me. I'm trying to keep up with participating here and hostessing the January Exercise thread.

Intro I'm hoping to lose 8 pounds this month. Seems like a lot.... I'm one of the shoot for the moon and you'll land among the stars type people. I'm also very competitive so I figured if I participated here like I do on the exercise thread, it will be extra motivational. I really want to lose my weight (18 pounds) in the next 3 months or so. Why, you ask....

1) I really want to have less impact on my knees when I run. I fell in love with running last year and did my first half at the Disney wine & dine. I would like to do it again and although I felt strong (and was strong) last time, I would really like better looking race photos :-)rotfl:) and hopefully a faster time. I find it very difficult to lose weight when my mileage is up, so I am trying to lose now, before I start any race training for this year.
2) I really want to be happy with my next disney trip photos in April. Most of our trip photos are of my DH and DS, I want to be in them this time!

So I guess I chose my goal by how I want to "feel" (strong and lighter) and how I want to look.

I'm planning to do this by:
1) Exercise: running 3-4x a week and cross-training 3x a week (including strength and stretching). I'm trying to increase my overall weekly mileage base during the first half of this year.
2) Tracking my calories (I use LoseIt iphone app). This always 100% of the time works. When I do it.... :( Sticking with it for a long time is hard. I'm also reducing my carbs for the next 3 months while I keep a lower weekly running mileage and adding in more veggies. I've gotten out of the habit.

Weekends - YES they are much harder for me! When I'm around food, it's SO hard to resist. At work i only have what I bring with me!

Meal planning - YES! Always. This is a habit I formed when I first started working. I find it nearly impossible to go to a store except on the weekends and so I have to know what I need. Also, since DS and since starting race training, I find it's really important for me to plan ahead or it's just a big disaster. I truly HATE sitting down to do it, but its essential for our lives to run smoohtly. However, I am notorious for wanting to go out to dinner at the last minute after a long day at work, so for 2013 I'm working on breaking that habit.

3 meals a day while dieting or do I snack? I sometimes snack, sometimes dont. it depends on my workout plan for the day.

Weigh in - I weigh every day but I "count it" once a week.

Whew! I really need to keep up to date with the thread more frequently!
Hi everyone!

QOTD - I can go both ways. If I snack, it's either fruit (because I have to put something in my mouth more than I really need to eat) or a small indulgence for my sweet tooth, like a WW mint cookie crisp mini bar, a VitaCake, or a VitaTop. Sometimes that sweet tooth hollers, so I try to keep a stash of things that are individually wrapped or require some effort (defrosting the Vita, for example). We keep fruit in easy reach of the whole family so that it'll be the go-to snack.

Something positive - I got an email for a sort of pre-interview meet & greet at my current employer. I'm not sure I want this job, as it would mean some big schedule changes, but it's flattering to know that this guy asked around about me and wants to meet me on "strong recommendations." I figure the conversation and networking certainly can't hurt!


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I'm back! I did nearly all of the rooms, but ran over time on a few (couldn't stop myself from finishing a few things) so I had to stop for lunch before getting to the vacuuming. So I will vac, free weights, shower, and then fold laundry unless I run out of time.

Downstairs looks spiffy, upstairs looks ok (didn't do my room :sad2:) all beds got made, most Christmas decor got brought downstairs (except the tree), plants watered, bird feeders filled, and put aside a few things for donations/consignment.

Lunch was so yummy! Leftover taco salad and I will have a grapefruit later. Loving the grapefruit lately!

Onward I go!.........P
QOTD January 7, 2013

Do you snack or are you a strict 3 meals a day kind of person while working on your goals? What is your healthy go to snack?

And...Say something positive. :)

I am definitely a snacking person - this is exactly how I got where I am. During the day I'm ok because I'm at work and the snacks I keep here are restricted. But when I'm at home with 3 other people that aren't watching their weight, all bets are off. The best I can do is keep healthy snacks on hand so I don't stray too far.

I have some Special K snack bars that I like - peanut butter!! I used to keep almonds on hand as those are healthy and filling.

I'm back at work today after a 6 day vacation and my co-workers have been on my nerves all morning. Hard to come up with something positive at this point! :laughing:

My healthy go-to snack is raw almonds, cottage cheese, popcorn with olive oil and salt, or sugar snap peas and hummus.

I love hummus too but it's hard to eat JUST the healthy amount. I'm certain I could eat an entire tub with just a spoon!

lovetoscrap said:

Do you eat Mozzarella Cheese sticks? You know, the Part Skim ones that you pull into the strings and eat like you are a 6 year old again?

Those do sound awesome! I've also taken cut up string cheese and breaded them with italian bread crumbs and baked them for "fried" mozzarella sticks. Messy, but oh so good!

so I will be inspired to do some free weight work when I watch last night's BL later!

I gave up egg yolks a few years ago and I don't miss them at all. And egg whites are available in most restaurants now. I will say I prefer straight up whites over Egg Beaters.

Last night's episode was really good!!!

I love egg whites now too. Once I forced myself to try them I've never gone back. You can get them really fluffy by shaking the heck out of the carton and then you can get a really BIG egg white omelet for the normal serving amount.

Favorite snack of the moment: Special K Cracker chips in Sea Salt. OMG so good and you get like 30 for only 110 calories!

I'll have to check these out!

Something positive is that last night while watching biggest loser everyone in my family was munching on ice cream and junk I wanted something too so I went for a handful of grapes. The were delicious and really left me satisfied.

For whatever reason, BL makes me want to eat unhealthy. I have no idea why but it does nothing to motivate my diet. (Confession - I had a slice of apple pie while watching last night's episode. :scared1:)

Ok, I've been reading and participating but haven't had a chance to post yet, so get ready for a bunch of QOTD answers....


Ok - back to work, will come back to try and catch up more later.
Hello everyone! I'm joining you all finally! My name is Trina and I've been participating in the challenges for about a year or a little more though I took last semester off to concentrate on school. When I first started I was at 160 lbs and having some real body image issues. Basically I hated myself. I worked really hard and got down to 130 lbs, 5 lbs away from my goal.. I'm not back up to 148 lbs. I've made a new commitment to finally getting into fairness program and getting the body I want and know I can achieve, I started running a year ago and love it, but suffered a hip injury and had to take almost 6 months off. I'm hoping to get back into runni g and reach some personal goals, in addition to concentrating on toning, something I tried to do last time but couldn't get In the habit of so I'm hoping to change that. I'm also hoping to set an example for other people in my life. ,my parents are very overweight and diabetic and don't make any effort to change. My boyfriend is on his way to being overweight and I want to motivate him to be healthier.

I am 26, I'm a student at a CT university, my major is history/ secondary education with a minor in Spanish. My specialty is intellectual European history with a focus on World War II and Germany and I hope to go for my phd. Last semester I wrote the biggest paper of my life, a 35 page research paper on the press and the holocaust and its effect on public perception of the holocAust. I received a 100% of it and its one of my proudest achievements. I actually use my academic achievements to influence my weight loss achievements, since 3 years ago I had a 1.3 GPA Had been kicked out of college and was working a dead end retail job. I turned that around, have a 4.0 gpA for 5 semesters and now have a wonderful job as a your guide in a museum. So I see it as an e ample of what you can do if you try, which I need to remember as I commit to a healthier lifestyle

Had a bit of a sick day yesterday and today, but I'm about to shower and do a lengthy workout. Yes I shower before my workout. I just feel icky right now. I have my workouts planned for the rest of the month so I just need to stick with it. That and eating healthy.....I find meal planning tedious and I'm always inning out of ideas of what to eat, especially in a household where no one eats healthy


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