When did your child start talking?


May 2, 2009
I mean...REALLY talking?

I watch my friend's boys 3 times a week. They are 4 and 22 months. The youngest is not talking much. My friend and I have talked about it and I know she is a little concerned. I try throughout the day to get him to repeat my words but he just stares at me. What he does say is mumbles or "baby talk". He has momma, dadda, juice, cookie, ball...all those type words down but some are pretty hard to understand. Like water sounds kind of like "wal-la wal-la wal-la".

I try really hard not to compare our children but my child is my main experience. Other than babysitting when I was a teen. DD is 14 months old and has quite a few words. Becoming a little parrot.

Should he be putting words together by now and making short sentences? I'm just wondering because I don't see him trying much. Like right now...he is waking from his nap and I go in and ask if he wants up...he shakes his head yes...I say "say UP" and he just looks at me. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do? Any experiences? Should we (his parents and myself as a babysitter) just let it go?

We know what he wants but he just wont talk.
Kids are different. Some kids talk later, some sooner. Some children just aren't parrots. DD didn't talk much until later but she's coming out with complete sentences, not just repeated words. I'd only be concerned if the child's pediatrician is.
DS10 and DD6 were both speaking in full sentences by the time they were 2. DD14 on the other hand, didn't speak more than a one syllable grunts until past his third birthday. He had some severe auditory processing difficulties (not the same as hearing problems) and received speech therapy for a number of years. Most kids are somewhere in the middle.

To answer your question, yes he should be stringing some words together.

As far as what to do. I would have Early Intervention take a look at him. He may need help, he may not but the parents won't know unless they investigate. It is much better for the child to get him some help now if he needs it, than to wait. Lots of different things can cause speech delays.
Both of my boys were talking clearly by age 2. My oldest told us one day, clear as can be, after being told to shut the door that "It's not my responsibility." Our jaws hit the floor. Now my 9 month old is saying "da da" and "ba ba", but that's about it...still waiting for "ma ma". And I'm trying to teach her to tell her daddy "I wanna go see Mickey Daddy." That way he has to take her lol
How much talking does the 4 yr old do for the younger one? If the older one speaks for the little guy, he has no reason to talk. It happens quite often where a older sibling speaks for the younger one so the younger learns he/she doesn't have to talk to get what they want.
My son is almost 2 (Feb 12th) and is just recently starting to string words like "all gone." He's also in the last week or two started repeating EVERYTHING we say like our bank name, but prior to that he was quiet and more baby talk with the exception of several words (some very clear - others still aren't.) He's doctor has always ranked him ahead of schedule in everything else, and "normal" range with his talking. He did have trouble with fluid build up and has had two surgeries for tubes already, but at this point, I've not been highly concerned. I would give the boy a bit more time to see where it goes and continue to work with him. As long as everything else has been on target, he could be within normal range.
You should both be concerned. What you are describing sounds like apraxia of speech. Does the kid look "serious" a lot of the time? Google "childhood apraxia of speech" and see if that describes him. My DS3 has that. He wasn't talking at ALL until he was about 2.5, and that was after 9 months of speech therapy. Literally, at 22 months, my son was doing NOTHING but crying and tantruming...no babbling (although, he did babble a LOT as a baby, but completely stopped somewhere near his first birthday). He is now almost 4 and can say lots of words, although many of them are not easily understood. He can say 3-4 word phrases, but doesn't speak "properly", as in, his syntax is poor. He leaves out articles (an, a, the) and many times, leaves out pronouns. He calls himself "Lucas" instead of "me" or "I". He repeats phrases a few times in succession to make sure we hear/understand him. He is in his second year of special ed. preschool. He gets speech therapy through there.

Speech/language delays are VERY common, esp. among boys. The child's parents should definitely call Early Intervention and have him evaluated. It could be nothing, but likely, he has a speech delay. Don't listen to "some kids just talk later than others." This child probably wants to talk, and he literally can't. Get him some help!
Normal speech development varies greatly but it wouldn't hurt to have him evaluated. She should talk to her pediatrician.

It's normal at this age to understand more words than he can actually say... If you ask him to point to body parts, does he understand? Can he follow simple 1 step directions? ... Put this in the toy box. How many body parts can he name? He should be able to put a couple of words together... All gone, Go bye-bye, etc.

I agree... if the older child is speaking for him, his speech will be more delayed.
You should both be concerned. What you are describing sounds like apraxia of speech. Does the kid look "serious" a lot of the time? Google "childhood apraxia of speech" and see if that describes him. My DS3 has that. He wasn't talking at ALL until he was about 2.5, and that was after 9 months of speech therapy. Literally, at 22 months, my son was doing NOTHING but crying and tantruming...no babbling (although, he did babble a LOT as a baby, but completely stopped somewhere near his first birthday). He is now almost 4 and can say lots of words, although many of them are not easily understood. He can say 3-4 word phrases, but doesn't speak "properly", as in, his syntax is poor. He leaves out articles (an, a, the) and many times, leaves out pronouns. He calls himself "Lucas" instead of "me" or "I". He repeats phrases a few times in succession to make sure we hear/understand him. He is in his second year of special ed. preschool. He gets speech therapy through there.

Speech/language delays are VERY common, esp. among boys. The child's parents should definitely call Early Intervention and have him evaluated. It could be nothing, but likely, he has a speech delay. Don't listen to "some kids just talk later than others." This child probably wants to talk, and he literally can't. Get him some help!

I understand you have experience in this area however I think your comments could be very alarming to the OP. This child is not two years old yet and it is very common particularly boys to develop their speach later. I certainly think if they have concern they should discuss it with their doctor but to assume what they are discribing in little detail is the condition you think it sounds like is a little over the top. Im sure you had good intentions though:love: Some kids actually DO talk later than others.
My guy was almost 2 when he really started to start to talk. We understood what he needed before then, so it wasn't necessary at all, but it made it a bit easier on us. :)

And with a situation where you have an older sib? Forget about it! My brother, who is really really really smart, didn't talk until he was 3. Why should he? We, and when I say "we" I mean his big sister, ME, knew what he wanted. I translated for him. He had no need to talk. Then he hit 3 and boom, sentences.

Kids are different from each other, boys are different from girls, and as long as it isn't a hearing issue, I personally wouldn't worry about it (especially since he isn't your kidlet). He's still a baby; he has plenty of time.

But by the way, the thing that triggered DS (and my cousin's kid, when she told me that her boy, about the same age as mine was just before he started talking, wasn't talking much) was Blue's Clues! I talked to him, with adult words (and none of that 3rd person stuff that's nice nails on a chalkboard to me), all the time, but for some reason, having Joe and Steve "in" the house caused him to just explode with language. And he was learning a lot of it from that show, b/c Joe/Steve would use words that I didn't use, and E would use those words. LOVE Blue's Clues. :)
Our daughter was talking VERY early (her first complete sentence was "We go." at 9 months), so I can't really compare.

However, our youngest niece didn't really start talking until 2 1/2.

I don't remember when my son started talking. But he hasn't shut up since. :rotfl:
I don't you should take anybody's word on the Internet when they start trying to diagnose people. If you are concerned, mention it to the Mom.
Oldest started talking at 12 months.

Middle child started talking at 3 YEARS old. Everyone was worried. He is fine and does well academically.
By 18 months, a child should be able to:
say 8-10 words you can understand
look at a person who is talking to him
ask specifically for her mother or father
use "hi," "bye," and "please," with reminders
ask for something by pointing or by using one word
direct another's attention to an object or action

By 24 months, a child should:
have a vocabulary of several hundred words
use 2-3 word sentences
say names of toys
ask for information about an object (asks, "Shoe?" while pointing to shoe box)
hum or try to sing

Yes, there is room for lots of variation. One of my kids talked at 10 months, one not until about 2. However, your friend should consult her pediatrician at the next regularly scheduled appointment and see if the doc thinks her child needs to be evaluated.
1. If he babbles and has some words, he doesn't have apraxia. ;)

2. Both of my boys spoke pretty clearly by age 2, but my BFF's son was not. He had very few words at 24 months. Her ped told her he was fine as long as he had something like 5 words. Now, I was jumped on here by a speech pathologist (perhaps? I'm not sure what they were) and told it was more like 50 words. However, the ped was right. My friend's son has taken his 20 or so words he had at age 2 and is now speaking in complete sentences. He's 29 months now. He just had his huge language explosion a lot later than some kiddos. About a month ago he went from saying things like 'Luke juice' to 'I would like some juice, please'.

3. It is entirely possible that your friend's child has a speech problem. It is also entirely possible he's just a late bloomer. I'd agree w/ the PP who mentioned being able to follow directions. If he can understand what you are saying and follow simple one step directions, I'd be a lot less concerned than if he can't. :)
I agree that all kids are different. Boys typically (not always!) talk later than girls. My experience:

me: started talking at 9 months, sentences like (Bless you, Daddy) at 18 months.
DH: Not a word until he was 3 - he is now a college professor and will talk your ear off. :laughing:
DD6: words by 10 months - sentences by 20
DD4: words by 8 months - sentences like (I hug Pooh Bear - uttered at CP at WDW) by 15 months
DS(18 months): words by 11 months - still no sentences (He may have a slight delay due to being deaf for the first 6 months.)
My oldest didn't start talking until he was around 2-1/2, other than a few single words. He was (obviously) an only child, also the only grandchild on both sides, and he got a ton of attention. When he did start talking, it wasn't long until he was using several words together at a time.

My youngest had surgery at 18 months and started talking almost immediately afterwards. We joked that they turned his talking on with the surgery.
Kids are different. Some kids talk later, some sooner. Some children just aren't parrots. DD didn't talk much until later but she's coming out with complete sentences, not just repeated words. I'd only be concerned if the child's pediatrician is.

Ask any speech therapist about their pet-peeves with pediatricians! With ST, the earlier, the better. EI is also much better before the age of 3 - here you get a ST that comes to your house for an hour a week at the age of 2. At 3, they are eligible for a preschool handicapped class, all day, all disabilities.

My ds7 didn't have much language at 18 months, my pediatrician told me it was because he was a twin, with older siblings. :confused3 I had him tested by EI, he qualified, and it helped SO much! My sister had the same issues as your friend's ds. He was diagnosed with probable apraxia, and he gets therapy. His is a neurological speech disorder, so much harder to fix, but she hopes to get him mainstreamed by kindy or first grade.

I also had a friend who's ds wasn't talking (1 month older than my talking dd). I didn't say anything. Turns out he's autistic. Therefore, when another friend asked my opinion on her non-verbal 2 year old, I suggested he get tested - he's also autistic. She is so thankful to me, because he started to get lots of services early on (I only see her once a year, and every year, she thanks me).

There are SO many reasons why a toddler isn't talking yet (my ds had week oral muscles - he was a big drooler). Why not call Early Intervention for a FREE evaluation. Help will either come, or fears will be calmed.
3. It is entirely possible that your friend's child has a speech problem. It is also entirely possible he's just a late bloomer. I'd agree w/ the PP who mentioned being able to follow directions. If he can understand what you are saying and follow simple one step directions, I'd be a lot less concerned than if he can't. :)

Actually, a gap between expressive language and receptive language is a red flag.
The checklist my ped uses is a mere 50 words by 24 months and starting to put two words together. My oldest had about 15 words at 20 months - and hundreds by 24 months. His pronounciation was terrible but due to his progress in vocab, the ped wasn't concerned. However, my oldest just finished up three years of speech therapy last week due to articulation. The ped still thought he was fine but I got him evaluated anyway. He tested at a severe articulation delay. My second child's speech is much more clear than her brother's was, but I got her tested. She starts speech therapy this week due to articulation as well.

It's very tough to know if articulation is behind that young. I'd suggest just keeping an eye on it and making sure there's improvement. If the improvement stops, then get an evaluation.

*My kids didn't do pre-school. I drove them to the public school just for speech therapy.


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