When Did I get Voted Off of Skinny Island #2: Castaway's Land Ho!!!!


Hooray for one point tootsie pops!! :woohoo:

I always love the high end stuff. :sad2: But this evening I found mini rolos. 14 mini rolos are like 3 points and since I let them melt on my tongue they really last. I'm going to get a bag of mini rolos right before Halloween so I can snack on them guilt free!!

Tomorrow is our Thanksgiving. I was in charge of dessert so I got pumpkin pie, lemon meringue pie and apple pie. Can't stand a-one of 'em!! So that makes it easy for me. I'm skipping dessert!!

I used up my last flex point last night and though I have 39 activity points I could use, I don't want to gorge myself the night before weigh in. I'm eating a light breakfast (4 points) and a super light lunch (also 4 points) so I'll have 20 points for dinner!! I'm just going to figure out how much I can have of what before heading to bed.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone!!
Drive by check-in here...had wisdom tooth out Friday:scared1:, so not much food to track...some soup, scrambled eggs. I smelled a Big Mac and licked a cracker at some point. I miss chewing!!

Happy Thanksgiving to our friends up North!
Hello everyone,

Quick post as I'm so tired from homecoming.

It went amazingly well. Had a great time. And it was nice to actually want to take pictures.

Talk to y'all later.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited; imagination encircles the world."
~ Albert Einstein

Breakfast: coffee. 2pts.
Lunch: greek salad w/ ff italian, steamed veggies. 4pts.
Dinner: potato wedges, chicken nuggets. ??
Total: I don't think I went over because I didn't even too many potato wedges and only three nuggets, but I can't give an exact number.
Water: 80 oz.
Excercise: We took the kids to Halloween Haunt at Kings Island today, so tons of walking (like 10 hours worth), I was whipped. Wore my new Reeboks and LOVED them, like walking on air.

10/9/10 DONE

Breakfast: coffee. 2pts.
Lunch: turkey, green beans and carrots. 9pts.
Dinner: Skyline Buffalo Chicken Wrap. 16pts.
Total: 27pts.
Water: 30 oz.
Excercise: 3 miles.

10/10/10 DONE

Hope everyone had a great weekend. We had fun at Kings Island Saturday, but boy was it packed. Made Disney in the summer look like a walk in the park. Two hour lines for everything except the cheap carnival rides. In all that time, we only made four rides. Sheesh... That being said, Diamondback might be a new favorite coaster.
We really only went because we were getting season passes for next summer and you get one free visit this fall as a perk, so we weren't too worried about how many rides we got done. We'll get plenty of time in next year. Since we're just doing camping over the long weekends next summer and no regular vacation, this is our replacement. The kids really like coasters and water parks, so we'll be able to go several times next year on the cheap.

Today, wasn't quite so nice. We took our ancient (25-30 years old?) Chevy kingcab to get a freezer from my sis, and threw a rod before we even got out of town. So, we're down to one vehicle again for a while. Ugh, story of my life... :sad2: If it isn't one thing, it's another.

Hooray for one point tootsie pops!! :woohoo:

I always love the high end stuff. :sad2: But this evening I found mini rolos. 14 mini rolos are like 3 points and since I let them melt on my tongue they really last. I'm going to get a bag of mini rolos right before Halloween so I can snack on them guilt free!!

Tomorrow is our Thanksgiving. I was in charge of dessert so I got pumpkin pie, lemon meringue pie and apple pie. Can't stand a-one of 'em!! So that makes it easy for me. I'm skipping dessert!!
Yeah for hating the dessert, that makes life easier!
I used up my last flex point last night and though I have 39 activity points I could use, I don't want to gorge myself the night before weigh in. I'm eating a light breakfast (4 points) and a super light lunch (also 4 points) so I'll have 20 points for dinner!! I'm just going to figure out how much I can have of what before heading to bed.
Sounds like a great plan, hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Enjoy your Sunday everyone!!

Drive by check-in here...had wisdom tooth out Friday:scared1:, so not much food to track...some soup, scrambled eggs. I smelled a Big Mac and licked a cracker at some point. I miss chewing!!
OUCH! Hope you are feeling better now. Do you know, this is the first time I noticed your username was misspelled??? :lmao:
Happy Thanksgiving to our friends up North!

Hello everyone,

Quick post as I'm so tired from homecoming.

It went amazingly well. Had a great time. And it was nice to actually want to take pictures.
:woohoo: Glad you had a great time.
Oh to be young again, I'm so jealous. I know you're a guy and probably don't get into the Homecoming/Prom thing as much as us ladies, but that's one thing I really miss from high school. You never get to dress up and go out with your friends and dance the night away once you are out of school. Bummer.

Talk to y'all later.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited; imagination encircles the world."
~ Albert Einstein


I know. People have been telling me that ALL WEEKEND LONG....

and I get my class ring on Tuesday. It's making me wish I wasn't growing up so soon. That's why I'm glad I get to go to another homecoming soon.

On the other hand, I'm in New Orleans, and we have Bourbon Street.....
I know. People have been telling me that ALL WEEKEND LONG....
:blush: Oops, I'm acting like a mom again, darn it...
and I get my class ring on Tuesday. It's making me wish I wasn't growing up so soon. That's why I'm glad I get to go to another homecoming soon.
On the other hand, I'm in New Orleans, and we have Bourbon Street.....

You've got me there! :worship:

Now, for weigh in...

Wait for it.....

Wait for it........

Wait for it......


:dancer:OH YEAH!!! party:

Total weight loss to date: -22lbs.
Oh happy day....

Nothin' like oral surgery to help the scale out a little...starting to eat things I can chew again. Hopefully will keep most of that off. I also started a diet at work last week and actually stuck to it! It's a 10 week program with lotsa rules. 9 weeks left :)

Have a good week everyone!

indimom - yes the misspelling drives me CRAZY. I tried to fix it but couldn't figure out how. I'm one of those people who opens a book or newspaper and immediately finds a spelling error. :scared1: I think it's some sort of karma thing, telling me to relax and have fun - and get the heck back to WDW asap.
I smelled a Big Mac and licked a cracker at some point.

The cracker licking made me laugh out loud!! :rotfl2:I enjoy the smelling the Big Mac comment because yesterday at my mom's the kitchen was filled with delicious smells (naturally) and I was sniffing deeply the entire time. One of my sisters finally says, "why the heck are you breathing in like that?" I told her that smelling deeply was almost as good as eating and she (and the rest of my sisters) looked at me like I was a looney!! :lmao: I don't care...smelling IS nearly as good as tasting and the best part is that it's ZERO calories!!

Happy Thanksgiving to our friends up North!

Thanks! It was a fun dinner and today will be fairly lazy (always fun!!) except for my mandatory workout!

It went amazingly well. Had a great time. And it was nice to actually want to take pictures.

I do hope this means we are actually going to get to SEE some of these photos??

Oh yeah!!! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: Way to go Susan!!

indimom - yes the misspelling drives me CRAZY. I tried to fix it but couldn't figure out how. I'm one of those people who opens a book or newspaper and immediately finds a spelling error. :scared1: I think it's some sort of karma thing, telling me to relax and have fun - and get the heck back to WDW asap.

It's not a spelling mistake anyway...just a typo. The letters are all there, it's just that the n and the u have traded places. ;)
Yay!! :yay: I get the seashell picture!! :woohoo:

I actually managed (in spite of TOM this week) to lose

3.7 pounds!!

Now THAT'S something to be thankful for!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

I was SO excited and surprised when I weighed in this morning.

So now, I am sitting pretty at 219.9, down from 261 on the WISH boards and 267 overall. I lost a substantial amount of weight in 2008 and I got down to 213 in November of that year and then gained pretty much all of it back again. :sad2:

So I only have to lose seven more pounds and I'll be losing new weight!!

I'm SO excited for this point and it looks like it's now only a few weeks away!!

I'm going to have a big party once I get under 200 (I haven't been under 200 for like 12 years!!) and I'm going to call it a FAT FREE FIESTA!! :rotfl2: So I'm thinking this party is going to be in the next three or four months, cause I only need to lose 20 more pounds!!

Thanksgiving dinner last night was fine, although I do think I was the only one who didn't stuff myself silly. I also completely skipped dessert. I had brought a 2 point weight watchers brownie to have but my daughter claimed she didn't like pie and since that was the only option, I offered my brownie to her. She jumped at the chance (she's a brownie freak like me) and then bragged to her pie eating cousins that SHE got to have a brownie!! So funny!! :rotfl::laughing::rotfl::laughing:

When we got home, I inputted everything and realized I hadn't used as many points as I thought, so I had 3 points worth of mini rolos (yum!!) and then had 1 point's worth of popcorn for a snack.

When we arrived at my mom's yesterday she greeted me with, "hey Skinny-Minnie!" I haven't seen them since the middle of August so I'm about 15 pounds smaller now. I gotta tell ya, that compliment made me feel like a million bucks!!

Congrats to all the other losers so far. Can't wait to hear from the rest of you!!

Just to clarify.

SHEREE told me to go get something to go with my brown boots. Barb just called me her shopping proxy.

Sorry for the error!!


Hey, whatever works for you. Sheree and I are both happy to help you along in your little escapades, right Sheree?

Hey now, I offered to take the boots off your hands too!!

I need to go get some pants for work. The khakis I'm wearing today are 1)too casual really and 2) too baggy in the hip area. The crotch hangs kind of low too. It doesn't help that I have short stubby legs!! Maybe this weekend. I think, depending on the brand, I'm ready to drop down a size!! :yay:

:cool1: Always fun to buy a smaller size.

WHY do 'the girls' make it so impossible to find stuff that fits!!!! GRRRRRRRRR! :mad: It makes me look like I have Jabba the Hutt sitting on my chest. I guess some folks might be into that look, but I do not think it's attractive AT ALL. Maybe once I lose more weight it will look better. *sigh* I'm mostly annoyed because I made a point of emailing them multiple times before I ordered to make sure I was getting the right size and that it would fit me properly.

Oh dear.... I do feel bad for you, really I do. but Jabba the Hut :laughing:

Happy Thursday all!

I am having a crazy busy week and I am doing well food wise!

I was down at WW and from last week lost a pound.

My new WISH loss total is -10.4 and so I can claim my next picture honestly finally!!! Holly Toledo was that a long process! :lmao:

Goal for trip next Tuesday is to be under 248. Today was at 252.2.

Original goal was to be 30 pounds total gone by October but I will probably be closer to 20 exactly. Not going to stress over September and what could have been but rather focus on October and even while traveling, stay within points as close as I can and walk. In fact I want to go for an hour walk each morning before we shower to go for the day. A face paced walk that will keep up my heart rate vs the sprint, walk, stop and wait in line of park touring.

Wore one of my new outfits the other day and got a lot of complements on the pieces! Packing all the new things tonight!

Last night Carsyn played in a powder puff football game and I came home and only had a one point fruit Popsicle for a snack. I was hungry and all but just chose to go to bed early. Sleeping makes it difficult to eat I have figured out! :lmao: Now I will go from being an overeater to a narcoleptic!:laughing:

I have a big party tonight so will have to catch up on everyone tomorrow morning! Hope all is well and each of you have a fantastic healthy day!!! I will also post the results tomorrow!

20 pounds is nothing to sneeze at, my friend! We've already had Julie's fashion show, now it's time for yours :)

Just noticed last night for the first time. My sis and I haven't lengthened our walk any, BUT we are getting faster!! Down from a little over 40 minutes to less than 35 minutes. I'd guess we've shaved about 8 minutes off our 3 mile walking time!!! :banana: We are talking about upping our distance slightly since we allow 45 minutes of our evening for walking.

Wow this is great news! Keep up the good work!


I just jogged three miles!!!

Good for you! You'll be running the Princess Marathon in no time!

Okay, so I am completely off the wagon, but I'm brushing it off until we get out of here. So here's what's gone on this week. We had decided to get some testing done on Piper because I've been struggling to get her into the school's gifted program for almost 2 yrs now. So she's been evaluated by speech, occupational therapy, and a neuropsychologist. What it all boiled down to is that she has anxiety disorder and high functioning Asperger's Syndrome. To say I was shocked would be a massive understatement. On the upside, her IQ is 137, and the gifted services should no longer be an issue. Once she's out, we're going to start the IEP process to get what she needs in place. The Asperger's diagnosis does fit, a lot of the things click into place with it, I had just never connected the dots into that type of pattern. It also explains why the school says she's too distracted (actually brain overload) and slow to finish her classwork. I'm slowly adjusting to the fact that we have one more thing to deal with. She's also going to start taking an anti-anxiety med, which the psychologist thinks is also going to make a big difference. So that's what is new in this zoo. I'm somewhat dreading the whole IEP process, but will be glad when everything is in place, and lord knows I'm used to advocating for her at school, so at least I already know to go in expecting the worst! I haven't weighed myself since last Monday, and don't plan to until we get home and I can start doing something about it. Glad to see everyone is doing well, I should be back on full time Wed or Thurs..

Amanda, I'm so sorry you're going through this. :hug: It's just got to be so hard dealing with everything. Hopefully the meds will really help, and then you can deal with everything else one step at a time.

Hello everyone,

Quick post as I'm so tired from homecoming.

It went amazingly well. Had a great time. And it was nice to actually want to take pictures.

Talk to y'all later.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited; imagination encircles the world."
~ Albert Einstein


Glad to hear you had a great time! And if you want to post pics, we won't complain :)

Hope everyone had a great weekend. We had fun at Kings Island Saturday, but boy was it packed. Made Disney in the summer look like a walk in the park. Two hour lines for everything except the cheap carnival rides. In all that time, we only made four rides. Sheesh... That being said, Diamondback might be a new favorite coaster.
We really only went because we were getting season passes for next summer and you get one free visit this fall as a perk, so we weren't too worried about how many rides we got done. We'll get plenty of time in next year. Since we're just doing camping over the long weekends next summer and no regular vacation, this is our replacement. The kids really like coasters and water parks, so we'll be able to go several times next year on the cheap.

Today, wasn't quite so nice. We took our ancient (25-30 years old?) Chevy kingcab to get a freezer from my sis, and threw a rod before we even got out of town. So, we're down to one vehicle again for a while. Ugh, story of my life... :sad2: If it isn't one thing, it's another.

I used to love going to Kings Island when we lived up there, but I don't know if I could have delt with those crowds. Sorry to hear about the truck. You're right, though - something always seems to come up, doesn't it?


:dancer:OH YEAH!!! party:

Total weight loss to date: -22lbs.
Oh happy day....

That deserves a party! party:


Nothin' like oral surgery to help the scale out a little...starting to eat things I can chew again. Hopefully will keep most of that off. I also started a diet at work last week and actually stuck to it! It's a 10 week program with lotsa rules. 9 weeks left :)

Have a good week everyone!

indimom - yes the misspelling drives me CRAZY. I tried to fix it but couldn't figure out how. I'm one of those people who opens a book or newspaper and immediately finds a spelling error. :scared1: I think it's some sort of karma thing, telling me to relax and have fun - and get the heck back to WDW asap.

Hope you're feeling better soon! Good job on the weight loss. :)

I actually managed (in spite of TOM this week) to lose

3.7 pounds!!

Wow, 4 pouds over Thanksgiving is impressive - well done!

I'm -1.2 for the week. I've got another crazy busy week ahead of me, too. It's almost overwhelming, but all I can do is to knock out one thing at a time. It'll all get done soon enough, but seeing that huge to-do list staring at me is :scared1:
Totally fell off the wagon this weekend. I was doing so well until Friday night hit. We had friends of ours over. I saved up a lot of points to use but the wine started flowing and I suddenly dind't care aobut the points anymore. :confused: Saturday was okay but we were out running errands so ended up going thru the BK drive thru. Figured I already was having a bad weekend so just kept going and going and totally sabotaged all my hard work. I really hope I can get back on it. My Disney trip is only 2 months away and I really don't want to look like Pooh in the pics. :scared1::scared:
Totally fell off the wagon this weekend. I was doing so well until Friday night hit. We had friends of ours over. I saved up a lot of points to use but the wine started flowing and I suddenly dind't care aobut the points anymore. :confused: Saturday was okay but we were out running errands so ended up going thru the BK drive thru. Figured I already was having a bad weekend so just kept going and going and totally sabotaged all my hard work. I really hope I can get back on it. My Disney trip is only 2 months away and I really don't want to look like Pooh in the pics. :scared1::scared:


Hugs for you. We've all been there with a bad day-turned-weekend. The good thing is that is sounds as if you've already gotten a hold of it and can turn it around starting today!! :thumbsup2

You can DO it!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
Totally fell off the wagon this weekend. I was doing so well until Friday night hit. We had friends of ours over. I saved up a lot of points to use but the wine started flowing and I suddenly dind't care aobut the points anymore. :confused: Saturday was okay but we were out running errands so ended up going thru the BK drive thru. Figured I already was having a bad weekend so just kept going and going and totally sabotaged all my hard work. I really hope I can get back on it. My Disney trip is only 2 months away and I really don't want to look like Pooh in the pics. :scared1::scared:


Hugs for you. We've all been there with a bad day-turned-weekend. The good thing is that is sounds as if you've already gotten a hold of it and can turn it around starting today!! :thumbsup2

You can DO it!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

Agreed. Look at it this way, you still did better this week than before you started. Right?? The bad days are going to still come and go, you will never be perfect. No one is.
But, five good days out of every seven, is an improvement. If some weeks, you have seven good days, you will see more improvement.

But, long story short, it's not a race. Just keep keeping on and you will get where you are going eventually. For most of us, it took years getting to this point, so we shouldn't expect to get back to our starting point in a matter of weeks.

You can do it, don't give up!!!! :yay:

Hugs for you. We've all been there with a bad day-turned-weekend. The good thing is that is sounds as if you've already gotten a hold of it and can turn it around starting today!! :thumbsup2

You can DO it!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

Agreed. Look at it this way, you still did better this week than before you started. Right?? The bad days are going to still come and go, you will never be perfect. No one is.
But, five good days out of every seven, is an improvement. If some weeks, you have seven good days, you will see more improvement.

But, long story short, it's not a race. Just keep keeping on and you will get where you are going eventually. For most of us, it took years getting to this point, so we shouldn't expect to get back to our starting point in a matter of weeks.

You can do it, don't give up!!!! :yay:

You two just brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for your support. You have no idea how much it means. Or...you probably do. ;) THanks for the pick me up. I'm back on track. Put a crock pot meal in before I left work this morning so it would be ready when I got home. It's the one I got from this board (I think) with the chicken, salsa, and cream of mushroom soup. Thanks again everyone.

And..Kudos to those that had much success this week. It looks like there were several posters that had wonderful weight losses. Keep going. :banana:
Hi Honeys! I'm home!

Went out of town this weekend and ended up staying longer than planned because hubby (who had stayed home) came down with a stomach bug. Didn't want to catch it from him and since DS7 didn't have school today because of Columbus Day, we stayed another night to give him time to recover and disinfect the house.

Haven't caught up on all the posts yet. Will do that tonight or tomorrow. Just wanted to drop a quick note that I'm still kicking. No nausea yet!! :cool1: A little queasy some but nothing I can't handle. By this time in my other two pregnancies, I was miserable. I'm praying that a) this is still a healthy pregnancy despite my lack of morning sickness and that b) the morning sickness stays away!!

Be back soon!! :grouphug:

Hey guys! I sort of forgot today was Monday - report in day!!
I believe I am up a little, but have to find my little notebook to confirm where I was at last week! It's not handy right now.

I thought I did okay this weekend - a little too much snacking on candy/junk foods. I think my hardest thing is weekend lunches. I tend to just snack instead! Plus I went out for Indian food Friday night - oh that was so good - but too much Naan bread!
I found a beer that I like (which is rare) and it's only 110 calories a bottle. Bud light lime. I usually don't drink more than one at a time.

Anyway, I did get out and do a little walking and raked leaves, gardened too. It was so unseasonably nice out, I just HAD to be outside!

I also went shopping!!! I found two new pairs of pants for work, a little jacket, a leopard print sweater and tank to go under it, winter boots and gloves (Lands End inlet sale!!) I think I got it all for a little more than $100! The tan pants need to be hemmed since I couldn't find any in petite, but they were only $20 and my mom said she'd hem them for me! The pants - are both a size SMALLER than anything I own!!! The one pair says something about instant slimming on the tag! But you know, they just can't do anything about my muffin tops!!! I need to work on those myself I guess!

So, I'm in the group that needs to up the exercise and not just shove junk in my mouth because it looks good and is handy!! I went to the grocery store on Saturday and I have plenty of healthy options, so no more excuses!!

Congrats to all who are on track and losing and :hug: to the rest who are struggling. I believe I am treading water right now and need to start swimming!!!
Breakfast: Lean Cuisine Pocket
Lunch: Healthy Choice Beef Tips
Snack: Turkey, salsa, jalapeno on a tortilla
Dinner: Lettuce, tomato, honey mustard on a hamburger bun, small chili

Total 1420

10/11/10 DONE!
Dis Name Name Total Loss
Dizneydawn Dawn -10.4
Stitchfan23 Heather X
MulanUSAF Leen X
gellybean Aimee -5.6
MNdisneygirl Sheree -13.4
Shellabell Michelle -21
Hanutedmansionmommna Michele -6
Duchie Barb -49.1
tlenzendorf Tricia X
2 eagle mom Jane X
njcarita Cary X
zoegirl Bree -1.8
officereg Sara -37
pipersmom Amanda X
stayhomemom77 Julie -37.4
pwmitch237 Patrick X
Tricia1972 Tricia X
bunkkinsmom Emily -5
tebi73 Allison X
joyfulDisneytears Dana -11.6
indimom Susan -16
octoberbeauty Sherry
curlyq7171 Marnie -19

Yeah for us!!!! This is last Mondays weigh in!!!

I will work on this week as I can. Leaving for airport in 30 minutes and need to shower. Finally feeling better this morning and hoping the 20 total I have lost is not re-gained on WDW food!!!

Love ya guys!!! :grouphug:
I also went shopping!!! I found two new pairs of pants for work, a little jacket, a leopard print sweater and tank to go under it, winter boots and gloves (Lands End inlet sale!!) I think I got it all for a little more than $100!

Who hoo for great deals!! :woohoo:

The tan pants need to be hemmed since I couldn't find any in petite, but they were only $20 and my mom said she'd hem them for me! The pants - are both a size SMALLER than anything I own!!!

Awesome!! :cool1::yay::woohoo:

Dare I hope that this means there will be a little fashion show in Minnesota soon to come our way??

I will work on this week as I can. Leaving for airport in 30 minutes and need to shower. Finally feeling better this morning and hoping the 20 total I have lost is not re-gained on WDW food!!!

Love ya guys!!! :grouphug:

Glad you are feeling better! Have a great time at Disney! We'll miss you!


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