When Did I get Voted Off of Skinny Island #2: Castaway's Land Ho!!!!

Bree - I feel that all the time. My sweet little boy will be 3 in January. I was just rocking him last night telling him to slow down growing that he was my baby. He looke me square in the eye and said, "No mommy...me big boy now." I must admit, I did tear up. He is our last so I am really treasuring every moment.

Wednesday 10/06
B: 1/2 piece of french toast, apple
L: Spinach salad with goat cheese, craisins, grapes, 1/4 cup chopped steak, ff dressing
S: walnuts
D: stir fry with red peppers, purdue short cuts, shrimp, mushroom, onion

Really have to start getting in more water! That is my goal for today. I couldn't resist the scale last night. I was very happy when it said I was down 2 1/2 pounds. Sadly, my DD7 soon to be 8 then jumped on and said, "I used to be 79 pounds lets see what I am now." She was 81. She got sad, looked and me and said, am I getting fat like you now.

I didn't know what to say. I told her she was just fine but I needed her help and support and if she could exercise with me for moral support that would be great.
I came home with a size 14 in one of my new skirts so I have to go back and try to exchange it today. I also noticed that my favourite blouse from all the stuff I tried on yesterday somehow wasn't in the keep pile. I'm determined to go back there and get it. But, :scared: what if I spend more money?

Anyway, the fashion show will have to wait until later today. Sorry ladies!!
Oh wow Aimee! Congratulations! I'm so very excited for you :) Have you told your DH yet? Please DO keep posting here so we can continue to support you over the next few months. Besides, we'd miss you too much if you were gone that long.

Julie.... Julie.... Julie.... girl you just crack me up! The best part was that none of it matched your brown boots. :lmao: I actually admire you because when you need something you just buy it. I really need new clothes but when I'm in the store I always manage to talk myself out of things. So you're my shopping proxy. Pictures, please!

Dana, that recipe looks so good. I think I might try it tonight since I have all of the stuff. But we just had fajitas last night (ate mine on a salad rather than tortillas so it's not too bad) so the family might not be in the mood for Mexican again today.

Bree I know what you're going through. Several months ago I had a bout of baby pangs, but then I quickly realized that what I really wanted was for my kids to be little again. Well, we all know that ain't happening! I really enjoy my kids - they're growing into such smart, funny, charming and interesting people. But there are times when I miss those sweet little babies. Now it's true I may be biased, but lemme tell ya, DH and I made some CUTE babies!

Welcome aboard Danielle! We're glad you decided to join us.
Congratulations Aimee!!!! How exciting! I :love: babies!

I feel the need to vent a little...yesterday I received the item I ordered for Halloween. I got a black corset from Hips & Curves. I've been wanting to get one, and that particular one was discounted, so I went ahead and ordered it. I figured I could throw a tank top under it or a jacket over it post-Halloween as a going-out garment. It fits great...everywhere except the top!

WHY do 'the girls' make it so impossible to find stuff that fits!!!! GRRRRRRRRR! :mad: It makes me look like I have Jabba the Hutt sitting on my chest. I guess some folks might be into that look, but I do not think it's attractive AT ALL. Maybe once I lose more weight it will look better. *sigh* I'm mostly annoyed because I made a point of emailing them multiple times before I ordered to make sure I was getting the right size and that it would fit me properly.

Ok, rant over.

Hope everyone has a good Thursday. :)
Hi all! Sorry I've been MIA lately, but I've been trying to read and keep up with all.

:welcome: ccgirl!!! We are a great group (well, the ones that show up more often!)

Aimee: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is awesome news! Best wishes and you better stick around! We'd miss you too much!!

Dana - that chicken salsa recipe looks awesome! I wonder if I could get my family to eat it? I think I'll make it anyway!

Julie - OMG you cracked me up!!:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: Go buy the blouse and something to go with those poor neglected brown boots. Or if they are a 7.5 or 8, send them to me!! ;)

Patrick - hey - glad exams are over - have fun at homecoming!!! I like that quote too.

So - no tracking for me. I'm sort of coasting. I am generally eating healthy choices, but need to up the exercise. I've been soooo busy lately. I need to carve out some time. Of course, I went to the Twins game last night (;() and walked three blocks each way, plus the way arond the whole stadium and up the steps to my seat (way up top!). So there's a little bit! We are supposed to have gorgeous weather for a few days, so I'm getting outside!

Have a great Thursday!! It's almost Friday!

Happy Thursday all!

I am having a crazy busy week and I am doing well food wise!

I was down at WW and from last week lost a pound.

My new WISH loss total is -10.4 and so I can claim my next picture honestly finally!!! Holly Toledo was that a long process! :lmao:

Goal for trip next Tuesday is to be under 248. Today was at 252.2.

Original goal was to be 30 pounds total gone by October but I will probably be closer to 20 exactly. Not going to stress over September and what could have been but rather focus on October and even while traveling, stay within points as close as I can and walk. In fact I want to go for an hour walk each morning before we shower to go for the day. A face paced walk that will keep up my heart rate vs the sprint, walk, stop and wait in line of park touring.

Wore one of my new outfits the other day and got a lot of complements on the pieces! Packing all the new things tonight!

Last night Carsyn played in a powder puff football game and I came home and only had a one point fruit Popsicle for a snack. I was hungry and all but just chose to go to bed early. Sleeping makes it difficult to eat I have figured out! :lmao: Now I will go from being an overeater to a narcoleptic!:laughing:

I have a big party tonight so will have to catch up on everyone tomorrow morning! Hope all is well and each of you have a fantastic healthy day!!! I will also post the results tomorrow!
I am 10 years older than my brother. So when he was five, I was fifteen and MAN, did that kid get on my nerves. He had an uncanny knack of figuring out how to push my buttons and he gleefully did it several times a day!!

My son, also five has recently been channelling the ghost of my five year old brother!! That kid has been a bit of a turd this week and while I'm generally able to keep it together (I am a leeeettle older than fifteen now)...this week I couldn't wait to put him to bed each night!!

Imagine my mother's guilt (warring with my relief) and you'll see a trend towards some serious evening snacking. I've used all but seven of my flex points (although TOM was partly a factor...probably why I had trouble holding it together too...it came three days early too. BOO!!).

It was with horror I realized that this coming Sunday is Canadian Thanksgiving!!:scared1::scared1::scared1:

Thank goodness the TOM cravings have passed (I get mine for a few days before I start and then the cravings cease on day one) and that I've already earned myself 24 exercise points. I think I'm going to skip dessert though and limit myself to one helping of everything else since I have to weigh in the following day.

DS has agreed to take pictures of me in my new outfits so the fashion show will commence (at my house) in just a couple of minutes. Then once I've uploaded them to photobucket, I'll start posting them here.

OH!! And I DO have an outfit or two that I can wear with my brown boots!! I may have bought a couple other things today when I exchanged that skirt. :rolleyes1


Julie - Go shopping for meeeeeeeeeeee!!! I don't dare buy anything for a while. And just what size shoe do you wear anyway? :worship: the fact that you walked to Wal-Mart!

:lmao: that nothing matches your brown boots!!! HAHAHAHA

Danielle- I wear the Lane Bryant Right Fits too. What shape are you, square, triangle or circle? They tell me I'm a triangle based on my measurement but squares fit better. Who knew!
Thank you for the congratulations! I agree that we can all use all the support we can get, and while the support I'll need will be a bit different, it's still support! And a journey toward a better healthier you is about more than just weight loss!

Julie - Thank you!! :hug:

Heather - Thanks!!

He's still in shock I think. I think we both are. I definitely plan to post the next 9 mths and beyond. I'm gonna need all the distraction I can get. 9 mths seems so far away now.

Susan- Thank you!!

Yeah I guess it won't be Just us Two in January will it?

We talked about it briefly yesterday if maybe we should hold off on the Just us Two trip. Financially we could allocate those funds to baby stuff etc. But we both agreed that if we don't go now, it'll be another 3 1/2 years before we can get away without the kids.

So as of now Just us Three are heading to Disney in January still!

Bree - Thank you!! I had baby fever bad for quite a while about 6 mths ago and had actually finally talked myself out of trying for a third in the forseeable future and then BAM here I am. I will definitely post all the negative pukey heartburn discomfort stuff about pregnancy to help you with the baby fever. ;)

Julie - Glad DH laughed. Sounds like you've got a keeper! YAY for DH wanting to get some new stuff. My DH's idea of getting new clothes is ordering jeans and more solid colored polos online. And that's it. *sigh*
Would love to actually take him shopping and make him try on stuff but nooooooooooo.

Oh poor Julie having to go shopping again!

Patrick- Congrats on being through with exams!! Stress eating will do it to ya every time. I'm sure that 3 lbs will fall right back off!
Have a great time at Homecoming!

Bree- YES I go through it too! It seems easier with DS7 than DS2 but I always get a little sad when I box up his smaller stuff. I have to make sure I'm in the right state of mind to do it. I totally get the sadness/happiness thing at watching your babies grow up.

Michelle - Thank you!

Danielle - I did something similar the other night. Cried as I sang his nightly lullabye cus I knew that it won't be long that he won't want me to sing him to sleep anymore. I have tried to treasure every moment with DS2 because I honestly believed that he would be our last. While I'm excited that we'll get to go through a baby stage again I realize that DS2 will never be a baby again and I feel the loss of *his* baby hood anyway. Hope that made sense.

Barb - Thank you!! I told DH yesterday before I told any one.

I texted him to call me when he got a chance and when I answered I was crying. And he's all what's wrong? and I said I'm so sorry! and he's like why? and I said if I had ever in a million years thought that it was gonna be positive I would have waited to take the test when he was home!!!


So that's how he found out. He knew I was late but I decided to go get a test yesterday after debating back and forth taking a test or not. I honestly thought my cycle was just messed up because of the stress over DS7's school situation.

DH actually asked me if y'all knew before he did!! :rotfl:

I TOTALLY understand the baby fever v. realizing you just miss when you're own children were babies.
I had realized that myself a few months ago. That what I was mourning was the loss of DS2's babyhood and not necessarily wanting another baby.

I guess fate/God/my ovaries had a different plan!!

Dana - Thank you! I love them too!

Thank you Sheree!! I'd miss you guys too!!

Julie - 5 was a hard age for me with my oldest. It gets better and then it gets worse again. The attitude and the arguing. But I think we have to go through this as they get older or we'd never want them to grow up!

I understand the 'can't wait til it's bedtime' thing. I think most mom's can.

Good luck with Thanksgiving!!

AT LEAST your TOM showed up!! AHEM!!!!


Can't wait for the pictures!! And YAY for outfits to go with your brown boots. Way to blame it on Barb!

Personal gibbergabber:

I think I'm still in shock. Kinda comes with the whole NOT planned business. My previous pregnancies I've had HELLACIOUS morning sickness. I'm praying praying praying that it's not as bad this time around. I have to keep going. A nearly 3 and 8 year old require my attention! So this is gonna get interesting. And honestly I always knew I wanted a 3rd child, it was the 3rd pregnancy that I could never quite convince myself to willingly go through.

Guess that decision was made for me!

I called my OB office yesterday and spoke to a nurse. Asked about what the protocol is since I've had gestational diabetes twice ( didn't know I had it the first pregnancy until I was diagnosed in the second pregnancy but put 2 and 2 together at that point and realized I went undiagnosed the first time around). So this is the first time I've known I had it coming into a pregnancy.

She's mailing me the lab work for the glucose tolerance test so I can do that BEFORE my first nurse visit. If I fail the 1 hr, I'll move on to the 3 hr. If I fail it, I'll start seeing the endo immediately. I asked her if there was any harm in my following the diabetic diet that I remembered from my nutritionist during pregnancy last time. She said no, it was a great diet to do regardless of diabetes.

So I'm cutting out any sugar over 7g's. I can only have 15g of carbs at breakfast (one piece of bread equivalent) and 30g carbs each at morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and evening snack. The equivalent of 1 cup of rice or 1 cup of mashed potatoes or 2 tortillas or 2 pieces of bread etc. Of course you eat a lot more protein while pregnant and can have unlimited non-starchy veggies and beans. I can eat fruit but not at breakfast. No milk at breakfast either. :confused3

I will be canceling WW and may not be renewing the body bugg software (for now). I don't see a point in spending money on it when I'm not really supposed to be 'dieting'. I realize that knowing the calories I burn wouldn't hurt me during pregnancy but why spend the $10 a month? I'm still thinking this one over.

So far no nausea! :woohoo:

Thank you all for the congratulations, well wishes and encouragement to stay on the raft with you guys!

Okay ladies...

In no particular order, here are my new things:

The casual tops that I bought at Reitmans. I'm actually wearing the purple one (hence the arm across the teal one) but didn't think to get DS to take my pic in it. Just your basic long sleeved tops...quite comfortable. They're a bit long...I had hoped they'd shrink a bit in the wash but alas, they're a cotton/poly blend.



I didn't model these because, well...I was too lazy. :rotfl2

Okay, so the first outfit. The white skirt is one I rescued from the donation bag. (When stuff gets to big I throw it in a garbage bag to give to Good Will or whatever.) It's an 18, so it's pretty loose and hangs lower down and I may not ever wear it, but I COULD wear this outfit with my brown boots. The top could also go with my beige skirt or any of my black skirts. I :lovestruc having options!!

This outfit is still snug. It's all size 16 stuff but I'm thinking that I need a couple more weeks before I can wear it in public. The blouse is an older one and the skirt was the new purchase.

All new stuff here and that sweater is sooooo soft!!

This black skirt has a flounce at the back. It's so comfortable! It's going to be featured in several of the next pictures but all the blouses (and camisoles) are new. This is the blouse from yesterday that got left behind accidentally. She found it after I left and set it aside for me...just in case I came back for it today. :rolleyes1

Love this blouse.

Freakin' ADORE this blouse. It would also go with the beige skirt and my brown boots.

Love, love, love this blouse. Can NOT wait to wear it. I resisted pink for YEARS until I had a daughter and then it started to grow on me. Love this one!

This one is not very flattering. The blouse just didn't look right with the skirt but since it was the last outfit and my photographer was getting antsy, I just threw it on and came down for my close up. This is the beige skirt which is also an 18. It fits okay (not great) but though I love these pieces separately, I HATE them together. I even put on my boots for you to see. I have an identical pair in black but I'm partial to the brown ones.

So that's it!! I also got a red camisole that didn't feature here and a pink short sleeved stretch sweater top (for $4.99) that somehow also got missed. I'll try and remember to get a pic taken the first time I wear so I can post it.

TTFN folks!! And can I PLEASE get some of you to post more pics of yourselves so that I don't look so vain and self centered!!

I mean, I AM vain and self centered but this way it won't be so obvious!!


Patrick, that means I expect pics of homecoming!!
Julie - Go shopping for meeeeeeeeeeee!!! I don't dare buy anything for a while. And just what size shoe do you wear anyway? :worship: the fact that you walked to Wal-Mart!

Well, I DID walk to get in my exercise but I wouldn't have had a choice yesterday anyway, since DH had the car. It's about four miles round trip so it was a good way to earn myself about 9 points. I wear a size nine most of the time but I believe the boots are an eight.

:lmao: that nothing matches your brown boots!!! HAHAHAHA

I go through this EVERY year!! This is my third fall with these boots and though I have TONS of stuff to go with the black ones, the brown ones get left out. And they're my favourites. For some reason they're softer and stretchier so they're much more comfortable. Every year I pull them out and then panic because I have nothing to go with them!!

So as of now Just us Three are heading to Disney in January still!

I'm so glad you're still going. You'll be in the lovely middle trimester so it works out pretty well I think, all things considered.

Julie - Glad DH laughed. Sounds like you've got a keeper! YAY for DH wanting to get some new stuff. My DH's idea of getting new clothes is ordering jeans and more solid colored polos online. And that's it. *sigh*
Would love to actually take him shopping and make him try on stuff but nooooooooooo.

We're celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary next week and that guy has had some of the things in his closet longer than we've been married!! :scared1::scared1: Holey underarms and all!!

Last year I came across a sale and just bought him a bunch of stuff and brought it home. I offered to take back whatever he didn't like but asked him to please try everything on. He kept everything and wore all of them frequently. I think it's really just the shopping part he hates. But this time he has to go so we can ensure that things are the right fit.

Oh poor Julie having to go shopping again!

Hee hee!! I exchanged the skirt, and got two more blouses (the forgotten one and one more plus the missing sweater top for $4.99. Then I called it quits before I could explore anything else!!

Julie - 5 was a hard age for me with my oldest. It gets better and then it gets worse again. The attitude and the arguing. But I think we have to go through this as they get older or we'd never want them to grow up!

I haven't come across this sentiment yet. I'm content to enjoy them at the ages they are and try not to think too much about the future.

AT LEAST your TOM showed up!! AHEM!!!!


When I was typing that out I was totally thinking, "Gelly isn't going to let that one pass without a comment!!" Thanks for not disappointing me!!

Who hoo for no nausea and I'm really glad you are trying to stay on top of things with regards to the gestational diabetes. :woohoo::woohoo:

I don't blame you for canceling WW and thinking about doing it for the bodybugg. Why pay for it? You can always renew later when it becomes possible to use again, right?

Have you told the boys yet or are you going to wait on that?

Are you hoping for a boy or a girl??

I have a million more questions but given your emotionally fragile state :rotfl: I'm going to be kind and show some restraint!!

Hoping if your morning sickness DOES come that it is short in duration and mild in intensity!!

Just to clarify.

SHEREE told me to go get something to go with my brown boots. Barb just called me her shopping proxy.

Sorry for the error!!


Just to clarify.

SHEREE told me to go get something to go with my brown boots. Barb just called me her shopping proxy.

Sorry for the error!!


Hey now, I offered to take the boots off your hands too!!

I need to go get some pants for work. The khakis I'm wearing today are 1)too casual really and 2) too baggy in the hip area. The crotch hangs kind of low too. It doesn't help that I have short stubby legs!! Maybe this weekend. I think, depending on the brand, I'm ready to drop down a size!! :yay:
Oh my goodness, when I opened this thread at the last page, I saw all the "congratulations Aimee!!!" and thought, wow, how much weight did she lose or did she run a marathon or something... so went back a couple pages and I'm like WOW, SHE'S HAVING A BABY!!!



Notice I'm using gender neutral color here, but I'm sooo excited for you! Please keep us updated on all the details, I can't wait to hear about all the baby news! I'm also really glad you are totally on top of all the gestational diabetes stuff as well, it's good to be prepared isn't it? I hope everything goes smooth as butter for you throughout this pregnancy.

PS Your bra mishap is hilarious!!! I did something like that a week ago when I tried to take off a shirt while stopped at a red light with the seat belt on. My arm got stuck and the light turned green, so in desperation, I yanked the top off hard and somehow caused my shoulder to pop very painfully, and it's still giving me twinges.
Wow we've been a busy thread today!

Thanks everyone for sympathizing w/me today. I do love every age DS has gone through, I just miss the sweet little baby
I'm with Barb on saying that I'm biased but my Hubs & I sure made a cute one :)
At least I tell myself that every time I'm ready to throttle him for getting into something, or racing his dumptruck through the house almost running over the dog.

Dana - I'm sorry you're having issues with the corset you ordered but I have to say the jabba the hut image had me cracking up.

Sheree - we've missed you, glad you popped in. I would totally count all that walking at the Twins game as exercise. and all my pants are hanging low in the crotch now too. I'm trying to hold off on the shopping (1 b/c DS needs new stuff & (2 I'd rather be almost at my goal before I buy new stuff. I think I'm gonna need to stuff my bras though....I always seem to lose the most "there" :headache:

Dawn - Woo Hoo for being down this week! 20lbs is better than not losing at all so don't sweat not being where you originally wanted to be (seems like you're not). Can't wait to hear about your next trip...do you have a PTR going? I still need to go finish the last one you did.
Hope you had fun at your party tonight.

Aimee - Looks like the baby decision was made for you. I can so relate to morning sickness. I had 18 weeks of it during my pregnancy, & when that stopped the heartburn set in. Good for you on getting a head start on the gestational diabetes. :grouphug: here's to a happy, healthy pregnancy!

Julie - Your new clothes look great. Good for you for finding all your new stuff at such great prices. I wish I had the patience to shop for good deals. Well I do when shopping for DS, but not for myself. My DH jokes that I have J.Crew tastes on a Wal-Mart budget.....he really is a turd! (but i love him...he's mine) I've been meaning to get him to help me post some pics of a race I did back in August. If I can get a minute alone with him (you moms of toddlers understand this right?) I'm going to make him show me how to upload pics, cause I have no idea.

Thurs -
brkfst - 1/2 chobani yogurt, 1/2 a banana, coffee w/creamer
lunch - 3oz deli turkey, laughing cow wedge on 5 crackers, leftover roasted cauliflower & broccoli
snack - diet ginger ale
dinner - salad w/half a chicken breast, 1TB dressing, roasted zucchini & yellow squash
5 tater tots
17 points for the day so I'm sure I'll be having a little snack before bed.

Exercise - ran 6 miles

Oct 7 done
veggies done

10/7/10 Tracking
Breakfast: egg sandwich, coffee. 9pts.
Lunch: succatash, grapefruit. 6pts.
Snack: fig newtons. 6pts.
Dinner: cauliflower, chicken. 6pts.
Total: 27pts.
Water: 60oz!!! Finally, I'm back in the game!
Excercise: 3 miles.

I'm happy to say, I feel like I'm in the groove again!!! :cool2: Why does it have to be so HARD one day, and then feel effortless another day??? I wish I felt like this all the time!!!!!!!! Why can't I bottle it and save it for the days when I need it?

10/7/10 DONE

Just noticed last night for the first time. My sis and I haven't lengthened our walk any, BUT we are getting faster!! Down from a little over 40 minutes to less than 35 minutes. I'd guess we've shaved about 8 minutes off our 3 mile walking time!!! :banana: We are talking about upping our distance slightly since we allow 45 minutes of our evening for walking.
I haven't asked her about it, but I'm also thinking we should jog a bit of it (as much as we can manage). We'll see what she thinks. Pretty soon, it's going to get too dark during our walk time to use the bike-n-hike trails, and I'm not sure I want to run on the road where the whole town can see us, but I'm willing to try it in the woods.

Once it gets too cold, we're stuck walking in the halls at the high school. YUCK! I'm not looking forward to that. We can add in stairs to make it harder, but it's soooooooooooo boring. Looking at the same walls over and over. Was not fun last year, and I don't expect it to be fun this year. I might have to think of something we can do to liven things up a bit. Music would help, but none of our MP3s can be used without headphones while walking and we like to talk too.... Ideas, anyone? Any small portable speaker systems out there we could use with an MP3???

HAVE A GREAT FRIDAY!!!! :cheer2:

I just jogged three miles!!!


I have to tell you, race or no race...I feel just like you said I would: like a rock star!! :cool2:

Now, it was a fourteen minute mile pace :laughing: and it was in the comfort and privacy of my living room (like seven bazillion laps :rotfl2:) but I AM EXHILERATED!!

It got tough in the middle and I just kept thinking...if I can just manage to go three miles, I can tell Bree I did it!!

The next step is to take the show on the road. I tried it before and couldn't pace myself properly and wore myself out too early. I'm thinking if I can manage to tape the soundtrack of my workout tape and transfer it somehow to DH's ipod then I should be able to do it no problem!!

Thanks for encouraging me Bree! I feel like a million bucks!!

Aimee - I just heard on the news this morning that statistically women who have morning sickness have healthier pregnancies, and said healthy-ness increases the longer you have it. :laughing: Of course, I'd take that with a grain of salt, but there's the silver lining to morning sickness I guess! :rolleyes:

Julie - Congrats on jogging 3 miles! :cheer2: I have yet to be able to jog the whole 5k distance, but I did complete a race back in May. There was a lot of walking thrown into the jogging then...I didn't anticipate how hilly the course would be! It was fun regardless!

Bree - I'm glad somebody was amused by my Star Wars humour! I would post a picture...but it is just NOT pretty. Especially if I sat down in it and it got pushed up from the bottom...YIKES. The corset itself is gorgeous, but not on me! :rotfl2: I was so mad at myself for ordering it once I saw what it looked like, especially since they have a no return policy on sale priced items (but it was still pretty expensive as far as my pocketbook is concerned). Luckily, I emailed them today and basically begged them, and they are going to let me exchange it for a different style that is the same price. Phew!

I got on the scale earlier this week and it seems all my slacking and stuffing my face the past few weeks has finally caught up to me. I was holding steady for a long while there, but I'll probably be 4 or 5 lbs up for the next weigh-in. All the more reason to get back in the swing of things...I don't know what my problem is! :headache:

Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Good afternoon all! Sorry I haven't checked in lately, but it's been a busy, somewhat hellish week.

Jane- We received your package and Piper LOVES the game, it's right up her alley..thank you so much! :hug: :love:

Aimee- Congratulations! I am so excited for you!! I'm so glad you're going to keep posting :)

Okay, so I am completely off the wagon, but I'm brushing it off until we get out of here. So here's what's gone on this week. We had decided to get some testing done on Piper because I've been struggling to get her into the school's gifted program for almost 2 yrs now. So she's been evaluated by speech, occupational therapy, and a neuropsychologist. What it all boiled down to is that she has anxiety disorder and high functioning Asperger's Syndrome. To say I was shocked would be a massive understatement. On the upside, her IQ is 137, and the gifted services should no longer be an issue. Once she's out, we're going to start the IEP process to get what she needs in place. The Asperger's diagnosis does fit, a lot of the things click into place with it, I had just never connected the dots into that type of pattern. It also explains why the school says she's too distracted (actually brain overload) and slow to finish her classwork. I'm slowly adjusting to the fact that we have one more thing to deal with. She's also going to start taking an anti-anxiety med, which the psychologist thinks is also going to make a big difference. So that's what is new in this zoo. I'm somewhat dreading the whole IEP process, but will be glad when everything is in place, and lord knows I'm used to advocating for her at school, so at least I already know to go in expecting the worst! I haven't weighed myself since last Monday, and don't plan to until we get home and I can start doing something about it. Glad to see everyone is doing well, I should be back on full time Wed or Thurs..
Wow!! Some of you ladies have some seriously massive stuff going on in your lives!!!


Sending love and hugs to all of you and especially to Amanda!! I hope you are able to maintain your weight and hold things together until you get home and you get settled back into your normal routine!

I sent Piper something at the beginning of the week so I hope she gets it soon!
Just a quick drive-by post tonight because I learned something today. Tootsie Pops are only 1 point. 1 point! I can totally do that!

All of this Halloween candy everywhere was really starting to get to me. Like Aimee's queso, I wanted to jump into a bowl of chocolate and eat my way out. But then I learned that Tootsie Pops, which are one of my favorite all-time canides, are only 1 point per pop. :cloud9:

I might just make it through Halloween after all....


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