What would you do?


Looking around
Nov 14, 2010
I realise where I'm asking this ;) but here goes anyway....

We are looking to buy resale AKV points at around 150 - 160. I believe we are in a place to be able to buy them this year, however it will be by stretching ourselves (1 holiday to WDW and not 2 ;) ). If we waited a year we would be in a better place and have more debt paid off (we wont be getting finance to buy them but we would have paid off more of our debt if you understand what i mean?) BUT what if the new changes DO come into play? Basically I'm thinking if we had already bought resale we would *probably* be okay - though we love AKV so would be happy staying there forever more we would like to be able to change it up every now and again.

So I'm torn. Do we buy now and stretch ourselves a bit or buy in a year if the changes dont come in? If the changes DO come, I have no idea whether we will buy as obviously all the facts are speculation at the moment.

We had kinda thought we would wait a year until we heard about the changes, now we just dont know what to do.

So I'm asking, what would you do?
I'd wait and pay down more debt while I waited. DVC will still be here in a year. In this fragile economy, the less debt the better, especially if I am contemplating a luxury purchase and committing to rather expensive vacations for many years to come.

It is extremely unlikely that Disney would eliminate the ability to book a non-home resort (assume that is what you mean by resort hopping).

Many here do not think they can legally do so for just resale purchases - at least not for the existing DVC resorts.
RobynPrincess said:
I realise where I'm asking this ;) but here goes anyway....

We are looking to buy resale AKV points at around 150 - 160. I believe we are in a place to be able to buy them this year, however it will be by stretching ourselves (1 holiday to WDW and not 2 ;) ). If we waited a year we would be in a better place and have more debt paid off (we wont be getting finance to buy them but we would have paid off more of our debt if you understand what i mean?) BUT what if the new changes DO come into play? Basically I'm thinking if we had already bought resale we would *probably* be okay - though we love AKV so would be happy staying there forever more we would like to be able to change it up every now and again.

So I'm torn. Do we buy now and stretch ourselves a bit or buy in a year if the changes dont come in? If the changes DO come, I have no idea whether we will buy as obviously all the facts are speculation at the moment.

We had kinda thought we would wait a year until we heard about the changes, now we just dont know what to do.

So I'm asking, what would you do?

Great question. I think there are actually two separate issues here. The first is whether or not DVC is right for you right now. The second is whether or not you should let any possible restrictions alter your timeline.

I would not make any major purchase based on speculation, and right now that is all there is regarding new restrictions. It may come to be that the new restrictions don't impact you, and if they cause prices to drop then that is a bonus for you. Back to the first question...it does not sound like DVC is right for you at this time. If you have a decent amount of debt, a sound financial plan would be to pay it off before making a luxury purchase such as a timeshare. Also, your references to "stretching" yourselves financially is a huge red flag that there is a chance that this could end up badly for you. DVC has been around for a while and it will continue to be around. Resale prices are trending downward. Wait a year or two. Not only will you be in a better financial position, but you may see a drop in prices that allows you to save even more.

Good luck with your decision. :)
Thank you both for taking the time to reply, I think you could be right. We are a couple with debt that if we carried on paying off the way we are will be paid off in 2 years. I think it would probably make more sense to wait until this time next year to start thinking about it more. Sad to shelve the idea though :(

Thank you both for taking the time to reply, I think you could be right. We are a couple with debt that if we carried on paying off the way we are will be paid off in 2 years. I think it would probably make more sense to wait until this time next year to start thinking about it more. Sad to shelve the idea though :(

I would wait. You'll be in a better place with far less risk and possible stress. DVC will be less money in all likelihood and they can't take away the right to reserve the DVC resorts. Possibly pay the money you'd have paid for DVC toward your debt, get it all paid off then save up for DVC.
Buying is the least expensive part of your ownership. The dues and the yearly couple of thousand dollars for transportation, food, admission, and other Disney stuff is what really costs.

:earsboy: Bill
Buying is the least expensive part of your ownership. The dues and the yearly couple of thousand dollars for transportation, food, admission, and other Disney stuff is what really costs.

:earsboy: Bill

We can more than afford the yearly trips, we do them anyway, it will make the trips less expensive for us. :)

Thanks everyone for your advice xxxxx
If it were me, (and assuming you are talking about consumer debt at a non-trivial interest rate, not a mortgage), I would cut back from two trips a year to one, or possibly even less frequently, until the debt was paid off, and defer any DVC purchase until after the consumer debt is paid as well.

I would not let the rumor of changes drive my purchase decision.
Thanks for taking the time to reply, we don't actually pay any interest on the debt as its on a credit card with 0% interest rate. But you do talk sense, we have decided not to buy this year for certain.
Thanks for taking the time to reply, we don't actually pay any interest on the debt as its on a credit card with 0% interest rate. But you do talk sense, we have decided not to buy this year for certain.
I use a CC for most every daily life item but I realize it has risk. There is risk to the no interest CC options as well. Just be careful, follow all the rules without cutting it close and get out from under it as fast as you can. Then you can buy into DVC and it can be a blessing to your family. Lets us know when you get there.
I realise where I'm asking this ;) but here goes anyway....

We are looking to buy resale AKV points at around 150 - 160. I believe we are in a place to be able to buy them this year, however it will be by stretching ourselves (1 holiday to WDW and not 2 ;) ). If we waited a year we would be in a better place and have more debt paid off (we wont be getting finance to buy them but we would have paid off more of our debt if you understand what i mean?) BUT what if the new changes DO come into play? Basically I'm thinking if we had already bought resale we would *probably* be okay - though we love AKV so would be happy staying there forever more we would like to be able to change it up every now and again.

So I'm torn. Do we buy now and stretch ourselves a bit or buy in a year if the changes dont come in? If the changes DO come, I have no idea whether we will buy as obviously all the facts are speculation at the moment.

We had kinda thought we would wait a year until we heard about the changes, now we just dont know what to do.

So I'm asking, what would you do?

I would not do it. I would never stretch when it comes to a luxury item like a timeshare.

I say this even though I do have points at AKL and I do love it. But I would be severely angry and disappointed in Disney if they change essentially how DVC works now. The ability to book at different DVC resorts is not a perk. It is how this timeshare works now and one of the biggest pluses as the guides try to sell their contracts. Taking it away, even if it is in the contract that they can, would have the majority of owners furious at DVC. I believe it would be a very poor move on their part.

So I would wait until you can pay for it upfront and without stretching.
It sounds to me like you have a pretty good head on your shoulders, and have already made a good and responsible decision.

One way to realize the savings of dvc and try out different resorts is to rent points until you're ready to buy points.
Last month i took 2 trips ( one for business and one for family) and i rented a few nights to supplement the points i was short. I got 2 nights at boardwalk preferred view for $135 a night ( $441 per night on Disney's website) and 3 nights standard view at jambo house for $94 per night. ($300+ per night on disney's website).

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