"What exactly is a schnitzel!?" March 2015 DR - November Trip Plans 9/2

Beaches and Cream looks delicious. We are finally trying it in November during our stay at BWI. DH gets a similar PB sundae at a local ice cream shop in our town, so I bet we will be splitting a No Way Jose.

I want to try WCC for breakfast some time; we had dinner there last trip and it was a wonderful experience. The skillet is pretty much all of my husband's food dreams served up on a platter.
Beaches and Cream looks delicious. We are finally trying it in November during our stay at BWI. DH gets a similar PB sundae at a local ice cream shop in our town, so I bet we will be splitting a No Way Jose.

I want to try WCC for breakfast some time; we had dinner there last trip and it was a wonderful experience. The skillet is pretty much all of my husband's food dreams served up on a platter.

The No Way Jose was seriously so big! It was amazing.

My fiance would love that skillet, we may have to do WCC for dinner sometime. Not my choice of foods so I'd probably just order off the regular menu, but omg he would be in heaven!!

A few hours later, we had spent some time in Adventureland and Frontierland and I had a hankering for a Dole Whip. I hadn't had one yet but I had to have one before we left that afternoon.

The line wasn't long and I didn't want to back track later, so we stopped and just got a small one. Justin isn't a huge fan of these but he helped me out a little.


A few hours after that he was hungry for lunch.

The last time we'd been to WDW he fell deeply in love with the taco salad at Pecos Bill. I have no idea why. Maybe it was the endless toppings and the crunchy shell.

I let him know a couple months later that they no longer served it. Then I had sworn I read that they were serving it again. Then I read they served it at Tortuga Tavern now. :confused3

He was determined to have it for lunch that day, so we stopped by Pecos Bill - the CM outside let us know that they no longer sold it.

So we headed to Tortuga, where they also told us that they didn't sell it.

Womp, womp, womp.

Justin then declared he would like to eat at "That Baseball Place" aka Casey's, so we headed toward Main Street.

The setup inside is really cute! We love baseball so we both really appreciated the old time baseball theme.


Justin decided on a (get ready for it) chili cheese dog and fries. So sorry for the overabundance of chili and cheese on this trip, lol. I think it appeared 3 out of 4 days! I should've ordered corn dog nuggets (they looked SO GOOD) but I wasn't very hungry.


Chili Cheese Dog - topped with chili and shredded cheddar cheese $10.29

He also had a Diet Coke and I ordered an ice water (I make it a point to do that at any QS place since they are free).

I had a couple fries and they were really good. I've read recently that they got rid of the liquid cheese!? Can't recall if it said it was gone altogether or just that the self serve was gone in the parks.

He really enjoyed it and it was plenty to fill him up for the rest of the afternoon.

Some rides later, we decided to head back to the resort for a few hours and relax before getting on the Magical Express. Our flight was at 8:50 pm, landing at 11:15, so we decided to have dinner at Pop.

I was in one of those moods where I was hot and tired, so I wasn't really hungry, but I knew I should eat.

I have been wanting to try the waffle sandwiches at Sleepy Hollow, so we decided to stop by on our way out of the park.

I always like to watch in the window as I pass by.


I was SO TORN between the chicken and the prosciutto/ham/swiss. I love prosciutto so ultimately I went with the latter.


Ham, Prosciutto, and Swiss Waffle Sandwich - $7.49

The verdict? I was slightly disappointed. :scared1:

The waffle was GOOD. The meats were okay. I just think the Swiss was an odd combo. It also had what I think was an herbed sour cream on it, and it was globbed on really thick. So thick that I only ate about half because I couldn't stomach the rest.

It was good, but I think I will have to try the sweet and spicy chicken next time!

After that, we headed back to POP for a little resting before catching the Magical Express around 6 PM.
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Catching up on your last couple of updates.

Glad you all liked AoA. We stayed there a few trips back and really enjoyed the resort (and food court, BTW I had that caprese sandwich and it was indeed yummy). That surf and surf looks really good and love that you can actually see lumps of crab in it.

Sorry your La Cava margarita was a bit of a bust. We love them, but I've never been able to pull myself away from the avocado one. Maybe next time they will have one with some Natty light ; )

Beaches and cream looks awesome. Still can't believe we've never managed to eat there as I'm sure we could eat our weight in onion rings and ice cream alone. That grilled cheese sounds and looks heavenly. Your no way jose looks amazing. My hubby and daughter would totally be in heaven with that one.

Glad you got over to WL. It's one of our favorite resorts as it is right there in the craziness of MK but feels so remote and quiet at the same time. And like you, that is as close to camping as this girl is gonna get ; ) Your server at WCC sounds awesome!

That caprese sandwich sounded delicious! The surf and surf was plenty of crab - I love a good crab cake sandwich and this definitely delivered. :)

I am sure they would loooove beaches and cream - it was somewhere that we were excited to visit but in a different way.. nice little place with good food, it was relaxing and somewhat quiet even.

After some time spent out in the sun relaxing at Pop, we headed inside to grab some dinner before getting on our Magical Express bus. What's that? We just ate 3 hours ago? Yeah, I know. But we both figured we should have something since we wouldn't take off til nearly 9 and wouldn't land until midnight.

So around 5:30 we decided to eat at the food court. We hadn't eaten here other than some pastries on our first morning.

I was at the point where I was food-ed out. Yup. Such a short trip that we packed everything in to 4 days, so I was just not hungry for anything in particular at that point.

Justin likes meatball subs, and he thought the one here looked really good, so that's what he went with.

This doesn't look like the greatest picture, but here's his meatball sub.


Meatball Sub - with house-made chips, pasta salad, or coleslaw $9.69

And he chose pasta salad as his side (chips and coleslaw were also options)..


He raved about this and said it was delicious.

I ordered a kid's chicken nugget meal. I think the adult's came with 7 or 8 nuggets but the kids was a good size for me.


This came with two sides and a small drink, so I had a bottle of water, fries, and carrots! This was the perfect amount of food. I think this was $5.99.

I also had to have the tie dye cheesecake while I was at Pop.


Tie Dye Cheesecake - $4.19

What's that? I wasn't even all that hungry? Yep, that rule doesn't apply when it comes to cheesecake.

This was a decent meal for us to finish off our trip. Of course if we hadn't had a flight to get to, I'm sure we would've gone elsewhere but there was nothing wrong with the food court at Pop!

I hope you all enjoyed our dining report! We ate SO MUCH good stuff over just 4 days. We are going back in November for a week and we have some great places lined up: Ohana, Via Napoli, Be Our Guest lunch (all must dos), Kona for breakfast, Boma for breakfast, Sanaa for lunch, California Grill, and lots of F&W goodness. Thank you all for reading, I enjoy reading everyone else's trip reports and I enjoy writing them as well.

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Thanks for letting us follow along on the trip. Can't believe its over already! Aren't there a few more chili cheese dogs for Justin to eat ; ) Reminds me that we haven't been to Casey's in a long time and how much I would totally love a hot dog right about now.

I'm with ya on the waffle sandwich. I love all things prosciutto and the combo with the swiss just doesn't work. The chicken sandwich on the other hand is perfection!
HA! So much chili and cheese. I'm glad I'm not crazy thinking the waffle didn't live up to the hype. I should've had the chicken - next time for sure. :)
Thanks so much for your reviews, I've really enjoyed reading them :goodvibes
I got SO far behind! Once again I enjoyed reading your reviews :) Absolutely love your go-with-the-flow day! DH and I did a bit of that on our anniversary trip in March and will hopefully do another day or so like that on our next kidless trip in Jan.(when we're trying the Poly for a couple nights :thumbsup2) What did you think of Saratoga Springs?

Also agree that Landscape of Flavors is worth a visit! We did 3 nights at AoA last Feb. and were very impressed with the food there. The caprese sandwich was delish!

I've often pondered adding a breakfast at WCC. I love big breakfasts but DH will really only eat breakfast when we're on vacation and then only a couple times, so I usually do one sit-down not out of the way. For Nov. I have breakfast at Captain's Grille and Trattoria since we'll be back at the BW :goodvibes

Since this is on the internet I guess I'll admit it....I finished a No Way Jose all by myself last August :rolleyes1 I just can't resist the combination of PB and chocolate!
I got SO far behind! Once again I enjoyed reading your reviews :) Absolutely love your go-with-the-flow day! DH and I did a bit of that on our anniversary trip in March and will hopefully do another day or so like that on our next kidless trip in Jan.(when we're trying the Poly for a couple nights :thumbsup2) What did you think of Saratoga Springs?

Also agree that Landscape of Flavors is worth a visit! We did 3 nights at AoA last Feb. and were very impressed with the food there. The caprese sandwich was delish!

I've often pondered adding a breakfast at WCC. I love big breakfasts but DH will really only eat breakfast when we're on vacation and then only a couple times, so I usually do one sit-down not out of the way. For Nov. I have breakfast at Captain's Grille and Trattoria since we'll be back at the BW :goodvibes

Since this is on the internet I guess I'll admit it....I finished a No Way Jose all by myself last August :rolleyes1 I just can't resist the combination of PB and chocolate!

Hey Ariane! No worries, I got on a kick and wanted to finish it up so I did it rather quickly. :P

We loved just going with the flow. It's nice to see and do everything but it was really nice to just relax and not care if we missed a couple attractions. ;) We liked Saratoga. I would like to stay there eventually. One thing I noticed was that the resort just seemed massive. We got off the bus and had no clue where we were, and it required looking at a resort map to figure it out, haha.

We really liked Landscape of Flavors. Definitely worth the visit - if we were staying there I am sure we would've eaten there a few more times.

My fiance is the same way - could be ok with a bagel or a cinnamon roll but I'm a breakfast lover so I was glad he agreed to just one. WCC was definitely worth a trip. We are looking forward to visiting Kona in November. I have heard great things about Captain's Grille and Trattoria breakfast!

Had I not decided to get something to eat, I probably would've finished the No Way Jose by myself ;) They really loaded it up with pb and chocolate. :thumbsup2
Loved reading your reviews!...even explored your previous DR. You have made me even more excited for our upcoming trip!

Thank you for taking the time!
I just read your reviews and so happy that I found them. I loved reading them. Let me tell you, real quick, about my experience with Raglan Road. I had seen, on another review (thank you jerseytinkerbell) , a picture of one of their dishes. Gnocchi Sea/Gnocchi Do. OMG! It looked so amazing I knew I had to have it. I booked it for the night of my birthday. Fast forward 3 months (and 3 months before our trip in September 2014) and it was off of the menu. I emailed RR, and the WONDERFUL woman that I was emailing with, told me that she noted it on our reservation, and that the chef would make it special for me that night. I wondered, when we showed up, if he really was. Yep. He did. My husband was so jealous. I only let him have a small bite. I think I licked the plate clean. They also seated us right next to the stage. It was wonderful. My daughter ordered the Au Gratin potatoes as a side and still talks about them. I want to put it on our next visit (hoping for September 2016. Just waiting on the "go-ahead" from the hubby). I am just afraid it won't live up to the first visit. If you ever pass by and see that dish as their special for the night. Go. Go quickly!:woohoo:I would sell both of my children (no not really) for that dish again.
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Hi, Ashley! I'm all finished with your DR and enjoyed following your journey.

When will you be back in November? I'm hoping to do a DR for my trip, too. Maybe our foodie paths will cross.
Sorry everyone for the lack of replies! Lately I am great at reading DR's but horrible about paying attention to my own, lol.

Loved reading your reviews!...even explored your previous DR. You have made me even more excited for our upcoming trip!

Thank you for taking the time!

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I love reading about other people's dining adventures. Enjoy your trip. pixiedust:

I just read your reviews and so happy that I found them. I loved reading them. Let me tell you, real quick, about my experience with Raglan Road. I had seen, on another review (thank you jerseytinkerbell) , a picture of one of their dishes. Gnocchi Sea/Gnocchi Do. OMG! It looked so amazing I knew I had to have it. I booked it for the night of my birthday. Fast forward 3 months (and 3 months before our trip in September 2014) and it was off of the menu. I emailed RR, and the WONDERFUL woman that I was emailing with, told me that she noted it on our reservation, and that the chef would make it special for me that night. I wondered, when we showed up, if he really was. Yep. He did. My husband was so jealous. I only let him have a small bite. I think I licked the plate clean. They also seated us right next to the stage. It was wonderful. My daughter ordered the Au Gratin potatoes as a side and still talks about them. I want to put it on our next visit (hoping for September 2016. Just waiting on the "go-ahead" from the hubby). I am just afraid it won't live up to the first visit. If you ever pass by and see that dish as their special for the night. Go. Go quickly!:woohoo:I would sell both of my children (no not really) for that dish again.

Oh my! I LOVE gnocchi, and seafood (sounds like it has seafood in it, at least) so that would have been something I enjoyed. I think I ordered poorly and we were right in front of the stage on a packed night. That plus our server being crazy busy just made it a "meh" experience. I would love to try it again though! We have thought about Brunch. Maybe I'll have to book it after all. I will totally have to try that dish, I'm not really a 'meat and potatoes' kinda girl so I think the schnitzel just wasn't my thing. Hoping you get a trip to WDW to repeat your gnocchi goodness in 2016. :cloud9:

Hi, Ashley! I'm all finished with your DR and enjoyed following your journey.

When will you be back in November? I'm hoping to do a DR for my trip, too. Maybe our foodie paths will cross.

Hey Adrienne! Thanks for reading, I am glad you enjoyed it. We will be in WDW from Nov 6-14. How about you guys?
Hey Adrienne! Thanks for reading, I am glad you enjoyed it. We will be in WDW from Nov 6-14. How about you guys?

So funny - we will overlap. We will be there the 6-10! Are you running Wine and Dine? I think it's going to be a busy weekend! It's my favorite time to go to WDW, though. Food and Wine, plus beginning of the holiday decorations.
Loving your reviews!!! And the Darth Vader cupcake is the BEST cupcake on the planet!!!!!
Thanks for a double food report. I'm catching up on reviews as I count down to my trip. Nothing like stalking these threads to make you think and re-think your ADR choices.
So funny - we will overlap. We will be there the 6-10! Are you running Wine and Dine? I think it's going to be a busy weekend! It's my favorite time to go to WDW, though. Food and Wine, plus beginning of the holiday decorations.
Yay! I am not running this weekend, I thought about it, but I haven't run a half marathon in over a year (probably haven't run more than 3 miles in over a year, lol), so I just would rather not push it! Are you running? We love food and wine and we are so excited to see the holiday decorations.

Loving your reviews!!! And the Darth Vader cupcake is the BEST cupcake on the planet!!!!!
Thank you! The cupcake was delicious! Just wish ours had been filled with peanut butter.. the more pb the better, right!? ;)

Loving all your posts!!!
Thank you so much!! I enjoy writing them and reading others' posts. :)

Thanks for a double food report. I'm catching up on reviews as I count down to my trip. Nothing like stalking these threads to make you think and re-think your ADR choices.
I am so glad to provide you with some drool-worthy food photos as you count down. ;) I love reading about other's trips.. makes the planning even more fun.
I didn't want to create a thread specifically for my November dining report just yet.. since that won't be happening until, well, November. ;)

We will be staying 8 nights at WDW and I gotta say, I'm SO ready. I keep switching up our plans just a little but for starters, here's our plan:

Friday 11/6: Our plane lands at 8:15 PM. If anything we will just check in at Pop and walk to Art of Animation for some quick service. I imagine Justin will be hungry since our plane takes off at 5:45 and we likely won't have dinner.

Saturday 11/7: MK/Epcot

Breakfast: 8:10 at Ohana (Justin's pick)
Lunch: QS @ MK or some snacks
Dinner: Food and Wine booths (I know, Saturday isn't a great idea..)

Sunday 11/8: Animal Kingdom
Check out of Pop - check into AKL later that day
Lunch: Yak and Yeti (TS)
Dinner: Sanaa

Monday 11/9: Hollywood Studios/Epcot
Breakfast: Boma
Lunch: Nothing planned.. either QS @ Hollywood Studios or over to Epcot for F&W
Dinner: F&W booths

Tuesday 11/10: Epcot/Hollywood Studios
Lunch: F&W Booths
4 PM wine seminar (Woo hoooo!)
Dinner: Hollywood Brown Derby
Doing Osborne Lights at some point Monday or Tuesday.. HBD was an add yesterday so we may do it for lunch the day before.

Wednesday 11/11: Magic Kingdom
Checking out of AKL - Check into Poly later that day
Lunch: Be Our Guest (early lunch.. best I could do!)
Dinner: Ohana
MK EMH that night

Thursday 11/12: Epcot
Lunch: Via Napoli Eat to the Beat Package
Dinner: Flying Fish
I am slightly worried about this being too overloaded with food, since you get an appetizer, entree, and dessert with the dining package. but our VN reservation is at 12 and our Flying Fish isn't until 8:15. So we probably won't eat until 9 which is like 9 hours later.

Friday 11/13: Christmas Party
Breakfast: Kona Cafe
I'm planning to get Justin a tee time so he can golf and I'll either explore the resorts or head to MK for some solo time.
No lunch/dinner plans here - we may go to Downtown Disney but I'm just planning QS for the party.. Maybe at a monorail resort beforehand.

Saturday 11/14: Departure Day
No plans today other than breakfast at Be Our Guest that morning. We will likely spend the morning at MK then finish up the afternoon at Epcot before catching the Magical Express that night.

I am full just thinking about it. I have considered scaling back some ADR's but Justin requested Ohana and BOG breakfast, and I can't let go of any of the others.. haha.

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