What did we think of TEEN MOM 2?

Leah: I was shaking my head at why she was she crying. Jennelle: um, why would she tthink a daycare would be a good choice let alone think they would hire her? Chelsea: wish Randy would just cut her off and see how long wang a dang takes care of her. Kailyn : why is she upset. She knew Jo didn't want a relationship that it was just a booty call. Holy crap those poor kids if these young women don't turn it around,even though honestly I don't think Jennelle has it in her to be a mom.
Leah is pregnant again?

Yes. They showed some scenes from the upcoming season where Corey asks if she is pregnant. She was pregnant with her new boyfriend's baby during filming but had a miscarriage.

She got married back in April (I think) and is currently pregnant again.

They must have filmed these episodes ages ago since she has been divorced, pregnant, married and pregnant again since they were taped!
Yes. They showed some scenes from the upcoming season where Corey asks if she is pregnant. She was pregnant with her new boyfriend's baby during filming but had a miscarriage.

She got married back in April (I think) and is currently pregnant again.

They must have filmed these episodes ages ago since she has been divorced, pregnant, married and pregnant again since they were taped!
Wow! Hope she does right by this new husband of hers.:rolleyes: Three kids is alot when you're what, 20 years old?
The girls are getting so big!


Absolutely this! Each time I think that one of them annoys me the most, another one comes on the screen and de-throwns the queen of obnoxious.

Exactly this.

This iteration is near unwatchable. Everyone on it is just awful. They're all just pathetic, hateful, awful, bad parents, etc. Barb is comic relief but her life is depressing as all get out.

At least TM1 has Caitlin and Tyler to root for.

This is just a depressing mess of the dregs of humanity on parade.

Janelle is the saddest, to me. It seems like she could do something with her life if she could stop with the idiocy. Of course, if she could stop with the idiocy, she wouldn't be on this show, so I see where I'm misguided there, heh.

Leah is just gross. I did laugh when she started crying about she's lost 50 lbs she's so upset about the breakup she never wanted or whatever. Her entire existance is just spinning drama and dopiness and eye makeup.

Chelsea is so stupid and needy and grasping it's hard to watch. It's just repulsive. Her hair doesn't help. I agree with whomever said she's no kind of parent. She just lays around in a leopard-print blanket, texting, or whining in that voice about A-dumb, while Aubrey wanders around.

Then there's Kale. To me, she's the worst of the worst. I'd take Amber over her. The endless whining, victimhood, machinations and nastiness are awful. I could not believe when she said the daycare said her kid is nonverbal and not social and her response is to blame them because they didn't tell her what to do and then without even pausing blame her mother. How about you take ANY responsibility for ANYTHING, collard greens? Ever? She's infuriating. It's YOUR kid. Ask someone. Ask the pediatrician, ask the people at the daycare.

I can't believe they'll bring this one back for another season. It's already ridiculously behind; they're all just spinning their wheels and we know that's how it's going to go and they're not compelling - they're just terrible. Can we have C&T back? Heck, I'd even take Farrah - she's a horror show, but at least it's entertaining, not just bleak.
Exactly this.

This iteration is near unwatchable. Everyone on it is just awful. They're all just pathetic, hateful, awful, bad parents, etc. Barb is comic relief but her life is depressing as all get out.

At least TM1 has Caitlin and Tyler to root for.

This is just a depressing mess of the dregs of humanity on parade.

Janelle is the saddest, to me. It seems like she could do something with her life if she could stop with the idiocy. Of course, if she could stop with the idiocy, she wouldn't be on this show, so I see where I'm misguided there, heh.

Leah is just gross. I did laugh when she started crying about she's lost 50 lbs she's so upset about the breakup she never wanted or whatever. Her entire existance is just spinning drama and dopiness and eye makeup.

Chelsea is so stupid and needy and grasping it's hard to watch. It's just repulsive. Her hair doesn't help. I agree with whomever said she's no kind of parent. She just lays around in a leopard-print blanket, texting, or whining in that voice about A-dumb, while Aubrey wanders around.

Then there's Kale. To me, she's the worst of the worst. I'd take Amber over her. The endless whining, victimhood, machinations and nastiness are awful. I could not believe when she said the daycare said her kid is nonverbal and not social and her response is to blame them because they didn't tell her what to do and then without even pausing blame her mother. How about you take ANY responsibility for ANYTHING, collard greens? Ever? She's infuriating. It's YOUR kid. Ask someone. Ask the pediatrician, ask the people at the daycare.

I can't believe they'll bring this one back for another season. It's already ridiculously behind; they're all just spinning their wheels and we know that's how it's going to go and they're not compelling - they're just terrible. Can we have C&T back? Heck, I'd even take Farrah - she's a horror show, but at least it's entertaining, not just bleak.

These lines had me laughing so hard :rotfl2:

I don't know why. It's just those tiny details that give the statement just a bit of pizazz.
No one has yet touched on what I felt was the best part of the episode --- Kailyn and her friend watching Jo's music video! I liked the silence when she asked him what he thought about it and there was just radio silence until he came up with "it looked professional". Poor kid knew he was on tv with that one!!
No one has yet touched on what I felt was the best part of the episode --- Kailyn and her friend watching Jo's music video! I liked the silence when she asked him what he thought about it and there was just radio silence until he came up with "it looked professional". Poor kid knew he was on tv with that one!!

Oh that was hi-larious. From the 'he looks good' (Kale apparently suffers from the astigmatism of all astigmatisms) to 'what did you think the SECOND YOU SAW HER FACE?!' Why not just hold an 'I'm jealous' party and have everyone you know over to disect that someone, somewhere may also be dopey enough to get with Jo and that irks you because you still hook up with him and are waiting for him to want you more. Also hilarious, can we just...

The girls are getting so big!


The 'OVER. IT.' expression on the one twin's face is kind of priceless. The other, who is a doppelganger for Leah, is oh so happy to find herself in their little backwoods tale of woe. The other's expression reads more 'how did I end up here and when will someone be along to take me someplace I'll have a shot at not ending up like Miss two-tone hair? I am so done with this. I'm in ruffles. Sewn to an ill-fitting tshirt. Send help now.'
I used to find Kailyn to be the most sympathetic mom on the show (which really isn't saying much) but ever since I heard that she married someone who she couldn't have dated very long I'm :sad2:

These girls make ridiculously bad decisions.
Tonight's episode: Jennelle: for the love of drugs, she can't be put on prescription medication and then she gets all upset:personal accountability. Chelsea: randy just needs to cut her off. Next weeks episode makes it look like she is asking him why is he in HER house.lol promise ringqm really? Um the 80's called and want that back and seriously 20 years old and a promise ring ha ha. Kailyn: she doesn't do alone well does she? Leah: once again why is she upset? She cheated on him yet again. Who cares if he moved on.
Tonight's episode: Jennelle: for the love of drugs, she can't be put on prescription medication and then she gets all upset:personal accountability. Chelsea: randy just needs to cut her off. Next weeks episode makes it look like she is asking him why is he in HER house.lol promise ringqm really? Um the 80's called and want that back and seriously 20 years old and a promise ring ha ha. Kailyn: she doesn't do alone well does she? Leah: once again why is she upset? She cheated on him yet again. Who cares if he moved on.


And if I could add...
Jenelle saying that she had to put her son on hold because she has "more important bleep" that she needs to do? Um, that is why you might be a mother, but will never EVER be a mom. A mom knows that her young son has to come first. When a child is completely incapable of dressing himself, getting himself something to eat, and is 100% dependent on an adult, you have to be that adult. You have plans to go shopping with friends but your son wakes up with the stomach flu? Guess who doesn't get to to shopping. You have classes but you get a call from daycare because your son appears to have chicken pox? Yeah, you miss classes to take him to the doctor. This junk about having to put your son on hold because you have things to do is absolute garbage. Of course, that's what she is, so no surprise there. And for the love of cheese, does she honestly think she is the only person in America who has to deal with stress? I can only imagine what she considers stress. Every day, millions of Americans deal with stress - real stress like trying to make a house payment, afford groceries, and raise a child while holding down a steady job - without doing something illegal and stupid. Take a freakin' yoga class. Go for a run. Journal about what you are feeling. You don't need drugs. And if you honestly believe that you cannot go without pot, you need to check yourself in to a serious rehab clinic.

Chelsea, for the love of llamas, please find a professional to do something with that hair of yours. It looks like a giant rat's nest and like you just brush the first layer while all the tangles just sit right below the surface. Also, do you honestly believe that things with Adam, oh, I'm sorry, "Adamuh" are going to be different this time? Were the other 35,849 tries not sufficient enough for you to see that he is a lose deadbeat who doesn't care about you or your child? I can only imagine the daddy issues Aubrey is going to have as a teenager. As far as the promise ring goes, are you aware that it isn't 1986 and you aren't 15? And, news flash, your dad owns the house and pays for everything in it. He can go in that house anytime her darn well pleases.

Kailyn is also obnoxious. Last week, she was begging Jo to get back together with her. When he doesn't want to, it's back to Jordan. Way to screw with another person's feelings and emotions. And she is always playing the victim card. Over her.

Hey, Leah? Guess what. You can't be a giant ho-bag who cheats on your husband, files for divorce, and then complains that he doesn't stop the divorce. Things don't work that way. You made your bed and now you have to lie in it.
Jenelle:but Dustin, you don't understand,it's a Kesha concrt so I can't do jail that night. Wow. And I am dating myself again,but chelsea and jenelle, the 80's called they want the feathers back lol.
Leah: no silly girl, your marriage is over because you played with robbie's private parts while you were with corey. Also, be lucky you are getting support, don't worry about his truck. Also, I can't stand when parents talk about grown up stuff within ear shot of their kids. chelsea: randy needs to really cut her off and she can see how long wang a dang takes care of her.
Um about chelsea: she said she was paying her own rent? Didn't she quit her job? Also,kailyn's friend : good job perputuating. Kailyn checking om grinch. Also, this may not be popular,but his visistion is his time wheather he decides to spend it with Issac or not, she needs to embrace and let grinch be bad by himself. Issac will see eventually if he is a priority or not.
I'm with you. Unless Collard Greens herself never, ever leaves the house when she has the kid, she should shut her mouth. It's not her business if he goes out when he has the kid any more than it's his if she does (and I can just imagine her reaction if he started questioning her every move and saying if she wants to go out then he should have the kid). She is such a jealous, manipulative, whiny jerk. Get custody, Jo.

Leah? You. Cheated.

Repeatedly. Your divorce wasn't about Corey wanting a truck, it was about you wanting to mess around with Robbie again, some more.

Chelsea is just so cringeworthy - girl has like three neurons and they're all suffering from peroxide overload. If she's paying rent, it's to her father - that was his house last we heard.

I've always thought Janelle was the brightest of this bunch (which is a low bar to hit I realize) but actually saying, out loud, that you couldn't really go to jail because there's a spare chance concert, nevermind the unbelievable rest, about spare change being her idol... I'm out. I cannot with that girl anymore.
What was the drink Janelle used that she thought would clear her system for her drug test? Never heard of such of thing, of course if it does exist it's illegal, but still. Even her mom encouraged her to try. Wha?


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