Weight Watchers Chat -- Part III

I'm down 1 more pound, for a total of 13 lost so far! I go to the gym daily, so I earn AP, but I haven't been using them. Right now I get 26 points per day, do you get less points as you lose, or how does that work?
I'm down 1 more pound, for a total of 13 lost so far! I go to the gym daily, so I earn AP, but I haven't been using them. Right now I get 26 points per day, do you get less points as you lose, or how does that work?

26 is the lowest you'll go with Points Plus. And while that seems weird, it's OK. I hit the 26 Daily Points mark when I was in the 180s, and now I'm well below that weight range and still losing. (although I eat all Weekly and all Activity points, so I eat way more than 26 per day especially when working out, just to be accurate as to what my personal plan is)
Thanks!! I'm thinking I will use the AP once I lose more weight, but for now I'm trying not to eat those extra points. I started at 185, and I'm at 172 now, so I'm headed in the right direction! My goal is to get to 150 for now, but my ultimate goal is 140. Can I so that and still eat 26 points a day?
That's their minimum points, so I'm assuming so. I'm 155.8 now (started at 220.8 )and my goal range is between 113ish and 141, so I assume it'll take me somewhere in there. :) I'm going to continue eating ALL the points until and unless my body tells me I have to slow it down. But for me, my losses got a bit better (and a LOT more comfortable, stomach-wise and craving-wise) once I started eating APs; I consider it giving my workouts fuel. Works for me. Though right now I'm sick (last week my son was sick), so I haven't worked out in a million years, it seems, and I'm having to deal with "only" Daily and Weekly. Ugh. Last exercise I did was the Castaway Cay 5K on Feb. 9!

Eating Activity points (and Weeklies) is not something everyone chooses to do or can do; I'm not telling you what to do in case it's coming through that way. Just saying what I'm doing. :)

And congrats on your losses so far! It's awesome!

Oh, and the very rough estimate of calories per point is 40. So if you multiply 40 by 26, you see it's not that many calories overall, and that might help you see how it can take you all the way.
Dipping a toe in here... I have 100 lbs to lose and have set a goal of running in the Royal Family 5K in February 2014. :cool1:

Background: I'm a 41 y/o wife and mom of 2 boys. Part-time attorney. We live near the beach in the suburbs of NYC - love my little town!

I can't claim to be a die-hard Disney-er but I *do* adore the parks and we have taken our boys there three times (and they're only 6 and 9). :) DH is "Disney neutral." He isn't anti, but it's not "his thing." I secretly think he loves it, though. We love staying off-site and having a car, just due to the layout of the parks. For the February trip, though, I am thinking of the Poly if I can get a decent rate/package.

Weight wise, I was at a healthy weight most of my life, give or take 10 pounds. But following children and a prolonged illness of my husband's, I began to emotionally eat and packed on the pounds. DH is fine now, but here I am, morbidly obese. For over 5 years!

I have joined WW a fafillion times (as well as tried low-carb and other plans), but my motivation always petered out. I would get overwhelmed right away and quit. 100 lbs seems impossible.

I decided that in order to motivate myself, I needed a goal beyond just losing weight. I needed to start rewarding myself on a small and grand scale, so the big "prize" for this weight loss is the Family 5K. I certainly plan to run it, but I'll walk it part-way if I have to.

I used to be a runner. Not a marathon runner, but I would do a mile or two in Central Park before work. I loved it, but that was a long time ago. I will be doing the Couch to 5K program once I am about halfway to goal - I can't run at this size. In the meantime, I am doing elliptical and other home workouts.

Sorry for the rambling - just wanted to introduce myself. I will be posting over on the 100+ WW boards as well. Looking forward to getting to know everyone here.

I made the baked chicken nuggets from the Skinny taste site tonight and they were SO good!!! My kids loved them! Much healthier than fried!

I make this recipe every week and my kids love it, too. So healthy and delicious.
Jeslynb said:
Dipping a toe in here... I have 100 lbs to lose and have set a goal of running in the Royal Family 5K in February 2014. :cool1:

Background: I'm a 41 y/o wife and mom of 2 boys. Part-time attorney. We live near the beach in the suburbs of NYC - love my little town!

I can't claim to be a die-hard Disney-er but I *do* adore the parks and we have taken our boys there three times (and they're only 6 and 9). :) DH is "Disney neutral." He isn't anti, but it's not "his thing." I secretly think he loves it, though. We love staying off-site and having a car, just due to the layout of the parks. For the February trip, though, I am thinking of the Poly if I can get a decent rate/package.

Weight wise, I was at a healthy weight most of my life, give or take 10 pounds. But following children and a prolonged illness of my husband's, I began to emotionally eat and packed on the pounds. DH is fine now, but here I am, morbidly obese. For over 5 years!

I have joined WW a fafillion times (as well as tried low-carb and other plans), but my motivation always petered out. I would get overwhelmed right away and quit. 100 lbs seems impossible.

I decided that in order to motivate myself, I needed a goal beyond just losing weight. I needed to start rewarding myself on a small and grand scale, so the big "prize" for this weight loss is the Family 5K. I certainly plan to run it, but I'll walk it part-way if I have to.

I used to be a runner. Not a marathon runner, but I would do a mile or two in Central Park before work. I loved it, but that was a long time ago. I will be doing the Couch to 5K program once I am about halfway to goal - I can't run at this size. In the meantime, I am doing elliptical and other home workouts.

Sorry for the rambling - just wanted to introduce myself. I will be posting over on the 100+ WW boards as well. Looking forward to getting to know everyone here.


Don't think about the whole amount you have to lose. Focus on one pound at a time, and before you know it, you'll be there! I have done WW 3 times myself, in addition to many stupid, non-healthy diets. I was pretty overwhelmed when I was staring down 116 pounds to lose. Here I am, just over a year later, and I am 6 pounds from goal. If I can do it, you can too. One day at a time, one pound at a time.
Weigh-in day is here again! I am actually up one pound. I traveled over the weekend, so I may have some water retention. I am also very close to goal, and I am noticing more muscle. Evaluating my food and exercise, I know I have done everything I can. The important thing is...do not get discouraged, and never give up!
Hello Everyone!

I am new here on the W.I.S.H. threads, but a long time DISer. I have tried several times to get back to a healthy weight, but it slowly crept back up. I re-joined WW back in December 2012 and I have been back on track.

I am so motivated by reading through this thread!! Thank you ladies and gentlemen!!

I have a goal weight that is way over 150lbs away. Since re-joining WW a few months ago I am happy to say I am 11.8 down!!

I look forward to reading everyone's posts and am looking for motivation to stay on track. My next WDW trip in May. SO EXCITED.

My goal is next year to complete a 5k. I know it doesn't seem like much but I have a little ways to go to walk that in a "reasonable" time frame.

Hello Everyone!

I am new here on the W.I.S.H. threads, but a long time DISer. I have tried several times to get back to a healthy weight, but it slowly crept back up. I re-joined WW back in December 2012 and I have been back on track.

I am so motivated by reading through this thread!! Thank you ladies and gentlemen!!

I have a goal weight that is way over 150lbs away. Since re-joining WW a few months ago I am happy to say I am 11.8 down!!

I look forward to reading everyone's posts and am looking for motivation to stay on track. My next WDW trip in May. SO EXCITED.

My goal is next year to complete a 5k. I know it doesn't seem like much but I have a little ways to go to walk that in a "reasonable" time frame.


Welcome aboard and congratulations on your weight loss! Your goal is totally reasonable to complete a 5k. I am doing an 8k in a couple of weeks. I wanted to run it, but I think to se safer I will walk it. But at least I am completing it!
Don't think about the whole amount you have to lose. Focus on one pound at a time, and before you know it, you'll be there! I have done WW 3 times myself, in addition to many stupid, non-healthy diets. I was pretty overwhelmed when I was staring down 116 pounds to lose. Here I am, just over a year later, and I am 6 pounds from goal. If I can do it, you can too. One day at a time, one pound at a time.

Thank you so much. What a terrific accomplishment for you. What made you make the commitment to WW this time, vs the stupid fad (which has been my downfall)?
Hello! I have been lurking for a while and finally decided to come out of hiding.

My name is Donna and I'm a 43 yr old wife, mother of 2 teens, kindergarten teacher and Disney lover, who also happens to be overweight!

I just rejoined WW for the 2nd time last Tues. Actually tomorrow will be our 1st official meeting and I'm really excited to be taking the steps necessary to get healthy!

I'm happy I found this thread to help keep me motivated and hopefully find some friends who are going through the same thins and get some great tips!
Jeslynb said:
Thank you so much. What a terrific accomplishment for you. What made you make the commitment to WW this time, vs the stupid fad (which has been my downfall)?

Thank you! Weight Watchers is the only thing that ever actually worked. I knew if my head was in the right place, I could do it and stick with it.
Hello! I have been lurking for a while and finally decided to come out of hiding.

My name is Donna and I'm a 43 yr old wife, mother of 2 teens, kindergarten teacher and Disney lover, who also happens to be overweight!

I just rejoined WW for the 2nd time last Tues. Actually tomorrow will be our 1st official meeting and I'm really excited to be taking the steps necessary to get healthy!

I'm happy I found this thread to help keep me motivated and hopefully find some friends who are going through the same thins and get some great tips!

Welcome Donna :wave2:
Welcome to all the new folks! Some of you mentioned goals that involve running and/or marathons. That's an amazing goal to set for yourself. I've always been a "tripper" so I'm a little afraid to run. But I admire you all for aiming high! You'll have to keep us updated regularly with your progress.

Keahgirl, I don't think I ever knew how much you actually wanted to lose when you started. You are so close to where you want to be!
Dipping a toe in here... I have 100 lbs to lose and have set a goal of running in the Royal Family 5K in February 2014. :cool1:

Hello! That's a nice goal to have. :) So much of what you wrote felt like me, that was amazing.

The important thing is...do not get discouraged, and never give up!


My goodness, you are so close!

I have a goal weight that is way over 150lbs away. Since re-joining WW a few months ago I am happy to say I am 11.8 down!!

Woohoo! And hey, a 5K is a lot! I mean, it's an Olympic sport, so it is *something*. Yes we're still watching the Olympics. Thank goodness for the DVR...we just watched the men's "5000 meter" last night.

I re-joined WW last February, I walked a 5K in June (and the raceday picture from that is my "before" picture, because I wasn't letting anyone take pictures of me during the REAL before time), I walked/jogged a slow 5K in October-ish, and last month I JOGGED the Castaway Cay 5K! Did it in 46 minutes, too, on the ground (I'm normally a treadmill runner), in the tropics (Feb, but still...). Sure it's more than 30 minutes longer than those Olympic men ran it, but that's OK. :)

Hello! I have been lurking for a while and finally decided to come out of hiding.

My name is Donna and I'm a 43 yr old wife, mother of 2 teens, kindergarten teacher and Disney lover, who also happens to be overweight!

I just rejoined WW for the 2nd time last Tues. Actually tomorrow will be our 1st official meeting and I'm really excited to be taking the steps necessary to get healthy!

I'm happy I found this thread to help keep me motivated and hopefully find some friends who are going through the same thins and get some great tips!

Welcome to you, too!

My biggest tip is to *read the materials*! They put good stuff in those things they give you at meetings, especially the meeting when you join, so read it. It might look like glossy fluff, but when you're 2 months in and finally realize what the Good Health Guidelines are, and then realize they were sitting in that booklet they gave you, you feel a little silly. (not that I've done that or anything) (OK yes I have)

My second tip is to buy a nice food scale (I personally do not find the WW scales to be necessary, and prefer the OXO with the higher weight limit and detachable screen because we have big and heavy plates) and weigh or measure EVERYTHING. I weigh my salad dressing. I weigh my cereal. Cereal is a HUGE trigger food for me, and I have to be accurate, because a serving size to my brain is fill the bowl, fill it to the brim! have seconds!. So I weigh it. I weigh chocolate.

I eat all points coming to me (Daily, Weekly, and Activity), and I weigh everything so I know what I'm eating, and I don't feel the least bit guilty about what I'm eating, because I know it's OK.

Those are my two tips. Read and weigh. :)
That's their minimum points, so I'm assuming so. I'm 155.8 now (started at 220.8 )and my goal range is between 113ish and 141, so I assume it'll take me somewhere in there. :) I'm going to continue eating ALL the points until and unless my body tells me I have to slow it down. But for me, my losses got a bit better (and a LOT more comfortable, stomach-wise and craving-wise) once I started eating APs; I consider it giving my workouts fuel. Works for me. Though right now I'm sick (last week my son was sick), so I haven't worked out in a million years, it seems, and I'm having to deal with "only" Daily and Weekly. Ugh. Last exercise I did was the Castaway Cay 5K on Feb. 9!

Eating Activity points (and Weeklies) is not something everyone chooses to do or can do; I'm not telling you what to do in case it's coming through that way. Just saying what I'm doing. :)

And congrats on your losses so far! It's awesome!

Oh, and the very rough estimate of calories per point is 40. So if you multiply 40 by 26, you see it's not that many calories overall, and that might help you see how it can take you all the way.

Thanks!!! That makes much more sense. I haven't been hungry not eating the activity points so far, but now I won't feel so guilty if I go over my 26 and dip into them. You're doing great, congratulations!!!
pwdebbie said:
Welcome to all the new folks! Some of you mentioned goals that involve running and/or marathons. That's an amazing goal to set for yourself. I've always been a "tripper" so I'm a little afraid to run. But I admire you all for aiming high! You'll have to keep us updated regularly with your progress.

Keahgirl, I don't think I ever knew how much you actually wanted to lose when you started. You are so close to where you want to be!

Thanks, Debbie (and bumbershoot too)!

I was always afraid I couldn't run. I just started out slowly and here I am! I still run and walk, and plan to continue doing that. If you're not comfortable running, you can always walk!
Hello! Welcome to you, too!

My biggest tip is to *read the materials*! They put good stuff in those things they give you at meetings, especially the meeting when you join, so read it. It might look like glossy fluff, but when you're 2 months in and finally realize what the Good Health Guidelines are, and then realize they were sitting in that booklet they gave you, you feel a little silly. (not that I've done that or anything) (OK yes I have)

My second tip is to buy a nice food scale (I personally do not find the WW scales to be necessary, and prefer the OXO with the higher weight limit and detachable screen because we have big and heavy plates) and weigh or measure EVERYTHING. I weigh my salad dressing. I weigh my cereal. Cereal is a HUGE trigger food for me, and I have to be accurate, because a serving size to my brain is fill the bowl, fill it to the brim! have seconds!. So I weigh it. I weigh chocolate.

I eat all points coming to me (Daily, Weekly, and Activity), and I weigh everything so I know what I'm eating, and I don't feel the least bit guilty about what I'm eating, because I know it's OK.

Those are my two tips. Read and weigh. :)

Those are great tips Bumbershoot, thanks!
I love to snack on dry cereal and I always measure it out (well now I do, haha) but like you I would just pour a big bowl, I was probably eating 2-3 servings in one bowl!

Have you tried the new Fiber One 80 calorie chocolate cereal? It's really good, tastes like coco puffs to me
I wish I could run. I try to build up my walking stamina, but my legs (mostly my shins) don't enjoy treadmill walking, and it is still a little too cold to run outside.

I was planning on doing a 5K in may, but idk if that's gonna happen unless I can get my stamina up.


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