Week at Walt Disney World? More Like Weekend at Bernie's: A July '12 TR COMPLETE 5/23

~ Cinnamon Butter is great on rolls, but it’s also just as great on its own.

You're not alone with this. My DD eats it straight out of the container whenever we go to Texas Roadhouse or Cheesecake Factory.

Then we drove past this, and that Pop Tart almost came back up I was so excited.

This is one of my favorite icons. Our very first trip, my brother in law drove us in from Tampa and this was my very first "sign" that we were getting close. I get goosebumps every time I see it.

The fountain wasn’t working for the first few days of our stay. We probably should have asked for our money back. Or, at the very least, I should’ve made an angry “THE BROKEN FOUNTAIN RUINED MY VACATION. PRICES KEEP GOING UP AND WATER FEATURES KEEP GOING BROKE. IF WALT WERE STILL ALIVE, THIS NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED” message board post. That’ll show ‘em.

Did you call and ask for a refund, free food, free days on your next trip, and your own personal Disney water fountain for home?

They were giving balloon swords to little kids when they (well, when their parents) checked in.

Your parents didn't get you one?:)

Great start. Love your pictures with the running dialogue. Can't wait to hear more!
Yay new TR and first update hooray!!

Pretty excited to hear about this trip :thumbsup2

I am also excited that you have so much in common with Malestrom...
Pretty big claim to fame!
Joining in! I saw from lurking on your last TR that we were just in Disney at the same time, you got there the day after us :-)
WELCOME! Fun! It was a pretty great time to be at WDW, I thought. :thumbsup2
I reallly want to stay at POFQ! It looks like the nicest Moderate... And I guess Magic Kingdom :goodvibes
POFQ is really great. It's definitely my favorite Moderate.
Again we are twins. I LOVE CINNAMON BUTTER. I told my mom not to buy it anymore. The same thing with cinnamon bread. I ate like 5 slices of that in one day. It's heaven. The two of them combined... forget it. But I would always eat more out of the container after applying it to the bread. It's just SO GOOD.

OMG @ that Mickey head pole! That is so awesome.

HAHAHAHAHAHA YES. I seriously can't with some of the things that people post on these boards sometimes. "There was a bit of paint chipped off the railing at The Backlot Tour. They didn't even offer us free fastpasses! My children were crying, my husband was furious, we ended up getting into a huge fight. Our vacation was ruined. How can they let this happen? I didn't save money all year to have our family trip sabotaged in such a way. My husband and I work hard and spend our hard earned money on Disney so our children can have a nice time and something like this has got to ruin it?! The decline in quality at Walt Disney World is a tragedy."

Ahhh POFQ. I WILL stay there someday soon. I love that you said it had a more intimate feel than the other moderates! That's awesome. The more I hear about this place, the more excited I am to finally stay there.
Oh good. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who eats cinnamon butter on its own. I was afraid everyone would think I'm disgusting. :rotfl:

I know. It's ridiculous. I don't understand how people let little things ruin their entire vacation. I get being momentarily upset, but, like, you're in Disney World. If you can't find something awesome to distract from the one overflowing trash can or the one CM who didn't wish you a magical day, why do you even bother vacationing at Disney? You obviously don't like it.

I really hope you get to stay at POFQ soon! Just let me know when so I can come with you. I've only been home for a week, but I'm missing the French Quarter so bad right now.
Hi Kara :wave: I've read both of your other trip reports and am looking forward to reading along on this one.
THANKS!!! :goodvibes

Hehehe I'm glad our deer friends arrived safely! They wanted to wish you off on a magical Disney vacation! :wizard:

An all-american birthday PIE! You're awesome. I LOVE PIE. :lovestruc

YAY FOR POFQ!!! Isn't that lobby AMAZING!? :cloud9: It just feels so welcoming. "Aesthetically pleasing" is the absolute perfect way to describe it!

LOL I'm obsessed with the resort rugs too. I ALWAYS take pictures of them. I would like one of each, please. I will put them in my house.

The size of POFQ is what makes me love it so much. I LOVE the smaller resorts. They just have a more "homey" feel.

I can't wait for the next part! I'm going to guess either Magic or Animal kingdom! Wait, I think you went to Animal Kingdom first if I remember correctly. It's one of those kingdoms, though. I can see it on the bus! EEEE YAY I CAN'T WAIT FOR MORE!
Birthday Pie was a really great idea. I'm so proud of my parents for thinking of it. They know me so well.

We should plan a Resort Rug Heist. We can just nonchalantly roll up each of the resort rugs and take 'em home with us. I'm sure Disney has replacements. :rotfl:

"Homey" is exactly the right word to describe POFQ. It has such a comfortable, relaxing feel.
I'm in. Love how it started. We are staying at PO Riverside so I'm psyched to see what you have to say. :cool1:
WELCOME! I didn't go over to Riverside other than when we shared buses and had to stop there, but it looked really pretty from the bus!
Stumbled upon your TR, and can't wait to read the rest, as we were at POFQ from the 8th - 14th...and also in building 2! I'll be watching your pictures to see if any of us are in the background. :) Can't wait to read more!
What a coincidence! Definitely keep an eye on my pictures! :thumbsup2
Hahah, my backyard leads into the woods like your grandmother's, so I totally know how you feel when you see deer! No matter how many times I have seen them, it's still very exciting. The raccoons that go through our garbage in the wee hours are kinda cute too. And I totally agree about House Hunters. Most people have such petty hangups about places. It's so weird. :laughing:

:lmao: I'm totally the same way with the resort welcome mats! I love when things are individualized.

Dear God, yes. HAHAHAHAHA.

I know where you're going (you know, keen memory and all) so YAY. I freaking love that park. It's my second favorite. :thumbsup2
My grandma used to have raccoons too, but, for whatever reason, they don't really come around anymore. We have pictures of them hanging out by the pool from, like, 15 years ago. :rotfl:

Agreed. I miss the resort-specific refillable mugs.
I love POFQ for the same reason, it's so small compared to the other resorts that I feel like I'm totally immersed in the theme. ...that and I'm lazy when it's breakfast time.
:lmao: Agreed.
The first update! :woohoo:

I’m guessing you guys went to the Texas Roadhouse. I know that is where the amazing cinnamon butter lives. Must be a pretty fun place to live. And those rolls they give you are so good. Enough about food…but I could read and look at food pictures all day, so I’m sure you don’t mind me talking about food. I better stop now and finish reading the update.


I just love the purple Disney road signs. They are just perfect.

I really think you should post on the thread complaining how the fountain didn’t work so you should get money back. Those people are ridiculous. I mean, what am I supposed to say to them? “I’m sorry a CM didn’t tell you to have a magical day. I can totally understand why you would want your money back.”? Craziness I tell you.

I just love looking at pictures of French Quarter. It’s so pretty!
We actually went to this place called Cody's, but it's a lot like Texas Roadhouse.

I know. I always read those threads and I'm just like "OK and...?" If you're that disappointed with Disney, stop going! It's as simple as that. Put your money where your mouth is and stop giving it to Disney.
Great start. Love your pictures with the running dialogue. Can't wait to hear more!
Thank you!! :goodvibes
Yay new TR and first update hooray!!

Pretty excited to hear about this trip :thumbsup2

I am also excited that you have so much in common with Malestrom...
Pretty big claim to fame!
YAY! Thanks!

I know, right? I feel so fortunate to share a birthday with WDW's most awesome, innovative, thrilling attraction. ;)
I would love to try and figure out where you're headed next, but unfortunately I'm not very good at guessing games. Seriously you could say, "it has hooves, a snout, and it's pink!" And I would guess "a whale!" Yup it's that bad.

But can I just say I looooove Port Orleans Resort?!!! This may sound weird but even the trees look heavenly.

The broken fountain sucks though, at the very least they could've given you a free lifetime supply of beignets.

Love your TR, needless to say, I'm in!
YAY! Your first update! I am guessing (along with others) that you guys were headed over the the MK! :cheer2: Excited to read more...so I am going to go and read your previous TR. :coffee:

I tried to follow you on Twitter (I entered in your DIS name) and could not find you. Did I miss it somewhere in your TR?
Hi Kara!

I'm subbing in, I read your last TR and loved it! Can't remember if I ever posted on it but I totally creeped the whole thing :) I think you're really funny and I like the way you write. I'm excited to see how your trip went!
That's so awesome you have family that lives right in Florida so you don't have to waste all that money on flying down to Disney and just go right there. Glad you had a good time there and I totally agree about the cinnamon butter shots, those would be divine along with being able to eat honey mustard, honey dijon, spicy cheese sauce, etc. on its own. I swear sauces are just too too amazing, don't you think? ;) And I feel the same way about House Hunters too. So addicting yet you can't help but just get mad at the people for digging up controversy over the dummest things. Oh life!

YAY! Disney time! It really is such a great feeling when you are first driving into Disney. I swear they need to add a trampoline feature to the ME buses or have a portal where everything is a trampoline because then I can bounce with enjoyment whilst I get the obligatory pictures ::yes:: Until then though, the maniacal smile works. :-)

Port Orleans French Quarter looks absolutely beautiful. And I feel like the security guard was not in the mood for channeling his inner Soup uh Room Nazi when you drove in especially since you guys actually DID have a reservation I'm quite sure. Love your pictures of the lobby and totally think your lobby mat translation totally works (especially since it does signal an intense wave of AC)! A shame the fountain wasn't working though, I would really like to see a complain thread for that :D So cool at check-in they give out balloon swords. If I ever stay at POFQ, I'm just going to ask off the bat if they can give me one because one of many childs-at-heart has entered the building :hyper:

Wow, POFQ does have a nice beautiful flow throughout. Lovin' all the palm trees (how I miss them)! And your building looks absolutely gorgeous from the outside, Disney really did a great job with mimic'ing the French Quarter architecture of New Orleans. Just a wild guess here, I say that bus was sent for Magic Kingdom!

Can't wait to read about your first adventure in the parks! :mickeyjum
Woo hoo! I love the first day of trips. It is always so exciting!!

Oh my gosh, I would have been a nervous wreck walking to the lobby after he couldn't find your reservation!

Wow, POR is pretty! I hope to see more Resort pics! We've only explored a little bit when we ate there once.
Yay, arrival day! There is nothing better than driving under that welcome arch! :cool1: Except maybe the moment you set foot in an actual park, but still, driving under the arch is pretty awesome!

POFQ looks insanely beautiful, I have to stay there someday! Not only are the buildings beautiful, but the bedding is PURPLE! I love anything purple, so the fact that I still haven't stayed here is really a mystery to me! I can't wait to see more resort pics! :woohoo:

Haha, ohhhh a broken fountain! How did you ever make it through the rest of your trip? :scared1:
MarieTheCat24 said:

But, but, but my dream house MUST have granite countertops! These fixtures are so out-dated! Where will I put my grill?? (That one always gets me...like, the husband MUST mention the grill so we know how manly they are.) :rolleyes:

I would have had a heart attack if they couldn't find my reservation...yikes!

Hmm...first park. Maybe starting right at the Magic?? :)
I would love to try and figure out where you're headed next, but unfortunately I'm not very good at guessing games. Seriously you could say, "it has hooves, a snout, and it's pink!" And I would guess "a whale!" Yup it's that bad.

But can I just say I looooove Port Orleans Resort?!!! This may sound weird but even the trees look heavenly.

The broken fountain sucks though, at the very least they could've given you a free lifetime supply of beignets.

Love your TR, needless to say, I'm in!
Aw, well, don't worry, I'll be revealing our first park soon!

The trees ARE heavenly. Everything is so lush. It's great.

Oh gosh, that's exactly what they should have given me. Do you think if I send a complaint e-mail, they'll still send a lifetime supply? ;)
YAY! Your first update! I am guessing (along with others) that you guys were headed over the the MK! :cheer2: Excited to read more...so I am going to go and read your previous TR. :coffee:

I tried to follow you on Twitter (I entered in your DIS name) and could not find you. Did I miss it somewhere in your TR?
Thanks! I hope you enjoy the previous TRs. :goodvibes

I'm @lilmisscynic on Twitter. I probably should have thought to post my Twitter handle when I mentioned it. :rotfl:
Hi Kara!

I'm subbing in, I read your last TR and loved it! Can't remember if I ever posted on it but I totally creeped the whole thing :) I think you're really funny and I like the way you write. I'm excited to see how your trip went!
Hi! Thanks for joining in! I'm so glad you've enjoyed my TRs! :)
That's so awesome you have family that lives right in Florida so you don't have to waste all that money on flying down to Disney and just go right there. Glad you had a good time there and I totally agree about the cinnamon butter shots, those would be divine along with being able to eat honey mustard, honey dijon, spicy cheese sauce, etc. on its own. I swear sauces are just too too amazing, don't you think? ;) And I feel the same way about House Hunters too. So addicting yet you can't help but just get mad at the people for digging up controversy over the dummest things. Oh life!

YAY! Disney time! It really is such a great feeling when you are first driving into Disney. I swear they need to add a trampoline feature to the ME buses or have a portal where everything is a trampoline because then I can bounce with enjoyment whilst I get the obligatory pictures ::yes:: Until then though, the maniacal smile works. :-)

Port Orleans French Quarter looks absolutely beautiful. And I feel like the security guard was not in the mood for channeling his inner Soup uh Room Nazi when you drove in especially since you guys actually DID have a reservation I'm quite sure. Love your pictures of the lobby and totally think your lobby mat translation totally works (especially since it does signal an intense wave of AC)! A shame the fountain wasn't working though, I would really like to see a complain thread for that :D So cool at check-in they give out balloon swords. If I ever stay at POFQ, I'm just going to ask off the bat if they can give me one because one of many childs-at-heart has entered the building :hyper:

Wow, POFQ does have a nice beautiful flow throughout. Lovin' all the palm trees (how I miss them)! And your building looks absolutely gorgeous from the outside, Disney really did a great job with mimic'ing the French Quarter architecture of New Orleans. Just a wild guess here, I say that bus was sent for Magic Kingdom!

Can't wait to read about your first adventure in the parks! :mickeyjum
Honey mustard shots? Genius. I think I'll open a condiment shot restaurant called "The Condiment Bar". Get it? 'Cause shots and bars and condiment bars? I don't know. Maybe it's funnier in my own head. :rotfl:

I seriously thought about asking for one of the balloon swords because they were REALLY awesome and I REALLY wanted one, but I refrained. Maybe next time...

I've never been to the real French Quarter, but my mother was there for work not too long ago and she said the same thing. It's just as nice as the real thing. Except there aren't half-naked drunk people hanging over balconies so maybe it's even better. :thumbsup2
Woo hoo! I love the first day of trips. It is always so exciting!!

Oh my gosh, I would have been a nervous wreck walking to the lobby after he couldn't find your reservation!

Wow, POR is pretty! I hope to see more Resort pics! We've only explored a little bit when we ate there once.
I was really nervous. I tried to distract myself by taking pictures, but until my parents walked over with the standard Resort Info Check-In folder, I barely breathed. :rotfl:

There will definitely be more resort pics. My dad took a ton with his fancy camera, so there are plenty of beautiful pictures to look forward to. :thumbsup2
Yay, arrival day! There is nothing better than driving under that welcome arch! :cool1: Except maybe the moment you set foot in an actual park, but still, driving under the arch is pretty awesome!

POFQ looks insanely beautiful, I have to stay there someday! Not only are the buildings beautiful, but the bedding is PURPLE! I love anything purple, so the fact that I still haven't stayed here is really a mystery to me! I can't wait to see more resort pics! :woohoo:

Haha, ohhhh a broken fountain! How did you ever make it through the rest of your trip? :scared1:
I loved the purple bedding too! It's hard to see in pictures, but the purple part is actually multi-tonal with a really gorgeous pattern (and hidden mickeys!) to it. It's definitely some of my favorite Disney bedding.

Well, to be truthful, I really thought about turning right around and getting back in the car, but I sucked it up and continued on. ;)
But, but, but my dream house MUST have granite countertops! These fixtures are so out-dated! Where will I put my grill?? (That one always gets me...like, the husband MUST mention the grill so we know how manly they are.) :rolleyes:

I would have had a heart attack if they couldn't find my reservation...yikes!

Hmm...first park. Maybe starting right at the Magic?? :)
I LOVE when the husband mentions the grill. Or when he mentions his need for a "man cave". Anytime they set foot in a basement, he's all "Oooooo this'll make the greatest man cave. Maybe a bar here...A giant TV here..." Every. Single. Episode. It'd make a great drinking game. :rotfl:
I LOVE when the husband mentions the grill. Or when he mentions his need for a "man cave". Anytime they set foot in a basement, he's all "Oooooo this'll make the greatest man cave. Maybe a bar here...A giant TV here..." Every. Single. Episode. It'd make a great drinking game. :rotfl:

NOW you're on to something...:scratchin
^ LOL. I told my DBF if we ever get on one of those shows, he'd better not say anything about a man cave. He told me I'd better not mention anything about closet space. I hate how the men talk about grills and "manly" stuff but I also hate how the women are always stating some uncute cliche. *Woman enters the bedroom and immediately goes toward the closet.* "Wow this close space is huge!" *Woman turns and looks at her husband.* "Where are we gonna put your stuff?" That must be like a clause in the script for the show or something.
NOW you're on to something...:scratchin
^ LOL. I told my DBF if we ever get on one of those shows, he'd better not say anything about a man cave. He told me I'd better not mention anything about closet space. I hate how the men talk about grills and "manly" stuff but I also hate how the women are always stating some uncute cliche. *Woman enters the bedroom and immediately goes toward the closet.* "Wow this close space is huge!" *Woman turns and looks at her husband.* "Where are we gonna put your stuff?" That must be like a clause in the script for the show or something.
That's so true. They ALWAYS say it. Maybe someday a dude will flip the joke on its head and be all "Where are we gonna put your stuff?" to his wife. I might actually laugh then. :rotfl:
JULY 6TH PART TWO: IT’S YETI TIME! Except Not For Me Because I Don’t Do Backwards. Seriously. I Don’t Even Like Walking Backwards. Why I Volunteered to Give Dorm Tours at College I Will Never Know. NIGHTMARE. And, No, You Can’t Request the Bigger Room at the End of the Hall For Your Son. It’s Totally Random and Just Giving It to Your Kid Wouldn’t Be Fair. This is College. No Snowflakes Allowed.

Well, from that inspired title, you can see that we were headed to Disney’s Animal Kingdom.

Nahtazu and all that jazz.

Traditionally, we’re a strict MAGIC KINGDOM FIRST OR DIE family, but we needed a change. Also, I really enjoy those paper straws. And some of Stacey’s best lines originated at the Animal Kingdom! LOOK AT THOSE CHOMPAS! WE’RE FOUR-WHEELIN’ NOW BABY! And, of course, the infamous *bites finger* *worried look* THERE DOESN’T SEEM TO BE ANY TRACK.

Oh, Stacey, you beautiful, wonderful soul.

Anyway, let’s rewind a bit to us getting on the bus.

As you may know, earlier this year we experienced quite the tragedy within the Disney fan community. Monorail Voice Guy was replaced. It came as a shock to us all. One that I’m not sure I will ever get over. I didn’t even have the chance to say goodbye. :sad1:

Thankfully for us all, this man’s sweet dulcet tones live on via Disney buses. Or motorcoaches as he would say. And boarding a glorious, purple-interior motorcoach and hearing his voice again drove me to tears. Well, glassy eyes. The tears never quite spilled over. I wouldn’t want to be known as that crazy girl who cried over a bus spiel.

Who am I kidding? That’s exactly what I’d want to be known for.

Because the ride to Animal Kingdom takes a while, I had plenty of time to sit back and bask in the magic of Bus Voice Guy. I also had the chance to bask in the magic of Prince Charming’s face, as there was an ad for Once Upon a Time hanging right across from me. Add a few puppies, a TV, and a guy handing out free Mickey Rice Krispy Treats and that bus would’ve contained everything I love.

When we arrived at AK, I hopped off the bus and booked it. Seriously. I got so excited that I left my family behind and took off. I’m sure you’ve all experienced something similar. These things happen at WDW. Parks >>>>> Family.

Once I realized I was 8000 miles ahead of everyone else, I slowed down and took some pictures.

Look, pretty trees!

Look, more pretty trees!

I felt bad for that poor CM in the Dinoland costume. Those things are awful. Neon yellow shorts are never a good look. They don’t look quite as terrible when surrounded by giant tourist trap dinosaurs, but, out in the regular world, it’s just sad.

And here it is! The entrance! And a bunch of random people! Yay!

Fun story: For whatever reason, the biometric scanner thing at the turnstiles wouldn’t let me use my index finger to get into the park. I had to use my thumb. It was awful. I mean, I ALWAYS use my index finger. For as long as the stupid biometric scanner things have been there, I’ve been using my index finger. I felt like an idiot for the rest of the trip because I’d politely smile at the CM working the turnstile, start to put down my index finger, and then, at the last minute, be, like, “OH!” and slip my thumb in there. Ah, the life of the painfully awkward…

Because the park’s layout forced us to, the first thing we did was explore the Oasis.

Of course, by “explore” I really mean “booked it through that hot, sweaty jungle as fast as humanly possible because there are rides to ride and shows to watch and the absolute last thing I want to see is a tree full of creepy parrots.”

Regardless, I took some pictures of our “exploration”.

Those are some trees and stuff that we passed really quickly.

That’s a big rock thing and some vines that we passed really quickly.

And those are some more trees and stuff that we also passed really quickly.

We continued our power walk through Discovery Island. I’m quite certain it got its name not because it’s home to several animals, a 3D bug show, and some character M&Gs, but because there is plenty of merchandise for you to discover. This is Disney World after all. Gift shops aplenty.

The Tree of Life. I’m shocked they didn’t hang a giant WATCH OUT FOR FALLING BRANCHES (BTW BECAUSE WE WARNED YOU, YOU CAN’T SUE) sign on it. You would think legal would’ve been all over that.

I thought that yellow tree was really pretty. When you walk through the Oasis, it’s like green green green green green green and then you come over the bridge and it’s all BOOM GIANT SPLASH OF YELLOW. It made me smile.

I discovered this beaver hanging on one of the numerous Discovery Island gift shops and fell in love. I would like 6 for my house, please! Also a smaller one for the car. And an even smaller one to use as a key chain.

Our destination was Asia (hence the "It’s Yeti time!" in the title) but, unfortunately for me, Animal Kingdom’s Asia is roughly the size of the real thing. I was running on three hours of sleep, had just spent an hour and a half cramped in a car, and now had to walk 30000 miles to get to Everest. Thankfully, I had a ton of adrenaline or my body probably would have given out right around Yak and Yeti.

Anyway, Asia! Pictures! Fun times!

There were no monkeys on their little monkey island. I figured they all went west to Disneyland. Why stay at WDW when they could be at Disneyland riding Radiator Springs Racers and eating dill pickle flavored popcorn? ;)

Mom and Katie hopped in line for Everest and Dad and I headed down to the little viewing area that overlooks the ride.

I’m kind of obsessed with the theming in Asia. Everything is so detailed! It’s really beautiful.

Dad and I planned on taking pictures of Mom and Katie on the ride, but the sun was RIDICULOUS and we could barely see. With that plan scrapped, we headed into the gift shop. I bet Disney turned the sun up so we would do just that. Foiled again! One day I'll outsmart you and your earth-heating ways, Disney!

I love that Disney gift shops are thoroughly decorated. I mean, they could have just thrown a pile of plush Yetis on a table and called it a day, but, no, they went to town on this place.

Dad and I found a quiet corner of the store and chatted until Mom and Katie came back. We discovered that the store is the perfect size to hold one roller coaster train worth of people. A group would exit the ride, come in, look around a bit, and clear out completely right as the next group entered. It was like clockwork and I found it absolutely hilarious.

Never change, Disney.

Never change.
Oh, wow, Animal Kingdom! Boy, was I wrong. Well, I gotta agree, AK is definitely a good second choice for first park (that was my first park on my most recent trip). Stacey really went all crazy there with her little quotes. "There doesn't seem to be any track!" I absolutely love that one. Every time I think of that ride or go on it, I always think of her. Stacey and Disney are like Cookies and Cream, awesome separate but even better together! ::yes::

I'm so sad about monorail voice guy too. Whenever I hear his shpiel on the buses or on the monorail, I get all nostalgic and giddy. He was part of the Disney package and now... he is gone! :P But whatever, at least they didn't change the guy who says, "Please stand clear of the doors! Por Favor Mantenganse Alejado De Las Puertas!"

LOL @ your trouble with the biometric scanners! I swear I have the same problem with just about everything. YAY FOR AWKWARDNESS! But I'm sorta glad you don't have to stick your finger on those EVERY time you come into a park. Totally wouldn't work out. :sad2:

Love the Discovery Island gift shops and their little details! Disney can do no wrong on that part in my book. This goes for Asia and their gift shops as well, it looks so authentic when you turn to actual pictures of where they were trying to set the park in. Again, Disney can do no wrong! I also gotta agree, that nice splash of yellow on the tree is a nice touch.

Excited to hear about what you are going to do next in DAK! :mickeyjum
LOL the title. Oh you.

We're Magic Kingdom or die too but I have been - gasp - contemplating starting with another park next time. I think it will feel super weird.

Oh girl. I always cry over the bus and monorail (RIP) spiels. I mean, how could you not? That heavenly sound. "It's all waiting for you today at The Magic Kingdom."

OMG that yellow tree is so pretty! I don't remember noticing it before, but I've probably just forgotten. And I'm relieved you didn't get hit by any falling fake tree debris. Sheesh.

Wait. Wait. They have dill pickle flavored popcorn over at DL? Oh God help me I'm packing my bag right now.

That is definitely one of my favorite shops in Disney. Overall, Asia is just ridic. I'm obsessed with the theming too.

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