We don't wanna go home!!! Nov 1-8, 2008 Magic Western

Hey hon, just finally got to catch up on the report, its been quite a busy week at work, and I haven't even been able to get online! (Darn kids!)

Looks like Palo Brunch wasn't to be missed. Too bad we did! I was really sad I never did get a reservation for it! Maybe on the Baltic I'll be able to get ONE!!

Glad to see you had just a great time and could let your hair down and relax. Most likely not something you get to experience too often!;)
Great report! We will be on a Western in May. We just found out that our DD will not be able to be in the stack & will be in the Disney Quest. Could you tell me what type of activies your son did. My DD is 13, were there many kids there around the 13-14 age group? Thanks in advance!
Again. Well, for DH and I it is again, as we had been here before a few years ago. That trip was to celebrate my, and our friend, Alex's, 40th birthday. It was all grown-ups and we were 4 couples- we stayed at the Pier House at the end of Duval St., and it was a BLAST even though it rained pretty much the entire time, and we never saw one of those famous Key West sunsets, unless you count the one that was going on when we were all waiting for the plane home at the airport (I don't). This trip to Key West was going to be just a little bit different than that!:rotfl: So I tried to think of things to do with the kids that would hold their attention. We knew the southernmost point was a must, and then we'd wing it. Thought they might like one of those electric cars for a couple of hours, so I arranged for one through Tropical Rentals. I called TR when we got off the ship, and they picked us up and took us to their agency. They were actually right around the corner from the southernmost, so we waited to start our 2 hour rental until after we had walked over to take the obligatory Key West pic-


Guess who was standing behind us in line and graciously took the pic? Jenny2 to the rescue!!! I TOLD you, Jenny2 was everywhere on our vacation!!:rotfl:

After the DSs scouted the water for Cubans, and I don't mean cigars, we picked up our electric car and headed out for our Key West adventure in "WHERE'S the PARKING?":rotfl:


We checked out the beach side-



-and then went in the wrong direction that we weren't supposed to go in as per the rental agent. No worries! A quick u-turn across a 4 lane highway in our vehicle set at 25 mph max, and God-bless-us-every-one, we were on our way to the docks to see some boats! ( Really it was fine- we would never put our boys in danger- or at least I wouldn't, but I wasn't driving):scared1: .

Pay attention, here come those 6 toed cats...

Did ya see any?

We were heading over to the docks, I thought the boys might like the boats and ....key west ice cream factory, of course!


Mommy and Daddy would like something else...


Everyone's happy! While looking at the boats, we saw some fish-


...and tried to psych the kids up for their first real snorkeling experience in a couple of days (more on THAT later!).

They liked climbing on the anchor-



and then we decided it was time to take the electric car back. They were very nice and accomodating at Tropical Rentals, I would use them again if i was looking for an ec in KW. :thumbsup2 We turned down their offer of a ride back to port, preferring instead to go for a nice loooong walk down Duval St. My boys' favorites? Asking this guy some questions....


(he was sooooo tight-lipped!). But the best? PUPPIES! Teeny tiny little PUPPIES!!!!


WHY they refuse to pose, I do not know, but they are too cute and toy-like, :cutie: and I think they know it!!


We stayed here awhile enjoying these little pups. Oddly, the shop owner did not find it at all amusing when I asked if we could buy one for our golden retriever to use as a chew toy.:confused3 :rotfl: (Really, that's a BIG joke- our golden would bow down and totally be run over and controlled by any of 'em!).

After the puppies, we continued down Duval on our way back to the Magic- the kids were really asking to go back to their clubs. Hmmm....what will Mom & Dad DO in Key West without kids????

Something for you to ponder while I see about the dishes....
:goodvibes We went back to the ship, and both boys were ecstatic about getting back to their new friends in their clubs (does it GET any better than 24 hours a day happiness all around???).


I had not been smart in the morning after brunch shoe-wise, so a quick trip back to the cabin remedied that situation. WOW. What a difference a supportive shoe makes.:worship: Just because you're not in the parks- don't forget your feet need the right shoes!:cloud9:

DH had one and only one concern on SUNDAY in Key West...."Where am I watching the GIANTS???!!!" I have to say, this may have been his only request for the whole week. So, we needed to make sure it all worked out! Our favorite place when we had been here before was Sloppy Joes- we just loved it there. Everyone is friendly, you can dance and dance and feel like you're 15 (when you know you aren't!) and who doesn't like that! Well, we weren't here for that endless dancing etc., but Sloppy's was playing the Giants and that's what works for DH!:thumbsup2 He stayed there, but I had other needs....I needed that calamari at Margaritaville. So I left DH in the hands of a very capable and friendly bartender, and I wandered the streets of Key West, alone, in search of squid. Oh come on! You're NEVER ALONE in Key West!!!:rotfl2:

I saw this on the way- the speedboats were in for races (just like last time we were here...hmmmmmmm) and had a parade-



Fun fun fun! I sat at the bar at Margaritaville...

all by myself

and ordered calamari and a margarita- and I ate alllllllll that calamari. And that was a baaaaad idea- not that it wasn't scrumptious (although, truthfully, the last time I had it, it was one of a kind,and now- everyone has this calamari. But still, it's good, and worth the trip.) It was just very filling. For many, many hours. For me. Anyway....

Went back to see DH at Sloppy Joe's , where the really nice bartender had become his best friend, and we watched the game until the half-


And then Carlos Santana came on stage!!!!


Ok, not really, but doesn't it look like Carlos?
We were on our way back to the ship, but I just wanted to say.... If you are ever in Key West and wonder what this is-


...it's the smallest bar in Key west. And it's a LOT of fun. And it's really, really small, I hope you like to stand. But it's not for today.

Because today, we need to see the Giants and the sunset. And when you're on the Magic, and in a port you soon will leave, there's only one way to do that....
Hey girl!

Lovin' your trip report! Keep the good stuff comin'...can't wait for more! :thumbsup2
DH had one and only one concern on SUNDAY in Key West...."Where am I watching the GIANTS???!!!"

OK, I have really enjoyed your report so far but this line is by far the best!! That I can sooo relate to! I love your humor and your writing style...please keep the reports coming.
Great report! You're getting me excited about my trip this weekend! :banana:
I don't have Lyme disease!:woohoo:

just a viral inner ear infection w/ lots of "spinning tea cups" episodes
Hey girl!

Lovin' your trip report! Keep the good stuff comin'...can't wait for more! :thumbsup2

Thanks! I'll post more today-

OK, I have really enjoyed your report so far but this line is by far the best!! That I can sooo relate to! I love your humor and your writing style...please keep the reports coming.

Thanks so much, this comment made my day! You made me feel so special!!:blush:

Great report! You're getting me excited about my trip this weekend! :banana:

You're on the cruise on my birthday!!! Lucky you!! Enjoy every moment-

I'm loving your trip report!

Ohhh...How I long to go on a Disney cruise... I really need to start saving for it!

Yes, we all need to start saving for it. It is a wonderful and luxurious vacation where the pampering is...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh......:cloud9:

I don't have Lyme disease!:woohoo:

just a viral inner ear infection w/ lots of "spinning tea cups" episodes

VERY happy to hear you don't have Lyme's!! Feel better!

I tried to post my next installment last night, but my computer was moving too slow and eventually froze up- :badpc: So I lost the whole thing and need to start again- I HATE when that happens!!! Anyway, I'll be back later today with some more adventures on the high seas-


I tried to post my next installment last night, but my computer was moving too slow and eventually froze up- :badpc: So I lost the whole thing and need to start again- I HATE when that happens!!! Anyway, I'll be back later today with some more adventures on the high seas-



This tends to happen to me so often that I write out and format my longer posts in a Word document, then copy and paste over into the posting screen.

Looking forward to reading another installment! I'm at 10 days til our Eastern! :woohoo:

This tends to happen to me so often that I write out and format my longer posts in a Word document, then copy and paste over into the posting screen.

Looking forward to reading another installment! I'm at 10 days til our Eastern! :woohoo:

You know, I have thought of doing that- it would make sense!! Maybe that's why I still haven't done it that way...:faint: :upsidedow

So what are you planning on doing on your Eastern? I would LOVE that itinerary, with that extra sea day. I was hoping that is what we'd be getting when we go in 2 years, but we're on the Western again- not that I'm complaining, loved the Western, just fun to do something different. Are you going to St John? We go there every January with friends, it's a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL island. So quiet and laid back- just the right amount of "stuff".
You know, I have thought of doing that- it would make sense!! Maybe that's why I still haven't done it that way...:faint: :upsidedow

Believe me, it took quite a few "lost posts" here and on other forums for me to start doing that. :headache:

So what are you planning on doing on your Eastern? I would LOVE that itinerary, with that extra sea day. I was hoping that is what we'd be getting when we go in 2 years, but we're on the Western again- not that I'm complaining, loved the Western, just fun to do something different. Are you going to St John? We go there every January with friends, it's a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL island. So quiet and laid back- just the right amount of "stuff".

Thank you for asking! We're absolutely looking forward to the extra sea day - we loved it SO much on our four night last year, and that's one of the main reasons we booked the Eastern this year. And we are going to St. John - I'm taking advantage of doing an excursion because I tend to worry too much about the ship leaving, getting lost, and all that. We'll be doing an "eco hike" and going to Honeymoon Beach and the sugar cane plantation.

Happy birthday, too!
DH hightailed it back to the ship to make sure he didn't miss a second of that Giants game (can you blame him? They ARE kickin' butt this season!!!:cheer2: ). He wasn't sure where he'd be watching on the ship, but as it turned out, the Giants were on the Dumbotron- so he got the best of both worlds- a Giants game on the biggest screen around AND a gorgeous Key West sunset all around.:cloud9:

I however, took my time getting back on board, because I really wanted to see exactly how they celebrated the sunset in Mallory Square- something we completely missed when we were here the last time. As it turns out, there is a LOT of activity in that square!!


Performers of every persuasion, there was something to see everwhere you turned. And of course THIS, which is what I was here to finally, finally see-



A look out to Sunset Key-


I decided to watch this especially mental...err, umm, I mean, entertaining...performer, who had a cat jumping through a ring of fire-



That blur was the cat. When I had had enough of the Cat circus, I took some pics of the Magic- she is soooo pretty at night-





Bye bye, HAL-


Time to get back on the Magic, and see what the troops are up to. I saw in the Navigator that DS9's group was up on the Sports deck playing basketball and dodgeball. My kids LOVE both of those, but when you mention dodgeball they both get EXTREMELY excited, it has to be their most favorite thing. So without question I knew where DS9 would be-



DS11 was VERY jealous when he heard DS9 had been doing this- but not to worry, he would have his chance tomorrow with the OQ group.

DH & DS11 were firmly planted on a mostly empty deck 9 watching the game, and got DS9 from his group when done playing sports so he could hang with them and watch, too.



I would just like to point out the mug again- DH is now drinking from this mug at home when he has a beer- I think he likes to pretend he's still up there on that deck watching the game (you know, like me when I have coffee every morning out of my refillable Disney mugs, or wine (later in the day, usually) in my Mickey wine glass. Which he makes fun of.) But, of course, he would never own up to that one.;)

Some night shots of Key West-



I thought it might be a good time for me to head back to the cabin and get ready for dinner. It occured to me that I had not tried the DOD yet, so I stopped at Signals to pick up a Key Lime Margarita. :sad2: I am not one for sweet drinks, so I asked her to make it less cloyingly sweet, if she could, and I believe she tried- I just don't think it's possible to make this one better. Ever.:crazy2:


I had about 2 sips total, and those two sips on top of the mountain of fried calamari in my belly- well, it just was not a good mix! I tried to find my way to the cabin, but got a little lost along the way...


...ending up on the jogging track. Thereby creating an all new jogging track experience- running around the wrong way with a gross drink in desperate search of a door out so you can get back to the cabin and throw said gross drink out!!


Please note how much is in my glass- that's all I had of that one!!
Believe me, it took quite a few "lost posts" here and on other forums for me to start doing that. :headache:

Thank you for asking! We're absolutely looking forward to the extra sea day - we loved it SO much on our four night last year, and that's one of the main reasons we booked the Eastern this year. And we are going to St. John - I'm taking advantage of doing an excursion because I tend to worry too much about the ship leaving, getting lost, and all that. We'll be doing an "eco hike" and going to Honeymoon Beach and the sugar cane plantation.

Happy birthday, too!

Oh, good- I am glad to hear you're going over to St John. It feels the way an island in the Caribbean should...laid back and untouched. We like to hike around there when we go, too- it's spectacular, one glorious, gorgeous vista after another. Hope you'll do a TR!!!

And thanks for wishing me HB!
Can I scraplift some pix you have to put in our cruise album?

I'll make sure you get credit for your pix :thumbsup2

wuv tigger
Ellen your pics and TR are amazing!!! I love Key West but haven't been there since Spring Break in college, and well, can't remember a whole lot from that trip! ;) I tell DH that it would be fun to go on a cruise just to see Key West - and we're only about a 6 hr drive from there.....

And the ship just looks amazing too! I can't believe all the activities!!! I'm on the DCL website even as I write......
Can I scraplift some pix you have to put in our cruise album?

I'll make sure you get credit for your pix :thumbsup2

wuv tigger

Sure sweetie, help yourself!

Ellen your pics and TR are amazing!!! I love Key West but haven't been there since Spring Break in college, and well, can't remember a whole lot from that trip! ;) I tell DH that it would be fun to go on a cruise just to see Key West - and we're only about a 6 hr drive from there.....

And the ship just looks amazing too! I can't believe all the activities!!! I'm on the DCL website even as I write......

Key west has this effect on everyone, Spring break or not!:hippie:
I went back to the cabin, dumped that drink in the sink, and decided to put my feet up for a few. All the GO!GO!GO! I had been doing for the last three days was finally catching up with me, I think. Ya know, it's a good thing it was dinner at Animator's Palate tonight, because (being a first time Disney cruiser) I didn't want to miss the show- and I do believe this is what finally motivated me to get my butt out of the bed and out the door to dinner! (Not easy- those cabins are very comfy-cozy, especially with the myriad of movies available on the TV!!).

One of the things I love about being on a cruise is talking to your tablemates at the end of the day (at dinner) and hearing about everyone's adventures. We had our own family table, but we were close to two other tables, so we really weren't all by ourselves. We ended up spending every night talking to one table (I actually feel so bad now that we really didn't get to know the other table!) imparticular...a GP, Mom and 2 daughters who were also from NJ. I was so drawn to the woman, and felt like I had known her for years- mainly due to the fact that she could be the sister of my neighbor, Debbie! Even the kids thought so. Soooo funny. Anyway, we really enjoyed getting to know them through the week.

Tonight, DS9 placed his order...and got some chicken soup to start.:scared1:


We were shocked, amazed, thrilled...DS9 has NEVER, EVER wanted to try any soup before. See? The ship really is Magic!!

Sorry, but I've forgotten what DS11 had for an appetizer. I know he had a lemonade...


Christian and Ranzil were awesome as the night before, here is Christian with the boys-


I got the seafood wrap, but I had very little of mine, tasty as it was, because my stomach was still overwhelmed from before.


DH got a tomato salad, and finished off my seafood wrap.


We ALL got the steak with the scallops for dinner, because it looked soooo good...


...and it really was VERY yummy! Here is where the amazing, over-the-top Disney service comes in...

Christian cuts DS11's meat-


and Ranzil cuts DS9's meat-


Really, our sons felt like royalty- they loved all that attention!

Even with a full not so great tummy I had no problem polishing off that entree- none of us had a problem, for that matter!! But only the kids got dessert tonight-


See the crayons in front of DS9? Ranzil always had a puzzle for all of us to keep us entertained during the meal. I know alot of people complain about dinner taking too long, but I never, ever felt that way. Dinner in the dining rooms was always another excellent, fun part of the day!

The walls were changing color, and it was time for the show-



Here comes Mickey!!




Seeing that mouse is ALWAYS special, it doesn't matter how old you are, does it?:goodvibes

Our favorite servers in their magically transformed vests-


And a last one of Christian doing something fun, I'm sure-


The boys ran to their clubs, DH and I went back to the room for a bit. Then I decided to give myself a break for once, and hit the sack early. DH poured himself a cocktail in the room and went up to Diversions to watch whatever football was on- he would do that alot, pour one for himself in the room and then order one when that was done at whatever club we were in. I think it was very thrifty of him...but then, he is a CPA after all! ;)

Tomorrow- our first day at sea...AHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....:cloud9:


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