We dodged a bullet...


Are We There Yet?
Jul 18, 2008
and I feel like :banana: :yay: :cheer2:

It's a long story, but the last year has been a real budget challenge. Lots of medical bills piled on top of a few other surprises decimated our emergency fund, and we have been working all year to catch back up.

In June we found out the medical situation was not resolving, and we need to try a new treatment. It's an off-label use of a cancer drug to treat an eye condition. Because it's not what the drug was designed for, many insurance companies do not cover the treatment, and it costs about $500 for each shot.

Then, in July, we find out our daughter will need these shots every five or six weeks, for at least a year. At this point, I'm just cringing. It felt like we were taking one step forward and then two steps back.

Around the same time, we find out our daughter (who has always had very nice straight teeth) is going to need braces for one tooth that isn't able to erupt due to crowding. We went for an estimate, and were told she needs an entire set of braces (top and bottom) to the tune of $4,500. :eek: Our son (who has terrible teeth) is supposed to start HIS braces this fall also. His estimate was $5,500. I planned for him. I didn't plan for two kids in braces at the same time!!!! I wanted to cry. There was NO WAY we could manage this now.

Now, the end of my really long, long story. We took the advice of family and friends, and got a second opinion on the braces last week . This orthodontist (who has a long-standing reputation locally) says we can do the job without a full set of braces and it should only run about $800. :worship: AND, our insurance covers $1,000. :woohoo:

And, today, I finally got our first bill for DD's shots. We've been waiting for two whole months and I was sure it was because insurance was turning it down.

INSURANCE PAID!!! Our portion is only $67.00. I'm so stinking happy and relieved, I want to kiss the insurance reps who approved this!!! :woohoo: :dance3:

Thank You God!
Now, back to your regular programing..... :laughing:
and I feel like :banana: :yay: :cheer2:

It's a long story, but the last year has been a real budget challenge. Lots of medical bills piled on top of a few other surprises decimated our emergency fund, and we have been working all year to catch back up.

In June we found out the medical situation was not resolving, and we need to try a new treatment. It's an off-label use of a cancer drug to treat an eye condition. Because it's not what the drug was designed for, many insurance companies do not cover the treatment, and it costs about $500 for each shot.

Then, in July, we find out our daughter will need these shots every five or six weeks, for at least a year. At this point, I'm just cringing. It felt like we were taking one step forward and then two steps back.

Around the same time, we find out our daughter (who has always had very nice straight teeth) is going to need braces for one tooth that isn't able to erupt due to crowding. We went for an estimate, and were told she needs an entire set of braces (top and bottom) to the tune of $4,500. :eek: Our son (who has terrible teeth) is supposed to start HIS braces this fall also. His estimate was $5,500. I planned for him. I didn't plan for two kids in braces at the same time!!!! I wanted to cry. There was NO WAY we could manage this now.

Now, the end of my really long, long story. We took the advice of family and friends, and got a second opinion on the braces last week . This orthodontist (who has a long-standing reputation locally) says we can do the job without a full set of braces and it should only run about $800. :worship: AND, our insurance covers $1,000. :woohoo:

And, today, I finally got our first bill for DD's shots. We've been waiting for two whole months and I was sure it was because insurance was turning it down.

INSURANCE PAID!!! Our portion is only $67.00. I'm so stinking happy and relieved, I want to kiss the insurance reps who approved this!!! :woohoo: :dance3:

Thank You God!
Now, back to your regular programing..... :laughing:

Glad your stress is over!
Loved every minute of the story-------especially the ending!!!!:banana::cool1::rotfl::cheer2::dance3::yay:
YeaH I love a story with a happy ending. Hope all goes well for you all in the future.:)
Glad to hear everything has worked out for you!
:goodvibesThank you for this story...I have been having a bit of a pity party today and needed this to give me the kick in the butt that I need!!! So glad that things are working out for you! :wizard:
Loved your story...thanks so much for sharing. Times are tough now for a lot of
people. Your story says...never give up...keep your faith!

God is good all the time! :goodvibes
and I feel like :banana: :yay: :cheer2:

It's a long story, but the last year has been a real budget challenge. Lots of medical bills piled on top of a few other surprises decimated our emergency fund, and we have been working all year to catch back up.

In June we found out the medical situation was not resolving, and we need to try a new treatment. It's an off-label use of a cancer drug to treat an eye condition. Because it's not what the drug was designed for, many insurance companies do not cover the treatment, and it costs about $500 for each shot.

Then, in July, we find out our daughter will need these shots every five or six weeks, for at least a year. At this point, I'm just cringing. It felt like we were taking one step forward and then two steps back.

Around the same time, we find out our daughter (who has always had very nice straight teeth) is going to need braces for one tooth that isn't able to erupt due to crowding. We went for an estimate, and were told she needs an entire set of braces (top and bottom) to the tune of $4,500. :eek: Our son (who has terrible teeth) is supposed to start HIS braces this fall also. His estimate was $5,500. I planned for him. I didn't plan for two kids in braces at the same time!!!! I wanted to cry. There was NO WAY we could manage this now.

Now, the end of my really long, long story. We took the advice of family and friends, and got a second opinion on the braces last week . This orthodontist (who has a long-standing reputation locally) says we can do the job without a full set of braces and it should only run about $800. :worship: AND, our insurance covers $1,000. :woohoo:

And, today, I finally got our first bill for DD's shots. We've been waiting for two whole months and I was sure it was because insurance was turning it down.

INSURANCE PAID!!! Our portion is only $67.00. I'm so stinking happy and relieved, I want to kiss the insurance reps who approved this!!! :woohoo: :dance3:

Thank You God!
Now, back to your regular programing..... :laughing:

That's Great! Thanks for sharing!
Had your insurance not paid for the dental, many dentists accept Care Credit.

I thought I might have to have a new crown in June and asked if my dentist participated in CC and he did.

It's always an option to cover medical expenses.
Thanks for sharing. I'm glad things are working out for your family. Praying that things continue to go well, especially with your children's health. :)
Glad your stress is over!
:hug: continued prayers for you!
I appreciate it.
Loved every minute of the story-------especially the ending!!!!:banana::cool1::rotfl::cheer2::dance3::yay:
YeaH I love a story with a happy ending. Hope all goes well for you all in the future.:)
I'm really glad I had a happy ending to report! :worship:
I love the power of prayer and what God can do. Yeah!!!

I couldn't agree more!!!
Loved your story...thanks so much for sharing. Times are tough now for a lot of
people. Your story says...never give up...keep your faith!

God is good all the time! :goodvibes
Yep, even through the tough stuff! :love:
That's Great! Thanks for sharing!
Had your insurance not paid for the dental, many dentists accept Care Credit.

I thought I might have to have a new crown in June and asked if my dentist participated in CC and he did.

It's always an option to cover medical expenses.
Yeah, I've heard of that, but I'm really glad I can avoid making payments with interest.
It's so nice to read a story where things work out!:cool1:
And I'm still excited. It feels like a load has been taken off my back.
Good things do happen. :cool1: Good news!
Thanks for sharing. I'm glad things are working out for your family. Praying that things continue to go well, especially with your children's health. :)

Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and comments. :hug:
I'm just so relieved to know that, if it becomes necessary, we can handle the payments to continue her treatment long term. At this point, the shots have improved her vision significantly and seem to be maintaining the improvement. The doctor hopes we can slowly increase the time between shots and wean her off of them without her vision deteriorating again. So prayers for her vision are gladly accepted and very much appreciated.


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