WDW Commando Club

What a mega touring plan! It sure does sounds like a lot of fun and a lot of $. I really want to try V&As. Maybe one day.

You got that right on the money part. :thumbsup2 I'm going to wait to post full totals because I have not broken down the true cost of the PAP's (I will be using mine 3 times and hunny will use his twice). It looks to be $3400 for the 9 nights (3 on Platinum plan, 6 on discount). Just round up to $4000 because of the Chef's Table upgrade, the RP experience upgrade, incidentals and Emergency money. Add about $800 for round trip airfare for 2 from MI (still looking for deals). Add approximately another $500 for food, $1200 for spending :rolleyes1 (hunny thinks I am ridiculous, but hey this is my go-hard-or-go-home trip, lol I doubt if I spend that much) and about $800 for the ticket upgrades and we have oooohhhh around $7300 which we can round to $7500. That's also 2 days at Universal. Not too shabby considering my VERY first plan was looking closer to $9000. I'm cutting funds everyday too, I promise! :lmao:
I have not been to Disney in a very long time and it is a family tradition. Two days before my last trip I had to cancel because of a very horrendous event that happened to me. It has taken time for that wound to heal AND for me to get back to WDW dreaming let alone the world. I have done $500 trips and trips I'm sure granny paid far above in the 5 digit thousands for other trips we took as a family. This trip is not about the money, it's about time. I'm doing it right ya know? Making the most while I can, when I can.
Alrighty my Commandos, how about a little pre-trip planning?
Now I know you all are going to think me a little crazy ya know, with me being a unemployed about to be FT student and all :rotfl2: However, I was looking over the plans that hunny and I had for our (prayerfully) 2013 Nov trip and I looked at the Platinum dining plan. I could add a night to our 8-night trip and do 3 nights at AK Villas value studio for $300 and then a 3-night AK villa 1 bedroom with a room discount and THEN 3-nights at BLT with a lake view some-kind-of-room I can afford, lol. I will purchase tickets (since I have to) for the Platinum plan and upgrade them to the PAP's. Now I lose the $65 discount per PAP I could have gotten by purchasing through UT, but I save a whoooooooole lot on the excursions we had wanted to do. For the price I was going to pay for 1 of us (him) to do the RP Exotic drive, parasailing for us both and the upcharge for switching to BLT, I now get La Nouba, a few tours, a few more water activites AND free deluxe-style dining that includes V&A's!:cool1:

So this is what the plan looks like so far:

Friday Day 1: Arrival (AKL) Platinum
 Arrival via ME
 Upgrade tickets to PAP and check-in
 Lunch @ Fulton’s ($25pp)
 Sightseeing around DTD/Shopping
 5:30p.m. La Nouba
 Illuminations Cruise
 9:30p.m. Dinner @ Marrakesh ($40pp)
 Snacks: Goofy’s, Ghiradelli’s
Saturday Day 2: Platinum
 8:05a.m. Breakfast @ Crystal Palace ($23pp)
 MK touring
 Parasailing
 Noon Epcot Aqua Seas Tour
 5:30p.m. V&A’s
 (*Optional: EMH/Disney Quest/Splitsville)
 Snacks: Aloha Isle, Boulangeri
Sunday Day 3: Platinum
 7:30a.m. Breakfast @ Boma ($31pp)
 9 a.m. Church @ Main Gate COC
 10:15a.m. RP Experience
 1:30p.m. Lunch @ Teppan Edo ($40pp)
 Behind the Seeds
 Spa
 Horseback riding/Biking/Water Excursion
 8:45p.m. Dinner @ Cali. Grill ($60pp)
 (*Optional: EMH/Disney Quest/Splitsville)
 Snacks: Boulangeri, Karamel Kuche
Monday Day 4: Platinum
 8:15a.m. Backstage Magic Tour (Includes Lunch @ Whispering Canyon)
 4:45p.m. Dinner @ Mama Melrose ($40pp)
 6:30p.m. Fantasmic! Priority Seating
 11p.m. In-Room Service Breakfast
 Snacks: Cupcakes, Beignets

Now I figure a taxi to V&A's, we already have to get a taxi for church and I can bring our clothes to change for Cali Grill later. I have pretty much a hour planned (at least) in between each activity. The times I did put down, are the times I want to arrive (for example the excursion Saturday starts at 12:30 but I plan to get there by noon). Soooo what say you all? Thanks guys!!!

Wow with all the tours and extra activities, you sure are planning to take advantage of all WDW has to offer:thumbsup2
Wow with all the tours and extra activities, you sure are planning to take advantage of all WDW has to offer:thumbsup2

You bet your bottom dollar (or mine, :rotfl2: ) The spa we were going to do, the boat to see Illuminations I wanted but refused to pay that much and we usually eat at least 1 TS a day. So by adding an additional day and looking over what was offered, I figured best to take full advantage as I don't see doing this again anytime soon. This is hunny's first real vacation in years though, so I know it's worth it.
You bet your bottom dollar (or mine, :rotfl2: ) The spa we were going to do, the boat to see Illuminations I wanted but refused to pay that much and we usually eat at least 1 TS a day. So by adding an additional day and looking over what was offered, I figured best to take full advantage as I don't see doing this again anytime soon. This is hunny's first real vacation in years though, so I know it's worth it.

You probably have more scheduled in this one vacation than we have done in all the times we have visisted WDW. I want to eat at V&A, safari trek, segway tour, parasail, and behind the seeds. Maybe one day.

Keep us posted and post pics. I would enjoy following this trip report.
You bet your bottom dollar (or mine, :rotfl2: ) The spa we were going to do, the boat to see Illuminations I wanted but refused to pay that much and we usually eat at least 1 TS a day. So by adding an additional day and looking over what was offered, I figured best to take full advantage as I don't see doing this again anytime soon. This is hunny's first real vacation in years though, so I know it's worth it.

With the Platinum package all these things are included right:confused3, now how much does the Platinum package cost per day:confused3
You probably have more scheduled in this one vacation than we have done in all the times we have visisted WDW. I want to eat at V&A, safari trek, segway tour, parasail, and behind the seeds. Maybe one day.

Keep us posted and post pics. I would enjoy following this trip report.

Hey Norm one day when we are there at the same time we should rent the Grand One and drink Johnny Walker Blue:thumbsup2, figure for the two of us with family, it would be $260 each family for a hour:confused3
You probably have more scheduled in this one vacation than we have done in all the times we have visisted WDW. I want to eat at V&A, safari trek, segway tour, parasail, and behind the seeds. Maybe one day.

Keep us posted and post pics. I would enjoy following this trip report.

I am going to do my very first TR with this trip. I am waiting until I book the rooms/ pkg to start an official PTR and then the trip is set to happen in Nov.
I really had no compelling desire to visit V&A's. I love food, and trying new foods and fine dining is wonderful, it just has never really appealed to me. However, after seeing that it is included (although I plan to upgrade to the Chef's Table) I would think it a waste to pass up.

With the Platinum package all these things are included right:confused3, now how much does the Platinum package cost per day:confused3

The Platinum pkg is $250pp/ per day and requires a 3 night minimum. And yes everything is included. Ignore my numbers next to some of the restaurants, that was my approximate OOP amount based on we would order. 3 meals (app, entree, dessert, drink) and 2 snacks, however Sig meals are only one credit instead of 2. One of the tours a day covers the cost of the Platinum pkg. Although you have to pay rack rate for a room at a Deluxe, you can easily just get the cheapest room in that category for a few nights and then change to a discounted rate for the rest of the trip. The cost of paying rack rate more than makes up for the food portion of the package. It's like getting free deluxe dining.
I have heard a lot of people get upgrades (even outside of the Dis) by going Platinum. I am ok with the $300 value studio villa, but I booked this portion of our trip first for two reasons. 1. Perhaps they just upgrade me to the room I am going to pay for (with a AP discount of course) on the second part of my trip and that way I don't have to change rooms. 2. We could get a lot of our jam packed days out of the way and focus on touring/ relaxing the rest of the time.
Hey Norm one day when we are there at the same time we should rent the Grand One and drink Johnny Walker Blue:thumbsup2, figure for the two of us with family, it would be $260 each family for a hour:confused3

Not to move in on the boys club but since we all seem to go around the same time of year, I can share the fireworks boat. As the time gets closer, you guys let me know. Plus it's always good to have a Dis meet.
Hey Norm one day when we are there at the same time we should rent the Grand One and drink Johnny Walker Blue:thumbsup2, figure for the two of us with family, it would be $260 each family for a hour:confused3

Sounds good, but we'll have to pick something different than scotch. Although, as I've tried the black label and red label, is the blue that much better? I'm making my way through the bourbon bar and have a new favorite now.

I am going to do my very first TR with this trip. I am waiting until I book the rooms/ pkg to start an official PTR and then the trip is set to happen in Nov.
I really had no compelling desire to visit V&A's. I love food, and trying new foods and fine dining is wonderful, it just has never really appealed to me. However, after seeing that it is included (although I plan to upgrade to the Chef's Table) I would think it a waste to pass up.

I love food too and trying new foods sounds great. Also, I would do the wine pairings. I have a co-worker who goes every year or so, and her whole family does the chef table. She has told me about all the courses and I can only imagine the price tag. I think DW and I will just try it one year.
Not to move in on the boys club but since we all seem to go around the same time of year, I can share the fireworks boat. As the time gets closer, you guys let me know. Plus it's always good to have a Dis meet.

I'm always up for a Dis meet:thumbsup2, Thanks for the offer:thanks: but this year it looks like we will be there August 4-14, this year we will be there for my Son's 8th Birthday & Our 10th Wedding Anniversary, I'd rather go in the fall but it's not often you can bang out 2 big days in one trip:thumbsup2,
Sounds good, but we'll have to pick something different than scotch. Although, as I've tried the black label and red label, is the blue that much better? I'm making my way through the bourbon bar and have a new favorite now.

I love food too and trying new foods sounds great. Also, I would do the wine pairings. I have a co-worker who goes every year or so, and her whole family does the chef table. She has told me about all the courses and I can only imagine the price tag. I think DW and I will just try it one year.

Yes, but may I advise to split a wine pairing (they do this all of the time) because they pair wine with every course (from what I understand about 10 or 11 courses). Most people say it's still plenty of wine, and those who do not share, from all TR's I have read everywhere end up wasting a good portion of it. The price? Well the Dining room is included in the Platinum pkg and the Chef's Table is about a $75 upgrade plus the wine pairing at $105. So for $255 (2 people) you get a meal worth (or so they say :lmao: ) $610. Something to look into when you can.

I'm always up for a Dis meet:thumbsup2, Thanks for the offer:thanks: but this year it looks like we will be there August 4-14, this year we will be there for my Son's 8th Birthday & Our 10th Wedding Anniversary, I'd rather go in the fall but it's not often you can bang out 2 big days in one trip:thumbsup2,

I completely understand. We used to go the last week of Aug right before Labor Day which is around my brother's birthday. The little twerp got to celebrate B-days at WDW for the same reason you guys are going (do I sound bitter? :lmao: ). Enjoy the mass celebrations!
I completely understand. We used to go the last week of Aug right before Labor Day which is around my brother's birthday. The little twerp got to celebrate B-days at WDW for the same reason you guys are going (do I sound bitter? :lmao: ). Enjoy the mass celebrations!

He is a bit to say WDW spoiled:lmao:, he has been there 9 times since he was almost 2:scared1: 7times with me and Once with Grandparents & Once with Grandparents & Wife:cool1:

This year when we go in August he will have already gone with his Grandparents 2 weeks before we go, talk about a bounce back trip:banana: (hope Grandparents take care of the souvenirs so he doesn't want too much:rotfl2:)
Yes, but may I advise to split a wine pairing (they do this all of the time) because they pair wine with every course (from what I understand about 10 or 11 courses). Most people say it's still plenty of wine, and those who do not share, from all TR's I have read everywhere end up wasting a good portion of it. The price? Well the Dining room is included in the Platinum pkg and the Chef's Table is about a $75 upgrade plus the wine pairing at $105. So for $255 (2 people) you get a meal worth (or so they say :lmao: ) $610. Something to look into when you can.

I think we will just try for the regular dining room which only has 7 courses. I can handle 5 or 6 glasses of wine over a 2.5 hour period. The Chef's table has more and is closer to 4 hours from what I remember. There is a V&A thread over in restaurant forum I read and dream about.
He is a bit to say WDW spoiled:lmao:, he has been there 9 times since he was almost 2:scared1: 7times with me and Once with Grandparents & Once with Grandparents & Wife:cool1:

This year when we go in August he will have already gone with his Grandparents 2 weeks before we go, talk about a bounce back trip:banana: (hope Grandparents take care of the souvenirs so he doesn't want too much:rotfl2:)

I can relate to your son. While we never went for my bday, by the time I was 9 I had been to WDW 9 times. In fact, that's how I keep track of how many times I have been. Yes, I am spoiled by WDW and proud of it!:cloud9: I was lucky enough to go on trips with my parents, cousin, aunt, grandmother AND great grandmother! All of us together, those are such treasured memories. I am happy your son has that kind of foundation. Grandparents are supposed to spoil you, just not rotten.
Now you wanna talk about souvenirs? My grandmother bought my brother a life size Simba doll while at the world. At the time, the boy was like 3 or 4 and the kid couldn't even hold it (considering it was 10 times his size). Well, the Lion King had JUST come out and my brother attached himself to the doll while in the store just sitting on simba, so of course my grandmother had to get it. Not ONLY did she pay full WDW prices for the life-size doll. She also paid for a plane ticket for it. Yes you read that correctly. This was pre 9/11 and so we had just walked through security with it because my brother could not be separated from his Simba. Well the stewardess offered to check it at the gate, but nooooooooooo my grandmother paid cash money for a ticket, for a stuffed animal. No lie. I love the woman and yes she spoiled me as well, but that one takes the cake!
I think we will just try for the regular dining room which only has 7 courses. I can handle 5 or 6 glasses of wine over a 2.5 hour period. The Chef's table has more and is closer to 4 hours from what I remember. There is a V&A thread over in restaurant forum I read and dream about.

I hear ya! I know hunny would get a kick out seeing everything prepared and I don't see us going back to V&A's (I say that as I have never been, once I go that kind of naive talk may go flying out the window, lol). In your case though, you would only have to pay $65pp for the wine pairing and you can use TIW in the dining room and on alcohol. :cool1:
Sounds good, but we'll have to pick something different than scotch. Although, as I've tried the black label and red label, is the blue that much better?

The blue is not really much better... It's maybe a little smokier and earthy than Black.

I honestly prefer Glenfiddich 12YR to JW Blue.
I can relate to your son. While we never went for my bday, by the time I was 9 I had been to WDW 9 times. In fact, that's how I keep track of how many times I have been. Yes, I am spoiled by WDW and proud of it!:cloud9: I was lucky enough to go on trips with my parents, cousin, aunt, grandmother AND great grandmother! All of us together, those are such treasured memories. I am happy your son has that kind of foundation. Grandparents are supposed to spoil you, just not rotten.
Now you wanna talk about souvenirs? My grandmother bought my brother a life size Simba doll while at the world. At the time, the boy was like 3 or 4 and the kid couldn't even hold it (considering it was 10 times his size). Well, the Lion King had JUST come out and my brother attached himself to the doll while in the store just sitting on simba, so of course my grandmother had to get it. Not ONLY did she pay full WDW prices for the life-size doll. She also paid for a plane ticket for it. Yes you read that correctly. This was pre 9/11 and so we had just walked through security with it because my brother could not be separated from his Simba. Well the stewardess offered to check it at the gate, but nooooooooooo my grandmother paid cash money for a ticket, for a stuffed animal. No lie. I love the woman and yes she spoiled me as well, but that one takes the cake!

:rotfl2: I hope he still has it, that Simba probably cost more to get it home then what she paid for it, I bet it got a lot of second takes from people on the plane:lmao:
The blue is not really much better... It's maybe a little smokier and earthy than Black.

I honestly prefer Glenfiddich 12YR to JW Blue.

I've never had either, I do have a bottle of JW Blue in the bar, just waiting for a occasion to crack it open:thumbsup2

So Brian are you heading back to WDW this year:confused3
:rotfl2: I hope he still has it, that Simba probably cost more to get it home then what she paid for it, I bet it got a lot of second takes from people on the plane:lmao:

Yes he still has it, my mother would never let him live it down.
Between the stuffed lion sitting in it's own seat with a little kid and his grandmother next to it just a cheesin away, and my dad, aunt and cousin constantly saying "mama that don't make no sense, mama we can't believe you did that" I don't know what was more the more interesting sight. :rotfl:


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