Verizon Edge Program

From what I was told, the 60% figure in #6 is now 75%. That means that it would actually be a rare person who was able to upgrade at 6 months.

Our contract states that upgrades are allowed when 60% has been paid for, so we are grandfathered in if Verizon changed the terms. Even with that 60% amount it would take 12 months before a person could upgrade since payments are made over 20 months. I was never told a person could upgrade at 6 months. I suppose they could if they paid the difference OOP, but that would be very costly. We plan on keeping our phones for at least 3 years or more, so the benefit for us will be that our bill will drop significantly after 20 months. We bought the phones in October and have already made 7 payments.

ETA: I just looked on the Verizon website and yes, the newest version of the plan says one can trade when 75% is paid for AND now the payments are over 24 months vs 20 months so now it will take 18 months of payments to have 75% paid off vs 12 months on the Edge contract I have.
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You pay the full price but get the $25 rebate, so really the phone is free after 18 months I believe. It use to be a year to upgrade, now the more expensive I-phone 6 was 18 to next upgrade. I pay $80 for 10 Gig data, if you use the data its worth it. I still have the super high cell bills for smart phones. When I got the edge, they changed my dh cell from the $10 a month to $30, by putting him on the edge with my paid off Iphone 5 I reduced my bill by $15 dollars.
We went Saturday and upgraded our phones. I was able to talk them into giving me a discount on the set up fees since I was doing 2 phones. And it came out to be 18.00 more a mth to add a 4th phone line to my account this way.
Ok, here's a stupid question. I signed up for this a couple of weeks ago. My adult daughter is also on our plan and has been paying me $40/month--data plan and $10 extra line fee. Now I'm not sure what her share is. She has a paid-for iphone 5 and we share 15 GB of data ($100) between 6 phones. Do I still pay the $10 extra line fee? I know that her phone went from $40/month to $25 (with the $15 discount for Edge and Share plan), but I'm confused what that cost includes. What is the $25 (reduced from $40) for if I'm paying for the data separately?
Ok, here's a stupid question. I signed up for this a couple of weeks ago. My adult daughter is also on our plan and has been paying me $40/month--data plan and $10 extra line fee. Now I'm not sure what her share is. She has a paid-for iphone 5 and we share 15 GB of data ($100) between 6 phones. Do I still pay the $10 extra line fee? I know that her phone went from $40/month to $25 (with the $15 discount for Edge and Share plan), but I'm confused what that cost includes. What is the $25 (reduced from $40) for if I'm paying for the data separately?

You should be able to look up the charges by line on your account.
You should be able to look up the charges by line on your account.
I tried, but the plan changes I made weren't showing up on my online account yet. I went ahead and called them and discovered that only one of my 6 phones was actually signed up for the Edge/More Everything program for the $25 line discount, so I'm glad I called! I told them that it was frustrating not to be given an itemized accounting of what I pay or be able to view it on my bill. The Verizon customer service agent was very nice, though, and took care of it for me plus went over it phone by phone so I knew what every charge would be. At the VW store, they told me they couldn't do that. Really?! You can tell me verbally but you won't put it in writing? Now that says something.
Ok, here's a stupid question. I signed up for this a couple of weeks ago. My adult daughter is also on our plan and has been paying me $40/month--data plan and $10 extra line fee. Now I'm not sure what her share is. She has a paid-for iphone 5 and we share 15 GB of data ($100) between 6 phones. Do I still pay the $10 extra line fee? I know that her phone went from $40/month to $25 (with the $15 discount for Edge and Share plan), but I'm confused what that cost includes. What is the $25 (reduced from $40) for if I'm paying for the data separately?

You should be paying $15/month for Edge, not $25. I don't think her phone qualifies for the Edge plan though if she didn't get a new phone. So her phone is probably still $40 a month, plus she would owe you for 1/6 of the data.
You should be paying $15/month for Edge, not $25. I don't think her phone qualifies for the Edge plan though if she didn't get a new phone. So her phone is probably still $40 a month, plus she would owe you for 1/6 of the data.
This is why it gets so confusing. First VZW agent told me oldest and middle dds' phones, and mine, would not qualify for the $25 line discount since they're all paid and off contract, but I would still get $15 off each of those line fees--no explanation about how that figure was reached. But when I actually bought new phones for little sisters, 2nd agent said we all get $25 off for signing up with the Edge and More Everything program. When I called yesterday, the 3rd agent confirmed we all get $25 off the line fee regardless since we're on the family share plan and edge but that it had only been set up on my dh's phone. Supposedly, they're all registered for it now but how can you ever be sure? It isn't on your online account anywhere and they don't send you any kind of confirmation of charges. They told me it can take a month for any changes to show up on your online account. Why doesn't the system give you an itemized list of the charges when you add to or change your plan? It's sneaky not showing you what has been set up. I even did this in the store and when I asked for them to list all of the charges they said they couldn't do it and I'd have to call for that. Why???? They're the ones that just set it all up! Why couldn't they at least write it down for me? They also added insurance when I specifically said I didn't want it ($22/month for 2 iphone 5's? That's crazy). The agent told me it was "too late" to remove it then but he'd give me a $20 credit and I could remove it myself online for next month. I'd been in there 2 hours by then (what in the world takes so long????) and I just wanted to go home. Of course, it doesn't show up on my account yet so I can't remove it without calling or waiting a month.

If Verizon wasn't my only choice, I would certainly look at other options.
I simply do not trust Verizon thats why I wont do the Edge program.
The unlimited data plan was supposed to be grandfathered too but lo and behold , changes were made and it was decided by verizon I could keep my unlimited as long as I kept my phone. As soon as I upgrade unlimited is gone.

We just upgraded my sons phone last Sunday. The customer service agent went over it with me many times.
The way I understood , when I decide to upgrade my phone it will be determined how much my phone is worth and I could apply that amount to a new full priced phone. We traded in my sons Galaxy 4 . They gave me $90 . If i had to pay full price for a new phone, Id have to pay about $500 to upgrade.

When the agent asked why I didnt want the Edge program , I told her because I simply dont trust Verizon.
Its more money upfront but in 2 years when I want to upgrade , I dont want to pay a fortune for a new phone.

The way I feel there has to be a catch somewhere. You know verizon definetly isnt going to lose money.
This is why it gets so confusing. First VZW agent told me oldest and middle dds' phones, and mine, would not qualify for the $25 line discount since they're all paid and off contract, but I would still get $15 off each of those line fees--no explanation about how that figure was reached. But when I actually bought new phones for little sisters, 2nd agent said we all get $25 off for signing up with the Edge and More Everything program. When I called yesterday, the 3rd agent confirmed we all get $25 off the line fee regardless since we're on the family share plan and edge but that it had only been set up on my dh's phone. Supposedly, they're all registered for it now but how can you ever be sure? It isn't on your online account anywhere and they don't send you any kind of confirmation of charges. They told me it can take a month for any changes to show up on your online account. Why doesn't the system give you an itemized list of the charges when you add to or change your plan? It's sneaky not showing you what has been set up. I even did this in the store and when I asked for them to list all of the charges they said they couldn't do it and I'd have to call for that. Why???? They're the ones that just set it all up! Why couldn't they at least write it down for me? They also added insurance when I specifically said I didn't want it ($22/month for 2 iphone 5's? That's crazy). The agent told me it was "too late" to remove it then but he'd give me a $20 credit and I could remove it myself online for next month. I'd been in there 2 hours by then (what in the world takes so long????) and I just wanted to go home. Of course, it doesn't show up on my account yet so I can't remove it without calling or waiting a month.

If Verizon wasn't my only choice, I would certainly look at other options.
I have had insurance added against my request and didn't know it till I got the "congratulations on your insurance" packet. I called and was pretty irritated and the woman on the phone removed it immediately. Now I tell them under no uncertain terms that I DO NOT WANT INSURANCE!
Did you go to an actual Verizon store or is it an authorized dealer? There is a difference and it isn't a good difference.
I have had insurance added against my request and didn't know it till I got the "congratulations on your insurance" packet. I called and was pretty irritated and the woman on the phone removed it immediately. Now I tell them under no uncertain terms that I DO NOT WANT INSURANCE!
Did you go to an actual Verizon store or is it an authorized dealer? There is a difference and it isn't a good difference.

They didn't feed you the BS line ... "Why wouldn't you want the piece of mind that insurance provides" ... LOL The only piece of mind it provides is to Verizon who is making huge profits off of it.
I have had insurance added against my request and didn't know it till I got the "congratulations on your insurance" packet. I called and was pretty irritated and the woman on the phone removed it immediately. Now I tell them under no uncertain terms that I DO NOT WANT INSURANCE!
Did you go to an actual Verizon store or is it an authorized dealer? There is a difference and it isn't a good difference.

They didn't feed you the BS line ... "Why wouldn't you want the piece of mind that insurance provides" ... LOL The only piece of mind it provides is to Verizon who is making huge profits off of it.

Since we're an iPhone family, this is exactly why I only deal with the Apple Store (either online or in person). I get my product, purchase AppleCare (personal choice, but way cheaper than insurance), and I'm out the door. No surprises.
They didn't feed you the BS line ... "Why wouldn't you want the piece of mind that insurance provides" ... LOL The only piece of mind it provides is to Verizon who is making huge profits off of it.
Not the person who took the call. She took care of it quickly. Last time I did business there, which was for my son's new phone before Christmas, The salesperson was a young guy named Mitch. The conversation went something like this: "Mitch, I don't take insurance on my phones. I have a drawer full of flip phones that my son can use if he is careless enough to damage or lose this new phone. I have had salesmen add the insurance against my wishes in the past and I wasn't happy about it." I believe he said something like "fair enough" and restated that he was declining insurance when he was entering the transaction into the computer.

It stinks that you have to worry about people pulling this kind of crap.
I have had insurance added against my request and didn't know it till I got the "congratulations on your insurance" packet. I called and was pretty irritated and the woman on the phone removed it immediately. Now I tell them under no uncertain terms that I DO NOT WANT INSURANCE!
Did you go to an actual Verizon store or is it an authorized dealer? There is a difference and it isn't a good difference.

Seconding the bit about going to an actual Verizon store. The authorized dealers are useless. My husband had a phone with a battery that was dying quickly (this was an old Razr phone) and they were all "Well, we can sell you a new battery" and I said "Isn't the phone under warranty?" and they were like "We can sell you a new battery." The actual Verizon store handed me a new phone (after
Since we're an iPhone family, this is exactly why I only deal with the Apple Store (either online or in person). I get my product, purchase AppleCare (personal choice, but way cheaper than insurance), and I'm out the door. No surprises.

Even if you get your iphone from Verizon, if you go to the Applestore within 60 days or so, you can buy Applecare for it. At least that's how it was when I bought my last phone. Way cheaper, and better than the insurance Verizon offers.
I have only limited knowledge of the Edge plans and it seemed to me the difference was instead of owning the phone immediately, you are paying for it over time. In general it works out very close in price, with the Edge plan being slightly cheaper when I looked at it maybe 8 months ago. I was trying to figure out why Verizon would prefer this way to do business. The only thing I could think of was that maybe people were signing up, getting a new fancy phone at a discount, then cancelling the plan, and even with the termination fee were able to sell the phone and come out ahead. Would that have even been possible? Or maybe there is some tax advantage to Verizon this way? I guess it also eliminates those discounts they offered on the phones, or has that just been replaced by the discounted monthly charge so really you are still getting that too, but again in a different way, now month by month instead of all upfront, so if you leave early from the plan, you haven't gotten the whole discount yet?

I do agree with others that the edge plan could benefit you if you keep phones a long time. That is till after the monthly phone charge goes away. It is my understanding you would then pay a reduced rate per month, till you updated your phone again, and had to start paying a monthly fee for the phone.
I have had insurance added against my request and didn't know it till I got the "congratulations on your insurance" packet. I called and was pretty irritated and the woman on the phone removed it immediately. Now I tell them under no uncertain terms that I DO NOT WANT INSURANCE!
Did you go to an actual Verizon store or is it an authorized dealer? There is a difference and it isn't a good difference.

It was a Verizon store but not the main store...they have to call over for certain things (like phones they don't have in stock) maybe it's an authorized dealer? I usually go to that store because the main store where I live is AWFUL. I mean so bad I'd go almost anywhere to avoid it. I used to do it all online and that was very smooth, but now they want you to go in to the store, at least for certain things, so that's what I did.
We just switched my husband's phone to the Edge plan on Sunday...we'll be switching mine (64GB iPhone 6+, which I bought for $399 + $30 "upgrade fee") over next September.

Before, we were on a Family Share plan that came out to ~$155/month (700 shared talk minutes, unlimited texting, 2GB of data for each of us - I get a discount from work).

In anticipation of changing our phones over to the Edge plan, we switched to a More Everything plan (unlimited talk/text and 6GB of shared data). We paid that for one month - just the plan alone, no paying for either of the phones - and it was ~$141 (again, with the work discount).

On Sunday we went to get his new phone (which Verizon made VERY difficult because his number was taking my upgrade - we weren't aware ahead of time that this would be a problem and it's something we've been doing for about 4 years now, but I digress...). His phone (64GB iPhone 6) is $31/month - with the Edge discount off of the monthly plan ($25) plus paying for the new iPhone 6, I'm expecting next month's bill to be ~$147.

When we were first looking into the Edge plan I somehow missed the part where you get $25 off per smartphone line and couldn't fathom why anyone would do it. Now that I see that piece, I have to say it almost seems too good to be true...we didn't have to drop $299 + $30 upgrade fee (makes my blood boil that they have that :mad:) all in one visit and we're actually getting 2 more GB of data each month (not sure if we'll stick with 6 or potentially drop down to 4 GB shared...going to give it a few months).

I think you just need to run the numbers and see what works best for you. :confused3

And once we get both phones completely changed over to Edge, I'm with the PP who said they'll be buying stuff from the Apple Store and not Verizon anymore!! :headache:
I am so glad this thread was started. We have been talking about upgrading (could have last June) - we would have been clueless when they started talking to us about Verizon Edge.
My guy, Mitch, tried to sell me a big pile of accessories with my son's phone. He said one of the reasons they do the edge is so people have some money to buy the accessories they need. That didn't work, I just bought the case and screen protector. The minimum that we needed.
My guy, Mitch, tried to sell me a big pile of accessories with my son's phone. He said one of the reasons they do the edge is so people have some money to buy the accessories they need. That didn't work, I just bought the case and screen protector. The minimum that we needed.
Yeah, when went there to get husband's phone on Sunday I had a case and screen protectors in my purse that we'd bought from the Apple Store a few weeks earlier. And after we'd been at Verizon for an hour or so going back and forth with them (seriously, every time I go there to upgrade a phone they NEVER make it easy), the rep mentioned something about buying accessories there and I audibly laughed a bit. Rude, yes, but we just wanted to get OUTTA there!


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