Universal metal detectors and insulin pumps

To the poster who wrote about trying the waist pack- it would have to be a very slim waist pack. The don't allow fanny packs on the big rides so I'm not sure if they'd allow the sports one, even if it is for a medical purpose.

I don't know anything about insulin pumps, but for those that want to take off something medically necessary for a ride, keep in mind that rides sometimes have technical difficulties and there is a slim chance you might get stuck on the ride or need to be evacuated. Factor in waiting time and you might be away from your medical supplies for a while. Just something to remember :)
We'll be there on Thursday and Friday and I'll post what we encounter. Now, my daughter's a bit of a fraidy cat, but she's planning on riding Hulk and the dragon coaster (not Rip Ride Rocket). If rides any or all of these rides I'll let you know how it goes. Her pump absolutely sets off metal detectors (every single one she's encountered). It's a t:slim. She has wears a cgm (dexcom).

I'm not afraid of her unhooking for 30 minutes (we have express pass), but more than that would require a lot more thought. I think that everyone has to remember that they aren't banning everything. People who wear glasses don't have to put them in lockers, so the fact she has a cgm site shouldn't matter. It's stuck on her. The receiver - now that will likely be put in a locker since it's loose.

We'll see how it goes.
Any updates? Was she permitted on the rides with her pump?
To the poster who wrote about trying the waist pack- it would have to be a very slim waist pack. The don't allow fanny packs on the big rides so I'm not sure if they'd allow the sports one, even if it is for a medical purpose.

I don't know anything about insulin pumps, but for those that want to take off something medically necessary for a ride, keep in mind that rides sometimes have technical difficulties and there is a slim chance you might get stuck on the ride or need to be evacuated. Factor in waiting time and you might be away from your medical supplies for a while. Just something to remember :)
I wasn't referring to a fanny pack.....its more of a belt that she would wear under her shirt, around her waist and it has a very small zippered pocket along a 6 inch length of the belt. I could also just have her clip it underneath the waistband of her shorts but I figured the sports belt would be more secure and safer for all.
Yes! She only rode Hulk, but no issues at all. She wore both her pump and cgm sensor. She did put her purse with her meter, etc in a locker.
Great to hear that there were no issues! Does she wear a clip on her pump? Just wondering if I would have to take the clip off since, while it is primarily plastic, the spring in the clip is metal.
Great to hear that there were no issues! Does she wear a clip on her pump? Just wondering if I would have to take the clip off since, while it is primarily plastic, the spring in the clip is metal.
She does wear a clip. It didn't matter. Her pump has metal in it too. It alarms every time she goes through a metal detector. As usual, It alarmed when she went through and the worker said it was fine to remain on - clip and all. Her dad forgot to take his cell phone out of his pocket. He alarmed also and had to get out of line and put it in a locker
She does wear a clip. It didn't matter. Her pump has metal in it too. It alarms every time she goes through a metal detector. As usual, It alarmed when she went through and the worker said it was fine to remain on - clip and all. Her dad forgot to take his cell phone out of his pocket. He alarmed also and had to get out of line and put it in a locker
Thank you so much for this information. It really helps to ease my mind (and my daughter's) since she has been stressing about this. Hopefully we will have the same experience.
You have to remember that these detectors have been put in for one main reason.

People that don't listen to the rules about, cameras, phones, go pros, selfie sticks, etc.

Someone that has a real reason like medical pump is allowed.
You have to remember that these detectors have been put in for one main reason.

People that don't listen to the rules about, cameras, phones, go pros, selfie sticks, etc.

Someone that has a real reason like medical pump is allowed.
And yet the TM that I spoke with at guest services (this was last month) said that my daughter would have to take off her pump in order to ride the Hulk, Dragon Challenge, etc.
Just thought I'd attach a picture of how she was dressed that day. You can see her pump (clipped to her shorts) and her cgm sensor (on back of arm) were on full display.

Just thought I'd attach a picture of how she was dressed that day. You can see her pump (clipped to her shorts) and her cgm sensor (on back of arm) were on full display.

Thanks and beautiful picture BTW. :D
I will be chaperoning a trip to WDW and Universal and 2 of the teens have insulin pumps. Has anyone been to Universal recently since they added metal detectors to Rip, Hulk, and Dragon coasters? Will they have to remove pumps even though they are attached to the body and then strapped around the midriff under the clothing? I know they can take them off just wondering if they will have to do so. I've also heard that the magnetic based rides at WDW can be a problem in terms of pump functioning--Tower of Terror and Rock n Roller most specifically--is this true? I just want to make sure we are ready for what needs to happen....

Most importantly for pumpers--you would have to find out the manufacturers recommendations. My daughter has been pumping for the past 6 years with an animas pump and most recently with medtronic. Both manufacturers have slightly different recommendations (please see their sites for most recent info).

Animas recommends " Very powerful electromagnets are sometimes used on “free-fall” amusement park rides. Pumps should be removed and not taken on these “free-fall” types of rides. High gravity forces can be experienced when riding on some roller coasters. It is recommended that you disconnect (NOT suspend) your pump while on roller coaster rides."

Medtronic recommends "To avoid potential exposure to strong magnetic fields on roller coasters, remove your insulin pump and put it in a safe place."

One explanation for the disconnect is that a bolus of unknown quantity of insulin can inadvertently be administered in some situations. The site also can advise on what type of imaging machines are acceptable or not for the pump.

When we were last at Disney World, I believe that we only suspended and disconnected the pump for a couple of rides and that was just before we got on our ride (one being the Tower of Terror). The only time we actually disconnected the pump was for Typhoon Lagoon where we left her pump checked in at the first aid station and went back for frequent checks (swimming significantly lowers my daughter's blood sugar). If you are storing the insulin pump in a locker...make sure you have a cold pack to keep the insulin cool. If it gets too warm, it will loose its potency.

To keep a pump secure, we have used something like a "spibelt". You can google it, it is like a running belt but they also make kid size ones for pumpers.

It is unlikely that Universal would tell a pumper they have to remove a medical device because it is part metal. I would be more concerned about the device not being secured or the electromagnetic issue. If you opt to remove a device, perhaps a special pass/card for those with disabilities would be helpful, testing blood sugar before & after and carrying fast acting glucose is a good option.
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They actually don't allow artificial limbs on some of the same rides.
The key word here is "metal detector" Anything non-metallic will not set it off. They have no authority to "frisk you" for any objects in your pockets.
I will be chaperoning a trip to WDW and Universal and 2 of the teens have insulin pumps. Has anyone been to Universal recently since they added metal detectors to Rip, Hulk, and Dragon coasters? Will they have to remove pumps even though they are attached to the body and then strapped around the midriff under the clothing? I know they can take them off just wondering if they will have to do so. I've also heard that the magnetic based rides at WDW can be a problem in terms of pump functioning--Tower of Terror and Rock n Roller most specifically--is this true? I just want to make sure we are ready for what needs to happen....
My daughter has a pump - and in situations like you described, she leaves it in the locker. We're normally talking a short period here, so it doesn't concern us - though your student's may not feel the same way.


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