Two trips are better than one! A June and September 2016 PTR-new trip report link

OH looky who I found. ;) Subscribing now.... with the caveat that in a couple of weeks my time will be less everywhere here.
Yay for Poly! I would love to stay there sometime.

And I'm totally jelly of your London trip. I'm gaga over Harry Potter but I think we're skipping over Universal on this trip :(

Looking forward to seeing how your plans pan out. And don't worry. We're over a year out as well and our plans have changed about a dozen times already. :)
Yay for Poly! I would love to stay there sometime.

And I'm totally jelly of your London trip. I'm gaga over Harry Potter but I think we're skipping over Universal on this trip :(

Looking forward to seeing how your plans pan out. And don't worry. We're over a year out as well and our plans have changed about a dozen times already. :)

Hi :wave: ! Thanks for stopping by!! There's not a lot of action going on around here at the moment I'm afraid. Guess that's one of the downfalls of starting your PTR SO early!

The Poly is a dream come true, I'm completely over the moon that we get to stay there.

I'm a huge HP fan also, but have never been to Universal! I think we are kind of waiting on the HP world in California to get finished, I hope it's just as good as the one in FL! But yes, the studio tour looks fantastic!

Glad to have another "plan changer" in our group! It's really hard making decisions when there are so many choices!!
Howdy Peeps! Hope everyone is doing well! I've been busier posting on everyone else's threads than my own! Ha!:rotfl2:

Just a couple of things to write about....

DH and I are going to Portland, OR in a couple of weeks for a class, that should be fun. I've never been to Portland so it will be nice to explore a new city! I'll try to find some interesting stuff to take pics of there so I can do a mini TR when we get back. We are going sans kids, my Mom is coming up to stay ( mostly for the youngest) if I've told y'all this before I'm memory these days...:confused:

Also one fun thing, remember a couple of posts back I said I was going to try to convince DH to fly down to Disney a day earlier than we originally planned? He totally went for it!! :banana: And it wasn't hard at all! I had this whole speech planned out with all kinds of arguments prepared and all he said was, " sure whatever you want" :goodvibes. Now my big decision is where to stay for the extra night..... I've narrowed it down to these four choices.
POFQ, WL ( I can handle construction for one night), Boardwalk or just add another night to our Poly reservation.

Here are my thoughts:

If we stay at POFQ - Pros: we really like the food court there and can take the boat to DTD and pay OOP at one of the DTD places on my wishlist like the Boathouse or Morimoto Asia. Also more cost effective than another night at Poly.
Cons: having to change resorts the next morning...bus or cab?? We might spend just as much $$ at DTD and other food OOP!

Wilderness Lodge - Pros: was our original choice for this stay so we would get to see it. Close to FT. Wilderness so we could do Hoop De Do that night for dinner, plus it would knock Hoop De Do and Whispering Canyon off my wishlist if we did WCC for breakfast the next day. Boat to MK for the next day! And easy transfer to Poly
Cons: Construction and having to change resorts the next day which may not be a big deal using bell services to transfer the bags. Cost could add up unless we get a good RO discount.

Boardwalk - Pros: beautiful resort with good nighttime entertainment options. Can knock Flying Fish off my wishlist.
Cons: pricey. Creepy clown pool!!! :scared1:. DH thinks the room decor is kinda boring, and of course there's the resort change...

And last but not least adding another night to our Poly reservation
Pros: it's the Poly! Not having to move. Lots of food choices either by monorail or at the resort. If we are lucky and get free dining it could offset the cost of adding another Poly night.
Cons: not getting to stay at another resort! I know you all get this...( you know I'm talkin' to you Lu). Geez, can't think of many cons!

So I need thoughts and opinions! What would you do?? Also, is it too risky to make a dinner ADR on arrival day? Or Should we roll the dice and see what is available via MDE on the fly when we arrive on the 29th?

We are counting down the days to one year to go!!!
DH and I are going to Portland, OR in a couple of weeks for a class, that should be fun.

Love exploring a new city.
But I must admit that everytime I see OR I think people are emphasising the word "or"
"We were going to go to Portland... OR... maybe Seattle."

Also one fun thing, remember a couple of posts back I said I was going to try to convince DH to fly down to Disney a day earlier than we originally planned? He totally went for it!! :banana:

Suckah!... I mean, good for your guys!

And it wasn't hard at all! I had this whole speech planned out with all kinds of arguments prepared and all he said was, " sure whatever you want"

:laughing: Try that when you want a pair of Manolo Blahniks.

So I need thoughts and opinions! What would you do??

Well, I'm not probably not the best person to ask.
When I get to a hotel/resort, I want to unpack and not think about packing or living out of a suitcase for a while.
So I would choose to add a day to the Poly.

Also, is it too risky to make a dinner ADR on arrival day? Or Should we roll the dice and see what is available via MDE on the fly when we arrive on the 29th?

What time are you scheduled to arrive? Or do you know yet?
Love exploring a new city.
But I must admit that everytime I see OR I think people are emphasising the word "or"
"We were going to go to Portland... OR... maybe Seattle."

Suckah!... I mean, good for your guys!

:laughing: Try that when you want a pair of Manolo Blahniks.

Well, I'm not probably not the best person to ask.
When I get to a hotel/resort, I want to unpack and not think about packing or living out of a suitcase for a while.
So I would choose to add a day to the Poly.

What time are you scheduled to arrive? Or do you know yet?

Re: the shoes, I like the way you think my friend! :idea: A girl and her shoes....:cloud9:

No, actually those are the kinds of opinions I like! I also like the idea of unpacking once and forgetting about it. I think my reasoning for maybe staying at a different resort for the first night only is MOSTLY just to stay at a different resort, they all have such cool things to offer. But I must admit I also like the idea of settling in somewhere and making it home....can you tell I'm terrible at making decisions? :crazy2:

If course our flights for next year on Southwest won't be published for a while, but if nothing changes from their schedules this year we should be able to arrive at MCO around noon "ish", I'm planning on arriving at the resort around 2:00 allowing for small delays and the DME.
Howdy Peeps! Hope everyone is doing well!
Hi, Kelly! :wave2:

I've been busier posting on everyone else's threads than my own! Ha!:rotfl2:
That's the beauty of the DIS, though! When your own thread is slow-going, that's when you can go lose yourself in other people's plans and trips! :goodvibes

Also one fun thing, remember a couple of posts back I said I was going to try to convince DH to fly down to Disney a day earlier than we originally planned? He totally went for it!! :banana: And it wasn't hard at all! I had this whole speech planned out with all kinds of arguments prepared and all he said was, " sure whatever you want" :goodvibes.
That's a smart man right there. He must understand that a happy wife = a happy life. :thumbsup2

Geez, can't think of many cons!
Exactly... So there's your answer. If you can't think of many cons to just adding a night on at the Poly, then... Well. There you go. (And it's what I would do, personally!) ::yes::

So I need thoughts and opinions! What would you do?? Also, is it too risky to make a dinner ADR on arrival day? Or Should we roll the dice and see what is available via MDE on the fly when we arrive on the 29th?
Ehhhh, this is tricky. I always book plans on my arrival day, be it an ADR or a party ticket. But that being said, you might recall the traffic nightmare I got stuck in on my way down for my April trip, and how I very nearly missed my ADR at Boma. So it's really about rolling the dice. And also, Murphy's law... If you decide to err on the side of caution and not book anything, your travel day will go amazing with zero hiccups. That's just how the universe works. :rotfl:

We are counting down the days to one year to go!!!
I remember doing the same last year! It'll fly by, you'll see! :goodvibes
WAIT!!! Stop the phone!! You're coming to MY hood!! I live less than an hour away from Portland!! We need to talk!!
Also one fun thing, remember a couple of posts back I said I was going to try to convince DH to fly down to Disney a day earlier than we originally planned? He totally went for it!! :banana:

:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

Now my big decision is where to stay for the extra night..... I've narrowed it down to these four choices. POFQ, WL ( I can handle construction for one night), Boardwalk or just add another night to our Poly reservation.

Okay here is my totally useless opinion on your four choices! :laughing:
Personally I wouldn't do the Boardwalk as that clown pool is just plain wrong :scared1:

POFQ looks like a lovely resort and if you love the food court that is a bonus!
:rotfl:And there is the boat to DTD (which is so someone might be in OKW at that time and might wave as you go past :rolleyes1)

WL was your first choice when you started planning so if you would be happy with the construction I might lean towards that!

The extra night in the Poly is also a good plan, the only thing I would say is that you aren't guaranteed to be able to keep the same room so you might have to still pack up and move even if its just to a different room in the hotel. But its the Poly! Can you really go wrong??? :hyper:

Cons: not getting to stay at another resort! I know you all get this...( you know I'm talkin' to you Lu). Geez, can't think of many cons!

You know me...


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

So I need thoughts and opinions! What would you do?? Also, is it too risky to make a dinner ADR on arrival day? Or Should we roll the dice and see what is available via MDE on the fly when we arrive on the 29th?

That is a tricky one. How early are you planning on flying? Personally (depending where you decide on staying) I would book an ADR either at the hotel or near by for later on in the evening then hopefully if you are slightly delayed you don't have as far to go. Not sure I would book an in park ADR or somewhere needing a lot of travel to cut down the stress factor!

We are counting down the days to one year to go!!!

Woohoo!!! :banana:

That's a smart man right there. He must understand that a happy wife = a happy life. :thumbsup2

You got that right sister!

Exactly... So there's your answer. If you can't think of many cons to just adding a night on at the Poly, then... Well. There you go. (And it's what I would do, personally!) ::yes::

First OMG!!! The ease of multi quoting on a PC is astounding as compared to trying to do it on my ipad ( shhhhhhh DH doesn't know I'm on the DIS at work!) I think I AM leaning towards just adding a Poly night that's my thoughts for... today :cutie:

you might recall the traffic nightmare I got stuck in on my way down for my April trip, and how I very nearly missed my ADR at Boma. So it's really about rolling the dice. And also, Murphy's law... If you decide to err on the side of caution and not book anything, your travel day will go amazing with zero hiccups. That's just how the universe works. :rotfl:

I do remember that! Talk about stress man!:headache: naturally that is how the universe works!

I remember doing the same last year! It'll fly by, you'll see! :goodvibes

I sure hope so! I remember the trip where did the split DW and Cruise, we booked a year out for that one too, It wasn't too bad...

WAIT!!! Stop the phone!! You're coming to MY hood!! I live less than an hour away from Portland!! We need to talk!!

Oh wow! I didn't realize you were up in that neck of the woods! We will only be there for 4 days, and 4 full days of class time :guilty: oh I wish we had an extra couple days of play time!

POFQ looks like a lovely resort and if you love the food court that is a bonus! :rotfl:And there is the boat to DTD (which is so someone might be in OKW at that time and might wave as you go past :rolleyes1)

I'm Hoping we can organize something more than a passing wave as we float by!

The extra night in the Poly is also a good plan, the only thing I would say is that you aren't guaranteed to be able to keep the same room so you might have to still pack up and move even if its just to a different room in the hotel. But its the Poly! Can you really go wrong??? :hyper:

So my question is, if I just call and add on an extra day at the Poly to my existing res. wouldn't they just have us in the same room the whole time? :confused3

That is a tricky one. How early are you planning on flying? Personally (depending where you decide on staying) I would book an ADR either at the hotel or near by for later on in the evening then hopefully if you are slightly delayed you don't have as far to go. Not sure I would book an in park ADR or somewhere needing a lot of travel to cut down the stress factor!

Hopefully taking an early morning flight and being at DW by 2:00
I'm Hoping we can organize something more than a passing wave as we float by!

Ermmm...YES!! :thumbsup2:banana:


So my question is, if I just call and add on an extra day at the Poly to my existing res. wouldn't they just have us in the same room the whole time? :confused3

Sometimes they make you make a separate reservation (don't ask me why I have no idea!) and in that case they might make you move but if they will let you add it to the existing reservation without a new ressie number hopefully you shouldn't have to move! I seriously think sometimes it really depends on what kind of mood you get the reservation CM in on how well they do these kind of things! :rolleyes2

Hopefully taking an early morning flight and being at DW by 2:00

I think in that case I would book a ADR, on the day we fly in we will be flying in from the UK at like 11am getting in at like 3:30pm and I am going to book a ADR that so barring any major delay I think you will be cool
Sometimes they make you make a separate reservation (don't ask me why I have no idea!) and in that case they might make you move but if they will let you add it to the existing reservation without a new ressie number hopefully you shouldn't have to move! I seriously think sometimes it really depends on what kind of mood you get the reservation CM in on how well they do these kind of things! :rolleyes2

I had no idea! You'd think if would be a piece of cake to just tack on a day! Very good to know! I'll just have to give them a call and see what the deelio is :D

I think in that case I would book a ADR, on the day we fly in we will be flying in from the UK at like 11am getting in at like 3:30pm and I am going to book a ADR that so barring any major delay I think you will be cool :thumbsup2

That is what I love about flying to the US from the UK, you are on the plane like FOREVER but you land only 4 hours after you took off! Going the other direction is a whole other animal :crazy2: I dread that overnight flight!
So my question is, if I just call and add on an extra day at the Poly to my existing res. wouldn't they just have us in the same room the whole time? :confused3
If the availability is there, they will just change the dates on your existing reservation. The only reason they would book it as a separate reservation is if that one night is on a different type of rate or promotion from the rest of your stay. (Examples: If your first night was Room Only, but the rest of your stay was a package with dining. Or if your first night was at Rack Rate, and the rest of your stay was at a military or other promotional rate.) I am changing/adding dates for clients all the time. In fact, my own booking for October 2016 was originally scheduled for checking in on Oct. 24th and checking out Oct. 28th. I've since called and changed it to checking in on Oct. 22nd, and checkout remains the same. Since it was the same package with Dining at Rack rate, they just tacked the two nights onto the front-end and gave me my updated total. It really is that easy. Give them a call. :)
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Added a night! :woohoo:

I have never done a split stay or switch resorts but i think its a great idea and something to try for sure! I saw check out a different resort just for fun! I mean why not!! I there were kids involved i would say maybe not but two adults I don't think its so bad. You can use an Uber to get from one hotel to the other!

Have fun on the trip to Portland!
Also one fun thing, remember a couple of posts back I said I was going to try to convince DH to fly down to Disney a day earlier than we originally planned?

How could we forget?!? SOOOO glad to see it worked out!

good nighttime entertainment options

At first I read that as "good nightmare entertaiment options" and thought, GOOD she knows about the clown. Then saw you are totally on top of that.

Close to FT. Wilderness so we could do Hoop De Do that night for dinner

It's a must doo. Seriously! SO. Funny!
I think my reasoning for maybe staying at a different resort for the first night only is MOSTLY just to stay at a different resort, they all have such cool things to offer. But I must admit I also like the idea of settling in somewhere and making it home....can you tell I'm terrible at making decisions? :crazy2:

:laughing: Yes, I noticed.
Here's another thought, then.
You want to stay at a resort for one night... one night to experience "all the cool things to offer".
Will you really have time in one night?

If course our flights for next year on Southwest won't be published for a while, but if nothing changes from their schedules this year we should be able to arrive at MCO around noon "ish", I'm planning on arriving at the resort around 2:00 allowing for small delays and the DME.

Oh, then a supper ADR is easy. Just give yourself plenty of time.
If the flight's delayed at point of origin, you can always cancel with a call or online.
With my cat siting on my left arm, I found you and am typing (very slowly) one handed. I've never done a split stay, so I'd pick WL for one night. Then you'd get to stay there, go to Hoop De Do, and find out if you like split stays or not. Of course, there's no wrong choice at all, is there?!

Hi Donna!! :welcome:! So glad to have you join us! i actually have a done a split stay before at DL, we did 2 nights at Paradise Pier Hotel and 2 nights at the Disneyland Hotel. From that experience I found I never needed to stay at Paradise Pier again! Decisions, decisions!! :tilt:
At first I read that as "good nightmare entertaiment options" and thought, GOOD she knows about the clown. Then saw you are totally on top of that.

I know, right?? I feel like making a reservation at the BW should come with a disclaimer. "Please be aware of the creepy clown pool on premises before committing to a reservation" :rotfl2:

You want to stay at a resort for one night... one night to experience "all the cool things to offer".
Will you really have time in one night?

You plead a mighty good case, sir :-)


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