TTC thread take 2

This is my first IVF, so not a lot of experience with nerve-calming. I know a lot of girls do Circle+Bloom meditations for nerves. I am planning to do that, in addition to getting a massage sometime before or after transfer.

I just started doing weekly acupuncture in November. I can honestly say it is not bad at all - and I was pretty freaked out about the needles. I feel so relaxed during and after the process. My doctor has said he hasn't seen enough studies to be convinced one way or the other, but that it can't hurt. My acupuncturist specializes in infertility so that is a plus. Unfortunately it's just one more added cost along with all the others, so that's something to take into consideration.

One of my favorite, cheap things to do is take a warm bath with salts! :)
I have to say, I did acupuncture too for my IVF cycle and I loved it. So relaxing. The focus was more on preparing the uterus to accept embryos and blood flow etc. I guess you can never definitely say if it worked or not, but I think it helped, if nothing else, it helped me relax and gave me a better attitude!

Welcome back Michelle! It is so encouraging to read about first-time IVF success. I hope you will have a natural miracle before the end of the year, but if not, hopefully your second round will be just as good as your first. Your son is precious!

I am 28, husband is 32. We have been trying for two years now. I have stage III endometriosis, really just in and around my ovaries. I am fearful it is going to effect my egg quality/quantity because of that, though.

We have never had any type of pregnancy before. We've done three IUIs with clomid, all BFN. I only got 1-2 mature eggs for those cycles, so I am hoping I won't be labeled a poor responder. We are starting IVF this month!
Thank you for the welcome and thoughts! Yes and here's hoping anyone else trying IVF the first time gets a BFP!!!!! Good luck on IVF- are you starting the BCP first? Let us know how it goes! I am sending pixie dust your way!:wizard:

Hi ladies. Been MIA. Still TTC #2. Naturally for now until we can afford to go back to RE and after DH sees a urologist that specilizes in male IF. No clue when he will agree to go. *sigh*. We are taking DS to Disney at the beginning of next month. Totally excited!! But I will be on AF and Oing on our trip. Lovely. Guess we will be out for next cycle 'cause I'm not DTD in front of DS in our hotel room. :scared1: We're trying preseed but honestly, I'm not very hopeful but stranger things have happened I suppose.
Hi there- in the same boat! how old is your DS? Ours just turned 4. He's been to Disney 3x now and is totally a disney nut now like me. :thumbsup2 I am going to give preseed a try for the first time too. After all we went through, and getting "unexplained" as the answer, I still almost wonder if DH's guys have a hard time getting we will see how preseed does. ;)

Hi Michelle!:wave: It looks like we have a few things in common. My DD just turned 3, and we conceived her on our 1st IVF try after 2 years of trying everything else. DH & I tried for the last year but decided to to do IVF again. Luckily, we have 4 embyos frozen. The plan is to put 2 in. I am so nervous that none will survive the "thaw".

I am thinking about scheduling a massage the evening before our transfer or maybe even that morning. I think I am more nervous this time around than last time.
hi there! yes, we are very similar indeed! Wishing you lots of luck and hope your frozen babies make it through. When are you going to start IVF or did you already?

I forgot to answer the acupuncture question. I did it for my IVF's up to retrieval but my intent was to help my eggs. I would honestly say for me it was just an extra expense and bc my town has no acupuncturists I had to make a special trip 30 minutes away every time. (also for my appts) so it was more stress trying to fit it in than it was worth. However, it really does work for many women, such as a 40 y/o at my office that tried for 10 years and then acu did the trick!
I had an acupuncturist close, but I think it was like $75 a session (hour). It wasn't cheap. But i figured it was worth it.

Hi everyone. Just happened to do a search and found this thread. I have to admitt that I only read back about ten pages.

Here's my story. I am 37 (husband is 38) and we are TTC #2. We have a soon to be 6 year old daughter who was concieved in 2005 with out any problems. We have been trying for #2 for over a year & just started with a RE last month. Next week I will be going for a saline test & then the following week for a endometrial sampling. Then the following week a follow up with the doctor to form a plan of action.

In reading the several pages prior, it seems that everyone here is caring & gives honest answers to questions. Right now I feel a lillte alone in the TTC world & I am glad to have found this tread.

Wishing all baby/pixie dust!! (FYI we are also in the planning stages for trip #3 to WDW for summer of 2013)
Welcome! I am a newbie to this thread as well, but you always meet wonderful caring women going through this journey. Hope your appts go well and let us know how it goes. Having a place to vent online always helps. I was on several message boards for fertility related treatments and it helped so much to learn new tips and tricks and just share our experience and heartache- knowing your aren't alone makes a difference. People deal differently with this journey, some are vocal about it, others keep it hidden, you have to do what works best for you. I let my family and boss know everything every step of the way. I had a great boss, not much older than me and we were friends outside of work, and it made a huge difference to have that support. I told a few friends too- but really, family and friends don't know or care when you say your follicles are such and such size this week. The online friends I met going through this understood though and helped me so much. I have a friend right now going through this and she won't talk to anyone. Even her best friend (my sister). She is one of those that just deals with it alone nad my heart breaks for her, but that is how she wants to do it.

Haven't checked in in a long time. I am currently on my second round of Letrozole and my Ovidrel shots should arrive today by UPS. DH was put on a vitamin supplement called ConceptionXR back when we started and it raised his sperm count from 5 million to 19 million so that's pretty good! I have an ultrasound and bloodwork tomorrow morning so that they can tell me when to take the Ovidrel injections and when to come back for the second IUI. Here's hoping this is the winning cycle!

Good luck to everyone!
wishing you good luck on your us!! let us know how it goes! YES, this will be your winning cycle!:wizard:

Last time we went through all of this I was very vocal, with just about anyone who would stand still long enough to hear me. I just felt like I should not be embarrassed or ashamed. This time tho, I havent talk to many people about it. Just mainly close family and my clients (I have an inhome daycare, so I have given them the "short story" as to why I may have to close down a couple days or go to lots of dr appts in the next few months).

I think I am just really afraid that since it worked on the 1st try last time, that this time it won't. I just keep telling myself that we are so lucky to have DD, and she is such an amazing kid, that we will be happy if it is just her.

But then I go to Target & they have these really cute Disney onsies out....and I want to buy some so bad!!!!:laughing:
I have the same exact FEARS. Even though we went through a year of treatments before IVF, i felt so blessed and fortunate to have it work the first time. I count my blessings on that each day. I worry next time won't be as good or lucky. So afraid of that. So afraid of the disappointment again too. Every month it was just killer. I remember one month, I was in PHX on business, in a hotel room by myself peeing on a stick and getting a BFN (after an IUI cycle) and just laying on the bathroom floor, alone, in another state, grieving another lost cycle. It's terrible sometimes. But I know how strong I am now- and so is anyone going through this.

I will definitely keep my family in the loop this time, but won't on my work. Other than they will know I have doc appts and probably figure it out, but I think I will only tell family and a few close friends. Even then, sometimes family says the wrong thing (unknowingly) that just pisses you off. I know its hard for them to know what to say. So that can be a pain too. Like my little sister just found out she is pregnant with #2. Her toddler just turned 1 in December and already pregnant again. She said she struggled on how to tell me. When its family, it doesn't bug me really, I am happy for her. But then everyone asking us when we are going to try again or telling me "it will happen for you" just rubs me wrong sometimes, ya know? :confused3;)

Thanks! I am so hopeful that it will work this time.

Hey I have a question for all of you ladies. It may have been asked before, if so please forgive me. I think the hardest thing I am having an issue with right now is work. I have had so many appointments for blood draws and internal ultrasounds etc etc. I don't want to tell anyone at work what we are doing. But, it is getting to the point where people are starting to get pretty curious and wondering if there is anything wrong with me etc. My RE Dr's office doesn't let me pick my times to come in. They pretty much need me to come when they need me to come. They want me at the correct hormone level times. So sometimes I have very little warning. I am running out of excuses of things to say at work. I just found out today that they want me to come in to the Dr on Tuesday morning at 7am then come back at 11am for the 2nd iui. So I am going basically have to miss work that day. I hate lying and telling them I am sick because then they will ask me what was wrong and I have to make something up. Anyone have any suggestions?
So sorry your RE doesn't work with you on times. Can you have a talk with your RE about changing that? Explain your situation that it is affecting your job, and therefore, affecting your state of mind and attitude, which I think plays an important role as you go through this. The last thing you need it be worrying about work and all the questions they have. I know my RE had early hours, so I was able to come in before work often at like 7;30am or 8am. But you are right, TIMING is key here, so sometimes there isn't a lot of room to change anything. Good question on how to address it. I don't have any answers unfortunately- my boss knew what I was going through and was supportive- she was a friend, not just a boss. But in my current role, it isn't that way- so not sure how I will handle it either. My boss now has no children (and won't, as she is in her 50s), but she's been pretty supportive for those of us with kids or pregnant. But not sure I would feel comfortable sharing my journey with her or even coworkers. I would say maybe even talk to HR? but it all depends on your HR dept and if you think they would hold it against you or something? Otherwise, just continue saying you are sick and let them wonder? I know it is a tough question to answer.
Welcome to all the new ladies who have recently joined us!

Update on me: I went in yesterday for my u/s and had around 20 follicles, so it looks like I may still be on schedule for the egg retrieval on Thurs. which would work out great with work and the holiday weekend so that I don't have to take too many days off.

I have the same issue that I haven't told anyone at work. I told my boss that I had to have a medical procedure around the middle of Jan and that I would need a few days off. He wanted to know specifics but I told him it was a private matter and that I didn't want any of the office staff to know, he seemed ok with that and besides that he can't really ask me medical stuff anyway according to our company's HR policy.

I know I am going to get questions from the 2 ladies I work with when I return back to work as they are in everyone's business but I guess I will deal with them then. Sometimes you just want to keep things private but when I am gone all the time for Dr's appts and now that I will be out for a few days their curiosity will definitely be heightened.
Thanks! I am so hopeful that it will work this time.

Hey I have a question for all of you ladies. It may have been asked before, if so please forgive me. I think the hardest thing I am having an issue with right now is work. I have had so many appointments for blood draws and internal ultrasounds etc etc. I don't want to tell anyone at work what we are doing. But, it is getting to the point where people are starting to get pretty curious and wondering if there is anything wrong with me etc. My RE Dr's office doesn't let me pick my times to come in. They pretty much need me to come when they need me to come. They want me at the correct hormone level times. So sometimes I have very little warning. I am running out of excuses of things to say at work. I just found out today that they want me to come in to the Dr on Tuesday morning at 7am then come back at 11am for the 2nd iui. So I am going basically have to miss work that day. I hate lying and telling them I am sick because then they will ask me what was wrong and I have to make something up. Anyone have any suggestions?

During our 1st round of treatment for DD, I worked for large government agency. We went through 18 months of treatments leading up to IVF. By that time my supervisors were not very understanding of me missing time. I tried my best to come up with excuses here & there. Its hard to explain, but basically they told me I either had to fill out FMLA papers if I was having a medical problem or they would start taking discipline action against me. So I filled them out. Our HR department then knew I was undergoing fertility treatments, but my supervisors didnt. After that, all I had to do was call in & say I would be out FMLA. No questions. I wasn't happy with this because it ended up taking away from my FMLA time when DD was born.

This time around, I own a small in home day care (4 kids). I'm upfront with all my parents because I figure it has a direct impact on their children. 2 sets of my parents went thru fertility treatments to have their children & went to the same facility. So that helps.

hi there! yes, we are very similar indeed! Wishing you lots of luck and hope your frozen babies make it through. When are you going to start IVF or did you already? We started the process already. I have been on BC pills for 9 days & start Lupron shots tomorrow. Our transfer day is scheduled for Feb 10. That is the week before we did the transfer with DD, so bdays will be similar!

I have the same exact FEARS. Even though we went through a year of treatments before IVF, i felt so blessed and fortunate to have it work the first time. I count my blessings on that each day. I worry next time won't be as good or lucky. So afraid of that. So afraid of the disappointment again too. Every month it was just killer. I remember one month, I was in PHX on business, in a hotel room by myself peeing on a stick and getting a BFN (after an IUI cycle) and just laying on the bathroom floor, alone, in another state, grieving another lost cycle. It's terrible sometimes. But I know how strong I am now- and so is anyone going through this.

I will definitely keep my family in the loop this time, but won't on my work. Other than they will know I have doc appts and probably figure it out, but I think I will only tell family and a few close friends. Even then, sometimes family says the wrong thing (unknowingly) that just pisses you off. I know its hard for them to know what to say. So that can be a pain too. Like my little sister just found out she is pregnant with #2. Her toddler just turned 1 in December and already pregnant again. She said she struggled on how to tell me. When its family, it doesn't bug me really, I am happy for her. But then everyone asking us when we are going to try again or telling me "it will happen for you" just rubs me wrong sometimes, ya know? :confused3;) Last time around, I ended up losing my best friend of 25 years. She called me while I was in the midst of pills & shots prepping for our egg retrieval to tell me she was 17 weeks pregnant. She said she didn't know how to tell me. I told her I was disappointed that she didnt trust me enough to know I would be happy for her. I never had problems with people close to me being pregnant. Never once called her to complain about other people getting pregnant. So... she told me she needed to be selfish at this time & cut me out of her life. I wish I had just kept my mouth

Well tomorrow starts Lupron shots... one more step closer! Happy Monday everyone!
[Welcome! I am a newbie to this thread as well, but you always meet wonderful caring women going through this journey. Hope your appts go well and let us know how it goes. Having a place to vent online always helps. I was on several message boards for fertility related treatments and it helped so much to learn new tips and tricks and just share our experience and heartache- knowing your aren't alone makes a difference. People deal differently with this journey, some are vocal about it, others keep it hidden, you have to do what works best for you. I let my family and boss know everything every step of the way. I had a great boss, not much older than me and we were friends outside of work, and it made a huge difference to have that support. I told a few friends too- but really, family and friends don't know or care when you say your follicles are such and such size this week. The online friends I met going through this understood though and helped me so much. I have a friend right now going through this and she won't talk to anyone. Even her best friend (my sister). She is one of those that just deals with it alone nad my heart breaks for her, but that is how she wants to do it.]

Hi & thanks for your insight. Most of the time I (& my husband) are the quite, keep to ourselves types when it comes to medical issues. Only two of my closest friends know that we started with an RE. I am a stay at home mom, so no problems w/co-workers or bosses. I just happened on this thread - as I am in the planning stages of trip #3 for the summer of 2013.

Today I had the saline test - SHN (as I am allergic to shellfish). Not as bad as I thought it was going to be, but did have some discomfort. RE said that my left tube might be blocked, but to finish all tests so he can go over all the results. Up next - endometrial sampling. So I have to wait two weeks till I get some answers. Maybe the saline today will help this month (wishfull thinking). Have a great day everyone!!
Welcome to all the new ladies who have recently joined us!

Update on me: I went in yesterday for my u/s and had around 20 follicles, so it looks like I may still be on schedule for the egg retrieval on Thurs. which would work out great with work and the holiday weekend so that I don't have to take too many days off.

I have the same issue that I haven't told anyone at work. I told my boss that I had to have a medical procedure around the middle of Jan and that I would need a few days off. He wanted to know specifics but I told him it was a private matter and that I didn't want any of the office staff to know, he seemed ok with that and besides that he can't really ask me medical stuff anyway according to our company's HR policy.

I know I am going to get questions from the 2 ladies I work with when I return back to work as they are in everyone's business but I guess I will deal with them then. Sometimes you just want to keep things private but when I am gone all the time for Dr's appts and now that I will be out for a few days their curiosity will definitely be heightened.

Hope it works out for Thursday!!!
As far as work tell them your having dental surgery. Simple.
If they ask why you don't have a date you have an infected tooth that needs to calm down before the procedure. Shame on them but it is the excuse I used to use.

Thinking of all of you even when not around..xo
Welcome to all the new ladies who have recently joined us!

Update on me: I went in yesterday for my u/s and had around 20 follicles, so it looks like I may still be on schedule for the egg retrieval on Thurs. which would work out great with work and the holiday weekend so that I don't have to take too many days off.

I have the same issue that I haven't told anyone at work. I told my boss that I had to have a medical procedure around the middle of Jan and that I would need a few days off. He wanted to know specifics but I told him it was a private matter and that I didn't want any of the office staff to know, he seemed ok with that and besides that he can't really ask me medical stuff anyway according to our company's HR policy.

I know I am going to get questions from the 2 ladies I work with when I return back to work as they are in everyone's business but I guess I will deal with them then. Sometimes you just want to keep things private but when I am gone all the time for Dr's appts and now that I will be out for a few days their curiosity will definitely be heightened.
20 follicles is awesome! Yeah! Good luck on Thursday! Don't you hate when there are those that are just all up in your business. Maybe they mean well, but no matter what medical issue you are facing, if you wanted them to know, you'd tell them. I mean take a hint people!

During our 1st round of treatment for DD, I worked for large government agency. We went through 18 months of treatments leading up to IVF. By that time my supervisors were not very understanding of me missing time. I tried my best to come up with excuses here & there. Its hard to explain, but basically they told me I either had to fill out FMLA papers if I was having a medical problem or they would start taking discipline action against me. So I filled them out. Our HR department then knew I was undergoing fertility treatments, but my supervisors didnt. After that, all I had to do was call in & say I would be out FMLA. No questions. I wasn't happy with this because it ended up taking away from my FMLA time when DD was born.

This time around, I own a small in home day care (4 kids). I'm upfront with all my parents because I figure it has a direct impact on their children. 2 sets of my parents went thru fertility treatments to have their children & went to the same facility. So that helps.

Well tomorrow starts Lupron shots... one more step closer! Happy Monday everyone!
Wow that is terrible on having to take FMLA, but at least that made the situation a little easier when it came to your boss i guess? Good luck on the lupron! :wizard::hug:

Hi & thanks for your insight. Most of the time I (& my husband) are the quite, keep to ourselves types when it comes to medical issues. Only two of my closest friends know that we started with an RE. I am a stay at home mom, so no problems w/co-workers or bosses. I just happened on this thread - as I am in the planning stages of trip #3 for the summer of 2013.

Today I had the saline test - SHN (as I am allergic to shellfish). Not as bad as I thought it was going to be, but did have some discomfort. RE said that my left tube might be blocked, but to finish all tests so he can go over all the results. Up next - endometrial sampling. So I have to wait two weeks till I get some answers. Maybe the saline today will help this month (wishfull thinking). Have a great day everyone!!
That is great you don't have to worry work issues, I hope that makes it a little easier. That procedure is not comfortable at all, so glad it went okay. How does the endometrial sampling happen? I think that is a new one for me. I did have a lap mid treatment for some very minor endo, but he said it was so light it shouldn't have affected our fertility at all, but it always makes me wonder. Yep, the saline flush can make a big difference for a lot of people, flushing out blockages etc! I am hoping so for you! :hug:
Thanks for all the feedback ladies. Unfortunately we don't have an HR department. The closest thing we have is a Market Center Administrator and she is an immature, young, blabbermouth. I don't trust her not to blurt it out when it would serve her best.

I work directly for both of my bosses within the same office. They each pay me from their own pockets as an assistant. They are both WONDERFUL people. Very caring etc. So no problems there. However, because they are so friendly we have discussed things in the past at staff retreats etc about what our goals for the future are yada yada and in those talks I know that I have mentioned wanting to be a stay at home mom once we ever decide to get pregnant. While they are both awesome people, they are also VERY busy and very successful. If they were to find out that I was trying to get pregnant, they would already start looking for my replacement. If I felt that were necessary I would just let them do it. But, even if we do get pregnant, I still plan on working long enough to train someone new. So I don't want them to replace me too soon and then I am out my job and money.

I have sick time but sometimes I find out the day before that I need to go in to the RE's office the next day and then all of the sudden I have to make up an excuse about being sick the next day and then an excuse as to why I'm no longer sick the following day. It's such a mess.

So far no one has seemed angry but I have a feeling that if we keep having to do more and more treatments, that eventually they are going to get frustrated with me. *sigh*
We did our 2nd IUI yesterday! I soooo hope it works this time! The doctor said if it doesn't work this time we will do it once more and then move on to other things if necessary. DH's sperm count had gone up again! I'm telling you ladies, if your men have a low count, they might want to have the Dr. prescribe ConceptionXR. It has raised his count from 5 million to yesterday's count of *drum roll* 21 Million!!! My progesterone was higher this time too. So we'll see what happens. I can take a test on the 24th. The wait is always so hard!!!
That is great you don't have to worry work issues, I hope that makes it a little easier. That procedure is not comfortable at all, so glad it went okay. How does the endometrial sampling happen? I think that is a new one for me. I did have a lap mid treatment for some very minor endo, but he said it was so light it shouldn't have affected our fertility at all, but it always makes me wonder. Yep, the saline flush can make a big difference for a lot of people, flushing out blockages etc! I am hoping so for you! :hug:

Hi everyone. The endometrial sampling is when the RE takes a sample of lining of the uterus to check the hormone levels & for possible abnormal cells. It is done between day 24-26 of your cycle. So that is my final test before I get all the results of all the tests.

Hope everyone is having a great week & all doctor appointments result is good news :)
We did our 2nd IUI yesterday! I soooo hope it works this time! The doctor said if it doesn't work this time we will do it once more and then move on to other things if necessary. DH's sperm count had gone up again! I'm telling you ladies, if your men have a low count, they might want to have the Dr. prescribe ConceptionXR. It has raised his count from 5 million to yesterday's count of *drum roll* 21 Million!!! My progesterone was higher this time too. So we'll see what happens. I can take a test on the 24th. The wait is always so hard!!!
Yeah for your IUI- thinking good baby thoughts for you!! That is amazing on his count, wow!

Hi everyone. The endometrial sampling is when the RE takes a sample of lining of the uterus to check the hormone levels & for possible abnormal cells. It is done between day 24-26 of your cycle. So that is my final test before I get all the results of all the tests.

Hope everyone is having a great week & all doctor appointments result is good news :)
Well hope the test goes well. I know you are probably anxious to get all the results and just move forward. Sending pixie dust your way! :thumbsup2
Well I wasn't quite ready for the egg retrieval today so it's scheduled for tomorrow. The u/s tech was really pleased with my follicles yesterday and I triggered last night. I am more scared and nervous since this will my first IVF and not quite knowing how I am going to feel afterward. DH even told me last night that he is nervous too given our past 2 miscarriages with IUI. Anyway just trying to take it one day at a time and I am glad that all the shots are done with yeah!!! I hope I can just get a good night's sleep tonight.
Well I wasn't quite ready for the egg retrieval today so it's scheduled for tomorrow. The u/s tech was really pleased with my follicles yesterday and I triggered last night. I am more scared and nervous since this will my first IVF and not quite knowing how I am going to feel afterward. DH even told me last night that he is nervous too given our past 2 miscarriages with IUI. Anyway just trying to take it one day at a time and I am glad that all the shots are done with yeah!!! I hope I can just get a good night's sleep tonight.

Good Luck!!!
Well I wasn't quite ready for the egg retrieval today so it's scheduled for tomorrow. The u/s tech was really pleased with my follicles yesterday and I triggered last night. I am more scared and nervous since this will my first IVF and not quite knowing how I am going to feel afterward. DH even told me last night that he is nervous too given our past 2 miscarriages with IUI. Anyway just trying to take it one day at a time and I am glad that all the shots are done with yeah!!! I hope I can just get a good night's sleep tonight.

Sending you baby dust and lots of prayers!!!!
I'm sure you guys have done the little ovulation test strips? how many days does a 'positive" last? I'm not sure how many days we need to be 'diligent.' :)

(Oh I got two positive days and then I forgot for two days because I have a very difficult time adjusting my morning routine.)
Well I wasn't quite ready for the egg retrieval today so it's scheduled for tomorrow. The u/s tech was really pleased with my follicles yesterday and I triggered last night. I am more scared and nervous since this will my first IVF and not quite knowing how I am going to feel afterward. DH even told me last night that he is nervous too given our past 2 miscarriages with IUI. Anyway just trying to take it one day at a time and I am glad that all the shots are done with yeah!!! I hope I can just get a good night's sleep tonight.
Sending up a ton of prayers for you!!!!! AS for how you feel after, I can't remember a ton, since it was like 5 years ago, but I know I was in recovery for like an hour or more. I felt very sore, but not too bad. I just remember the last thing before going under was them having me verify my social security #! :)

Definitely take it easy afterwards though for a while, especially given your history. Don't lift anything heavy, rest a lot etc. Follow doctors orders and you should be gone. The 2WW was agonizing, but you can get through it. Hopefully soon enough you will be getting your BFP! Will they have you doing PIO shots at all? They had me do them. The most painful of all the shots I had to do. Fortunately I only had to do them for like 3 weeks, because my progestone levels were really high, so they were comfortable with hit. I know they have you do these often to try and help if your levels are a concern and to prevent possible m/c. I think my doc had everyone do them regardless, until he felt comfortable with your levels or when the placenta has effectively taken over. There are suppositories some RE's prescribe instead of the shots. Many women do them until 10-12 weeks into pregnancy. I started my PIOs after ER.

I'm sure you guys have done the little ovulation test strips? how many days does a 'positive" last? I'm not sure how many days we need to be 'diligent.' :)

(Oh I got two positive days and then I forgot for two days because I have a very difficult time adjusting my morning routine.)
I bought the pee on a stick tests. I haven't used them yet though.
Thanks for all the prayers and support it really mean a lot! Since those of you here are the only others who know besides the RE's office and my DH. The egg retrieval went well I had 13 eggs retrieved on Friday the 13th, how lucky is that??? I am pretty sore and crampy still and my heating pad has become my best friend. I didn't sleep well last night as I don't normally sleep on by back and it was way too uncomfortable to try laying on my sides and I didn't even try laying on my stomach. The RE did give me an Rx for hydrocodone so that has helped too.

As for the good news: the office called me back this morning and 12 of the 13 eggs fertilized!!! :cool1: :banana::dance3::yay:
The most they will allow us to transfer is 3 so that is the plan since I am older and if it doesn't work this time I am happy that we are going to have some extras. Now we are just waiting to find out the quality of the embryos and whether it will be a 3 or 5 day transfer.

As to your question about the progesterone I am taking the pill form (endometrin) placed you know where morning and night. When I had my IUI's I had the messy suppositories. These ones are much better and I am glad it's not the shot ones as I have been poked enough these past few weeks.

Hope everyone else is doing well and enjoying the Holiday weekend!
Thanks for all the prayers and support it really mean a lot! Since those of you here are the only others who know besides the RE's office and my DH. The egg retrieval went well I had 13 eggs retrieved on Friday the 13th, how lucky is that??? I am pretty sore and crampy still and my heating pad has become my best friend. I didn't sleep well last night as I don't normally sleep on by back and it was way too uncomfortable to try laying on my sides and I didn't even try laying on my stomach. The RE did give me an Rx for hydrocodone so that has helped too.

As for the good news: the office called me back this morning and 12 of the 13 eggs fertilized!!! :cool1: :banana::dance3::yay:
The most they will allow us to transfer is 3 so that is the plan since I am older and if it doesn't work this time I am happy that we are going to have some extras. Now we are just waiting to find out the quality of the embryos and whether it will be a 3 or 5 day transfer.

As to your question about the progesterone I am taking the pill form
(endometrin) placed you know where morning and night. When I had my IUI's I had the messy suppositories. These ones are much better and I am glad it's
not the shot ones as I have been poked enough these past few weeks.

Hope everyone else is doing well and enjoying the Holiday weekend!

I only lurke here from time to time but I wanted to wish you luck! We had 13 eggs retrieved on Friday the 13th as well and now have 2 two year old boys.

I am jealous for those of you that had the option to take progesterone any other way but injection form. I took progesterone shots until I was 12 weeks pregnant! I just knew my buttocks would never be the same!
Thanks for all the prayers and support it really mean a lot! Since those of you here are the only others who know besides the RE's office and my DH. The egg retrieval went well I had 13 eggs retrieved on Friday the 13th, how lucky is that??? I am pretty sore and crampy still and my heating pad has become my best friend. I didn't sleep well last night as I don't normally sleep on by back and it was way too uncomfortable to try laying on my sides and I didn't even try laying on my stomach. The RE did give me an Rx for hydrocodone so that has helped too.

As for the good news: the office called me back this morning and 12 of the 13 eggs fertilized!!! :cool1: :banana::dance3::yay:
The most they will allow us to transfer is 3 so that is the plan since I am older and if it doesn't work this time I am happy that we are going to have some extras. Now we are just waiting to find out the quality of the embryos and whether it will be a 3 or 5 day transfer.

As to your question about the progesterone I am taking the pill form (endometrin) placed you know where morning and night. When I had my IUI's I had the messy suppositories. These ones are much better and I am glad it's not the shot ones as I have been poked enough these past few weeks.

Hope everyone else is doing well and enjoying the Holiday weekend!

Not sure if you remember me, but I still lurk here as well. We had our successful IUI on Friday the 13th in May. Friday the 13th is a lucky day!!! Best of luck on your transfer and 2ww!
I'm back from my trip!!! :banana:

It was a nice, quiet drama. For once. lol

I tried Akershus and Jiko; both of which I :lovestruc. Le Cellier; big :headache:

DId lots of new things and fell in love with baby cakes!

Glad to see everyone again!

Falltime - Congrats on a successful retrieval! That is so great that you were able to get so many eggs! I am hoping we have similar success.

You are very lucky you don't have to do the PIO shots - I am not looking forward to that, but hey, if it helps I will do it!


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