TTC thread take 2

Hey, sorry I haven't' been around!

I leave tomorrow for WDW for five days!!!! :banana:

I will be staying at ASMu.

Here's my schedule:


3:35 p.m. from TUL to MCO
Arrive at 10:35 p.m.

1/6--Crystal Palace 9:55 a.m.
Jiko 5:40 p.m.

1/7--Boma 8:30 a.m.
Via Napoli 2 p.m.
Fantasmic! Osbornes
HOB 9:15 p.m.

1/8- Chef Mickey's 11:10 a.m.
Le Cellier 6:20 p.m.

1/9--Harry Potter :wizard:
Rose & Crown 8:10 p.m.

1/10--Akershus 8:35 a.m.

afternoon flight home

I am going to have the surgery in the spring and move ahead. I am looking forward to 2012 and excited for what has to come for me.

Hi guys! While not new the boards (been here since they started in 99), I am new to this thread. I was part of a TTC thread back in 2006/2007 and since then, most of us became mommies and started our own DIS mommy group on FB and still keep in touch.

Hoping to forge more friendships and lend/get support as we start our journey to TTC #2.

Sending everyone lots of baby/pixie dust!

Here's my story:
I'm Michelle- turned 38 in Sept, DH turned 40 in Aug. We are blessed with a healthy, happy and Disney loving son, William. He was our IVF miracle, born the day before Halloween in 2007. I've since immersed him in my love for all things Disney and he's already been 3x to WDW and once to DL! ;)

We are TTC a little brother or sister for him. Nervous about the large age gap, but given the cost of IVF, we just weren't prepared to do it until now, since insurance does not cover our treatments. We are looking to do IVF much later this year, and try and combine flexible spending medical from 2012 and 2013 to cover the $10 and more cost. In the meantime, I plan to TTC on our own actively until the fall. We haven't used BC in more than 10 years, including nothing since our son was born and no "accidents", so I fear we will have to resort to IVF again and won't get lucky on our own.

Our first journey involved a year or more trying on our own- both tested fine (unexplained infertility), did 4 months of clomid (great response), HSG, lap to remove minor endo, 2 IUIs with clomid, 2 IUIs with injectables and then finally IVF, which worked the first try, thank God!! I had great response to all the drugs, all levels were always good, so they couldn't figure out the problem. No PCOS or anything like that, although my cycles can be a little strange sometimes. We had 8 embies retrieved and all 8 fertilized, did a 5 day transfer but only 2 were good enough to use- grade B blasts. Both went in, and we got William. Nothing to freeze.

So looking for support, tips etc. as we actively try on our own again, although I am not very hopeful on that front. We will skip the other treatments this time and go straight to IVF if no luck on our own by Oct/Nov.

Oh and planning Will's 4th trip to WDW for November. We are heading out Nov 8-17th, taking my parents to our DVC home at BLT. :thumbsup2

For those who have been through IVF - about how many days did you need to take off work for the retrieval and transfer?
I think I did a day off after each, but I think for the retrieval, it fell on a Friday, so i had more rest anyhow. I did take it very easy after the transfer too- and stuck with the no lifting and all that they told me.'s my quick update:

At my 7 week ultrasound (at exactly 7 weeks), baby measured 6 weeks, 6 days, and a heartrate of 146. (visually, they didn't listen for it yet)

I graduated to the OB, and tomorrow is my first appt. I'm so eager to get to see the baby again because it's been 3 weeks! I will be 10 weeks on Friday so tomorrow's appt is just a day shy of that. I can't wait to hear the hb. I am definitely nervous b/c of all the horror stories. And even though I still FEEL pregnant (sick off and on, occasional stretching), I know it doesn't mean anything until we see that the baby is still growing strong. I will totally lose it if something has gone wrong.

I haven't even joined the M2B thread because I am just not feeling confident enough yet. So thanks for letting me lurk here and sorry if I offended anyone with this update.
Since i am new here, don't know your whole story, but just wanted to say congrats to you!!!!! Hope you have the confidence soon enough to join the mommies thread. it's always so nice to see someone TTC finally get their great news. Congrats and enjoy every second. :wizard:
Well my venting here worked! I just got off the phone with her. She apologized for not getting back to me (said they were in meetings) and is reassigning me to the IVF nurse I had originally 4 years ago:lovestruc Very happy with that news!

I am suppose to get a detailed calendar emailed to me today or tomorrow morning. Right now, she said my tentative transfer date is Friday Feb 10.

The Embryo transfer is 2 days of bedrest.

So do you guys do anything to calm your nerves? I don't know anything about acupuncture.

This is my first IVF, so not a lot of experience with nerve-calming. I know a lot of girls do Circle+Bloom meditations for nerves. I am planning to do that, in addition to getting a massage sometime before or after transfer.

I just started doing weekly acupuncture in November. I can honestly say it is not bad at all - and I was pretty freaked out about the needles. I feel so relaxed during and after the process. My doctor has said he hasn't seen enough studies to be convinced one way or the other, but that it can't hurt. My acupuncturist specializes in infertility so that is a plus. Unfortunately it's just one more added cost along with all the others, so that's something to take into consideration.

One of my favorite, cheap things to do is take a warm bath with salts! :)
Your trip sounds so fun - come back and tell us all about it. I hope you have good weather!

That's great news about the surgery. Let me know if you have any questions. I did it last spring.
Hi guys! While not new the boards (been here since they started in 99), I am new to this thread. I was part of a TTC thread back in 2006/2007 and since then, most of us became mommies and started our own DIS mommy group on FB and still keep in touch.

Hoping to forge more friendships and lend/get support as we start our journey to TTC #2.

Sending everyone lots of baby/pixie dust!

Here's my story:
I'm Michelle- turned 38 in Sept, DH turned 40 in Aug. We are blessed with a healthy, happy and Disney loving son, William. He was our IVF miracle, born the day before Halloween in 2007. I've since immersed him in my love for all things Disney and he's already been 3x to WDW and once to DL! ;)

We are TTC a little brother or sister for him. Nervous about the large age gap, but given the cost of IVF, we just weren't prepared to do it until now, since insurance does not cover our treatments. We are looking to do IVF much later this year, and try and combine flexible spending medical from 2012 and 2013 to cover the $10 and more cost. In the meantime, I plan to TTC on our own actively until the fall. We haven't used BC in more than 10 years, including nothing since our son was born and no "accidents", so I fear we will have to resort to IVF again and won't get lucky on our own.

Our first journey involved a year or more trying on our own- both tested fine (unexplained infertility), did 4 months of clomid (great response), HSG, lap to remove minor endo, 2 IUIs with clomid, 2 IUIs with injectables and then finally IVF, which worked the first try, thank God!! I had great response to all the drugs, all levels were always good, so they couldn't figure out the problem. No PCOS or anything like that, although my cycles can be a little strange sometimes. We had 8 embies retrieved and all 8 fertilized, did a 5 day transfer but only 2 were good enough to use- grade B blasts. Both went in, and we got William. Nothing to freeze.

So looking for support, tips etc. as we actively try on our own again, although I am not very hopeful on that front. We will skip the other treatments this time and go straight to IVF if no luck on our own by Oct/Nov.

Oh and planning Will's 4th trip to WDW for November. We are heading out Nov 8-17th, taking my parents to our DVC home at BLT. :thumbsup2


Welcome back Michelle! It is so encouraging to read about first-time IVF success. I hope you will have a natural miracle before the end of the year, but if not, hopefully your second round will be just as good as your first. Your son is precious!

I am 28, husband is 32. We have been trying for two years now. I have stage III endometriosis, really just in and around my ovaries. I am fearful it is going to effect my egg quality/quantity because of that, though.

We have never had any type of pregnancy before. We've done three IUIs with clomid, all BFN. I only got 1-2 mature eggs for those cycles, so I am hoping I won't be labeled a poor responder. We are starting IVF this month!
Hi ladies. Been MIA. Still TTC #2. Naturally for now until we can afford to go back to RE and after DH sees a urologist that specilizes in male IF. No clue when he will agree to go. *sigh*. We are taking DS to Disney at the beginning of next month. Totally excited!! But I will be on AF and Oing on our trip. Lovely. Guess we will be out for next cycle 'cause I'm not DTD in front of DS in our hotel room. :scared1: We're trying preseed but honestly, I'm not very hopeful but stranger things have happened I suppose.
Hi guys! While not new the boards (been here since they started in 99), I am new to this thread. I was part of a TTC thread back in 2006/2007 and since then, most of us became mommies and started our own DIS mommy group on FB and still keep in touch.

Hoping to forge more friendships and lend/get support as we start our journey to TTC #2.

Sending everyone lots of baby/pixie dust!

Here's my story:
I'm Michelle- turned 38 in Sept, DH turned 40 in Aug. We are blessed with a healthy, happy and Disney loving son, William. He was our IVF miracle, born the day before Halloween in 2007. I've since immersed him in my love for all things Disney and he's already been 3x to WDW and once to DL! ;)

We are TTC a little brother or sister for him. Nervous about the large age gap, but given the cost of IVF, we just weren't prepared to do it until now, since insurance does not cover our treatments. We are looking to do IVF much later this year, and try and combine flexible spending medical from 2012 and 2013 to cover the $10 and more cost. In the meantime, I plan to TTC on our own actively until the fall. We haven't used BC in more than 10 years, including nothing since our son was born and no "accidents", so I fear we will have to resort to IVF again and won't get lucky on our own.

Our first journey involved a year or more trying on our own- both tested fine (unexplained infertility), did 4 months of clomid (great response), HSG, lap to remove minor endo, 2 IUIs with clomid, 2 IUIs with injectables and then finally IVF, which worked the first try, thank God!! I had great response to all the drugs, all levels were always good, so they couldn't figure out the problem. No PCOS or anything like that, although my cycles can be a little strange sometimes. We had 8 embies retrieved and all 8 fertilized, did a 5 day transfer but only 2 were good enough to use- grade B blasts. Both went in, and we got William. Nothing to freeze.

So looking for support, tips etc. as we actively try on our own again, although I am not very hopeful on that front. We will skip the other treatments this time and go straight to IVF if no luck on our own by Oct/Nov.

Oh and planning Will's 4th trip to WDW for November. We are heading out Nov 8-17th, taking my parents to our DVC home at BLT. :thumbsup2


Hi Michelle!:wave: It looks like we have a few things in common. My DD just turned 3, and we conceived her on our 1st IVF try after 2 years of trying everything else. DH & I tried for the last year but decided to to do IVF again. Luckily, we have 4 embyos frozen. The plan is to put 2 in. I am so nervous that none will survive the "thaw".

This is my first IVF, so not a lot of experience with nerve-calming. I know a lot of girls do Circle+Bloom meditations for nerves. I am planning to do that, in addition to getting a massage sometime before or after transfer.

I just started doing weekly acupuncture in November. I can honestly say it is not bad at all - and I was pretty freaked out about the needles. I feel so relaxed during and after the process. My doctor has said he hasn't seen enough studies to be convinced one way or the other, but that it can't hurt. My acupuncturist specializes in infertility so that is a plus. Unfortunately it's just one more added cost along with all the others, so that's something to take into consideration.

One of my favorite, cheap things to do is take a warm bath with salts! :)

I am thinking about scheduling a massage the evening before our transfer or maybe even that morning. I think I am more nervous this time around than last time.

Hey, sorry I haven't' been around!

I leave tomorrow for WDW for five days!!!! :banana:

I will be staying at ASMu.

Here's my schedule:


3:35 p.m. from TUL to MCO
Arrive at 10:35 p.m.

1/6--Crystal Palace 9:55 a.m.
Jiko 5:40 p.m.

1/7--Boma 8:30 a.m.
Via Napoli 2 p.m.
Fantasmic! Osbornes
HOB 9:15 p.m.

1/8- Chef Mickey's 11:10 a.m.
Le Cellier 6:20 p.m.

1/9--Harry Potter :wizard:
Rose & Crown 8:10 p.m.

1/10--Akershus 8:35 a.m.

afternoon flight home

I am going to have the surgery in the spring and move ahead. I am looking forward to 2012 and excited for what has to come for me.


Have fun on your trip! :thumbsup2 So jealous...we are taking 2012 off

Hi ladies. Been MIA. Still TTC #2. Naturally for now until we can afford to go back to RE and after DH sees a urologist that specilizes in male IF. No clue when he will agree to go. *sigh*. We are taking DS to Disney at the beginning of next month. Totally excited!! But I will be on AF and Oing on our trip. Lovely. Guess we will be out for next cycle 'cause I'm not DTD in front of DS in our hotel room. :scared1: We're trying preseed but honestly, I'm not very hopeful but stranger things have happened I suppose.

DH finally saw a urologist that specializes in IF last summer. He put DH on clomid for a few months. It actually brought his numbers up.

Have fun in Disney!
I forgot to answer the acupuncture question. I did it for my IVF's up to retrieval but my intent was to help my eggs. I would honestly say for me it was just an extra expense and bc my town has no acupuncturists I had to make a special trip 30 minutes away every time. (also for my appts) so it was more stress trying to fit it in than it was worth. However, it really does work for many women, such as a 40 y/o at my office that tried for 10 years and then acu did the trick!
Hi everyone. Just happened to do a search and found this thread. I have to admitt that I only read back about ten pages.

Here's my story. I am 37 (husband is 38) and we are TTC #2. We have a soon to be 6 year old daughter who was concieved in 2005 with out any problems. We have been trying for #2 for over a year & just started with a RE last month. Next week I will be going for a saline test & then the following week for a endometrial sampling. Then the following week a follow up with the doctor to form a plan of action.

In reading the several pages prior, it seems that everyone here is caring & gives honest answers to questions. Right now I feel a lillte alone in the TTC world & I am glad to have found this tread.

Wishing all baby/pixie dust!! (FYI we are also in the planning stages for trip #3 to WDW for summer of 2013)
Hi everyone. Just happened to do a search and found this thread. I have to admitt that I only read back about ten pages.

Here's my story. I am 37 (husband is 38) and we are TTC #2. We have a soon to be 6 year old daughter who was concieved in 2005 with out any problems. We have been trying for #2 for over a year & just started with a RE last month. Next week I will be going for a saline test & then the following week for a endometrial sampling. Then the following week a follow up with the doctor to form a plan of action.

In reading the several pages prior, it seems that everyone here is caring & gives honest answers to questions. Right now I feel a lillte alone in the TTC world & I am glad to have found this tread.

Wishing all baby/pixie dust!! (FYI we are also in the planning stages for trip #3 to WDW for summer of 2013)

:wave2: Welcome! I am new here too but everyone is so helpful!

TTC can be REALLY lonely. I actually had that talk with my Dr. during our first round of trying for DD. My Dr. said that, for some, a diagnosis of infertility can be worse psychologically than a diagnosis of cancer...only because most people are embarrassed to discuss it with their family & friends. There are a LOT of tests & procedures that come along with infertility that are embarrassing to talk about. So most people hide their struggles. Plus, when you do discuss it... people stay some really stupid things like "Just relax & it will happen!" or "are you sure your doing it right" or "I know a woman who started the adoption process & then got pregnant". If I had a dime for every time someone said something like that to me! I could go to Disney twice a year!! :lmao:

Feel free to ask any questions...or vent away!
I was diagnosed with PCOS and thyroid cancer at the same time, and so far the infertility is definitely harder for me, (though thyroid cancer is easier than most cancers.) Of course, there are currently no signs of cancer and still no baby, so that may change with time. We've only been allowed to TTC for one cycle after 2 years of waiting for the cancer to be gone.
DH finally saw a urologist that specializes in IF last summer. He put DH on clomid for a few months. It actually brought his numbers up.

Have fun in Disney!

Did it help? My DH's issue is motility. His #'s are just above the normal range for count.


Hi everyone. Just happened to do a search and found this thread. I have to admitt that I only read back about ten pages.

Here's my story. I am 37 (husband is 38) and we are TTC #2. We have a soon to be 6 year old daughter who was concieved in 2005 with out any problems. We have been trying for #2 for over a year & just started with a RE last month. Next week I will be going for a saline test & then the following week for a endometrial sampling. Then the following week a follow up with the doctor to form a plan of action.

In reading the several pages prior, it seems that everyone here is caring & gives honest answers to questions. Right now I feel a lillte alone in the TTC world & I am glad to have found this tread.

Wishing all baby/pixie dust!! (FYI we are also in the planning stages for trip #3 to WDW for summer of 2013)

Secondary infertility is a hard road to travel. We are all here to support and cheer on! I pray all the tests give you guys some answers along the way. Has DH been tested yet?

:wave2: Welcome! I am new here too but everyone is so helpful!

TTC can be REALLY lonely. I actually had that talk with my Dr. during our first round of trying for DD. My Dr. said that, for some, a diagnosis of infertility can be worse psychologically than a diagnosis of cancer...only because most people are embarrassed to discuss it with their family & friends. There are a LOT of tests & procedures that come along with infertility that are embarrassing to talk about. So most people hide their struggles. Plus, when you do discuss it... people stay some really stupid things like "Just relax & it will happen!" or "are you sure your doing it right" or "I know a woman who started the adoption process & then got pregnant". If I had a dime for every time someone said something like that to me! I could go to Disney twice a year!! :lmao:

Feel free to ask any questions...or vent away!

I couldn't agree more!

I was diagnosed with PCOS and thyroid cancer at the same time, and so far the infertility is definitely harder for me, (though thyroid cancer is easier than most cancers.) Of course, there are currently no signs of cancer and still no baby, so that may change with time. We've only been allowed to TTC for one cycle after 2 years of waiting for the cancer to be gone.

Wow a double whammy!! Congrats on being cancer free and good luck with TTC now. I hope it happens quickly now that the cancer is gone!:hug:
Haven't checked in in a long time. I am currently on my second round of Letrozole and my Ovidrel shots should arrive today by UPS. DH was put on a vitamin supplement called ConceptionXR back when we started and it raised his sperm count from 5 million to 19 million so that's pretty good! I have an ultrasound and bloodwork tomorrow morning so that they can tell me when to take the Ovidrel injections and when to come back for the second IUI. Here's hoping this is the winning cycle!

Good luck to everyone!
Skip2MyLou - thanks for the reply. It is true, I have not really talked about TTC #2 with anyone, just that we are TTC, but not that we have been trying for over a year. I am glad that I found this thread, so thank-you.

Leger13 - yes DH was tested, but I do not have any results as of yet. Once all my tests are done, we will have a folow-up with the RE to get the results of all tests & come up with a plan. Thanks for your thoughts.

Thanks everyone! (PS I am still new to posting, so I am not sure how to "quote" in my posts yet)
Haven't checked in in a long time. I am currently on my second round of Letrozole and my Ovidrel shots should arrive today by UPS. DH was put on a vitamin supplement called ConceptionXR back when we started and it raised his sperm count from 5 million to 19 million so that's pretty good! I have an ultrasound and bloodwork tomorrow morning so that they can tell me when to take the Ovidrel injections and when to come back for the second IUI. Here's hoping this is the winning cycle!

Good luck to everyone!

The last Urologist DH saw they told him to take that supplement too. Glad to hear some positive things about it. I was scared to buy it since I couldn't find any reviews online! FX your next IUI works!!! :goodvibes

Skip2MyLou - thanks for the reply. It is true, I have not really talked about TTC #2 with anyone, just that we are TTC, but not that we have been trying for over a year. I am glad that I found this thread, so thank-you.

Leger13 - yes DH was tested, but I do not have any results as of yet. Once all my tests are done, we will have a folow-up with the RE to get the results of all tests & come up with a plan. Thanks for your thoughts.

Thanks everyone! (PS I am still new to posting, so I am not sure how to "quote" in my posts yet)

Glad to hear DH was tested! I hope you get some good answers at your appointment with your RE!

To multi-quote, next to the "quote" button on the bottom right of each post there's a paper with a + sign and quotes. Click that in each post you want to respond to and the quoted post will show up in your reply
Did it help? My DH's issue is motility. His #'s are just above the normal range for count.

It did raise his motility. I'm sorry I can't remember the numbers, his last test was last June. DH also has low testosterone, so he gets shots every2-3 weeks. That is actually counterproductive to TTC. The clomid increased his motility, but the testosterone lowered his count. :headache:

They never could diagnosis me with any issues, but I still have that feeling that there was something wrong with me. Or with him & me together.

Last time we went through all of this I was very vocal, with just about anyone who would stand still long enough to hear me. I just felt like I should not be embarrassed or ashamed. This time tho, I havent talk to many people about it. Just mainly close family and my clients (I have an inhome daycare, so I have given them the "short story" as to why I may have to close down a couple days or go to lots of dr appts in the next few months).

I think I am just really afraid that since it worked on the 1st try last time, that this time it won't. I just keep telling myself that we are so lucky to have DD, and she is such an amazing kid, that we will be happy if it is just her.

But then I go to Target & they have these really cute Disney onsies out....and I want to buy some so bad!!!!:laughing:
The last Urologist DH saw they told him to take that supplement too. Glad to hear some positive things about it. I was scared to buy it since I couldn't find any reviews online! FX your next IUI works!!! :goodvibes

Thanks! I am so hopeful that it will work this time.

Hey I have a question for all of you ladies. It may have been asked before, if so please forgive me. I think the hardest thing I am having an issue with right now is work. I have had so many appointments for blood draws and internal ultrasounds etc etc. I don't want to tell anyone at work what we are doing. But, it is getting to the point where people are starting to get pretty curious and wondering if there is anything wrong with me etc. My RE Dr's office doesn't let me pick my times to come in. They pretty much need me to come when they need me to come. They want me at the correct hormone level times. So sometimes I have very little warning. I am running out of excuses of things to say at work. I just found out today that they want me to come in to the Dr on Tuesday morning at 7am then come back at 11am for the 2nd iui. So I am going basically have to miss work that day. I hate lying and telling them I am sick because then they will ask me what was wrong and I have to make something up. Anyone have any suggestions?
Welcome to all the new ladies! This is a great thread and we are all here to support each other. I gave my intro on the previous page, so check it out if you want to know more about my TTC history.

Angelhalo - juggling the appointments has been really tricky for me as well. I have the kind of job where I can be away from my office for long periods of time without question, so quite often I have just left and people probably assumed I was in a meeting and nobody asked when I got back. (Sometimes I work late or on the weekends, so it all evens out to the right amount of hours in the end!)

Other times I have had to say I have a doctor's appointment and use sick time to go. I have been so lucky that almost all of my IUIs last summer fell on the weekend. For my upcoming IVF cycle I just told my supervisor that I was going through some medical treatments and I would have a few doctor's appointments and would also need to take a day or two off for surgery. Which is correct, since egg retrieval could be categorized as surgery. For the transfer I am using vacation time that I had approved last month.

I haven't wanted to tell anyone at work either - so really, only my boss knows, and all she knows is that I am having medical treatment! GL!

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