TTC thread take 2

Everything is fine as far as they can tell. I'm questioning whether it could have been one twin. As of yesterday this definitely looks looked a singleton pregnancy. So stressful! Everything seems back to normal now. I'm off baby aspirin though.
Hello! Just wondering if anyone can share their experiences or offer some advice with a frozen embyo transfer

DD was conceived with IVF 4 years ago (wow, where did the time go?), and successful on the 1st try. We were able to freeze 4 embies...and now the time has come to try for another.

Tomorrow is our consultation with our RE. Is there any questions I should ask? I've already looked at their published success rates with frozen embryo transfer (2009 was 40% success rate for live birth). Altho, from what I've been reading, the difficult part is the embies surviving the thawing process.

When I spoke to the girl on the phone, she said I may have to have a few tests run but then we could start with my next cycle. So nervous & excited. :woohoo:
Hello! Just wondering if anyone can share their experiences or offer some advice with a frozen embyo transfer

DD was conceived with IVF 4 years ago (wow, where did the time go?), and successful on the 1st try. We were able to freeze 4 embies...and now the time has come to try for another.

Tomorrow is our consultation with our RE. Is there any questions I should ask? I've already looked at their published success rates with frozen embryo transfer (2009 was 40% success rate for live birth). Altho, from what I've been reading, the difficult part is the embies surviving the thawing process.

When I spoke to the girl on the phone, she said I may have to have a few tests run but then we could start with my next cycle. So nervous & excited. :woohoo:
I actually just did a fet cycle. Mine was relatively easy. I took Bc until we started the cycle, had a few ultrasounds and some bloodwork, and that was about it. I've been on estrogen pills and progesterone suppositories. Both of my embryos survived the thaw. If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer!
OMG....I dont believe this...:sad1: (happy tears)

I'm ovulating.

Every month, around the first of the month or the middle, I am now ovulating. This is the fourth month. I was never so excited to pee on a stick.

Im going to have an HSG or US next month after I get back from Disney and see if something has changed...omg....I don't believe it. Im crying. I didnt ovulate regularly for two years. :dance3:
Just wanted to say congratulations ladies! I've been away since our little guy arrived and just heard the news about Cheri! Courtney what great news for u too! Congrats!:goodvibes
OMG....I dont believe this...:sad1: (happy tears)

I'm ovulating.

Every month, around the first of the month or the middle, I am now ovulating. This is the fourth month. I was never so excited to pee on a stick.

Im going to have an HSG or US next month after I get back from Disney and see if something has changed...omg....I don't believe it. Im crying. I didnt ovulate regularly for two years. :dance3:

I am thrilled for you!!!!!!!

We were in WDW world but positive baby thoughts continued for all!
For those who have been through IVF - about how many days did you need to take off work for the retrieval and transfer?
I only took off the day of retrieval and the day of transfer. I was fine to go back the day after both.
Hi ladies! Sorry for being MIA!

Gabby ~ yay for Oing!

We tried pre-seed this cycle. Praying it helps give us a little miracle. But I'm probably hanging on to false hope since DH's swimmers suck so much. If I were to get pregnant this cycle I'd be due on my Dad's birthday and that would just be amazing! :goodvibes DH and I's birthdays are both in September as well. Here's hoping. I'm 1dpo today. Let the TWW good times roll! :rolleyes:
Hope everyone had a great Christmas!

Falltime - I haven't decided yet how many days off I will take for the retrieval and transfer. I will follow what my doctor suggests, but if I'm not feeling well I'm prepared to take extra days. Let me know what you decide.

Carla - how's the TWW going?

Congrats Gabby, that's something to celebrate!

Cher and Aurora - come back and update us on your first ultrasounds! :love:

Another question - what are everyone's feelings on taking baby aspirin daily during IVF? I have been taking it for over a year now because I read that it was beneficial for infertility problems - I haven't been diagnosed with any clotting disorders, and I did tell my RE I was taking it back in March and he never told me to stop. But just wondering what everyone else's thoughts and experiences are with it? Thanks!
I will probably take 2 days off for the retrieval if needed. My Dr. requires "princess" bed rest days for after the transfer, 2 days of rest if a 3 day and 1 day if a 5 day. Tomorrow I start the Lupron injections and baby aspirin then Sunday add in the Bravelle and Menopur injections.

I haven't decided yet whether or not to have the acupuncture performed on the day of retrieval. I don't have any experience with it, for those that have had it did it help?
I will probably take 2 days off for the retrieval if needed. My Dr. requires "princess" bed rest days for after the transfer, 2 days of rest if a 3 day and 1 day if a 5 day. Tomorrow I start the Lupron injections and baby aspirin then Sunday add in the Bravelle and Menopur injections.

I haven't decided yet whether or not to have the acupuncture performed on the day of retrieval. I don't have any experience with it, for those that have had it did it help?

Princess bed rest - love it, that is so great! :)

I bet you are excited to get started! We are doing the long Lupron protocol, so I have been on BC since mid-November and start Lupron injections Jan. 8. Stimulation meds start for me on Jan. 21 - hopefully this will prove to be a good protocol for me!

I have been doing weekly acupuncture for two months now. My acupuncturist specializes in infertility and works directly with the doctors at my clinic. He suggests doing a session the day of retrieval (beforehand), and directly before and directly after transfer, with the one after transfer being the most crucial. HTH!

I am so frustrated with my fertility clinic. Please tell me to be patient!

I hope this is all for nothing & by the time I finish this post my phone is ringing...

I posted here a couple weeks ago, right before our initial consultation.

4 years ago we went to this clinic and got pregnant with DD on the 1st try of IVF. We froze 4 embryos. I never had problems with incorrect information or phone calls not being returned before.

So far, the IVF financial person has given me incorrect fee prices twice.

My last appointment, my dr said we were ready to go on my next cycle. Well of course, I start last Friday right at 5. I tried calling but they already had the "closed for the holiday" greeting on. I had no way to get a hold of my IVF nurse. I started the BPs on Sunday like the calendar they gave me says to. It also says to start Z-pack, but they never gave me perscription for it. Monday they are closed still for holiday. Tuesday I call the number on my papers & leave a voicemail at 8:15am (when they turn the phone back on from holiday) with the person *I Think* is my IVF nurse. Well she calls me back at 2:30pm & has no idea what I'm talking about. Wrong person. So she transfers me to operator who takes a message for my IVF nurse. No call yesterday. I called again this morning (8:20am, by the time they turned phone on). Still no call from IVF nurse.

I swear that the last time we did this, our IVF nurse always called back with in minutes or an hour. Never more than a day.

I'm sure I am overreacting because this is SO important to me & I am sitting with my phone waiting for it to ring. Tell me if I need to get some patience or if there something else I should be doing?!

I am so frustrated with my fertility clinic. Please tell me to be patient!

I hope this is all for nothing & by the time I finish this post my phone is ringing...

I posted here a couple weeks ago, right before our initial consultation.

4 years ago we went to this clinic and got pregnant with DD on the 1st try of IVF. We froze 4 embryos. I never had problems with incorrect information or phone calls not being returned before.

So far, the IVF financial person has given me incorrect fee prices twice.

My last appointment, my dr said we were ready to go on my next cycle. Well of course, I start last Friday right at 5. I tried calling but they already had the "closed for the holiday" greeting on. I had no way to get a hold of my IVF nurse. I started the BPs on Sunday like the calendar they gave me says to. It also says to start Z-pack, but they never gave me perscription for it. Monday they are closed still for holiday. Tuesday I call the number on my papers & leave a voicemail at 8:15am (when they turn the phone back on from holiday) with the person *I Think* is my IVF nurse. Well she calls me back at 2:30pm & has no idea what I'm talking about. Wrong person. So she transfers me to operator who takes a message for my IVF nurse. No call yesterday. I called again this morning (8:20am, by the time they turned phone on). Still no call from IVF nurse.

I swear that the last time we did this, our IVF nurse always called back with in minutes or an hour. Never more than a day.

I'm sure I am overreacting because this is SO important to me & I am sitting with my phone waiting for it to ring. Tell me if I need to get some patience or if there something else I should be doing?!

I would totally call them back, seeing as it's already been over 24 hours. The operator might have dropped the ball. If you can get a direct message to the IVF nurse (or better yet, speak with her), that would be much better. I'm sorry for the frustration! I've dealt with it before, too.
For those who have been through IVF - about how many days did you need to take off work for the retrieval and transfer?

I only took off the day of retrieval and the day of transfer. I was fine to go back the day after both.

I was told 24 hours after retrieval, and 24 hours after transfer. (Therefore if procedure is in the afternoon, then I would not work the rest of the day or at all the following day). My clinic also does a Bloodflow ultrasound a couple days before transfer to determine the rate of bloodflow while laying and standing. If there's more than a 50% drop from laying to standing, then my dr requires at least a few days of bed rest post-transfer.

I personally took several days off after my last transfer (the one that worked!) but I also took off several days after my 2nd transfer, which was a 3 day transfer and probably didn't have any chance of working, with my crappy eggs.
Hope everyone had a great Christmas!

Falltime - I haven't decided yet how many days off I will take for the retrieval and transfer. I will follow what my doctor suggests, but if I'm not feeling well I'm prepared to take extra days. Let me know what you decide.

Carla - how's the TWW going?

Congrats Gabby, that's something to celebrate!

Cher and Aurora - come back and update us on your first ultrasounds! :love:

Another question - what are everyone's feelings on taking baby aspirin daily during IVF? I have been taking it for over a year now because I read that it was beneficial for infertility problems - I haven't been diagnosed with any clotting disorders, and I did tell my RE I was taking it back in March and he never told me to stop. But just wondering what everyone else's thoughts and experiences are with it? Thanks!

My dr had me take it for IVF and stop it at week 6 of pregnancy :goodvibes I think it's a good thing to take during IVF. I'm not sure of any "long-term" effects there may be, but it's so low dose I can't imagine it would be bad.'s my quick update:

At my 7 week ultrasound (at exactly 7 weeks), baby measured 6 weeks, 6 days, and a heartrate of 146. (visually, they didn't listen for it yet)

I graduated to the OB, and tomorrow is my first appt. I'm so eager to get to see the baby again because it's been 3 weeks! I will be 10 weeks on Friday so tomorrow's appt is just a day shy of that. I can't wait to hear the hb. I am definitely nervous b/c of all the horror stories. And even though I still FEEL pregnant (sick off and on, occasional stretching), I know it doesn't mean anything until we see that the baby is still growing strong. I will totally lose it if something has gone wrong.

I haven't even joined the M2B thread because I am just not feeling confident enough yet. So thanks for letting me lurk here and sorry if I offended anyone with this update.

I am so frustrated with my fertility clinic. Please tell me to be patient!

I hope this is all for nothing & by the time I finish this post my phone is ringing...

I posted here a couple weeks ago, right before our initial consultation.

4 years ago we went to this clinic and got pregnant with DD on the 1st try of IVF. We froze 4 embryos. I never had problems with incorrect information or phone calls not being returned before.

So far, the IVF financial person has given me incorrect fee prices twice.

My last appointment, my dr said we were ready to go on my next cycle. Well of course, I start last Friday right at 5. I tried calling but they already had the "closed for the holiday" greeting on. I had no way to get a hold of my IVF nurse. I started the BPs on Sunday like the calendar they gave me says to. It also says to start Z-pack, but they never gave me perscription for it. Monday they are closed still for holiday. Tuesday I call the number on my papers & leave a voicemail at 8:15am (when they turn the phone back on from holiday) with the person *I Think* is my IVF nurse. Well she calls me back at 2:30pm & has no idea what I'm talking about. Wrong person. So she transfers me to operator who takes a message for my IVF nurse. No call yesterday. I called again this morning (8:20am, by the time they turned phone on). Still no call from IVF nurse.

I swear that the last time we did this, our IVF nurse always called back with in minutes or an hour. Never more than a day.

I'm sure I am overreacting because this is SO important to me & I am sitting with my phone waiting for it to ring. Tell me if I need to get some patience or if there something else I should be doing?!

I have had that happen to me before as well - so frustrating! The only thing I know to do is keep badgering them until you have an answer. Yes, you shouldn't have to. But if they are dropping the ball over and over again it's the only thing you can do! GL - looks like there are 3 of us cycling together. :goodvibes's my quick update:

At my 7 week ultrasound (at exactly 7 weeks), baby measured 6 weeks, 6 days, and a heartrate of 146. (visually, they didn't listen for it yet)

I graduated to the OB, and tomorrow is my first appt. I'm so eager to get to see the baby again because it's been 3 weeks! I will be 10 weeks on Friday so tomorrow's appt is just a day shy of that. I can't wait to hear the hb. I am definitely nervous b/c of all the horror stories. And even though I still FEEL pregnant (sick off and on, occasional stretching), I know it doesn't mean anything until we see that the baby is still growing strong. I will totally lose it if something has gone wrong.

I haven't even joined the M2B thread because I am just not feeling confident enough yet. So thanks for letting me lurk here and sorry if I offended anyone with this update.

How exciting! I would be nervous as well. I have also read the horror stories on various blogs. Feel free to hang out here as long as you need to! You have not offended me at all. It makes me smile to see your ticker - I am sure everything will be great tomorrow and you can begin anticipating the next ultrasound. :cool1:
Well my venting here worked! I just got off the phone with her. She apologized for not getting back to me (said they were in meetings) and is reassigning me to the IVF nurse I had originally 4 years ago:lovestruc Very happy with that news!

I would totally call them back, seeing as it's already been over 24 hours. The operator might have dropped the ball. If you can get a direct message to the IVF nurse (or better yet, speak with her), that would be much better. I'm sorry for the frustration! I've dealt with it before, too.

I have had that happen to me before as well - so frustrating! The only thing I know to do is keep badgering them until you have an answer. Yes, you shouldn't have to. But if they are dropping the ball over and over again it's the only thing you can do! GL - looks like there are 3 of us cycling together. :goodvibes

I am suppose to get a detailed calendar emailed to me today or tomorrow morning. Right now, she said my tentative transfer date is Friday Feb 10.

The Embryo transfer is 2 days of bedrest.

So do you guys do anything to calm your nerves? I don't know anything about acupuncture.


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