TTC thread take 2

Sent the link to as many people as I could remember. Don't want to lose anyone. :scared:

This is going to be the LUCKY thread pixiedust: I can feel it!!!!
Thanks D&D for letting me know we have a new thread. Glad we are keeping this going. And welcome RachaelA, we all hope your stay is short and that you get pregnant quickly!

Wowee, did you guys see that Celine Dion finally got pregnant after 6 rounds of invitro! I can't imagine all of the meds and shots she needed for that or what her med bills look like now :eek:. But obviously she can afford it, so that is lucky. I hope she has two healthy babies.

I hope everyone else is enjoying their weekend. I'll check back in soon, I have 3 more days left in the TWW, so we'll see...
Kronk's - Sending your baby dust! :wizard: I hope this is your last TWW!

I started round 2 of my clomid this weekend. Yippie!

Have a great Memorial day everyone!
Gonna get my hair chopped again tommorrow and get a neck massage. (Good for migraines/neck tension) :scared1:

Anyhoo, I am going to get my Lupron shots set up for after I get back and do online-check in for SWA. Soooo ready for June 2!!!!! :cloud9:

Hey girls I'm back!

D - Thanks so much for teh PM sister!:goodvibes

MommaS Good luck with this month and the clomid! It's a good sign that they want you to start again:thumbsup2

KG sending you some pixiedust: I'm all kinds of pretzeled for you!:goodvibes

Gabbie ~ Hope you have a wonderful trip!!

Cher ~ My goodness girl you gots lots goin on! I'm not sure if I understand, are you sitting the next couple of months out or are you winging it and doing the next couple of months with no help? It's stressfull no matter what but at least it's a plan right?

OK, so after sitting by the pool under blankets but having great nights and a great week it is nice to be home. Had part of the family over for a bbq and went all martha/sandra dee and had a great time and even got nice compliment from the X-wife which was good! I gotta say I looked great with my tan/bronzer and sexy as hell with my new found BCP ****ies! Might as well rock the weight gain right!:lmao:

Tomorrow I go for my ultra sound and it's the last day (fingers crossed) for my bcps and hopefully this month I won't have to give birth to my uterus again! Sheesh!:scared1: According to the schedule they set last month I start the gonalF on Friday. So here we go girlies!!

Alright I'm off to have another coldie and watch the Black Hawks game! :banana::cheer2:Go Hawks!:cheer2:

Talk atcha's tomorrow!
I am so happy for Celine Dion. Being 42 and pregnant w/ twins gives me hope. (Well, not for twins, but you know what I mean;))

Also, in a strange way, I am happy for the Travoltas. She's 47. Now heck if they can get pregnant, then we're next. Right ladies!????:wizard:

Kronk's - I hope this is it for you hon! :yay:

Esbrick - I feel like you are stepping onto a rollercoaster here. Hope this is the ride of your life. :thumbsup2 Buckle up and hold on!!!!!
Morning ladies! Well had my US and Bloodwork done this am and I guess I'm in for some messyness the next couple of days, fingers crossed, kinda! My lining is very thick so they want me to shed again before the meds start which I am scheduled to begin GonalF on Friday. Bring on the shedding! So weird the things I wish for these days. . . :crazy2::upsidedow
Well, I am out. I already started spotting so AF will be here tomorrow :sad2:. I am not even upset, I just knew it wasn't going to happen. That sounds negative, but I could just tell.

Well, good luck with your Clomid MommaSnowWhite- I'll be starting my first round in a few days. And good luck Esbrick! At least you know what to expect with the shedding this time ;) I really hope this is it for you!

Sending good thoughts to everyone- I hope this is a lucky new thread :goodvibes
Well, I am out. I already started spotting so AF will be here tomorrow :sad2:. I am not even upset, I just knew it wasn't going to happen. That sounds negative, but I could just tell.

Well, good luck with your Clomid MommaSnowWhite- I'll be starting my first round in a few days. And good luck Esbrick! At least you know what to expect with the shedding this time ;) I really hope this is it for you!

Sending good thoughts to everyone- I hope this is a lucky new thread :goodvibes

:hug: Crudballs. . .
thanks for the link D&D! And thanks for starting this Gabbie!

I haven't even been to the other thread to catch up yet, but I wanted to mark my place here.

KG, :hug: This rollercoaster sucks!!! Can't we all get off yet??

E, I feel ya on the shedding...I haven't even been on any BCP (or any meds) and today is CD 1 for me and it's been BAAAAD! I am, however, excited for your next step!!
Um, you could say we are winging it, but in truth we can't get pregnant without intervention b/c of the "zero factor" :sad2::sad1:
Soooo, since we don't have much money and we REALLY need a vacation, we can't do the treatment and hence, are 'sitting it out'. In my opinion it's really not fair. Boo!!
:welcome: RachaelA!!

I pray your stay here will be short. Just to introduce myself, I'm Cheri, I live in near New Orleans, LA and my husband and I (of 3 yrs) have been TTC for about a year and a half. I hope hope hope it doesn't take you nearly as long. We've had some great success stories, some I'd call miracles, on the old thread (and I'm sure the thread before that) don't take me as an example. LOL Regardless of how long it takes, I remember how exciting it was to begin TTC and I hope you are REALLY enjoying it!! ;) :love:

Can you tell us a little about yourself? We'd love to get to know you better :goodvibes
:welcome: RachaelA!!

I pray your stay here will be short. Just to introduce myself, I'm Cheri, I live in near New Orleans, LA and my husband and I (of 3 yrs) have been TTC for about a year and a half. I hope hope hope it doesn't take you nearly as long. We've had some great success stories, some I'd call miracles, on the old thread (and I'm sure the thread before that) don't take me as an example. LOL Regardless of how long it takes, I remember how exciting it was to begin TTC and I hope you are REALLY enjoying it!! ;) :love:

Can you tell us a little about yourself? We'd love to get to know you better :goodvibes

As you can tell from my username, my name is Rachael and I'm from Northeast Ohio. My husband and I have been married for a year (anniversary was Sunday the 30th). This is my first cycle off BCP. I'm going to start taking my temp and charting next cycle. We'll see how everything goes!

Hopefully I have some time to go back and catch up on the end of the old thread.
My DH and I decided two months ago to start TTC! I am in my late 20s and he is in his early 30s. We have been married eight months and I have an almost 4 year old from my previous marriage. We have decided that the time is right to give Connor a baby brother or sister. Last time I got pregnant, it was totally unplanned so this is all to me. I stopped using my Nuva Ring in April and have been completely through one cycle since. So here it goes!

Woo-hoo! I leave at 4 a.m. for my flight tommorrow! :banana:

Maybe it''s just wishful thinking, but I keep having this feeling that I should pick up some baby stuff for BOTH a boy and a girl while I'm there. I don't want to get ahead of myself. Haven't stated Lupron yet or Clomid, but still. It's very specific. Both a boy and girl, as in........twins!!!!!!! :yay::teacher:

OMG.....I would be so happy. Girls, you'd have to scrape me off the ceiling. :laughing:

Welcome Rachael and gvillemama. Hope all goes well for you both!

Gabbie - I know what you mean about "scraping you off the ceiling". :laughing: That would be so cool to hear the news from you - especially twins!!!
When I finally got pregnant after 9 years of trying I was just about dancing in the streets. My neighbors knew about our struggles so they were excited too.
And here it is 8 years of trying again and NOTHING!!! Really, I didn't want to space my children out 9 years apart. Some days I feel like I should just give up and move on to the next phase of my life. Then again...I don't think I can. :sad1:
I'd hate to see Mama Pause even more than I hate seeing Aunt Flo. :sad2:
Welcome Andrea- all newcomers are welcome! I am excited to have new people in here that are early in the process. That is such an exciting time :goodvibes. I really hope everything goes quickly for both of you. We can't wait to have another success on this thread to celebrate!

And if anyone if is lurking on here- the more the merrier!

I guess it is a good time to repeat stories so people don't have to read all the way back-

My husband and I have been trying for about two years now. We don't have any kids and we are 29 and 30 (both just had birthdays!). Apparently there is nothing wrong with either of us, it's just not working. We are about to start our first round of clomid in a few days. This is our limit in the TTC process, so we'll see how this goes, and then see how much longer we want to wait or move onto researching adoption.

Wishing us all the best of luck in June!! This has got to be the month for someone right? :)
My DH and I decided two months ago to start TTC! I am in my late 20s and he is in his early 30s. We have been married eight months and I have an almost 4 year old from my previous marriage. We have decided that the time is right to give Connor a baby brother or sister. Last time I got pregnant, it was totally unplanned so this is all to me. I stopped using my Nuva Ring in April and have been completely through one cycle since. So here it goes!


Of course! Welcome! Hope your stay here is a short one!:goodvibes
Morning and welcome to all our new people!

Gabbie ~ Totally know what you are talking about! When we were at WDW last week it took all of me not to buy a grandma and grandpa wdw cup for my parents!:laughing: I didn't want to jinx anything:eek:! Have a wonderful trip this week! Looking foward to seeing what you write:thumbsup2.

So cramps have started this am. Let's hope that this is a sign that AF will follow either later this evening or tomorrow. Sheesh! Nice I'm wishing for the witch to get here this time. I'm thinking that this cycle is going to be a doozy so I want to get it over with. As I said yesterday RN Tif said she wanted me to shed more before starting the GonalF. Oh well, a day or 3 delay isn't gonna be all that bad:rolleyes:


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