There's no time to slumber we're going back in November! we came we saw and started a TR for it all!

Joining in! I lurked on your September TR for a while, but I had a baby last year, things got busy and I flaked out on it! But I did enjoy what I saw, and now that I'm back to a more normal schedule, looking forward to reading TRs again... especially this PTR, since we'll be there at the same time if your dates hold... how cool! We are stating at AOA 11/14-11/21. Will be myself, husband, our son (will be 16 months!), and my MIL in a Lion King Suite. My parents will be staying separately in a LM standard room. Just booked our flights with JetBlue yesterday and it's feeling more official!
The kids (and you) did a great job on the photos. And I like they wanted to show you what they took and get your advice. :)

The kids are cute when it comes to stuff like this.. I just giggle.

Ugh, I really can't say too much about the Meg situation since I don't have kids myself. But I do feel for her and hope it all works out.

The kids did great with the photos! I especially love all of the mirror pictures!

I did like the mirror pictures too! they did a good job. and i think i am going to end the museum update. I showed what was there. I don't need to keep going with it.

They did a great job with the pictures. Sorry about the drama with Meg. 10 year old girls are so much fun. We had problems like that, too. Lucklily, the mothers stayed out of it. I could never understand why some mothers feel that need to get involved in their children's disputes. Let them figure it out themselves. My mom would always tell us to fight our own battles.

I cannot agree more. I will get more on this below.
Your Mom and i have the same thoughts..

The Voodoo exhibit is SO interesting!! My husband and I got to see a sneak preview of it before it opened to the public because we attended their annual Educator's Open House. We also did a behind the scenes tour of their mammal collections--it was all very exciting and really interesting information.....until we got STUCK in the behind the scenes creepy elevator on our way back to the main floor. That's right, stuck. For two and a half hours. with 10 other people. The CFD had to come drop a ladder through the ceiling of the elevator to rescue us. Needless to say we haven't ventured back to the museum yet even though they did mail us free passes and parking pass, too!! :)

NO WAY... i would freak out in an elevator. I am jealous you did the open house. think it would be neat!

Poor Meg :( I only teach Preschoolers and even some of those girls are already bringing on the drama. "You can't sit with us because your shoes don't light up." "We don't like your ponytail." Gaaahhh!! I just shake my head and try my best to encourage them to all be friends and take care of one another. This will be really tough for her but she will come through stronger because you are supporting her--parents sometimes make all the difference even when the situation is happening at school.

YEP! I have seen the drama that early too! What is that about?!?! Thankfully this is Meg's first girl issues. i will update below I am proud of her.

Girls are just plain mean to each other and seem to feed on the drama. Marissa is in college and we are still waiting for some of the drama to end, but it is getting better. Unfortunately, Chelsea is still in the midst of it.

They are mean.. I try to tell them that all the time.. she is doing good and i am proud of her.

Sorry that you forgot the battery. That would have been sooo frustrating.

I'm an idiot.

I think wearing a jacket at Disney would be more comfortable than the wet ponchos that stick to you everywhere. I would totally be ok with a jacket, but we have worn jackets at Disneyland in Spring, so we would be more used to doing that. You will just have to focus on sweatshirts and finding Disney jackets.

Poncho's were part of our everyday wear last trip. it was a pain.
Apparently i will need to bring some sort of jacket this year! I am shovked at some of the trip reports i am reading from this past Nov!

I was expecting some sort of reaction to Disney announcing they will be changing the name of Disney Hollywood Studios, but It has been quiet on the threads that I do read.

Why... Why do they keep changing it. I just HOPE they are not going to change it to some frozen theme.
I will cry.

That is a really cool exhibit! And greawt pictures! Loved seeing all of you... Well - sort of.

HA! we are all there.. it was a cool exhibit!

OK - girl drama... Here's my acronym again BTDT... It sucks. I told the girls - every single day - of middle school, that I HATE middle school and cannot wait for it to be over, the drama is absurd! Seriously - it's awful - so awful... Kids are MEAN really, really MEAN! And girls are the worst. I do not envy you going into this stage of Meg's life - and I sure hope you are able to talk some sense into that mom... Just be thankful you have one girl - and not 2 going through middle school at one time... I am pretty sure that's where all of my gray hair came from. ::yes::

it's a joke. all has to do with social media. which my kids are NOT ON. thankfully.

I hope you have a great weekend... Miss you - love you!


It was a wild weekend for sure.

Now, I like the viking exhibit...and I think Mark would too. But doubt we'll get there with stupid work and stupid baseball. :rotfl:

The viking was amazing. HA HA stupid work i only have 8 more year until i can retire. yeah i am counting down.
Stupid baseball is starting up again here too.. I am NOT looking forward to it. talk about DRAMA! holy moley those parents are crazy!!! I stay away. remember i quit the board!

Museum looks really cool. I find it so funny that you ran back in for memory cards yet forgot the battery. lol when i used to have a digital camera i always left the camera in front of the charger so i had to see it so i wouldn't leave. I also tried to always have a spare sd card with me, because it is no fun to go to take a picture and be total internal memory is full.

The museum was awesome and really something amazing to see!
I am an idiot!
the charger was hiding behind the Disney Fund bucket. totally looked it over.

Girl drama is the worst. I can't believe how lack so many parents are with social media. My girls share an instagram account that I originally created to put pictures of the dogs. I check it almost every day. I'm amazed at what they say. As well as some of the conversations in the group imessage chats, and how late some of the kids are texting back and forth. My girls are also in 4th grade. THey will be 10 in may

It's shocking how people just want their kids to be cool.. Instead of keeping them safe. I still don't want them on any type of social media. I don't have iphones or ipads. not happening yet.

Love the museum pics.

Ugh, so glad I have a boy!!! Drama sucks.....

Thanks! Yes! be glad you have a boy. BUT boys aren't all that nice either. Just glad my boys stick up for themselves and their siblings.

So excited to read this PTR, I loved your past reports. Forgetting the battery is so the kind of thing I would do so I feel your pain! Sweet kiddies to offer to share though!
Poor Meg, Girls are just mean. Even grown up girls.

Thank you!!! So glad to have you! :welcome:
I am an idiot for leaving it behind. i can promise to never do that again!!! silly stuff with these girls.. Thankfully i am raising Meg different then these other brats.

Mo!! I'm finally all caught up-how are you on page 8 already?

I have no idea. maybe because i ramble?!?!

Ok---Disney first--AACCCKKKK!!! I'm so, so, SO excited about your plans! AoA--awesome!!! Tucker house? LOVE it! 50s prime time!!! You will have an absolute blast and have yummy delicious food! Sounds great already!

I am happy about going back to AoA!! Finally get to walk around the resort this time. <-- see that THIS TIME! YAY!
50's is the ressie i am most excited about!!

Next--girl drama? And a mom involved? Does she not have anything better to do? I'm so sorry Meg has to be stressed out about it at 10! For crying out loud--that's ridiculous....I hope it all works itself out soon and Meg can just be her happy self!

oh boy! This is just stupid. I will update on that below. it's just stupid.

Joining in. Better late than never? I'm always late to everything anyway!
You will be there the same time as us. I feel like it's taking FOREVER

When are you going?!?! Where are you staying?!?! AWESOME!!!! YAY a potential dis meet!!!

Wow great pictures! You make dirty snow look great!
Love the museum pictures as well, the voodoo is fascinating.

Have you tried a Neti pot to help Matt's nosebleeds?

HA HA HA! Thanks! there is always beauty in the ugly. Just gotta find it. the museum was really cool!
No i haven't use a neti pot. Didn't really think about it or if it could work?!?!

Sorry you forgot your camera. The only thing worse than someone else messing up your plans, is messing up your own plans! I blame mommy brain, for everything, and you have it three fold, four if you count your DH (I do).

No kidding! I did it all to myself.. what can i do?
YES! I am going to use that from now on! Mommy brain!!! LOVE that!!!

The museum looks so cool!! The voodoo and the Vikings are awesome! And your kids have some skills. I'm so glad they are excited to learn about photography, it's such a cool art form. My SO has a nice little digital and we play around with it. Well, he plays with it, I drop electronics, often, so I'm afraid to even hold the camera.

it was a really cool exhibit! HA HA HA! You drop electronics? Like two magnets? Just don't stick together?!?!

Girls are the worst! I know cause I am one. I'm glad you told Meg to be true to herself. She is at an age where fitting in is starting to be important and kids get sucked into doing what's "cool." I hope this dingus mom backs off; she's cruisin' for a bruisin' from what it sounds like.

Ugh! Just wait for the update! stupid stupid..

Don't work too hard and enjoy your weekend!:yay:

Oh. the weekend... I am still in pain!!!


Let's start off with the Meg girl drama and move from there.

So the Mom text me as you know.. I know this Mom and have gotten along with her since the girls started becoming 'BFFS'
First let's just say i was always leery on these two girls hanging out with Meg. It seemed to me they only wanted to be friends with Meghan because they had crushes on my boys..
Yeah. at the age of 7ish.
This didn't fly with me. I really didn't let the girls over unless my boys had somewhere to go.
Apparently their interests have moved on since then. Let me tell you my boys are RELIEVED.
these twins cannot be more different. one is taller and has a pretty good head on her shoulders. The other one is TINY has a squeaky voice and acts like an innocent...
My Meghan is a all around kinda of girl she is outgoing, tries to be friends with everyone. Meghan does have another friend Jocelyn - she is a DOLL. and i am very good friends with this mom. Once they came to one of the schools fests. Of course Meg and Joc took off to go and play.
This did not go well with Briella. She kept trying to get Meg away from her... Meg told her SEVERAL time i want to play with all of you. Yet this Briella kept trying to bully Meg into just playing with her. THANKFULLY Meg doesn't play this game and did what she wanted. YAY Meg.
I try as a mom to teach my kids to be well rounded good manners NOT to be the bully but to stick up for yourselves. Family is FIRST always. Don't get caught up in people talking about others and always try to find the good in someone.
So far it is working out.

So on the way home from work to pick up the kids i called the Mom who wanted to talk about the situation with the girls.
She called and started talking about this Athena. What a terrible child she is. How she talks about everyone on this social media thing called Tango? - never heard of it- how Athena talks bad about briella and pushes in her face that my Meghan colored her picures...
oh my gosh. am i really listening to this?
After she finishes I calmly tell her. How Meghan is not on this thing because she is 10. She doesn't need to be on there if one of her friends wants to talk they can call the house phone.
social media causes more trouble then it is worth. Slam #1 to this Mom. she got it.
Then i told her how Meghan just wants to be friends with everyone. This Athena hasn't done anything to Meghan and if Meg wants to talk to her why is she being shunned and talked about by others? How fair is that? How i teach my kids to be just that. If your girls have an issue with Athena that is on them not Meghan but how dare they tell Meg who she can and cannot talk to?
Also i do lot life vicariously through my children i just give advice and hope for the best.
Stopped her in her track. Now she is back tracking.

OH NO- was the answer i got. SHE told the girls is Meg want to play with Athena then let her BUT her girls aren't allowed to.
Then Oh yes I let the girls on this tango But i watch everything they do... blah blah blah.
Good for you.
My kids are still not on it nor will they be.

Long conversation which wasn't necessary I am not into talking bad about another 10 year old.. sorry just not that type of person but if you want to go ahead and do this? call someone else.

Bell rings kids get out of school Jump in the car-
How was school?
they all start with this briella and Athena nonsense again. Briella is telling meg not to hang out with Athena. almost to the point of bullying meg if you talk to her then your not my friend nonsense. How she will stab meg in the back. Zack yelled at Briella telling her NOT TO TALK TO MY SISTER LIKE THAT. then Briella screamed at Zack when zack walked away and said YOUR THE ONE WITH THE PROBLEM-How briella pushed poor athena today blah blah.
Oh OK hey let's tell the Mom that her daughters are not the innocent children her mom thinks they are.
the Mom then CALLS MY PHONE 3 way with the twins! Are you kidding me? Fine here is Meg. I can hear the conversation and how this Mom is BASHING this other 10 year old to meg.
come on...
Meg sticks up for herself tells her side, the mom continues to tell meghan how terrible this girl is.
OK ENOUGH this isn't about this other girl NOW this is about you people telling my child who she can and cannot talk to. I will not sit here and listen to this any longer i put my phone on speaker.
I say my peace like i just wrote at the top. Meg said her peace and how it's to the point of bullying and Meg is tired of Briella telling her who she can talk to.
end of conversation if Meg WANTS to play with ANYONE it isn't their damn business and leave her alone, stop talking about her and stop telling her what to do. NO they are not going on any social media sites.
All is well they are all friends again (we will see) Honestly if this keeps up i will call the school get all these nasty girls AND parent's in a room and let them all hash it out.
Oh and by the way this other girl that meg is friends with may come over to the kids school. You bet your behind Meghan will hang out with Joc Briella won't like it.
i don't care.
SUCH NONSENSE!!!! Sorry i even typed all that out. lesson today kids. Don't be a follower, do your own thing and people don't have anything better to do but start trouble.
I love my kids. they feel the same and i can trust them enough to know they will do just that.

have we had enough B.S. lets get onto PLANNING an awesome trip shall we?
Joining in! I lurked on your September TR for a while, but I had a baby last year, things got busy and I flaked out on it! But I did enjoy what I saw, and now that I'm back to a more normal schedule, looking forward to reading TRs again... especially this PTR, since we'll be there at the same time if your dates hold... how cool! We are stating at AOA 11/14-11/21. Will be myself, husband, our son (will be 16 months!), and my MIL in a Lion King Suite. My parents will be staying separately in a LM standard room. Just booked our flights with JetBlue yesterday and it's feeling more official!

Hi! and :welcome:

So glad to have you along for the ride!!! CONGRATS ON A BABY BOY!!! Yes last year was LOTS OF FUN you will love everything AoA. Especially the Lion King rooms.. we adored every minute there. So much so we are going back! To cars this time. Boys choice.
YES our dates are going to stay exactly they way they are!!! so i will see you there!!!!
Are you going to request a room closer to LM rooms to be closer to your family?
Looking forward to hearing your plans! I hope we will bump into each other!!!
Ugh, what a nightmare! Kind of makes me glad this morning that I have dogs that can't talk back to me. The do get into it with the dogs on either side but at least I can't understand what they are saying to each other. :rotfl: I am glad you were able to work something out for now at least.
All I can say is WOW. That wouldn't have gone as well if it had been me. Hopefully, the rest of your weekend was good. From the pictures on Facebook, it looked like a good time.
Good for you Mo! I'd say you handled that pretty beautifully; living what you teach your kids. And it sounds like this other mom is living what she's teaching her kids as well... Very sad to see that this is happening. But take pride in your parenting skills; you have three great kids who all seem to have a good head on their shoulders.:thumbsup2
Hi! I am missing Disney, so I thought I would log in and live vicariously though someone else. Your PTR caught my idea from your screen name. I live in Central Illinois, and about two and a half hours away from Chicago. So, I will have to watch this thread for any news on DIS Meets in the Chicago area. I have never been to a DIS meet before but I think it would be lots of fun.

My last family trip was in February 2014 and I most likely will not be returning until 2017. I wish I could go more often. It just isn't feasible and my DH is not a big Disney fan. We went as a family in 2014 to see my son's high school band marching in the Magic Kingdom. WOO HOO! It was a lot of fun and I am still currently writing my Trip Report for that trip. I started it late. I am using the trip report to relive my own trip and help me over the hurdle between the now and the next trip I can plan and take. Check it out if you have the time. I would love to have someone following along as a write it.

My DD will be twelve next week, so she is close in age to your kids. My son is a senior in high school.
On my last trip we went to a lot of the same restaurants and dinners that you have planned. Like you, most were places that we had not been to before. We had lunch at the Be Our Guest. It was fantastic! And we had dinner at the Crystal Palace and dinner at Garden Grill. The Garden Grill was a wonderful experience for us and helped my DD who is a picky eater to try new foods. I shared the details in my report.

Hopefully your kids are better eaters than mine.

I am not caught up yet. I need to read on to find out what resort you wanted and what one you ended up picking.
Your kiddos have an eye for photography, that's for sure! They take after their Mama! Very cool exhibits at the museum. I wish that we had a nice museum even remotely close to us but, alas, there's absolutely nothing around here to see or do. DANG IT!
Let's talk about day 2 plans!
Our PROJECTED Day 2 would be None other then EPCOT! :cheer2:

Epcot or EpERcot (the kids used to say) has become one of MY favorite parks! 2010 trip Epcot wasn't our favorite. just felt as if it was like the museum, fun things to touch. Not much of a Disney park. Hey what did we know? It was our first time in Epcot! Until i started looking more into it and reading everyone's reports i noticed we MISSED A TON of stuff! In 2011 we did hit a lot more, yet still missed a lot. If you read my Trip report you will know it was our MOST MAGICAL PARK!!!
This is Danielle Our Favorite CM of the entire trip:

See Meghan's Duffy? a little ragged isn't it.. Well Danielle thought so too. and gave the kids this:

YES! free stuffies!! It was amazing and magical all in 5 feet in the park!
Plus it's home to Zack's favorite ride:

Who can forget our favorite purple Dragon!

I am hoping for an ADR here:

We have never been Yet it's another FUN place!!! This was on our itinerary for last year. But Tom REALLY wanted biergarten.. So we it instead.
Another ADR i am looking forward to! can you tell we are just doing some really FUN stuff this trip!
Like this:

Let's not forget it will be FOOD AND WINE!!! YAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOO
num num num drinks! FOOD! and FUN! cannot wait.

my pictures for this day will probably look like this:


Re-do things:
Epcot Fun SE pictures:

I asked the boys if they were interested in:

They said YES! So we will be picking a pearl!
I would like to get better nighttime shots especially of the lights on the sidewalks.
Let's not forget

Need one every year...

the Fast Pass we will try for:
Test track

Mission space MAYBE orange.. If not i am happy in the chicken green!!!
Character spot?!?!? Who knows may not even need one.

I PRAY it doesn't rain. really want pictures without ponchos!!!

Whadda think??
Ugh, what a nightmare! Kind of makes me glad this morning that I have dogs that can't talk back to me. The do get into it with the dogs on either side but at least I can't understand what they are saying to each other. :rotfl: I am glad you were able to work something out for now at least.

Oh i have that too.. Fence fighting! cannot let my dogs out if the next door neighbor has theirs out. My dogs HATE that poor dog.
Such a joke isn't it? GEESH! let them figure it out. it's HOW they grow!

All I can say is WOW. That wouldn't have gone as well if it had been me. Hopefully, the rest of your weekend was good. From the pictures on Facebook, it looked like a good time.

I am still trying to dry out.. drinking LOTS OF WATER! I should probably write something about that here..

Good for you Mo! I'd say you handled that pretty beautifully; living what you teach your kids. And it sounds like this other mom is living what she's teaching her kids as well... Very sad to see that this is happening. But take pride in your parenting skills; you have three great kids who all seem to have a good head on their shoulders.:thumbsup2

Thank God they do. Very lucky they don't deal with nonsense. So stupid. and i don't even like the word stupid. is what it is...

Hi! I am missing Disney, so I thought I would log in and live vicariously though someone else. Your PTR caught my idea from your screen name. I live in Central Illinois, and about two and a half hours away from Chicago. So, I will have to watch this thread for any news on DIS Meets in the Chicago area. I have never been to a DIS meet before but I think it would be lots of fun.

Hi and WELCOME!!!
Yes I live IN Chicago. Dis meets are the best!!! If i ever hear of one you will most likely read it here!

My last family trip was in February 2014 and I most likely will not be returning until 2017. I wish I could go more often. It just isn't feasible and my DH is not a big Disney fan. We went as a family in 2014 to see my son's high school band marching in the Magic Kingdom. WOO HOO! It was a lot of fun and I am still currently writing my Trip Report for that trip. I started it late. I am using the trip report to relive my own trip and help me over the hurdle between the now and the next trip I can plan and take. Check it out if you have the time. I would love to have someone following along as a write it.

How fun! I love Disney a little too much. then again my whole family does! HOW COOL he was able to march down Main Street in a band!!!
Sure i will read along! What's the link?

My DD will be twelve next week, so she is close in age to your kids. My son is a senior in high school.
On my last trip we went to a lot of the same restaurants and dinners that you have planned. Like you, most were places that we had not been to before. We had lunch at the Be Our Guest. It was fantastic! And we had dinner at the Crystal Palace and dinner at Garden Grill. The Garden Grill was a wonderful experience for us and helped my DD who is a picky eater to try new foods. I shared the details in my report.
Hopefully your kids are better eaters than mine.

Oh My kids will try anything. ANY-THING so i am never worried about food and them! LOL
looking forward to read.

I am not caught up yet. I need to read on to find out what resort you wanted and what one you ended up picking.

HA! Then im not telling you... Or you can read the Trip report.. that's a good one.

Your kiddos have an eye for photography, that's for sure! They take after their Mama! Very cool exhibits at the museum. I wish that we had a nice museum even remotely close to us but, alas, there's absolutely nothing around here to see or do. DANG IT!

they did good didn't they??? I'm proud. I am SURE there are some amazing sights around you!!!
I will miss museums and things around here when I LEAVE CHI-GETTO!

I probably should tell you about my crazy weekend...
Some of you are friends of mine on Facebook so i am sure you saw some pictures..
Don't judge...
It was our annual Dean O'Banion pub Crawl. 9 years we have been going and 9 years we have the best of times!!! This year was no different. A friend of mine (troy) owns Weird Chicago Tours.
This year he closed it off from the public and made it strictly friends! IT WAS AWESOME!
we started at a local bar in our neighborhood with my brother (friend i grew up with) Les and his GF Kristen.
had a couple there then off we went to good Ol Downtown Chicago. Mind you it was also the Parade down there.. it was HORRENDOUS.
Whatever i know this city like the back of my hand and we made it to our destination parking lot in no time at all.
To stop #2:

Portillo's! The line was ridiculously LONG Les' GF and i went for food while the guys went for drinks. we got a table and waited for Troy (he lives in jacksonville down south) and his GF Lisa.
we sat for a LONG time enjoying and catching up with everyone. then it was time to go and find the bus for the night! Before long everyone showed up we boarded Drove over to Holy Name cathedral where Dean O'banion was shot by that nasty ol Capone.
Had a shot of jameson then off again to another bar-
Congress hotel.
then I think it was Delilah's
My stellar photography with a phone.

bad selfie

troy is the one in Blue.

I have no idea where we went but i do know we went to Mrs. Murphy's and Sons'

where i apparently stole Kristen's hat

now THAT is a pretty picture....
I even have a picture of Les!

There were more... i didn't get home until 1:30am? i think..
i was DEHYDRATED! Drank GALLONS of water woke up the next morning perfectly FINE!!!
But I did something.. My ribs hurt. i have no idea.

all in all we had a great time and i cannot wait until next year!
Sounds wonderful! I didn't realize that Food and Wine ran that late this year, thought it was over the first week of November but I see it goes through the 16th. I wonder how crowded it will be given that's the last weekend? I really want an order of the Beef Short Ribs from France or maybe the Cheese Ravioli from Italy. Sigh, I just finished my lunch and now I'm hungry again. :lmao:
I can't get over the 10 year old girl drama you are dealing with.
Some people just totally suck and want to raise mean kids.

Your pub crawl sounds like it was a blast.
Are you kidding me? 10 years old and already that kinda drama? I think that it might be best to nip that crap in the bud before it gets any worse.
I'm so glad you and Meg both had your say and are out of the drama! Who wants to live like that? Way to go, girls!

Your Epcot plans look fun! I didn't use to like Epcot so much, but the more we go and the more i find to do there, the more I love it!
All I can say is that I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy my kids are grown up and not in school. Bullying has become a major issue in schools and it just saddens me.

You are the best mom!

I love your Epcot plans. We love Teppan Edo (I'll be doing it in May...haven't gotten to that point in the PTR yet). And you are going to LOVE LOVE Food & Wine. I obviously will have my TR barely started by the time you go, but I'll give you "my favorites" from this year's F&W after I get back if you want.

You and your pub crawl. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
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I am sorry to hear that Meg has been subjected to this kind of drama and at such a young age, too. I was a Girl Scout leader for a few years and loved it until the girls got into 5th grade. Then things got not so fun. I am glad that my kids didn't have all this social media when they were growing up. My 11 year old grandson now has his mom's old iPhone and a girlfriend. :scared1: They grow up too fast sometimes. At least they also still enjoy being kids. :)

can you tell we are just doing some really FUN stuff this trip!
Like this:

Let's not forget it will be FOOD AND WINE!!! YAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOO
num num num drinks! FOOD! and FUN! cannot wait.
I usually pour my frozen drinks into in a refillable mug. It makes it easy to carry, mostly spill proof, and you can get past security with it. ;)

Food and Wine is a lot of fun. You'll have a great time. :)

the Fast Pass we will try for:
Test track

Mission space MAYBE orange.. If not i am happy in the chicken green!!!
Character spot?!?!? Who knows may not even need one.
I've seen short lines for Mission Space orange. I guess it isn't too popular.
The character spot has short wait times at night, after everyone has worked their way into the World Showcase.

It was our annual Dean O'Banion pub Crawl. 9 years we have been going and 9 years we have the best of times!!! This year was no different. A friend of mine (troy) owns Weird Chicago Tours.
This year he closed it off from the public and made it strictly friends! IT WAS AWESOME!
I love your pub crawl jacket. It looks like you are having a great time. :drinking1
I try as a mom to teach my kids to be well rounded good manners NOT to be the bully but to stick up for yourselves. Family is FIRST always. Don't get caught up in people talking about others and always try to find the good in someone.

I love this. It is perfect.
I cannot believe that drama.
Abi is 9 and we started seeing it with some girls last year in our old neighborhood. I was SO glad to move from that place. So far so good in the school we are in now. I just don't get why so many girls have to be so mean. ANd why parents would get involved like that trying to get you involved. Crazy.
Hmmmm....Food&Wine is throwing a wrench in my plans. Totally forgot about that. I think it is going to make Epcot a nightmare! I had planned on Epcot Sunday, like you....but preliminary crowd calendars are not looking favorable for the weekend at Epcot because of F&W. So I may need to re figure :)
Yeah, we went through the girl drama too, but managed to survive unscathed. I'm just thrilled that my kids are adults and I don't have to deal with that crap anymore.
Oh my your post reminds me of my day...can we say 10 year old girl drama (I teach) and then....and then...and then I come home to it. My daughter has learned which facial expression means moms had enough drama for 1 school day so go talk to dad about it. Umm Mr. Military doesn't always give the best answers but he's good for a pinch hitter now and then. Your Epcot photos have me excited to try it out. It's actually the park that has me contemplating getting park hoppers. Thanks for the reminder I need to get the corned beef out and ready for the crockpot tomorrow. Happy St. Patrick's Day! :tilt:


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