There's no time to slumber we're going back in November! we came we saw and started a TR for it all!

You can come too Liddy!! We'll make room :)

Awww, thank you! :love: I totally wish I could go!

I wish Liddy could join us... I looks like she will be there and gone before we get there. Sigh.

I wish I could go! I'll be there in October, though ... and gotta do the Mom thing 24/7/52/365 ... so we are doing good to squeak in this trip. :sad:

OMG LIDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have missed YOU!!!!!! Look everyone Liddy's here!!!!!

I've missed you, too, Mo! :cloud9::hug::hug::hug:

Of for the love of all that's yummy.. this looks amazing.. you have SOLD ME ON POT ROAST! yep. Mine.

Only if I leave some for you after my October trip. :lmao: This is, in my opinion, the best dish on the menu! I can't wait to EAT IT ALL in October. :P

This is my #1 restaurant i am looking most forward too. i cannot wait for the shenanigans to ensue! You know i will try my hardest to be naughty without being obnoxious. Zack maybe my target....:rolleyes1

I'm looking forward to taking my mom to 50s PTC this year! We haven't had many shenanigans ourselves, outside of DD13 being forced to set the table and DH being forced to clean DD13's plate. :rotfl:

I am really excited about this. about time we get to spend a little Disney time together!!! YAY! don't forget you can ALWAYS come down too!!!

Man, I so wish I could join you guys! I'm super jelly. You'll just have to be constantly sending me selfies to make up for my lack of being there. ::yes::

See we are all on board. you should come too!

I'm really feeling the LOVE! :love::love::love:
take out all the camera's hand them out. get my glorious new camera turn it on wait for the angels to sing it's praise of such a wonderful piece of technology.

*&)$%^)&$@^%$ IS GOING ON?!?!?

well... i kinda lost sight on my own camera and forgot the battery which is still charging on the charger.. At home. Mad? Upset? idiotic? i cannot BEGIN to tell you my feelings..... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... well there isn't anything i can do about it now! Zack the little perfect soul he is says It's ok Mommy we can share this one... AWWWWWWW.. OK little bug we will share!

Are you telling us that you have only ONE battery for your new Woobie??? :confused3 No spare battery in your camera bag? I'm thinking it's gonna be an awful long time before you make that mistake again.....if ever! The one time I did that I was able to quickly buy a spare battery before missing a shot. Learned my lesson that time!

It was quite magnanimous of Zack to share one of your cameras with you! :lmao:

Good for you on taking the kids on a field trip. My was a teacher in the 'burbs and she took the kids (4th grade) on a field trip every year.
Following along and enjoying! I am the Queen of forgetfulness. IF I do remember the battery I will have forgotten to charge it before we go somewhere. I know of at least 2 cruises where we are pulling away from the dock and I am all excited and pull my camera out - zzzzzzztttttt - no charge. I blame mine on old age.

The voodoo pics are definitely on this side of creepy. There was a Michael Douglas movie a long, long time ago with lots of voodoo; it freaked me out. I like how the school responded so enthusiastically to your considerate email. Sometimes the kiddos need a break now and then. Does the school make them do assignments when they are gone from school and at WDW?

Hope warmer weather will continue! Have a great weekend!
Is it wrong that I :rotfl2: when you said you forgot the battery? Probably, but it was still pretty darn funny and so something you would do. You are right, glad you remembered the kids. :P

Those pictures are quite creepy but cool to see!

no it isn't... I was SO MAD at myself! So i will just have to go back.. without kids.

Oh Mo...I do that all the time with my camera...I'm constantly forgetting to put the battery back in.

You had a very nice day at least to go to the Museum. I can't remember the last time I went to the Field Museum; I prefer the Science one myself. That whole voodoo thing looks creepy.

What a goof! Can't believe i did that!!! This is what i get for rushing around!

I agree with you the science & industry is a better and way more fun museum. I have been here in FOREVER! just wanted to see the Voodoo and vikings! Voodoo was amazing!

Awww, thank you! :love: I totally wish I could go!

it would be cool...

I wish I could go! I'll be there in October, though ... and gotta do the Mom thing 24/7/52/365 ... so we are doing good to squeak in this trip. :sad:

OH! Your going in October?!?! HOW FUN! eh the mom thing is way overrated.. :rotfl2:

I've missed you, too, Mo! :cloud9::hug::hug::hug:

:hug: I am so happy your back!

Only if I leave some for you after my October trip. :lmao: This is, in my opinion, the best dish on the menu! I can't wait to EAT IT ALL in October. :P

HA HA HA If they run out of pot roast you know you will hear from me! ::yes::

I'm looking forward to taking my mom to 50s PTC this year! We haven't had many shenanigans ourselves, outside of DD13 being forced to set the table and DH being forced to clean DD13's plate. :rotfl:

this is still FUNNY!!!! I might fall over from laughing too much here!!!

Man, I so wish I could join you guys! I'm super jelly. You'll just have to be constantly sending me selfies to make up for my lack of being there. ::yes::

there will be thousands of pictures!!!!

I'm really feeling the LOVE! :love::love::love:

You should!

Are you telling us that you have only ONE battery for your new Woobie??? :confused3 No spare battery in your camera bag? I'm thinking it's gonna be an awful long time before you make that mistake again.....if ever! The one time I did that I was able to quickly buy a spare battery before missing a shot. Learned my lesson that time!

I am still mad at myself!!! I will not do it again... EVER. I did remember the dang CF and SD cards. The Museum doesn't sell batteries. otherwise i would have bought one!!! I just need to go back.

It was quite magnanimous of Zack to share one of your cameras with you! :lmao:

Well put. :lmao:

Good for you on taking the kids on a field trip. My was a teacher in the 'burbs and she took the kids (4th grade) on a field trip every year.

I felt bad for them the 4th grade is one of the largest classes also has the most children with ADD-ADHD-LD.. Does not excuse them from not going on any field trips. just sad. I have no problem taking the kids out!!

Following along and enjoying! I am the Queen of forgetfulness. IF I do remember the battery I will have forgotten to charge it before we go somewhere. I know of at least 2 cruises where we are pulling away from the dock and I am all excited and pull my camera out - zzzzzzztttttt - no charge. I blame mine on old age.

Howdy! glad you made it over and caught up! not that there is a lot going on yet...
This will be my moron moment of the month.. I do have to buy a new charging cable for my olympus. It has gone missing AGAIN!

The voodoo pics are definitely on this side of creepy. There was a Michael Douglas movie a long, long time ago with lots of voodoo; it freaked me out. I like how the school responded so enthusiastically to your considerate email. Sometimes the kiddos need a break now and then. Does the school make them do assignments when they are gone from school and at WDW?

Oh it is very creepy and interesting. Funny you mention Michael Douglas! I will be mentioning him soon! Ugh this school.. Nope not a word from them I do hope the next teacher will ask for something...

Hope warmer weather will continue! Have a great weekend!

Today is supposed to get up to 60!!!


Ok. this girl drama is already starting... and outrageous THEY. ARE. 10.
Long story short.
Meg is a friendly kid she likes to be friends with everyone. I will also say YES at 10 years old they still believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny. I will not be the one to ruin this. ever.
Meghan has been friends with this girl since kindergarten. Briella who has a twin sister Briana. Briella isn't very open to Meghan talking to other girls. and want Meg to herself.
The two B's do not get along with another girl Athena. Meg on the other hand does and will talk/play with the athena girl. Briella does not like the fact Meg is talking to the other girl made my Meghan upset
My advice to Meg was If YOU want to talk and play with her then you go ahead and do it. Don't be a follower and don't let them bully you.
Meg goes back to school and tell Briella I want to be friends with her and i can talk to whoever i want.
which Briella then turned her back and now has a few other girls talking about my Meg. It also involves some sort of social media- my kids are NOT on social media. Need i remind you THEY. ARE. 10
THE MOTHER of these two girls just sent me the most absurd text about all this. First off. i do not get involved with drama nonsense, i will give my children advice and hope for the best. Meghan does NOT want to be involved, yet this grown woman is ALL OVER THIS.
I explained to her i have a few things going on. I won't have a conversation in text messaging and will call her later as my Meghan is coming home very upset because of all this B.S.

Come on....

I know you will all be at the edge of your seats to see how this soap opera of 10 years olds' will play out. IF i do need to get involved it will not be a pretty sight. hate having to tell grown adults how to NOT live threw their kids.
Back to the Museum!
still with Meghan and Matt pictures.

all in all i think Matt and Meghan did a great job! they found the subjects and had a keen eye for what they were looking at. NOT just snapping pictures of things. They would periodically run up to me to show me something they did i would give advice and took it to heart! I was a proud photo mommy!
the Haitian Voodoo ritual was an amazing exhibit!! i do want to go back with MY camera..
i will be posting Zack and my pictures once i have them downloaded.

After looking at soil and Voodoo we needed a break (well Mike did) so we went for lunch!

Matt wearing Grandpa's hat

After we went to another adventure!
The kids (and you) did a great job on the photos. And I like they wanted to show you what they took and get your advice. :)
Ugh, I really can't say too much about the Meg situation since I don't have kids myself. But I do feel for her and hope it all works out.

The kids did great with the photos! I especially love all of the mirror pictures!
They did a great job with the pictures. Sorry about the drama with Meg. 10 year old girls are so much fun. We had problems like that, too. Lucklily, the mothers stayed out of it. I could never understand why some mothers feel that need to get involved in their children's disputes. Let them figure it out themselves. My mom would always tell us to fight our own battles.
The Voodoo exhibit is SO interesting!! My husband and I got to see a sneak preview of it before it opened to the public because we attended their annual Educator's Open House. We also did a behind the scenes tour of their mammal collections--it was all very exciting and really interesting information.....until we got STUCK in the behind the scenes creepy elevator on our way back to the main floor. That's right, stuck. For two and a half hours. with 10 other people. The CFD had to come drop a ladder through the ceiling of the elevator to rescue us. Needless to say we haven't ventured back to the museum yet even though they did mail us free passes and parking pass, too!! :)

Poor Meg :( I only teach Preschoolers and even some of those girls are already bringing on the drama. "You can't sit with us because your shoes don't light up." "We don't like your ponytail." Gaaahhh!! I just shake my head and try my best to encourage them to all be friends and take care of one another. This will be really tough for her but she will come through stronger because you are supporting her--parents sometimes make all the difference even when the situation is happening at school.
Girls are just plain mean to each other and seem to feed on the drama. Marissa is in college and we are still waiting for some of the drama to end, but it is getting better. Unfortunately, Chelsea is still in the midst of it.

Sorry that you forgot the battery. That would have been sooo frustrating.

I think wearing a jacket at Disney would be more comfortable than the wet ponchos that stick to you everywhere. I would totally be ok with a jacket, but we have worn jackets at Disneyland in Spring, so we would be more used to doing that. You will just have to focus on sweatshirts and finding Disney jackets.

I was expecting some sort of reaction to Disney announcing they will be changing the name of Disney Hollywood Studios, but It has been quiet on the threads that I do read.
Museum Part 2!
after going through the Voodoo eating at the bistro it was high time to see the Viking Exhibit!
another one i was really excited to see!
More Matt and Meg pictures:

flutes made of Duck bones

Ok enough Museum for now... I will post more about the VACATION soon!!!
That is a really cool exhibit! And greawt pictures! Loved seeing all of you... Well - sort of.

OK - girl drama... Here's my acronym again BTDT... It sucks. I told the girls - every single day - of middle school, that I HATE middle school and cannot wait for it to be over, the drama is absurd! Seriously - it's awful - so awful... Kids are MEAN really, really MEAN! And girls are the worst. I do not envy you going into this stage of Meg's life - and I sure hope you are able to talk some sense into that mom... Just be thankful you have one girl - and not 2 going through middle school at one time... I am pretty sure that's where all of my gray hair came from. ::yes::

I hope you have a great weekend... Miss you - love you!

Now, I like the viking exhibit...and I think Mark would too. But doubt we'll get there with stupid work and stupid baseball. :rotfl:
Museum looks really cool. I find it so funny that you ran back in for memory cards yet forgot the battery. lol when i used to have a digital camera i always left the camera in front of the charger so i had to see it so i wouldn't leave. I also tried to always have a spare sd card with me, because it is no fun to go to take a picture and be total internal memory is full.

Girl drama is the worst. I can't believe how lack so many parents are with social media. My girls share an instagram account that I originally created to put pictures of the dogs. I check it almost every day. I'm amazed at what they say. As well as some of the conversations in the group imessage chats, and how late some of the kids are texting back and forth. My girls are also in 4th grade. THey will be 10 in may
So excited to read this PTR, I loved your past reports. Forgetting the battery is so the kind of thing I would do so I feel your pain! Sweet kiddies to offer to share though!
Poor Meg, Girls are just mean. Even grown up girls.
Mo!! I'm finally all caught up-how are you on page 8 already?

Ok---Disney first--AACCCKKKK!!! I'm so, so, SO excited about your plans! AoA--awesome!!! Tucker house? LOVE it! 50s prime time!!! You will have an absolute blast and have yummy delicious food! Sounds great already!

Next--girl drama? And a mom involved? Does she not have anything better to do? I'm so sorry Meg has to be stressed out about it at 10! For crying out loud--that's ridiculous....I hope it all works itself out soon and Meg can just be her happy self!
Joining in. Better late than never? I'm always late to everything anyway!
You will be there the same time as us. I feel like it's taking FOREVER
Wow great pictures! You make dirty snow look great!
Love the museum pictures as well, the voodoo is fascinating.

Have you tried a Neti pot to help Matt's nosebleeds?
Sorry you forgot your camera. The only thing worse than someone else messing up your plans, is messing up your own plans! I blame mommy brain, for everything, and you have it three fold, four if you count your DH (I do).

The museum looks so cool!! The voodoo and the Vikings are awesome! And your kids have some skills. I'm so glad they are excited to learn about photography, it's such a cool art form. My SO has a nice little digital and we play around with it. Well, he plays with it, I drop electronics, often, so I'm afraid to even hold the camera.

Girls are the worst! I know cause I am one. I'm glad you told Meg to be true to herself. She is at an age where fitting in is starting to be important and kids get sucked into doing what's "cool." I hope this dingus mom backs off; she's cruisin' for a bruisin' from what it sounds like.

Don't work too hard and enjoy your weekend!:yay:

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