There's No Place Like Home......

That's a great picture of your kiddos in front of the Magic Kingdom! They've really grown since your first trip! :sad1: :-)

It looks like you had a great time at Chef Mickey's! I've never been there (as Anika is a bit older, and doesn't really like the characters, anyway!), but I'm sure I'll have to make it there someday! Your interactions with the characters look fun. I love your husband's selfies with the characters! :hug:

Also, I love Sydney's shirt! :cutie:
Oh I so love that you made sure to thank that lovely manager who did all those nice things for you. So many would have taken it for granted.

I remember seeing that model ship. And also, King Louie... :rotfl2:

Ahhhh loving the fact that DH always gets in a picture. Now I'm curious as to the identity of the photobomber in the Mickey photo throwing up the peace sign.
Looks like your family had a great dinner @ chef mickey's
yes it was great!!! :goodvibes
That's a great picture of your kiddos in front of the Magic Kingdom! They've really grown since your first trip! :sad1: :-)
thank you:goodvibes yes they really have grown up so much since then! I find myself looking back at the pictures from that trip and the video and it just seems like such a long time ago and they were so little!
It looks like you had a great time at Chef Mickey's! I've never been there (as Anika is a bit older, and doesn't really like the characters, anyway!), but I'm sure I'll have to make it there someday! Your interactions with the characters look fun. I love your husband's selfies with the characters! :hug:
oh DH is something else lol! I would say do this place at least once. I would not go out of my way to hit it every time but it's good every couple of years at any rate!
Also, I love Sydney's shirt! :cutie:
thank you! I was afraid the rain might keep her in poncho mode for the whole evening!
Oh I so love that you made sure to thank that lovely manager who did all those nice things for you. So many would have taken it for granted.
oh there was no way I was going home without letting her know how wonderful she was and how much we appreciated her going above and beyond!!
I remember seeing that model ship. And also, King Louie... :rotfl2:
lol. nice
Ahhhh loving the fact that DH always gets in a picture. Now I'm curious as to the identity of the photobomber in the Mickey photo throwing up the peace sign.
so funny that you noticed that! After I posted it I saw that and thought to myself, "nice Cory....nice" lol!!!
A New Way to Tour Magic Kingdom

It seemed as though the rain had stopped by the time we made our way back to the park. But the effects of the storm were still apparent with puddles everywhere. And the sky did not look promising either.

Ah well, we would just have to suck it up and make the best of it!

We got geared up with our ponchos

And made our way down Main Street suited up with ponchos and flip flops! The kids were actually really enjoying splashing along in the puddles lol!

Because I don’t think that we had a poncho castle picture in our collection we decided to make that wrong a right!

Still pretty even with overcast skies!

We wasted no time heading to Fantasyland and made Winnie the Pooh our first stop.

Then PPF was next. Despite the posted wait time of 30 minutes it was nowhere close to that long. One good effect of rain on the parks is that it makes it even less crowded.

And we are going to let a little rain stop us from having fun!!

I still get excited when I approach the front of the ride! EEEKKK pirate ships lol!!!

I managed to get a fuzzy shot of the kids enjoying the ride, ponchos and all!

After Neverland we made a quick stop at the carrousel per DD request.

And that per DS request we headed over to Space Mountain. Unfortunately Cory was the only one feeling this ride at this point so we decided that he was old enough to go alone and we would wait by the exit for him. I swear it was like an eternity waiting for him to come through those exit doors. But eventually he did and I could once again breathe. He was super happy to have gone and rode by himself so it was worth all the mommy anxiety I had endured.

Continued next post…..

Yup, if there's one thing I learned about Disney in September, it's that you gotta suck it up when it comes to rain. Either that or go in February. ;)

I'm not surprised the kids enjoyed it. They are magical puddles after all.

That is one thing I've noticed when it rains. Magic Kingdom even more than the other parks seems to empty out. I like it! :)
catching up (now that i found your report again)
Disney Quest looks kinda cool. Never been there.
I love how the manager left you gifts for the kids. Disney is so awesome!
Love the pic of your kids outside Magic Kingdom and the throwback to the past trip as well!
Yup, if there's one thing I learned about Disney in September, it's that you gotta suck it up when it comes to rain. Either that or go in February. ;)
these are wise words I don't know if I could ever swing a trip in Feb!
I'm not surprised the kids enjoyed it. They are magical puddles after all.
lol they sure are right?!
That is one thing I've noticed when it rains. Magic Kingdom even more than the other parks seems to empty out. I like it! :)
I agree. But for me I can only enjoy rides after rain that are inside rides. I just cannot do the outside ones....I hate sitting on wet seats :crazy2:
catching up (now that i found your report again)
well welcome back stranger!! :flower3: so glad that you found me again!
Disney Quest looks kinda cool. Never been there.
yeah it was cool for what it was worth. not sure if I would want to go back anytime soon, more of a been there done that, mark it off the list thing:thumbsup2
I love how the manager left you gifts for the kids. Disney is so awesome!
oh I agree! Love Disney so much!!! :goodvibes
Love the pic of your kids outside Magic Kingdom and the throwback to the past trip as well!
thank you! :)
Great update. Luvin the Goofy poses on the Buzz Lightyear ride
While I do think Buzz is ok, I can't figure out the targeting either. Like really, a red dot???? Of which there are what feels like a hundred red dots showing at the same time? Which one's mine?????

But OMG the ride photos!!!!!! That is how you do it!! :rotfl2:

OK, so you are apparently the Queen of Mine Train Fastpass. Well done. :thumbsup2
Cute ride photos!! Woohoo for multiple rides on 7DMT!! :rockband:
That is so great you enjoyed Chef Mickey's for dinner! Sometimes the place gets pretty bad reviews but you said it perfectly, its not always about the food but for the character interaction and experience there :) Love all the character pictures - and selfies by the way! :rotfl:

LOVE the poncho pics!! So cute! And even though rain is not the best thing for a trip to Disney, those ride wait times sure are nice in that weather!!! :thumbsup2

I said it before, but I love your whole family's smiles in the pictures, its so sweet and genuine!! :goodvibes
Great update. Luvin the Goofy poses on the Buzz Lightyear ride
lol thank you! That's my family :upsidedow
Love the ride photos!
thank you! The boys have got it mastered I believe :goodvibes
While I do think Buzz is ok, I can't figure out the targeting either. Like really, a red dot???? Of which there are what feels like a hundred red dots showing at the same time? Which one's mine?????
That is exactly it Rob :thumbsup2 how do people do this lol?! :confused3
But OMG the ride photos!!!!!! That is how you do it!! :rotfl2:
yeah I believe they have got it down for sure:rotfl:
OK, so you are apparently the Queen of Mine Train Fastpass. Well done. :thumbsup2
::yes:: ha! Well I am just glad my thinking and planning worked out so the non existent Sept crowd levels helped out tremendously!!
Cute ride photos!! Woohoo for multiple rides on 7DMT!! :rockband:
I know right?! :woohoo:thank you!
That is so great you enjoyed Chef Mickey's for dinner! Sometimes the place gets pretty bad reviews but you said it perfectly, its not always about the food but for the character interaction and experience there :) Love all the character pictures - and selfies by the way! :rotfl:
thank you :goodvibes yeah it can be a hit or miss with this experience, and I think it's mostly due to what your expectations are going in
LOVE the poncho pics!! So cute! And even though rain is not the best thing for a trip to Disney, those ride wait times sure are nice in that weather!!! :thumbsup2
yes it does::yes:: I hate rain and will usually steer clear of outdoor rides in it, but can still enjoy the indoor ones with hardly a wait if the parks clear out
I said it before, but I love your whole family's smiles in the pictures, its so sweet and genuine!! :goodvibes
oh well thank you so much! That is so sweet!! :goodvibes we are happiest when at truly is out happy place:thumbsup2
The Fun Keeps Going

After the excitement of it all we made our way through New Fantasyland at night (which I absolutely love by the way) and over to Liberty Square

Even though not much time had passed since dinner we had to make room for a funnel cake from Sleepy Hollow. No Disney trip can be complete without it!

We found a cozy little area to sit while we shared our nighttime snack.

Then we made our way over to Frontierland for a family must do! BTMRR at night!!!

Because what’s better after stuffing you already full belly with funnel cake than to ride a runaway mine train lol!!

I am happy to report that no one lost their cookies while on this mine train.

After this we headed back toward Fantasyland catching the end of MSEP along the way.

We really had no plans at this point as we were just killing time before wishes. So we decided another ride in a hunny pot was in order. It was a walk on so we took our time walking around the queue. That is when I noticed something for the very first time ever…..

EEYORE’S HOUSE!!!! How have I missed this? Oh I was so happy lol!!

Eventually we made our way to the ride itself and had a blast!!

It was then getting close to time for Wishes so DH made a mad dash to Auntie Gravity’s (I told you guys he has to have his smoothies lol) and we found a spot to watch Wishes by Tomorrowland. FYI I have no idea what all of those little white glowing dots are in this pic?

I am sad to say that I did not take any pictures of the fireworks this time around, but instead just sat on the sidewalk and enjoyed watching the show with my kiddos.

After the show we took a short cut to Main Street through Tomorrowland Terrance, we still ended up merging with the herds of people trying to exit the park like a bunch of cattle. We stuck to the sidewalk along the line of shops however to keep from being too squished.

Once we had made it to the entrance for the Confectionary we detoured into the store. We knew the wait for the buses was going to be a madhouse and the kids wanted a snack.

Oh the rows and rows of Disney nom noms!!

Sydney decided to go with a Mickey Gingerbread Man

And since Cory enjoyed his Mickey cake pop from earlier today it was a no brainer for him this time around.

Little Sydney could not wait to get out of the store to bite the head off of Mickey lol!

We took one last pic of the kiddos with the fall decorations (that looks just as awesome lit up at night)

And then we headed into this madhouse.

Getting a snack for the kids proved to be a great idea. Distraction from standing in a long line is always a plus. I wish they had an interactive queue for the bus stops at night lol!


Before too long we had made it on a bus and back to our resort for a good night’s sleep. Today had been another great adventure. We also had the sad realization that tomorrow would be our last full day at Disney. Sigh. This part of the trip is always the hardest, when you realize your adventure is almost over.
You had a full night of fun (even if of the rainy variety) at the MK! So many attractions! :goodvibes

I am happy to report that no one lost their cookies while on this mine train.

That's good! :rotfl2: :thumbsup2

Mmm... Disney snacks. I'm having a hard time deciding if I would choose the funnel cake or Sydney's cookie - oh heck, you know I'd probably end up getting both! :laughing:

Leaving the park after a parade/fireworks/etc. is always a madhouse. I try and avoid it whenever possible, but sometimes you just want to get home!
That is interesting about the funnel cake. I just read about someone having this for the first time and they did not like it. And I've still never had one.

I do admit to really enojoying BTMRR at night. Sadly, the daytime still not so much. Come to think of it, it has been ages since I rode this. Wow.

Honestly Jenn, you absolutely made the right call for the fireworks. Put the camera away and enjoy sharing the moment. The way it`s supposed to be.

Haha, yup, even September brings with it Bus Madness.

It's probably my lack of memory so you probably covered this way back, but is that some kind of separater in the bed for the kiddos? Because that is genius!
stop it Scott!!! lol I seriously had a major snake phobia after reading that thread here on the disboards like 2 years ago and had forgotten until you bring it up again lol!!

Sorry but it is what I think about. LOL.

Dinner looked nice ‘Ohana. We had 2 bad experiences there so have not been in a while, maybe in September.

We have had that happen at POP I think with no housekeeping.

Nice gifts you got.

Fun day at MK.

The photos from BUZZ are funny.

Like the GOPRO on his hat. I want one. LOL.

Caught up again.

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