The Young and The Restless .. Take 5 .. Spoilers Welcome!

Im not a fan of the new Billy...hope he can change my mind...he does not have the Billy look of soft charm....but will wait longer till i see him far his looks do nothing for me...he is more like a Noah...

Yes! He would make a great Noah--even better than the current one!

Jack and Jill go and spend time with Billy. Vicky tells Phyllis that it’s up to Jack whether Billy lives or dies. Michael explains this was Billy’s decision.

Jill tells Jack people come back from brain traumas. Jill says Devon will ask Dr. N to help. Jack says Dr. N only has theories. Jill says Phyllis is back because of an experimental treatment. Jill begs Jack not to let Billy die. Jack says it’s not up to him. Jill says it is.

Michael gives Jack the document and leaves. Jack asks does he let Billy go and rob Jill of her chance for a miracle then asks Vicky what she wants him to do. Vicky says a life spent on a machine is no life at all. Phyllis asks about Dr. N. She is there because of an experimental procedure. Jack wants to be alone.

John tells Jack that he has to make his decision on love. He says Jack knows what Billy wants. John says Jack decides to let Billy go then he will keep his eye out for him and show him the way. Jack looks up and Victor is standing there. Victor says he is not there to fight with Jack and is truly sorry Jack has to make such a tough decision.

Vicky asks Billy how he could let this happen to him. She says she hates him for putting her, Jack and the kids through this. She yells at him to wake up right now and stop this.

Jack and Victor arrive and Jill asks if Jack has come to a decision. Jack says his love for Billy never failed and Billy trusted him enough to know what he would want and that he would respect Billy’s wishes. Jack is going to have Billy taken off the machines and free him.

Devon arrives and sees Neil and Hilary making love on the couch. Neil says this should not have happened. Hilary says he will not let himself accept the truth and this is what he wants. He says he got caught up in the moment and he wants things the way they are supposed to be. She says maybe they are. He says he never meant for this to happen. She says he chose to help her. She says she is not going back to Devon. He tells her after he saw when he regained his sight and saw her and Devon kissing, it was a knife in his heart. He says he is going to put distance between them. She asks if he is spending more time with Nikki. He says he and Nikki have a special bond. She says what they have is a special bond. She says their life can start now. Neil says he can’t be with her and leaves.

Lily asks Cane where they stand. He says he wants to keep parenting their kids but he hopes he has not led her on.

Devon rushes in and grabs a bottle of booze and tells Cane and Lily that Neil is having sex with Hilary in the lab. He can’t believe Neil did this after all he has done for him. Lily says Neil would never intentionally hurt Devon. Lily says Neil forgave Devon at the wedding. Devon says she has no idea what Neil is capable of, grabs the bottle and leaves.

Neil arrives and Devon verbally attacks him and says he saw him having sex with Hilary in the lab. Neil says he never meant for this to happen. Devon cannot believe everything Neil has done and Devon protected him. Devon says Neil is not his father and he is beyond done with him and leaves.

Victor questions Nikki about the amount of time she has been spending with Neil. Victor tells her not to embarrass him in public and asks if she is having an affair with Neil. She says Neil has always been there for her. Victor says she should have been confiding in him not Neil. Nikki says he has been too busy with his business. Victor says he is doing this for his family. Nikki accuses him of trying to make a profit from Vicky’s grief. He tells her to focus on her family and walks out.

Neil admits to Nikki he slept with Hilary. He just wanted to make things right. Nikki says he still has feelings for her. He says he should not have given into those feelings. He apologizes for dragging her into this mess. Nikki says their plan was not much of a failure for her. She says Victor is jealous and now he realized he can’t take her for granted. Neil asks if she wants to keep this phony affair going. She gives him a sly look.

Cane tells Devon he is not sure about his future with Lily. Devon says Hilary is his soul mate and he is not going to give up on her.

Back at the lab
Lily accuses Hilary of being the same ***** she always was and asks how Hilary could sleep with Neil. She says Devon saw them. Hilary says she has made things very clear to Devon they are over and she loves Neil. She tells Lily to go and fix her own marriage or call Joe. Lily says she owns up to her mistakes but Hilary just bounces between Neil and Devon. Lily says she prayed that Hilary be safe when she was missing but now she wishes she was still at the bottom of the cliff.

Day Ahead
- Victor tells Adam to go to Spain tonight
- Noah asks for Tequila and to keep it coming
- Jill threatens to fight Jack in court. She will not let Jack take her son
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SOURCE: Blondie215 from soapcentral

Abby tells Marisa and Chelsea that Ben is with Max at the hotel Billy’s condition has deteriorated.

Adam is meeting with Noah who is very distracted. Adam asks him for numbers on a project and Noah says he doesn’t have them. Adam tells Noah to put his down mood to bed and get his act together. Noah asks Adam how he lived with a lie after DD died and he did not turn himself in. Adam says he told himself no good was going to come of it and it wouldn’t bring DD back. He selfishly convinced himself he had too much to lose. It didn’t work.

Luca arrives and Noah leaves. Luca asks Adam if he has information about Marco. Adam says Luca knows he does since he was listening at the door. He gives Luca the information Victor gave him. Luca makes a call. He tells Adam that Marco is dead, killed by an inmate. Luca suspects Victor had a hand in it but Adam says Victor is not a killer.

Abby gets a call from Jack telling her to come to the hospital because they are taking Billy off life support. She tells everyone that they are letting Billy go. Chelsea tells Adam about Billy.

Chelsea gets a call from Vicky asking her to bring Johnny and Katie to the hospital.

Nikki tells Neil she wants to keep Victor guessing. Neil says it’s a dangerous game she is playing. Nikki says Billy is slipping away and Vicky will not have moments to cherish. She wants to make sure she has those moments with Victor. She wants to keep up the masquerade to wake Victor up because if he doesn’t he will lose her.

Jack tells everyone the doctors have advised that Billy is deteriorating. Jack says he is going to tell the doctors to take Billy off life support. Jill threatens to fight Jack in court. She will not let Jack kill her son. Jill tells Jack he is not to make a decision without her being there. Traci arrives and agrees with Jack’s decision and they will get through this as a family. Jack calls Abby.

Jill tells Vicky she is going to fight Jack. Vicky says she would also fight if she thought there was a shred of hope, but Billy has no brain activity. There is no chance of saving him.

Ashley arrives and asks if there is hope. Traci takes Abby and Ashley out as Neil and Nikki arrive. Victor asks why Neil is there. Neil goes to find Jack. Ashley apologizes to Jack for taking so long to get there but the family is behind him. Jill returns and says she knows Jack is doing what he thinks Billy would want. Jack says they should all say goodbye to Billy.

Chelsea and Adam arrive with Johnny and Katie. Chelsea takes the kids to Vicky.

Victor asks Adam how things went with Luca. Victor tells Adam he wants him to go to Spain tonight. Victor says he will take care of Chelsea and Connor but Adam needs to go to Spain. Adam agrees.

Everyone takes their turn saying their heartfelt goodbyes to Billy.
(Too difficult to summarize but have your box of tissues ready!!!)

Victor tries to get Neil to leave but Nikki tells Victor to leave since his business is more important. Neil tells Victor he will make sure Nikki gets home safe. Victor leaves. Nikki thanks Neil and he leaves.

Vicky and the kids say goodbye to Billy. Vicky tells Johnny that daddy is going to be asleep for a long time. Johnny leaves his favorite truck for Billy.

Everyone is gathered in the waiting room while Billy is being disconnected from the machines. Jack and Phyllis come into Billy’s room and Jack gives the word to turn off the machines. Jack says “Be at peace Billy”. (They show the new Billy and announce the part is being played by Jason Thompson)

Noah and Mariah arrive. Marisa tells Kevin and Mariah about Billy. Noah asks for Tequila and to keep it coming until he is numb. Marisa tells Noah what happened to Billy was an accident and says coming forward would only cause Vicky more pain.

Luca tells Marisa that Marco is dead. He says with Marco gone he has no way of getting his father’s company. He has to get his leverage from other places. Luca says it kills him that the Newmans have all the power and he has nothing. She says he has her. He asks “do I?”

Back at Newmans
Kevin comes to see Victor and tells Victor he is ready to make a deal. They shake hands.

Chelsea tells Adam she has a bad feeling about him leaving because there have been too many goodbyes tonight. He kisses her and leaves. He waits for an elevator and someone approaches him. Chelsea hears a noise. She opens the door. Adam sitting on the elevator floor with his hands up and a black cloth covering his head as the elevator door closes.

Day Ahead
- Kevin tells Mariah he went from Billy’s bedside to Victor’s office. Mariah asks if he closed the deal with Victor
- Noah tells Victor he has to tell he hit Billy, Billy is going to die. Victor asks how will that help Vicky
- Jack says Billy won’t be with them much longer

SOURCE Blondie215 from soapcentral
How is the world is Noah's not telling about his hitting Billy any different from Adam's not telling about his hitting Delia :headache: And yet Adam is the most hated man on the planet :confused3 That is the ultimate double standard :sick:

Billy’s dialogue in italics – no one can see him
Mariah asks Noah to talk to her because it’s clear he is twisted up about something. Noah tells Mariah he appreciates what she is trying to do and leaves.

After the machines have been turned off, Jack apologizes to Billy. Billy sayscheer up because he is still alive. Billy keeps trying to talk to Jack. Jack leaves. Billy turns and sees himself in bed and realizes he is not that alive after all.

Billy comes out of his room and says this is his fault. He has done this to everyone. He begs everyone not to let him watch Vicky go through this. He watches as Vicky and Jack talk. Vicky wants to be with Billy so he won’t be alone. She says this shouldn’t be happening. Billy kneels in front of her and reminds her when he was a mess she took him out of the gutter. He was an idiot and the best thing he did was marry her. He says he is going to let her go and find happiness again. Billy does not want her to be in there crying over him.Vicky says she needs to be with her kids.

Jill tells Ashley she wanted Billy with Vicky. Jill wonders if Billy knows how hard she fought for him through this and that she never abandoned him. Billy tells her he loves her. He says he screwed up and he tried to make things right by everyone and yet they wound up here. This isn’t working and leaves.

Back to Rooftop
Kevin tells Mariah he went from Billy’s bedside to Victor’s office. Mariah says now that he closed the deal he is a millionaire. He knows Victor is going to screw him over. Billy calls Kevin a double crossing, bank robbing goat. He says Kevin shook hands with the devil. His body isn’t even cold yet. He calls Kevin a tool. Kevin agrees he should have gone to Jack but he couldn’t wait. Billy says this was his chance to do right by his family. Billy wonders how he can live in a town where no one seems to know him.

Back at Memorial
Jill asks Phyllis if Catherine will be there to meet him.

Jack tells Ashley that Billy never had a chance to set things right. When Jack sees Phyllis and Jill he says Billy won’t be with them much longer.

Everyone is with Billy. Jack says it’s time to say goodbye.

Billy is outside his hospital room when DD appears. He tells her he thought he was ready to do this but after seeing Vicky he is not so sure. DD says he needs to go back and fix things. He sees Vicky arrive. He tells DD he loves her. She tells him to go and he walks through Vicky and into the room.

The machine suddenly goes off. Vicky says there is brain activity and Billy is coming back.

After Adam leaves, Chelsea hears a noise but sees nothing when she opens the door.

Victor congratulates Kevin for joining NE. Victor says he wants to see all the research Kevin has. Kevin says they will get there. Victor says the money is being transferred to Kevin as they speak so he owns Kevin’s idea.

Noah arrives. Kevin leaves. He tells Victor when Billy dies it makes him a killer. Noah says he has to confess. Billy appears in time to hear Victor tell Noah if he says anything he is on his own. Victor says he has great deal with Kevin and Noah confessing would have a negative impact on it. He suggests some of the proceeds go to a charity in Billy’s name. Billy is livid and says this was his deal.

Victor admits he hated Vicky being with Billy but he did not wanted Billy dead. He dismisses Noah. Victor says to himself that Billy was a degenerate, a drunk and a gambler, but he gave him his grandkids and this deal with Kevin. RIP.

Chelsea arrives and asks Victor where he sent Adam. She says something is off. Adam didn’t call her when he got on the plane. Chelsea says she needs to talk to Adam. Victor calls the pilot who tells him that Adam didn’t show up. Chelsea wants to know where Adam is.

Vicky arrives and tells Nikki she almost went into the room but she knew Billy would want her to be with the kids. Vicky says Katie will not have any memory of Billy but Johnny will for a while. They deserve to know their father. Billy arrives and overhears Vicky and says she is the only one who knows him. Billy tells his kids they have the best mom. He says he can’t say goodbye to Vicky and starts to walk away. Katie says “dada”. Vicky is stunned. This was Katie’s first word. Nikki tells Vicky to go to the hospital as these last moments are very important. Vicky leaves. Nikki is about to dress Johnny and finds the car that he left for Billy. She asks him how he got it. Billy just smiles.

Day Ahead
- Chelsea asks Victor where the hell her husband is
- Kevin to Mariah: Billy didn’t die. Mariah: we are about to be a stomping ground of crap between the Abbotts and the Newmans
- Billy says Vicky’s name

SOURCE: Blondie215 from soapcentral
Ok...just kill Billy off for goodness sakes. This nu Billy 3.0 SUCKS!!!! I liked the last nu Billy just fine. And are the writers not human? When a loved one is removed from life support the family remains at the bedside until heart stops. They don't go home (Abby, Traci and Victoria) or sit in lobby (everyone else). DUMB!!! Also Cane thought of Jill as mom and Billy as brother, why isn't he there instead of doing all this BORING Winters' family crap.

Vicky asks Billy for forgiveness for giving up on him and asks him to wake up. Billy wakes up and says “hey Vick”. Vicky is excited and tells him how worried everyone was.

Paul and Dylan ask Dr. D if they can talk to Billy. Dr. D says they don’t know when Billy will wake up.

Paul sees Billy move and runs into the room and asks him if he knows who did this to him. Vicky asks Paul to leave. He is too weak to answer any questions. Billy falls asleep again.

Outside Billy’s room, Vicky tears a strip out of Paul. Dylan tries to calm her. Paul says they will come back when Billy is stronger and they leave.

Dr. D tells Vicky she should keep talking to Billy. She sits down and tells him about an entitled and obnoxiously reserved princess and a gambling, womanizing but charming frog. She is not sure about the ending yet but she is determined to make it a good one. Vicky admits she made a mistake turning her back on him. She begs him to come back now so they can have their happy ending together.

Kevin tells Mariah that Billy didn’t die when he was taken off life support. Mariah says we are about to be a stomping ground of crap between the Abbotts and the Newmans.

Natalie runs in and tells Kevin to give her his phone. She resets Kevin’s phone and asks Kevin to hide her somewhere because there is another group of investors who found out about her project. She says when she didn’t hear from Kevin she kind of said yes to this investor. Kevin tells her he already made a deal with Victor. She says she tried get out of the deal but had to run because she never gave the money back. Kevin says they have to deliver the product to Victor so they have to protect Natalie. Mariah asks Natalie if she said anything to anyone about Kevin, Victor or her. Natalie says no but they may have hacked into her computer.

Natalie says there are issues with her program. Mariah is upset and says Natalie was a fake and bets she can’t even yodel.

Marisa’s Suite
Luca is upset that Marco is dead but tells Marisa he has to make other plans of attack. Luca wants talk to Adam to make sure they are still going ahead with their plans to get the companies. He wants to prove his father was involved in illegal dealings. Marisa says she may be able to help him. Marco introduced her to his associates. She remembers she kept a journal and she may be able to put some things together for him. Luca asks if she is doing this for Noah for fear that he may go to the police about Noah hitting Billy. He promised her not to say anything about Noah and he won’t. Luca gets a call from Victor saying he needs to see him right away.

The investigator tells Victor that Adam didn’t board the jet nor check into the hotel in Spain. Victor tells him to find Adam and see if the Santories had anything to do with it. Chelsea comes in and asks where Adam is. Victor suggests Adam may have flown commercial or he is busy with business. Chelsea says she knows Adam was working on something with Luca. Victor warns her to stay away from the Santories. He promises to keep her informed. He implies maybe Adam is having an affair. Chelsea says he is not. Victor says maybe he is in Kansas.

Luca comes to see Victor and asks if Luca thought he could double cross him. Victor says the Santories are responsible for Adam’s disappearance. Luca says he knows nothing about this and offers to help find him. Victor tells Luca to tell his family that if Adam is not returned immediately then there will be pay back in kind, an heir for and heir.

Later Victor gets an email saying “Give us the girl, we give you your son.”

Chelsea meets Marisa asks if Marisa worked with the Santories. Marisa asks why all the questions. Chelsea says that Adam is missing. Chelsea asks Marisa’s help. Marisa says stay clear of that family and let Victor handle it.

Luca meets Marisa and she accuses him of lying to her about wanting a future with her. She says he has been working against Adam and he has been working with his father to overthrow Newman.

Paul gives Dylan a police badge and assures Dylan that he went through all the proper channels and the background checks and was put on a fast track because of Dylan’s military background. Dylan will have to do some training. Dylan accepts. Chelsea arrives and says Adam is missing.

Kevin and Mariah bring Natalie to a suite. Mariah does not like Natalie. Outside Kevin says Natalie has to iron out some kinks in the program. Mariah asks how much he stands to make if Natalie was outed. Kevin says he does not want to double cross anyone.

Day Ahead
- Chelsea asks Nick for his help
- Natalie to Mariah: So you and Kevin – Mariah to Natalie: So you and Kevin
- Dylan to Kevin: We need you to access Victor’s personal communications. Kev: You want me to hack Victor?

SOURCE: Blondie215 from soapcentral

Dylan comes home with Chelsea and Dylan asks her the state of her marriage before Adam left. Chelsea says the thing bothering her is Adam working with Victor. She thinks Victor is holding something over Adam so Adam would do his bidding involving the Santories.

Paul comes to see Victor and tells him that Chelsea filed a missing person’s report. Victor says Adam is on a business trip. Paul asks if the Santories reputation makes Victor apprehensive the Santories consider Victor a partner.

Noah hears Paul say Billy survived. Paul leaves. Noah asks Victor if Billy said anything about the accident. Victor assures him Paul will not find anything.

Luca arrives. Victor says Luca’s father has Adam and is demanding he hand over Marisa. Luca says there is no way he will trade Marisa for Adam. Victor says it’s too late.

Sharon arrives and is happy to see Mariah. Sage and Nick arrive. Sage is delighted to see Sully and Sharon hands him to her. Nick shows concern about Sage hold Sully. Nick tells Mariah he wants to talk to her about Dr. A. Mariah says that Dr. A has her own agenda and to keep his eye on her. She says Dr. A is still all over Sharon and is pushing her way into Nick’s life.

Sharon tells Nick Dr. A said she made so much progress her dosage has been lowered. Nick is concerned and reminds her what she goes through when she is off her meds. Nick says she feels fine now because the drugs are still in her system but what happens when her symptoms resurface? Sharon defends Dr. A. is watching her. Nick asks when isn’t she. Sharon defends Dr. A and Dr. A thinks this is a victory. She says she had never been more at peace and this is all possible because of Dr. A. She says that Nick and Sage are in a good place and it’s all because of Dr. A. Nick says Dr. A is giving them different info.

Chelsea arrives and asks Nick for his help in finding Adam. She feels Victor is hiding something. She feels Victor is holding something over Adam and he is manipulating Adam.

Sage is holding Sully when Sharon returns. Sharon says a baby recognizes a mother’s voice almost immediately. Sage says it’s amazing a baby can look at you and know who you are. They are both happy they do not have to tip toe around each other.

Sage see Chelsea on the patio and asks what’s wrong. Chelsea tells her about Adam.

Natalie is trying to fix her program with Kevin watching. Kevin says she needs to fix the problems with the program. Kevin reminds her that this program belongs to Victor. She made a deal with her but now he is sensing a con. She says this is not a con. Kevin says you do not mess with Victor. He asks her who these investors are. Mariah returns with the food. Kevin gets a text to return to the station and leaves.

Natalie asks if Mariah and Kevin are involved. Mariah says they are friends. Mariah gets a call from Kevin asking her to put Natalie on the phone. He instructs her to hack into Victor’s computer. Mariah and Natalie read the ransom not and Mariah says the girl referred to is Natalie.

Luca tells Marisa he is not working against Adam and his only goal is to get his father’s company and to be a husband she could be proud of. Luca says Victor accused him of kidnapping Adam. Luca says his family did not take Adam. They would have told Victor they had Adam.

Noah arrives and tells Luca that Victor wants to see him. Noah tells Marisa that Paul was in Victor’s office and Marisa says that she and Victor will protect him. She says she is returning the favor and they reminisce about the day they first met. He tells her he has loved her from that day.

Two men approach Marisa and tell her Victor wants to see her. One takes Marisa while the other stays behind to keep Noah from following.

Luca returns and asks Noah where Marisa is. Noah says Victor wanted to see her. Luca says Victor is trading Marisa’s life for Adam’s. Noah defends Victor. Luca tells Noah that Victor has been trying to get Marisa out of Noah’s life from the beginning.

Dylan says Chelsea is concerned about Adam being involved with the Santories because of Victor. Paul thinks Adam is being kept against his will. Dylan says he thinks the Santories are behind Adam’s absence. Kevin arrives and Paul wants him to access Victor’s personal communications.

Kevin calls Natalie and gets her to hack into Victor’s computer. He tells her to make sure to cover her tracks and not tell anyone.

Kevin arrives. He reads the ransom note about the exchange for the girl. Nick arrives and asks what girl.

Dylan comes home and tells her he is GC’s newest detective. Sharon is not happy.

Day Ahead
- Luca tells Noah he needs to speak to the man who took Marisa
- Nick asks Victor if he knows what happened to Adam
- At Sharon’s Chelsea says she needs Dylan to help find Adam

SOURCE: Blondie215 from Soapcentral

Chelsea tells Sage that Adam has been kidnapped. She says Adam always messages her, but she has not heard from him.

Nick asks what girl? Victor says it was about an IT applicant. Kevin leaves. Nick asks Victor if he knows what happened to Adam. Victor says there is nothing to worry about and Chelsea is being overreacting. He glosses over the whole situation and tells Nick not to concern himself.

Victor asks Kevin to find the origin the ransom note came from. Kevin says it’s encrypted and takes a copy of it and leaves. Victor sends a message saying he has the girls and asks for proof that Adam is alive. Victor gets a picture of Adam tied to a chair.

Outside Victor’s office Noah asks Kevin to get into the system and see where Marisa was taken. Kevin says the cameras are not operating and leaves. Luca wants to talk to Victor but Noah says not to do that. He suggests that Luca call his father and see if he has Adam. (Kevin eavesdrops)

Mariah tells Natalie Adam is being held because of her. Natalie is the person referred to in the ransom note. Mariah stops Natalie from leaving. Mariah says Natalie is putting Kevin into danger and Natalie needs to unglitch her program for Victor.

Kevin arrives and agrees that Natalie is the girl in the ransom note. He promises to keep her safe. He says Victor plans to exchange Marisa for Adam. Mariah says they have to tell Victor he has it wrong before he puts Adam and Marisa in danger.

Kevin gets a call from Dylan to meet him at the station.

The ladies hear a noise outside the door. Mariah goes to check and when she returns, Natalie is gone.

Back at Newmans
Victor tells someone to get ready to move Marisa. Natalie arrives and tells him he has the wrong girl. Victor asks her who she is.

Back at CL
Nick arrives and tells Sage and Chelsea that Victor glossed over everything and told him to stay out of it. Chelsea says the hell she will and leaves.

Sage spots Dr. A who asks how they are doing. Sage says they are great and Dr. A needs to stay out of their lives. Dr. A leaves. Sage says Nick knows how she feels about Dr. A. She says they didn’t know this woman a while ago and now she is always around Nick like she wants to come between them. Sage says she is going to find out what Dr. A is up to.

Dr. A returns and says sage doesn’t want to acknowledge she is still struggling with the loss of her baby. Nick says Sage doesn’t understand how their life is any of Dr. A’s business. Dr. A says she has come to care about him and Sage. He says Sage thinks Dr. A is after him. She says she just wants to help them. He says she is quick to offer him a sympathetic ear or advice. He says she came back to talk to him because he is alone and not for coffee. She came back hoping to run into him. She denies it. Nick says she has an agenda and wants to know what it is.

Sharon is not happy and Dylan reminds her that she agreed with this at the beginning. He assures her he knows all the reasons to be safe but he needs to do this and thought she understood. Sharon says she doesn’t and doesn’t like it. Dylan tells her he wants to work with Paul. She says after everything they have been through she hates the thought of being home wondering if he is going to come home.

Chelsea arrives and says she needs Dylan’s help; Adam has been kidnapped. She says Nick told her he heard Victor talking about ‘the girl’ but clammed up when he came in. As he tries to leave Sharon stops him saying she will not let him confront Victor. Chelsea begs Sharon to let Dylan help. He leaves. Sharon attacks Chelsea saying Chelsea is selfish and is doing this for herself. Sharon reminds her how she manipulated Dylan into marrying her. Chelsea says she just wants to get Adam home. She apologizes for interrupting her and Dylan. Sharon says everything has been so good for them and she doesn’t want things to change. Chelsea asks if she thinks things will change with Dylan on the force.

Luca and Noah arrive and Luca goes to check and see if Marisa’s is in her room. Luca tells Noah that his father has confirmed that he does not have Adam. Noah says they need to go to the police.

Marisa is alone, unconscious and tied to a bed. When she wakes she starts yelling for help.

Kevin tells Dylan that Victor has the information wrong and tells him about Natalie. Mariah arrives and tells them that Natalie ran out on her.

Sage asks a nurse to provide her with Dr. A’s credentials.

Day Ahead
- Nick tells Sage they need to talk about Dr. A
- Dylan asks Victor when he was going to report Adam’s kidnapping
- Mariah tells Kevin that Natalie sold the project twice and when Victor finds out he is coming after them

SOURCE Blondie215 from Soapcentral

Dr. A says she does not have a hidden agenda. She says she has worked professionally with his ex-wife and has tried to help his current wife get through the tremendous loss that she can’t begin to handle on her own. Nick says she makes it sound like Sage is unstable. She says she sees two people convincing themselves they are getting by. She advised him to give Sage space so they can find their way back to each other which is what happened. She says she will leave them alone and starts to leave. Nick stops her. She says Sage has an unhealthy fixation on Sharon’s baby. She tells him to get Sage a doctor before things get worse and leaves.

Sage explains to the nurse why she needs Dr. A’s information. The nurse says she heard Dr. A was married but that is all she knows.

Nick finds Sage and says Billy is awake and they go to see him.

Jack and Phyllis arrive. Vicky says there may be residual damage when Billy wakes. Jack says if Billy isn’t Billy when he wakes up then it is his fault. Jack doesn’t know what to say to Billy. Billy says how about welcome back. Billy says DD told him to go back and fix things and that’s what he will do. The last thing he remembers is a wedding. Nick and Sage arrive. Billy says he remembers a fists flying but that is it. Vicky says he needs his rest. Everyone leaves. Billy says he hasn’t been worthy of her but this is his chance to stop screwing up. He wants her to find someone who will bring her joy. She says he is her second chance and wants him to come home with her. She kisses him.

The nurse tells Dr. A someone was asking questions about her. Dr. A says she knows who it was.

Nick tells Jack that Victor closed the deal with Kevin and tells Jack to leave things alone. Alone with Sage, Nick says there is something not right about Dr. A who overhears this comment.

The investigator gets a call from Victor saying there is a change of plans. He cuts Marisa loose and tells her to follow him.

Luca is trying to stop Noah from going to the police. Luca asks if Noah would turn on his family for Marisa’s sake. Noah says you risk everything to keep your loved ones safe.

Marisa walks in and Noah and Luca want to know where she has been. Dylan says he wants her to tell him where she has been and shows his badge. Marisa describes how she was taken, driven around and woke up tied up in a room. Luca tells Dylan to arrest Victor. Dylan asks based on what and even if they arrested Victor, he would be out in 5 minutes. Luca says that ego maniac kidnapped his wife and Dylan is doing nothing. Dylan wants to contain everything so no one else gets hurt.

Victor tells his investigator to get Marisa ready to move when Natalie arrives. She says he has the wrong girl. Victor is about to have her escorted out. Natalie guesses Victor doesn’t want to see his son alive. Victor asks who she is and what she knows. Natalie says she is the one who created the program. She says there is a tiny glitch with her program and she needs time to work the bugs out. She says the bozos she made a deal with kidnapped his son. They want her to fix the program for them not Victor. Victor asks if they paid $2M, she says the price was $1M. He asks if she is offering herself in exchange for Adam. She says she is there to help and they need to work the investors. She says she will work out the glitches but Victor needs to keep her safe. She says he can have the program and his son. She tells Victor she needs wine and a place to work. Victor’s investigator arrives. Victor says to put her somewhere safe and make sure she gets everything she needs.

Victor prepares an email asking if they are ready to trade the girl for Adam but does not send it.

Dylan arrives, shows his badge and asks Victor when he was going to report Adam’s kidnapping. Dylan asks if Victor has Natalie in the same place he had Marisa. Victor says they are done. Dylan says he is there to help Victor bring Adam back.

Dylan, Kevin and Mariah return to Natalie’s and figure out that Victor is the common denominator for three missing people and he has to go to Paul. Kevin is concerned that Victor will know that Kevin spoke to him. Dylan says if there is a fall-out in Kevin’s agreement with Victor, he is sorry and leaves. Mariah tells Kevin that Natalie sold the project twice and when Victor finds out he is coming after them. Kevin gets into Natalies computer. He hears Natalie say if he is hearing this then Victor has her.

Day Ahead
- Kevin tells Mariah he is the reason Natalie is in trouble so he is going to help her with or without Mariah’s help
- Noah tells Victor it’s only a matter of time before Billy remembers it was Billy’s car that hit him and he is going to jail
- Billy remembers the license of the car that hit him

SOURCE Blondie215 from soapcentral
Maybe Victor and Judge what's her names daughter.
I think she is Victor's...and, yes, maybe with that judge lady. I wish she were ChelC's sister...looks a little like her and ChelC doesn't really have much family. Could see her as Kevin's sister too. But didn't he have that really bad sister, the red head who was on the lamb? Could be Adam's sister??? Maybe his mom, Hope , had a secret daughter and gave her up or something.
I've kind of changed my mind on her being Kevin's sister. I think she's somehow related to Victor in some way. Just not sure how yet.

Kevin hears a message from Natalie that Victor has her. Mariah says that Natalie has been conning them. Kevin wants to see Victor and get Natalie but Mariah stops him. Mariah and Kevin argue about Natalie. She says there is too much at stake and it will fall apart. Kevin defends Natalie. He understands her because she is inept at communicating with people.

Victor tells Dylan the discussion is over. Victor says he is not going to listen to Dylan because he is Nikki’s son. Dylan says he is Victor’s best bet of getting Adam back. He says Victor needs to use all the police resources.

Mariah and Kevin arrive and Kevin says he not allow Victor to use Natalie to get Adam. Dylan intervenes. Dylan lays out his plan and they all agree. Victor says if this plan goes south Dylan’s *** is on the line. After Dylan leaves Kevin says we need Natalie. Victor says he needs Natalie and there is no ‘we’. He says Kevin sold him a product that doesn’t work and knows Kevin got a tidy profit. They are out of the deal. His lawyer’s will be in touch for Kevin to return the money and throws them out of the office.

Mariah and Kevin bump into Noah and tell him that Victor just screwed them out of a deal they brought to him. They should have waited for Billy to wake up. Noah says Billy is awake.

Ben’s Suite
Abby comes to see Ben and Max. Max is unresponsive to her. Abby gives him a game not on the market yet but Max throws it back at her. Abby understands that Max is trying to come to terms with everything. Ben says Max is opening up to him either. After Abby leaves Ben tells Max that he could be a little nicer. Max just says he is hungry and they leave.

Noah realizes Luca knows he hit Billy and tells Marisa that Luca will sell him out in a heartbeat. She assures him that Luca would have used that information already. Abby arrives and Marisa and Noah tell Abby that Max will come around. Abby says Paul is talking to Billy about the accident. She says she is going to see Billy and Noah wants to go with her.

Luca tells Marisa his father is not happy that Victor thought he kidnapped Adam. He wants Luca and Marisa back home. Luca assures he they are staying and he is going to bring his father down. He says Marco was not his father’s only illegal contact and her journal will help find the others. He promises no one will know she gave him the information.

Paul comes to see Billy who says it’s okay. Billy tells Paul what happened the night of the accident. He says he lost consciousness. Paul asks about the car that hit him and Billy says he doesn’t know anything about a car. Paul says Billy is a victim of a hit and run. Paul leaves. Billy asks Vicky where Adam was at the time of the hit and run.

Abby and Noah arrive and Noah asks Paul if he knows who did this to Billy. Paul says he is not letting up and whoever did this is going to be put into a cage.

Billy is stunned to learn he was a victim of hit and run like DD was. Abby says that Adam was there praying for Billy. He wants to know where Adam is now. Vicky says he is working with Victor. Billy mentions the sweat deal he put together with Kevin and how it was going to bail Jabot out, but it’s too late and they all lost.

Billy tells Abby he doesn’t remember anything from the wedding. He apologizes for ruining her wedding. Vicky tells Abby that she and Billy are getting back together.

Kevin and Mariah arrive. Kevin tells Billy he sold the project. Billy says he made the right decision to go to Victor but to be careful. Victor will leave them with only a pittance. Mariah says they didn’t even get a pittance.

Alone Billy has another memory flash and sees a partial plate of a car - BJM.

Back at Newmans
Noah tells Victor that Billy is awake and has told Paul about the beating. Noah says it’s only a matter of time before Billy remembers it was his car that hit him and he is going to jail. Victor says there is no way Billy is going to remember the car that hit him.

Ben play the computer game Abby bought and he gets Max laughing. Max says Abby isn’t so great. Ben says she is great. Max accuses Ben of not caring about his mom and says nothing is like it was. Ben asks Max to talk to him about anything. Max says Ben doesn’t care. Ben says he cares about him and Abby.

Abby arrives and Max walks away. She said she didn’t know they would be there. Ben tells her Max loved the game. Max sees them hug.

Dylan tells Paul he has a lead and tells him about his plan. Paul chastises Dylan for making plans behind his back. Dylan assures him that the police are involved.

Day Ahead
- Paul tells Dylan when someone threatens Victor’s family he becomes judge, jury and executioner
- Jack tells Phyllis that Billy is in a good place, Kevin says not any more
- Billy tells Vicky he remembers the car that hit him

SOURCE: Blondie215 from soapcentral

Dylan tells Chelsea his plan to find Adam. Chelsea offers help by doing a pop-up fashion show with her new wedding line. They agree. Dylan promised her that Adam is coming home and he intends to keep that promise and he will keep Victor out of the way.

Natalie arrives. Natalie is not happy with no computer and no access to Kevin. She accuses him of using her in exchange for Adam. Paul arrives and says he is running the exchange, not Victor. Paul assures her she will be safe. Victor wants assurance that Adam will be safe.

Victor instructs his investigator to follow his instructions not Paul’s.

Natalie tells Victor he just received a message from the kidnappers and they are not happy.

Natalie asks if Victor is going to double-cross Paul.

Chelsea arrives and tells Victor she went to the police because Victor was no help. Victor says the exchange is in his building and Paul and Dylan think they run the show but they are civil servants and don’t think like a father. She says a father who allowed his son to get kidnapped. He asks if she is blaming him and she says Victor may have kept Adam out of prison but has created a whole new problem. She wants to make sure he has Adam’s best interests at heart. Victor yells at her to get out if she is going to accuse him. Natalie returns. Chelsea calls Natalie a sociopath for stiffing her partners and knows a con when she sees one. Victor says Natalie had nothing to do with Adam’s kidnapping. Natalie agrees to help and leaves. Chelsea says she doesn’t trust her. Victor says he doesn’t believe a word she says.

Adam is tied to a chair. His captor arrives and Adam asks him why he was grabbed and who is paying him. Adam offers to double the ransom. His captor says no and leaves. Adam’s captor returns. Adam asks to use his phone to call Chelsea. His captor leaves. Later Adam hears the man talking to someone on the phone and ends with saying ‘Yes ma’am’.

Jack tells Phyllis that Billy is moving back in with Victoria. He says Billy is in a good place. Kevin arrives and says not any more telling Jack that he told Billy that he sold the project to Victor and that Victor cut him out of the deal. Mariah tells them Adam has been kidnapped and says the police are involved. He apologizes to Jack for not coming to him. Jack and Phyllis leave.

Billy wakes from a nightmare and tells Vicky he remembers the car that hit him. she asks if he knows who ran him down. He says he heard the sound and saw the tail lights coming at him. That is all he has. Vicky says she doesn’t care if they don’t find who did it because she has him back. Billy says he has a lot to fix. She just wants to take a walk in the park and hold hands. Billy says he knows how lucky he is but he is really ticked that Victor swooped in and took his deal when he was on his death bed. Vicky tells him that it’s obvious that Billy makes good deals if Victor bought it. Billy remembers the fairy-tale she told him when he was out. He says he can’t wait to hear Katie call him dada again – Vick asks how he knew that. He says maybe he dreamt it.

Jack and Phyllis arrive and see Billy is in good spirits. Billy says he is going home and is doing great. Vicky leaves to get pudding cups and Jack gets a call. Phyllis says he can drop the act because she knows how angry he was at Victor. Phyllis wants Billy to continue with their plan to go after Victor. She wants karma to kick some butt.

Vicky returns and Jack asks her if Billy is okay. She says Billy wants a second chance to make things right.

Alone with Billy he wants Vicky to persuade the staff to let him go home.

Paul calls Victor and tells him about Chelsea’s fashion show. Victor does not like the idea because they are putting Chelsea in danger. Paul asks Victor to respond to the ransom note which he does.

Kevin and Mariah arrive and Kevin asks how he can help. Paul says he doesn’t want Kevin complicating things.

Paul and Dylan firm up the details. They are concerned Victor is going to interfere. Paul says when Victor’s family is threatened he becomes judge, jury and executioner. They will not put Natalie in harm’s way but Victor won’t have any qualms doing that. As Paul and Dylan leave and Paul tells Kevin he doesn’t want him anywhere near the Tower.

Kevin says to Mariah that he is worried about Natalie. He gets a video call from Natalie. She says she is alive but doesn’t know how long that is going to last. Kevin tells her to be prepared for anything and Victor can be as dangerous as the kidnapper.

Day Ahead
- Paul assures Kevin nothing is going to go wrong. Kevin says he doesn’t trust the kidnappers or Victor
- Victor tells Natalie to stick to the plan. She says he is not the one being offered up as bait
- Adam's captor says it’s almost show time

SOURCE Blondie215 from soapcentral


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