The "Worst Vacation Ever" trip report 10/25 - 11/4

:eek: But... but... now I'm gonna have nightmares about that scream...:lmao:
I can hear it... :scared1: Thanks...:laughing:
popcorn:: I love your frequent updates, but don't leave us hanging now popcorn::
I've heard that same kind of scream way too many times from my DD who is only a little older than O... I hope he's all better now and it wasn't too serious. The last time I heard it from DD she had fallen off the swing and broken her arm... 36 hours before we needed to leave for a vacation in the Outer Banks. I can't imagine having it happen while on vacation and away from familiar doctors and hospitals.

The cliffhanger is killing me...!
That is not funny to leave us all hanging! I am going to guess he bit his tongue eating the candy and you couldn't get it to stop bleeding or he got some part of him caught in the stroller???

Okay, so totally not fair to leave your hanging, but I had a kid needing help with homework, then I went to bed, and that pesky thing called a job got in the way this morning. But, it was fun to read all the responses today when I logged in :)

When we left off, we were leaving DHS, and O (DS3) is screaming "The Scream".

Apparently he was looking at the tube of powdered candy, the cap opened and poured in his eye. The whole entire tube.

I grab him and pull him out of the stroller and off to the side and ask DH to give me bottled water from the bottom of the stroller. He says he can't find any, some guy is offering me his, which is nice, but it was open and I didn't want his germs in my son's eye. Eww. However, if you are reading, thank you. It was anice thought!

I say we have some, DH says no, I say yes we do (I packed them this morning which is why we're missing the Passporter pocket, remember?) DH is still saying no, I'm saying yes, and he throws an empty bottle at my head.

My husband = not so good under pressure.

(sorry, hon. You're not :laughing: )

I yank the stroller to me, get in the basket and find not one, not 2 but THREE bottles of water (told you we had water!) and start pouring one in O's face. He's a mess, we both have blue candy water everywhere.

Remember the $35 sweatshirt from MNSSHP night? Ruined

I grab O and head to the front where a CM finally spots a screaming O and steers us to first aid. The girls in there were lovely. Rinsed his eye out for along time, then gave me the rinse so I could pin him down and do it more while she ran off for ice. By this time O's eye is swollen practically shut and he's a wreck from crying so hard, and his whole face is stained blue (so am I). There is some talk of him possibly rubbing his eye and scratching something, but once he calms down, we made him read some letters off a poster and he did just fine.

They finally deem us okay to go, gave us extra packets of eye wash to use later, and we head out, stopping to take some pictures for prosperity sake. (or for the scrapbook)


See the blue stain on his sleeve

By the time we get through the gates, off the tram and into the van, O's eye is still swollen, he's sniffling and whining that he's hungry. Plus, he's traumatized.

"I wanna go home"

"We're going, baby"

"No, not our new home. Our old home. Super far away"

As far as O is concerned vacation is over. And honestly, I was tired. I was crabby. And I could have packed up and left FL at this point too. I was so afraid it was just going to get worse from here. (unfortunately, I was kinda right) but I'm a trooper, I'm a mom, and we're going to stick with it.

We need something fun. We need to snap O out of his funk. We need food.

Fortunately for the kids, I know exactly where we're going for dinner tonight.
Awww, poor little dude (and poor Mommy too!). :sad2: I'm glad it ended well, but it sounds like you were a lot calmer than I would've been if one of my boys had done that! :eek:

Loving reading your TR - you're a great writer :flower3:
Awww :sad2: your poor DS. That is so terrible. Well I have been reading your trippie but haven't commented until now. Sorry your trip was far from perfect, I know how you feel though as my DS4 was sick on our october trip and we seemed to be a magnet for rude people too. The Parade crashers are the worst though ;) followed by the drunks at F&W. It's like they forgot they are at a family park not a nightclub. candy and eyes just don't agree with each other :headache: . My DS sprayed DD's sour candy spray into his eye while we were driving in the car 2 months ago. DH and I were yelling at each and we had to stop at a publc restroom to rinse his almost closed eye. It was awful. Looking forward to more popcorn:: and hoping your little boy's eye feels better :goodvibes soon.

I had been stalking the Disboards for months waiting for news and finally it came.


T-Rex Cafe was opening before our trip!​

If you read my intro, you know O is a dinosaur fiend. He knows all their names, if they eat meat or plants, weird little trivia facts. His favorite book is this dinosaur sticker book, that we have to read every night before bed. It has 100's of dinos in it with their names and fun facts about them.

If you ask him what he wants to be when he grows up, he says a "Dinodaur digger"

T-Rex Cafe was a must. I wasn't quite sure when we'd go, and actually thought we might wait until K flew in so he could go with us, but somewhere between freezing all day, lost tickets and a pound of powdered sour candy poured in an eye, I realized tonight should be the night.

I was concerned about getting there at 5:30-6:00 and that we'd have to wait forever, especially the way our day was going. Lucky for us, if we would sit in the water room, they could seat us ASAP.

We got very lucky, because by 6:15-6:30 the wait was up to 45 minutes!

The t-rex at the entrance. He roars about every 20 minutes. First time it did it we were in line and Owen about fell down, and shoved us all out of the way to watch it. I don't think he took his eyes off of it our entire meal!

This was the view above us

Straight across was the volcano room. The volcano erupts every 20 minutes and there is a meteor shower of lights on the ceiling. It's very loud. VERY.

Just as an FYI, it took awhile for our waitress to come take our drink orders, but after that, she was very quick about coming back. I've heard the service can be slow, but after the initial wait, we found we didn't wait long for anything.

We let the kids all order their drinks in the special flashing cups

When I say kids, I mean all the kids

I had the best drink - Tropical Cottontini. They take a wad of cotton candy, stick it in the glass, then bring a shaker of spiked tropical punch and pour it on the candy to sweeten the punch. OMG it was so good. And I got to keep the shaker (actually, our waitress bought a clean shaker and told me I could take the dirty one home too if I wanted, so we ended up with 2. O uses them as cups!). After the day we'd had, that drink was much much needed :rolleyes1

After we ordered dinner, the waitress told us to take our time looking around


O was in heaven. He was mesmerized. I bet we walked for 10 minutes.

We thought the food was very good. I had mushroom ravioli and it was very yummy. J had chicken friend steak (he's a big comfort food kinda guy), DH had fried shrimp, which was good, but he was wishing he had my ravioli :) I cannot remember what the kids had, but they both pretty much cleaned their plates, so it must have been good.

After dinner we took O over to Build-A-Dino and of course, this is where he wanted to spend his souvenier money.


He says triceratops are his favorite, and I was so excited when I saw they had one. However, he decided on a purple t-rex, and named him Fred.

Poor Fred's roar box slipped out of his hand while they were stuffing him, so his roar box is now located on his hip somewhere. You have to squish the poor thing in half to make him roar :laughing:

R took this opportunity to throw a fit. Late nights/early mornings were probably just taking their toll, but she insisted on getting a dino with her money too. She had talked for weeks about getting Minnie earrings, and now she was willing to throw it out the window for stuffed dinosaur? I finally gave in because it was her money, and we had told them they could spend it as they chose, and I know she loves stuffed animals (Her top bunk is completely full of stuffed animals) She picked out the ankylosaurus (which O says you can tell it's anklyosaurus "cuz it has a spiky tail") R's dino's name is Anna.

It took them forever to pick clothes for them, get them ready to go, do their birth certificates etc. Cheerleader costume for Anna, blue jean shorts and t-rex t-shirt for Fred. I completely forgot to take a picture of their final products!


Once we finally paid and got out of there, it was dark. Since we were in DTD, we decided to do our souvenier/Christmas shopping. My first stop was the place that had the scrapbooking stuff the last time we were there, only it was closed!!!!! That was enough to totally ruin my trip :eek: I really wanted to find a dated 2008 scrapbook pack like I bought in 2006. Nothing. I bought the one with the 4 park themed stuff at World of Disney, but it's not the same (whine over)

While at World of Disney we bought our essentials: postcard stamps, Christmas ornament, fridge magnet, t-shirt for DH and a necklace for R's friend (she had sent a giftcard with R with instructions on what she wanted) World of Disney was horrendously busy and we had to wait forever to check out. Owen was tired and crabby and out of control. I was so ready to get out of there, and was debating going home, but there were a couple of things I needed to pick up first.

Next up Once Upon A Toy. DH kept the kids occupied while I stuffed the big Potato Head containers full of parts - one for R and one for O. We bought one box full on our last trip, and the kids play with them ALL the time. I also grabbed the cutest kid themed Star Wars figures for my 1 year old nephew. My brother is a big Star Wars fan, so he'll probably like them better than my nephew!

I wanted to go to Ghiradelli so bad, especially since our MNSSHP maps had coupons, but we were all just way too stuffed from dinner. :(

On the way to the van we had to stop for the Lego pictures
oh yikes, that blue candy to the eye sounds awful!!!! and what a bummer about the scrapbook. But looks like a fun time at Trex.
Wednesday October 29. It has to be better than yesterday, right?

Everyone was complaining about having to get up early every morning. "but, it's vacation". That's great, but if we don't get there early, you aren't going to get to ride anything. You need to make a decision. And they decided to take their chances and sleep in today. Fine. Especially since it was a balmy 40 some degrees when I woke up. I cuddled back up under the comforter (it's Florida :rolleyes: ) and slept a little while longer.

We slept in, got out the door and back to DHS to do what we missed the day before (mostly shows). We got there at 10:15. The line to security was extra long. The security guard checking bags asked someone "Is there anyone left in the UK or are you all here?" He was laughing that we were the only people from the US he had seen that day :)

and by the way, Still cold!

I have to post this picture. O LOVED doing the ticket thing everyday.


First stop today, J heads out to get fastpasses for TSM if there are any left. There are, but our return time is 3:05. Ouch,

Next up Beauty and the Beast. The little kids always love the show. J of course, was itching to run, so we let him off to ride RNR and TOT.

Next, quick ride on Tower of Terror. O refuses to go, so we switch off, however, since he was tall enough to ride, the guy told us to switch off inside. We went in and asked someone and they told us we switch off before we ride. I wasn't thinking and we went in for the movie part, and that set O off because he heard his dreaded "shshhheheeee" part. Then he had to stand in line thinking he was going to have to ride. DH told me to go first, and I guess O really freaked out when they took him down the elevator to wait on us. I really should have pushed more to switch off

Then when I got out, DH and O were waiting on us, and no one had said anything to him about where to go or what to do. He was going to let it go and just leave, but I went back up to the lady, and she apologized saying it was her fault, took DH and the older ones right back up and put them on the next car, in the front row. :)

Next, walk all the way across the park to catch the Indiana Jones show. We had to sit and wait 25 minutes for this show. Glad I had packed granola bars to snack on. We were sitting by all kinds of people from the Midwest, so that was fun. We were comparing weather :)

O was not a fan of the show. A little too loud for him.

Then we hiked to the back of the park, with EVERYONE else, to watch Lights Motors Action. Holy cow. It was so packed it took us forever to even get in there, and then we couldn't find seats together. Finally a cast member waved us back up near the front to a wheelchair accessible seat close to the front since it wasn't being used. Sometimes being late is not a bad thing



It took forever to get out of there with so many people filing out at once. We waited a few minutes for the crowds to die down (stopping to get our picture taken at the city scene) then went to Pizza Planet for lunch. This shot my "eat at a different counter service restaurant this trip" since we had eaten there the last time, but the kids love it and we actually got through the line pretty quickly.


DH went to take money out of the ATM to let the kids play a couple of games in the arcade while I stood in line to order, and it said that access to his card had been blocked. The stupid bank shut off his card because he had been using it in Florida. It took a 30 minute after lunch phone call to get it turned back on and convince them he was really him. Never mind my card connects to the same account, was being used more than his in Florida, and they didn't touch mine?

This is the first time I heard my husband say "Yep, worst vacation ever" and laugh. I had been saying it almost daily :)
After lunch it was time for our fastpasses for TSM. Once again, it was fun, but not fun enough to wait 90 minutes for. The bad thing about the fastpass line is you have to miss Mr Potato Head. We had seen him on YouTube, and I would have loved to have seen him. Not enough to wait in line, though :)


J hopped off and went to stand in line to ride it again since we were going character hunting.

As we were walking to get the stroller, we ran into Prince Caspian. He was laying it on a little thick, but was very nice and tried so hard to get O to pose for a picture. He even told O he shoudl do it for his queen mother, but O just stared at him :rotfl: No go, but R was all for it


Next up we headed inside to meet Woody and Buzz. They have all these scenes from the movies set up that you can take pictures of. That helps to keep the kids occupied while waiting in line.



All this time to wait in line, and O wouldn't get his picture taken. He loves Woody and Buzz. I had to hold him for the photopass picture. I have to say that I was impressed with most of our photopass photographers. As soon as we got to our turn, I would tell them that O wouldn't pose in a picture, so almost all of them took plenty of pictures of him getting autographs so we at least have some pictures of O with characters.


Next up we found the Cars. At one point, O laid his head down on Lightening McQueen to listen. The photopass photographer looked at me and said "Did you get that? I missed it!" I hadn't, and we tried to coax O to do it again, but he couldn't hear us :)


We headed back over for everyone to ride one last ride on RNR. My daughter the thrill addict loves that ride. It was getting dark, almost time for Fantasmic, but we decided to skip the crowds and try and squeeze a couple more rides in. They rode RNR again, and then J, R and I went for one last Tower of Terror ride.

We were the only ones in line, and DH said they shut the gates right behind us.


We go to get on the elevator (just the 3 of us) and I tell the bell hop "Pick a really good one. It's our last day to be able to ride it". He said "I got it covered" and smiled. They were just closing the door when they let 3 Dutch teens in with us. They talked the whole time. So annoying.

O's favorite "Shhehehhhh" part. I had to take a picture for him :laughing:

They stop the ride right as we get to the elevator shaft to tell the morons behind us to put their feet down on the ground. The Dutch teens start chanting "Up Up" and J yells at the top of his lungs "We're going down" which is funny because everyone knows you never go down first, always up. We've never gone down first.

Only we didn't go up. We dropped about 6 floors first, then shot back up to the very top and just stayed there. I loved the view from ToT at night, especially when you get a few seconds to look at it.

I didn't think we'd ever go back down again, and then we dropped all the way back down again. It was so much fun, and the ride lasted twice as long as they usually do. We seriously went up and down at least 10-15 times. I wish I could have found that CM and given him a huge hug. It was a great ride! I was so sad DH didn't get to ride it with us. It was awesome!

We left after that, headed back towards the villa and stopped at Carrabas for dinner. It was a pretty good day, other than being really crowded and cold, and the little blip with DH's card. We thought our bad luck streak was over.

Thursday Oct 30.

Oh yeah. Worst vacation ever

This morning we had breakfast reservations at Akershus. I had originally scheduled character meals for every day, then decided to save some money and only keep 2...Akershus for breakfast and Chef Mickeys for dinner. This would give us time with the core "big shots".

While getting ready to go this morning, at 7am since we had to leave by 7:45 to make our 8:30 reservation, DH and I got to talking about the Halloween party

"We had such a great time. I wish we could go again"

"Technically we could. Tomorrow's party is sold out, but there is one tonight"

"but it's expensive"

"but, if we cancel Chef Mickey's, we could put that money towards the party and it wouldn't be that much more expensive"


So we put it to the kids. They all opt for the party. 8 hours of MK and MNSSHP vs 1 hour to eat with the characters. Not a hard choice. So we leave it up to God/fate what have you. If there are tickets available, we'll go.

See what we find on our way out of the addition. It's trash day.

They are everywhere. And they can open a trash can and make a huge mess. I couldn't believe this one was out at 7:30am! Yuck. DH said this one practically came right up to him when he was taking the can out.

See what else we saw


Get to Epcot, go to ticketing. We're in luck! Not sold out. Pay for the tickets, head back to Norway for breakfast. Yay! What a great day!

Get to Akershus, they seat us and tell Princess R she is the most lucky of all the princesses today, because her seat is the one across from the royal door, and she is the first princess the other princesses will come see. How lucky are we!?

Grab our cold plates and back in time for the rounds to start. We are indeed the first table, and R sees who is coming as soon as the door cracks open and squeals it out. She's a tomboy and most of the time could care less about the princesses, but she thought this was the coolest thing ever.

O refuses to pose with any of the princesses. Surprised? And the only one that paid any attention to J was Aurora. He was even wearing his "Chicks Dig Me" shirt and no one noticed!

However, they all noticed O's shirt

Jasmine was awful. She came out chattering about losing a monkey, signed, posed and left. She didn't even interact with the kids. Any of the kids in the room. Just chattered away about a monkey. Last trip's Jasmine was not very nice (she asked if it was O's bday since he had a bday button was 5 days from his bday, but we had to go over fall break, and she turned and announced to everyone very snottily "It's not REALLY his birthday") They need to up their Jasmine search criteria :) We think maybe they're cranky because they don't eat so they can wear those tiny costumes :laughing:


Mulan tried very hard. She tried everything she could think of to get him to take a picture with her

Speaking of Mulan, we couldn't find her on our last trip to save our lives..this trip we found her twice


I'll have to scan in and post the pictures with Belle we had taken in the hallway. O refused to even look at the camera, so in the pic he has his head buried in my shoulder.

We had the best waitress, Marete (sp?) She was always lurking around, but very quiet, brought us more of anything we asked for, never let our drinks get low, and made sure we had seen all the characters (how could we not? they tripped over our table coming out the door :) ) The food was good, the kids enjoyed the fruit, O ate a ton of canteloupe, we all loved the potato casserole. However, it seemed like the princesses were really rushed. Say hi, sign, pose, bye and leave. That was a little disappointing, epecially for the money we paid for 5 of us (ouch) It was nice, but I don't think we'd do it again.

After breakfast how about a nice brisk Test Track ride? That was COLD!


Then we headed over to get fastpasses for Soarin', the off to the Seas for Nemo ride


Then off to check out the aquarium area


Time for Soarin. I didn't get to ride it last trip. It was incredible but way too short. O sat forward the entire ride and pointed things out. As we were walking out, O said his stomach hurt. We sat down for a minute, he said he was better and we left. I figured the heights, motion of Soarin had maybe made him a little motion sick? After that we rode Living with the Land, then the last must do for us, Honey I Shrunk the Audience. Completely freaked O out. I finally yanked his 3D glasses off his face and covered his eyes.

Since we weren't going to Chef Mickey's, we went on the hunt for the characters we hadn't stopped to see earlier since we thought we'd be having dinner with them. We saw Chip and Dale outside, then went in the Character Connection to meet Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto & Goofy. When we got up to Donald, the photopass photographer just walked away without a word. I'm glad I noticed or we wouldnt' have had any pictures with Donald.

Last trip everytime we saw Minnie she was wearing a different dress, and we never found her in her red and white one

O let them all sign his book, but of course, no pictures!

It was time to leave to eat lunch, take a nap before the party tonight! Woo Hoo! I love the party.

As were going out, O says his stomach hurt again. No temp, he wasn't pale. Why does your stomach hurt, O? Because I'm hungry. No problem, we're off for lunch.

On the road, halfway home, and my gut tells me something isn't right. O, are you okay? No. Are you sick? No. Are you going to puke? No. I look at DH and say I think he's sick. No he's not, he's fine. I'm driving, so I can't see what's going on behind me. A little bit later O is fidgeting. A lot. I ask DH "what is your son doing" and he glances back there and says "nothing". I knew something wasn't right, but I let it go. Then I heard the splatter. Nobody says anything so I ask, "Is O puking" and J, who is sitting next to him, says "Yep"

It does sound like your day wasn't too bad, especially after the day before. It's too bad that your little boy didn't want to get to close to the characters. I can't wait to hear about the upcoming days.popcorn::
Okay, small break in the action to say "DUH!" No one notices O is barfing, or doesn't care? What the heck is wrong with my family??

I slam on the brakes and pull over as O barfs again. Have to have J unbuckle him because I can't reach across. R is FREAKING out in the back seat gagging. And DH is standing there.

Again, my husband, not so good in a mini-crisis. :angel:

Get O out, hand him to DH who cleans him off. I yank the seat out and clean it off. Now is the time DH starts to understand why keeping extra clothes, towels, wipes and bags in the van is not clutter, it's smart parenting!

Get O changed, car seat back in covered in a towel and O back in the van. Put DH beside O with a bag, J with me. R is holding her nose and complaining her head hurts. Anytime I ask "Are you okay" to O, she says "My head hurts". Drama queen :rolleyes1

Almost home and O tells DH he's going to puke, and lets loose, thankfully in the bag I provided just in case. O gets sick one more time before we are home. (the left turn light at 192 and Formosa Gardens is the LONGEST light in history!)

We make him a bed on the living room floor beside a trash can, tell the older ones to go to their rooms to watch TV and rest, and deal with O. DH runs for lunch for everyone else, and Owen gets sick twice while he's gone. It's awful.

Hey, I just noticed you can see Fred the Dinosaur in this picture!

He gets sick once more while we're eating. The kids go to watch TV in their rooms, DH takes the couch, I take the loveseat, and we rest with O until he wakes up to get sick. The poor thing threw up every 20-30 minutes for hours.

About 4, I look at DH and say "Halloween party tickets".

I had completely forgotten we had bought those this morning, and now we are out all this money. (5 tickets at premium price = OUCH)

DH tells me to go ahead and go and he'd stay with O (who is finally sleeping soundly) I say it's not fair and I can't go, he should go. He says he's tired and will be happy to stay.

I call Disney and they say that they will refund the tickets for anyone who doesn't go, and we don't have to call until tomorrow so if O feels better tonight, we can still go. Fat chance, but yay for Disney being so nice about it. The CM even gave me her number so that I could ask for her directly the next day.

I lay back down and decide to stay home. That loveseat and blanket was feeling awful nice :) R comes out and asks if we are going to the party, DH tells her probably. I say no. I felt guilty about going and leaving O, bad that I would go instead of DH. We've already been, so it's not like we'd be missing out. And we'd get our money back. DH is insisting I take R and J and go, and holds out the characters I missed the first party as bribery.

What to do?


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