The THYROID Thread

I actually thought the surgery was a little better than the biopsy. Lol. I was sleeping for the surgery. For the biopsy, I was wide awake with the surgeon and nurse 2 cm from my face. I have this thing about PERSONAL SPACE!

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I was mainly thinking about the recovery from the surgery. It wasn't the worst thing in the world but it wasn't like having a mole removed either!
Christine said:
I was mainly thinking about the recovery from the surgery. It wasn't the worst thing in the world but it wasn't like having a mole removed either!

Oh I know. I was making a feeble attempt at humor. ;-)

I had a total thyroidectomy for papillary carcinoma with spreading to a few lymph nodes, after originally having Graves' disease, then contracting hepatitis from an allergic reaction to the PTU. And yet, the main thing I still really cringe at was the biopsy and everyone so up close in my face. I must be claustrophobic. When I had my daughter I had a panic attack as they were closing me up from the c-section because the drape was up to my face. I am a nervous patient when "aware" of my surroundings.

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Oh I know. I was making a feeble attempt at humor. ;-)

I had a total thyroidectomy for papillary carcinoma with spreading to a few lymph nodes, after originally having Graves' disease, then contracting hepatitis from an allergic reaction to the PTU. And yet, the main thing I still really cringe at was the biopsy and everyone so up close in my face. I must be claustrophobic. When I had my daughter I had a panic attack as they were closing me up from the c-section because the drape was up to my face. I am a nervous patient when "aware" of my surroundings.

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Oh, yeah, I'd say you have a little problem!!!:rotfl:

I don't necessarily have that sort of issue but in some ways I do. It's why I hate the dentist so much. I hate that the dental hygenist is so close to me and I don't like all that prolonged attention to my mouth!!

I never did have a FNA in the neck so I don't know how I would have dealt with that. I've only had breast biopsies and, fortunately, they are not in your face for them.
Christine said:
Oh, yeah, I'd say you have a little problem!!!:rotfl:

I don't necessarily have that sort of issue but in some ways I do. It's why I hate the dentist so much. I hate that the dental hygenist is so close to me and I don't like all that prolonged attention to my mouth!!

I never did have a FNA in the neck so I don't know how I would have dealt with that. I've only had breast biopsies and, fortunately, they are not in your face for them.

Yes, I am the same with the dentist. Luckily the one hygienist has me down on my chart as a nut. Lol
Been there, done that with the breast, too. I can deal with that ok. Just want it over with. But that "in your face" thing just makes me crazy!

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I know this is completely O/T, but since you all have been so kind about my situation, I wanted to again thank you and tell you some good news. Not about the thyroid, too early yet, but about the pregnancy.

After I updated my OB with the info about my thyroid, they were able to get me in to have my first sonogram 9 days earlier than originally planned. I knew this was going to a nervewracking day for us b/c the last miscarriage was discovered at our first sonogram when they just couldn't find a heartbeat.

Well, we got a heartbeat! A REALLY strong heartbeat! Baby is measuring exactly on time, and he/she was even moving a little bit. Because of my position, I didn't see the flickering of the heart at first and my heart sunk. But DH saw it right away, and started crying before even I did! Which startled me because I didn't know why he was crying! :rotfl:

The only teeny-tiny weirdness is that the due date is 9/11. Oooph. I think I will be lying about that one when we tell people. ;) We aren't going to tell anyone until after we have all the testing done, which will be right as we enter the 2nd trimester. So for now, it's me, DH, one friend, and all you peeps on the DIS!

I thought this would scare me -- the idea of being pregnant and potentially having cancer. But, at least for today, I feel stronger. Like I have hope and more fight in me than before.

Thank you again for everything.
branv said:
I know this is completely O/T, but since you all have been so kind about my situation, I wanted to again thank you and tell you some good news. Not about the thyroid, too early yet, but about the pregnancy.

After I updated my OB with the info about my thyroid, they were able to get me in to have my first sonogram 9 days earlier than originally planned. I knew this was going to a nervewracking day for us b/c the last miscarriage was discovered at our first sonogram when they just couldn't find a heartbeat.

Well, we got a heartbeat! A REALLY strong heartbeat! Baby is measuring exactly on time, and he/she was even moving a little bit. Because of my position, I didn't see the flickering of the heart at first and my heart sunk. But DH saw it right away, and started crying before even I did! Which startled me because I didn't know why he was crying! :rotfl:

The only teeny-tiny weirdness is that the due date is 9/11. Oooph. I think I will be lying about that one when we tell people. ;) We aren't going to tell anyone until after we have all the testing done, which will be right as we enter the 2nd trimester. So for now, it's me, DH, one friend, and all you peeps on the DIS!

I thought this would scare me -- the idea of being pregnant and potentially having cancer. But, at least for today, I feel stronger. Like I have hope and more fight in me than before.

Thank you again for everything.

Congrats and God bless,

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I know this is completely O/T, but since you all have been so kind about my situation, I wanted to again thank you and tell you some good news. Not about the thyroid, too early yet, but about the pregnancy.

After I updated my OB with the info about my thyroid, they were able to get me in to have my first sonogram 9 days earlier than originally planned. I knew this was going to a nervewracking day for us b/c the last miscarriage was discovered at our first sonogram when they just couldn't find a heartbeat.

Well, we got a heartbeat! A REALLY strong heartbeat! Baby is measuring exactly on time, and he/she was even moving a little bit. Because of my position, I didn't see the flickering of the heart at first and my heart sunk. But DH saw it right away, and started crying before even I did! Which startled me because I didn't know why he was crying! :rotfl:

The only teeny-tiny weirdness is that the due date is 9/11. Oooph. I think I will be lying about that one when we tell people. ;) We aren't going to tell anyone until after we have all the testing done, which will be right as we enter the 2nd trimester. So for now, it's me, DH, one friend, and all you peeps on the DIS!

I thought this would scare me -- the idea of being pregnant and potentially having cancer. But, at least for today, I feel stronger. Like I have hope and more fight in me than before.

Thank you again for everything.

That's great news and I'm so happy for you!!!! Enjoy this and don't even think about the thyroid stuff. Statistically, the odds are in your favor.
branv - congrats and just focus on that baby. Dont worry about the what ifs right now.

And my thoghts on the fna conversation
I can understand about all the fnas and in your face kind of stuff. Honestly none of that really bothered me. My surgeon is really tiny and short so it was rarely that he was in my face, more like he had to put on stilts to find me, well not really, lol.

The worst was the core biopsy I had. That was beyond nerve racking and scary. I think dh said he wanted to throw up. Its like a caulk gun getting put into your neck sideways, not straight on. I was told not to look, turn, move etc. And worse, he said, I am making another pass on you (attempt) because I didnt like how the first one went, oh gheesh thanks!

Well my endo does her own fna they say, but honestly I would rather go to the ent surgeon if I need another one. I think he just has so much more experience etc.
Well this deserves its own post so gather round ladies because you all welcome to a piece of :cake: because we are having a party today!!:yay::cheer2:party::jumping1::rockband:

Today is my 4 year cancerversary!! God is so good. Cant believe 4 years ago I almost was not blessed to be here anymore and wonderful dh holding my hand in the coma (too bad he is in california and seattle all this week). I am blessed beyond measure for sure!

And yest I went to the endo. Ds21 took me. Good nursing school experience for him. Endo said my numbers are great. Hmm, she gave me the blood report and they only listed one test and the others are pending. its less than .2 measurable so a 0. She still wants me to get the reclast infusion and the sono, She gave me the name of another internist to check out. I go again in august since she always go to greece in july. Even ds told me what a nice dr. she was!

Thanks for always listening to me and being encouraging.

Mickayla - tomm you go to the new repro endo? Wishing you all the best.
Congratulations! And here's to many many many years of good health to come. pixiedust:
Hello! Im just dropping in to say, "hi." Im 2 months post-thyroidectomy (cancer), and thrilled to find so many others. Thrilled is probably not the best word, but Im still really happy to find this group. Looking forward to learning & growing with you. :wave2:
Well this deserves its own post so gather round ladies because you all welcome to a piece of :cake: because we are having a party today!!:yay::cheer2:party::jumping1::rockband:

Today is my 4 year cancerversary!! God is so good. Cant believe 4 years ago I almost was not blessed to be here anymore and wonderful dh holding my hand in the coma (too bad he is in california and seattle all this week). I am blessed beyond measure for sure!

And yest I went to the endo. Ds21 took me. Good nursing school experience for him. Endo said my numbers are great. Hmm, she gave me the blood report and they only listed one test and the others are pending. its less than .2 measurable so a 0. She still wants me to get the reclast infusion and the sono, She gave me the name of another internist to check out. I go again in august since she always go to greece in july. Even ds told me what a nice dr. she was!

Thanks for always listening to me and being encouraging.

Mickayla - tomm you go to the new repro endo? Wishing you all the best.

Congratulations! Missed this earlier. Sometimes I get updates from this thread and sometimes I don't. ..

Anyway, we did see a new Dr. and we like him a lot!
Hello! Im just dropping in to say, "hi." Im 2 months post-thyroidectomy (cancer), and thrilled to find so many others. Thrilled is probably not the best word, but Im still really happy to find this group. Looking forward to learning & growing with you. :wave2:

MadMim - welcome. Guess you can share with us when/if you feel ready. Of course I always like to hear everyones stories. Always looking for people with the rare variants like me.

Did you have rai? etc. etc. , tumor size,type etc.

Its hard getting adjusted to the new you at first with the synthroid, post op surgery etc.

Micayla - glad you like the new repro endo. Its so important when you have to work with someone and be on the same page etc.

Christine - yeah for your ds being accepted to the 2 colleges! Just did that last year with ds and nursing school. I am trying to do more reading this year too!
Christine - yeah for your ds being accepted to the 2 colleges! Just did that last year with ds and nursing school. I am trying to do more reading this year too!

Thanks! I saw you joined the 2013 Book Challenge. I'm signed up for 24 books this year. I feel like that's such a small amount but I should be able to do two a month. I used to read so much more, not sure what happened to me?

Do you have a Kindle or Nook? I saw that you only read books that you win. Right now I have had four Kindle books that I had on hold at the libary come in. It's great getting them all without paying for them! Not sure how I will read them all during the 21 day lending period. Maybe I should stay off the DIS!!!
Hello again. There was nothing rare or spectacular about my cancer. Im actually struggling with a lot of guilt because the whole process was so easy for me. I had a tiny nodule that calcified, biopsy showed papillary cancer, I had the thyroidectomy within a month. There was a second, undetected patch on the other lobe, and I did turn out to have minor thyroiditis & goiter - I had shown symptoms but labs never confirmed. According to my surgeon, my labs all came back "normal" under my first dose of Synthroid, but to supress it he upped my dose twice a week. I think I had some minor hypo symptoms for a bit, but nothing to write home about. I feel good. In some ways I wish it were more interesting, but mostly Im happy that it isnt. I will not have to go through RAI, and for that Im very grateful. The docs told me to seek out joy, so I bought a season pass to Disneyland. :thumbsup2
Well I am finally going to be getting my reclast infusion on the 22nd. I picked friday because if I get the high fever again, at least dh wont have to take off from work to take care of me. I hope I dont get those symptoms and the delusions again and the bone pain. The dr. said I shouldnt, so she better be right.

Christine - I wish I had a kindle. I asked for one the other christmas. I guess I should go and get myself one, but I do enjoy reading real books, I guess I am still old school. I am getting amish fictioned out of it. I know C. Ann doesnt post much anymore, but she would appreciate the books I am reading! And I just won 2 more books so they are gong into the to be read pile.
GAH. Why are doctor's offices SO...just...GAHHH!

So my two week time-frame for results on the Afirma test were up. Having heard nothing, I called yesterday to see if they were in. Receptionist says they're in but doctor hasn't looked at them yet. Someone will call me back. About four hours later, I get a call and it's the PA (I'm thinking, "YES! It must be good news or the doctor would be the one calling). Here's how it goes:

PA: "Wanted to tell you the good news: it's benign!"

ME: "Really? For both?"

PA: "Ummmm...hold on, I'm not familiar with this new test. Okay, this says one on the right."

Me: "I had two on the right, a larger and a smaller one"

PA: "This says 1.7 cm"

Me: "Okay, well that wasn't the one they were concerned about. They sent that one in too just to be safe, but the one that was suspicious was the 1.3 cm one."

PA: "Ummmm. Hmmmmm. Ummmmm. I don't know, I don't see... I'll have to have the doctor look at this. She's in surgery right now. But I don't see anything for a second 1.3 cm, maybe they haven't sent it yet. Someone will call you back."

Urghhhh. Well, good thing I asked! Sheesh!

Get a call today, see it's from them and my heart is in my chest. It's just the admin confirming my follow-up appointment for tomorrow. Another phone call an hour later, again, heart in chest. It's the admin again, wanting to know if they can move me to 10 am b/c they had a cancellation. I say, "That's fine, but last I heard they weren't even sure they had my test results in yet. Should I keep this or reschedule?" She goes to consult with the nurses, comes back and says, "No, she says you should definitely keep your appointment."

Okay. Not like a statement like that doesn't set off bells.

I know it's stupid to read things in b/c you'll just drive yourself crazy. And despite my initial panic early in this process, I have been amazingly calm about this lately. Very zen, comparatively.

But are they trying to test me?!?! I'm just human for pete's sake! I know they don't mean to be this way, but c'MON people, how about NOT making it harder?

End of rant ;)
Rant all you want! You are entitled to. Geesh! I hope the appointment is stress free and all good news. Hang in there!

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branv - I am sure this is so stressful to you and you have enough on your plate right now.

I know they want to be very careful with tests and results.

I actually had about 7 diagnosis before they finally got it right and figured out what kind of cancer I had. I think I went around with pap,pap, medullary, mem syndrome, lymphoma, pap and then pap with the rare columnar cell variant. Something like that I cant remember it all exactly. It was really stressful too.

Would it help if you brought someone with you tomm for moral support?

Wishing you all the best and keep us updated when you can. Hang in there sweetie


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