The Sea Witch Stole My Voice! Our Two Week Land and Sea Adventure! COMPLETE 4/12

Great start Lessa. It is wonderful that you have your Mom to share this with.

Hi Jordan....

Great update and pics.

Never ate there, we were going to but decided not to.

I would have thought everyone here would love her outfit with the dis colors on it, I am shocked. It looked ok to me, seen worst. :lmao:

Can't wait to hear the rest. Hope the cd comes quick.
Great start Lessa. It is wonderful that you have your Mom to share this with.

Thanks Tracy! It was definitely a different kind of trip being with just Mom and no brothers. A bit more relaxing... :rotfl:

I would have thought everyone here would love her outfit with the dis colors on it, I am shocked. It looked ok to me, seen worst. :lmao:

:rotfl: I guess living in NYC you would get to see some unusual getups.
Hey! So glad you got your purse back quickly! I can imagine how you felt!

Since I always fly Southwest, I have yet to experience the presonal TVs. I guess $50 each way is just too tempting to turn down!

Love the pic you took of the crazy outfit. I often do this at WDW, but scared to post them all in fear that it's a DISer, and I'll end up on People's Court! HA!

Looking forward to more . . . Cya!
Since I always fly Southwest, I have yet to experience the presonal TVs. I guess $50 each way is just too tempting to turn down!

Heck I wouldn't be able to turn down the $50 fare with! The cheapest we ever get is $250 roundtrip.

Love the pic you took of the crazy outfit. I often do this at WDW, but scared to post them all in fear that it's a DISer, and I'll end up on People's Court! HA!

After stowing away our groceries in the room (more like dumping them in a heap on the table) we went for a short little stroll around our area of Pop. We were debating whether we should drive the car over to the Magic Kingdom or if we should take the bus. We ultimately decided it would be safest if we took the bus because who knew what sort of state I would be in to drive by the end of the night since we will have been up for 24 hours by then.

We were in the 50's section which meant that our room was closest to the bowling pin pool.


I think that the 50's is my favourite section of Pop, the colour of the buildings and the theming appeals to me most out of all the sections.


We ran across this cute little guy


I then told Mom all about the snake thread I read on the dis and how they will sometimes fall out of trees right onto the pathways. :scared1: :lmao: Luckily we did not see a single snake the entire trip.

We walked up to the lake and admired the lovely unfinished buildings on the other side. Disney really needs to tear them down, they are an eye sore.


Then we came across Mom's year sign


After finding her sign we decided to head to the bus, we figured we would explore the rest of the resort some other day to find my year sign.

There were only a couple people in line ahead of us when we arrived but the line quickly grew, glad that we got there when we did! The family is front of us was from Quebec (we could tell from their shirts) and were speaking in French. So much for my 4 years of French in high school, I couldn't understand a word.

The bus arrived after waiting for about 15 minutes and it needed to load three wheelchairs onto the bus before the rest of us could get on. Since Mom and I were near the front of the line we were among the lucky few to grab seats.

That bus was packed! Mom did end up giving her seat up to a Mom with a young kid. Another woman was basically standing over me straddling my lap, a bit awkward to say the least. I am not one for invasion of personal space, probably why I do not like riding the buses.

Soon enough we were at the Magic Kingdom and I was very relieved to get off that bus, I felt like I couldn't breathe on it it was so crammed.

Forgetting the bus ride I was happy to be back at the Magic Kingdom!



We sailed through bag check, our tickets worked on the first go and within minutes we were inside the park. We did not have any set plans for the day other than the meet at Aloha Isle at 8pm for Dole Whips and SpectroMagic.




We wandered onto Main St and decided to explore the stores on the right hand side of the street as we only ever seem to go into the Emporium. First stop was the hat shop where I tried on some Minnie ears and Mom tried to convince me that I should get the princess ears (tall pointy princess hat with ears sticking out) No thanks! I did really like the Minnie ears so I put them on my to consider list.

Next we went into the confectionery where we saw these enormous Mickey rice krispie treats.


While in the shop we heard what sounded like parade music coming from outside. We were confused as it was 6pm and there is no parade at 6pm. Here is what we saw coming down the street:











It looked like a mini version of the 3pm parade, I still have no idea what it was though. Anybody have any idea?

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Great updates Lessa! I can't believe you and your mom were able to stay awake that long. I would have had to sleep on the plane and then maybe nap some at the hotel before venturing out. Sounds like you are having a great time, though! Looking forward to the next post!
Great updates Lessa! I can't believe you and your mom were able to stay awake that long. I would have had to sleep on the plane and then maybe nap some at the hotel before venturing out. Sounds like you are having a great time, though! Looking forward to the next post!

I know! It always amazes me how long I can force myself to stay awake on vacation. Must be something in the Disney air that keeps us going. ;)
Nice update. I love Updates when you feel like you're there.
That the Move It, Shake It, Celebrate it Parade. It it shown 3 or 4 times per day. It's part of the what will you celebrate promotion.

You and your mom look great for being up so early and traveling:goodvibes. Me I'd look like the walking dead by this point!:sad2:
i subbed to this yesterday and finally got it all caught up.

i think that is the what will you celebrate parades? that theyhave now

your purse story reminded me of when we went to disney on our honeymoon, we got through security, found our terminal, then went to go get some breakfast,

came back and ate it, when we finished, they called my name over the gate terminal to come to the check in, i am thinking all right free updgrade right.

well i get there and she says are these yours sir, huh, she had our bording passes, i left them at the coutner at BK

so glad that someone turned them in.

i was so worried about lossing them i was holding them all through security and go figure i get a buscuit sandwich and forget all about the tickets for our flight and leave them.
Nice update. I love Updates when you feel like you're there.


That the Move It, Shake It, Celebrate it Parade. It it shown 3 or 4 times per day. It's part of the what will you celebrate promotion.

Ah, I didn't realize it was a parade I thought it was just an interactive show up by the castle. Sort of like the Family Fun Day Parade, you know, very small scale production.

You and your mom look great for being up so early and traveling:goodvibes. Me I'd look like the walking dead by this point!:sad2:

Thanks, I am somewhat used to an odd sleep schedule and stay up for 24 hours at a time on a semi-frequent basis, Mom I don't know how she did it.
i subbed to this yesterday and finally got it all caught up.

i think that is the what will you celebrate parades? that theyhave now

your purse story reminded me of when we went to disney on our honeymoon, we got through security, found our terminal, then went to go get some breakfast,

came back and ate it, when we finished, they called my name over the gate terminal to come to the check in, i am thinking all right free updgrade right.

well i get there and she says are these yours sir, huh, she had our bording passes, i left them at the coutner at BK

so glad that someone turned them in.

i was so worried about lossing them i was holding them all through security and go figure i get a buscuit sandwich and forget all about the tickets for our flight and leave them.

:laughing: I am always worried about losing the boarding passes as well, I am always checking my bag to make sure they are still there with the passports.
Hi Lessa,

I'm so excited to read your new trip report and was very happpy to meet both you and your mom at the Epcot dismeet. I had the 2 kids in the double stroller.

Now I know why your mom looks so young - she is!!! 1962 - I can't believe she has grown kids. I was born in 1968 and I have a 5 and 3 year old. I think she made the right choice though - I'm very, very tired now. :)

Looking forward to reading more.
Great report so far! Looking foward to more!

Thank you for reading and I am glad that you are enjoying it. :goodvibes

Hi Lessa,

I'm so excited to read your new trip report and was very happpy to meet both you and your mom at the Epcot dismeet. I had the 2 kids in the double stroller.

Now I know why your mom looks so young - she is!!! 1962 - I can't believe she has grown kids. I was born in 1968 and I have a 5 and 3 year old. I think she made the right choice though - I'm very, very tired now. :)

Looking forward to reading more.

:laughing: I am sure that you all are making her feel very good about herself with all the remarks about how young she looks. I guess the Disboards are good for boosting ones self-esteem. ;)
Great update, Lessa!!!! Your weather looks FABULOUS!!!! :sunny: You made it to the MAGIC KINGDOM, yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! :mickeyjum

Yes, that is the CELEBRATE :cake: Parade! It is a FUN parade! :cake: Here at DL it stops in about 3 to 4 locations and the dancers all sing and dance for the crowds and then move on to the next spot. I believe it is all in conjunction with the birthday celebration theme for this year. :cake:

I love that you have a "consider" list!! :thumbsup2
Great update, Lessa!!!! Your weather looks FABULOUS!!!! :sunny:
:laughing: Yes the weather was very nice on THAT day....

I love that you have a "consider" list!! :thumbsup2

Yep, I find I have to do this to avoid buyers remorse and also to keep me from spending way more than I can afford. This way I know that if I still really want something a few days down the road that I should buy it and it helps me decide between things. I'll tell myself I can get one or the other but not both.


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