The *Official* February 2011 Thread - Happy Dance Time...The Park Hours Are Out!

Was listening to the soundtrack for Soarin' again on the way to work, and was practically in tears, it made me so excited and happy. :cloud9: This time tomorrow, we will be in the air!!

(OMG, how is it only 10 o'clock right now?? I swear, every time I look at the clock, it's going backwards... :headache: )

at least its 10 where you are.. i just got it to work. its only 8:18 here. Got the laundry finished last night. Just waiting for Saturday so we can pull out the suitcases and not torture the dogs. :rotfl:

Put my deposit down on the October Trip. We are staying at Pop (it was a full $1000) cheaper than POFQ, and that money can be put to a different use.

Hope everyone has a great day!!!
not quite as exciting as all you but........ exactly 2 weeks from now we will probably be just getting off ME and entering ASMU. :cool1:

Which means I have exactly 1 week left before I start obsessing over the weather.
We leave on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is the first trips for my kids ... DS just turned 8 and DD is almost 6.

DH and I have not been since we were teens either ... which was over 20 years ago!!!


We just booked in mid January!!!
it's our kids first trip too. I am SOOOOO excited about it! I haven't been to MK or EP since, 1995. 16 years ago!!!! :scared1: I did go to HS (when it was MGM) in 1999.
I think I am just as excited about the airport/flight for the kids as I am about WDW.
Yay for all my fellow DIS-er's leaving soon like me!

Can you believe my BF's 10 year old son (who hasn't shown an INCH of excitement at all) said he wishes we weren't going because he's missing a basketball game tomorrow, fractions in school, and candy on Valentine's Day at school?!?!?:confused3

This is his first trip. He has NO idea what he's about to experience!!:woohoo:
Leaving Monday afternoon and driving half way...arrive Tuesday!!!!! Can't wait...and I haven't started packing but I have a list :-)
There are SOOO Many leaving sooooo soon!!!!

6 more sleeps for me....not that I'll be sleeping....:rotfl2:

Packing this weekend....looks like the weather is going to be pretty nice after all....

I just want to take a moment and say how much I have enjoyed chatting with you folks these looong months. You've made the planning even more fun and the time go by more quickly! I wish we were all going at the same time!! :grouphug:
OMiG I am so bored I am going to explode! There is NOTHING to do at work today...I have done & redone & readjusted for time + then printed out a jillion ridemax plans.....then I reprinted all our ADR's on index cards. Checked the weather 10 times...

Thank goodness we are off least I can pack!!!!
Gina - I agree with you!!

Chris - I feel your pain. We have slowed way down, but I have to work tomorrow. I will take the time to go over everything a couple of times, check the weather, crowd estimate, ect.

I cant believe we finally go on Sunday. :love:
The weather forecast for next week looks perfect. Finished up a huge project a day early, so tomorrow I dont know what I'll be doing all day at work. Probably just day dreaming about Saturday!
Mickey mail FINALLY here today:banana::banana::banana:

funny story...opened it up...then the phone rang...went to answer, chatted with my friend for maybe 5 minutes...came back into the 11 year old had already put the luggage tags together!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I STILL have no idea what you guys were all talking about!!!:rotfl::rotfl:
Time for me to pack up the computer! All y'all have GREAT trips, and I'll post here soon!!

Here we come, Mickey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:
Gina - safe travels ! & have fun!!!!

5 sleeps left.....


laundry today...let the wild packing rumpus begin!
Packing is started I have everything laid out on the bed, now I have to fit it all into the suitcases. Should really get off my butt and get some work done but instead I am sitting here eating Hershey Kisses and dreaming of Disney and warm weather. Speaking of warm weather does anybody know if sunscreen expires, I have an unopened one that is over a year old just curious if I need to make another run to target. Target loves when we go on vacation - I spend as much there getting ready for fun as I do at the parks having fun.:rotfl2:
I just went in and peaked on the kids (they were way to quite) they are cutting tickets for the rides. I know you don't need tickets but it's keeping them busy so cut a way little ones.
don't soak up all the sun -- save some for me! ;)

Next week is going to be the longest week ever for me. :sad1:

I also spend almost as much $ on crap FOR the trip, as I do on the actual trip, lol. Me and DH still need to get ourselves some clothes, but I want to wait 'til it's a little closer so I can see what the weather's like (not that it can't completely change between the time I shop and the time I get there.) :confused3

I'm going to tell the kids on Monday for Valentines Day, so then I can bring down the suitcases and start the packing. Kills me to have to pay $25 per suitcase. I'm sure we'll have 2. #@&@()#^!*&~


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