The not so live version of dining w/ Disers, in Castles & on Safari! The Wrap! 2/26

Glad you finally got to try a dole whip! I really like the pineapple/vanilla swirl but have never tried the float. It certainly looks good, even when a bit melty. ;) I think I need to add a DW float to my list of "must-trys" for next time. :thumbsup2

DH and I really enjoyed Beaches and Cream when we ate there in 2012 and I had the grilled cheese tomato bisque combo. I remember I liked the soup and really enjoyed the sandwich, but wouldn't have had the cheese been funky. I wonder what they've done to change it? :(

It was tough deciding! I knew I'd mark it off the list. Good thing there were not more choices. ;)

When I had the grilled cheese the first time it was with the tomato soup. That was when I really liked both. Maybe I just have to have it with the soup for the flavors to compliment each other. I don't remember the sandwich tasting funny before. Maybe it was just an off night. :confused3

Welcome to the Dole Whip Lovers Club, Brenda! I've never tried the float with vanilla, but I love the orange.

So glad Beaches and Cream takes ADRs now. Hopefully your next meal there will be better.

Why thank you Rachel! I'm glad to be part of your club. :cheer2: I like orange sherbet so if it is anything like that I think I'd be happy to expand my horizons.

I'm sure we'll be good next time at B&C. As long as they have hot fresh fries that makes everything better. Oh, and their onion rings. Yum.

I agree with your choice for breakfast over Em's...that cookie sounds really good about now, and I didn't care for my treat at Gaston's etiher.

I'm with Em though on the Dole Whip...not a fan at all.

I'm sorry your grilled cheese wasn't very good this time. I loved mine in June, but think I'll switch to the cheeseburger in a few weeks when Mark and I are there with our ADR. Emily is so talented with her cheeseburger. :goodvibes

I think there are a lot of people that agree with you Kathy! Speaking of cookies, that was a nice mommy thing for you to do for Mark with his surgery. I hope he is doing well.

It's surprising that I liked the Dole Whip seeing as how I don't really eat ice-cream. :confused3 I think for Em she didn't like the pineapple at all.

You like Em's artwork? She's creative she is! You can't go wrong with the burgers and onion rings. :)
Ooh, I fell a little behind here :blush:
The Oatmeal cookie you had for breakfast looks delicious. Looking at the cinnamon bun, it does look a little dry, not enough frosting it would seem
I adore dole whips but usually go for the pineapple and vanilla swirl, the vanilla cuts the pineapple tartness nicely
Great reviews as always Brenda :thumbsup2
How exciting that you will be back out here. We'll have to try and meet up next time. I knew you were here when we were at the resort last month but we were there for just the weekend.
We were only there for 3 full days as well. We will be back for a longer stay this summer (probably August - doing a Great American Road Trip down the coasts of Oregon and California) and then again at least once (hopefully twice) before our APs expire. I'm sure we can manage to meet up at some point! I mean, we all like to EAT! :laughing:
Well Brenda, you've done it again, your wonderful reports make me soooooooo hungry, while giving some great tips for some places we want to try. Thanks!!!
I'm so far behind!! LOL

  • School Bread- I'm not sure that is something I would like, but I do feel the need to try it since everyone raves about it. But I'd rather taste a slither of someone else's… There should be a "taste-test" of certain things around "the world"! LOL:thumbsup2
  • Tony's- OMG. That scampi looks amazing, and I have always read such mixed reviews. I'm thinking I may have to try this place soon. But not this trip… but maybe since I'm adding another day?? Hmm….
  • I'm so sad that the Bakery got rid of their cinnamon rolls. I'm going to have to try Gaston's, but I've heard they aren't quite the same. Sigh…
  • If that cookie had raisins in it- GROSS! Raisins are disgusting. However, I LOVE cransins… go figure! LOL :rolleyes1
  • Glad you enjoyed the Dole Whip Float!!! Can't WAIT to have another one of those amazing things!
  • That table at B&C is TINY!! The food all looks tasty though! That is a place I really want to try. Maybe for my July trip, when it's just me and Corey?? :confused3
Okay, I'm all caught up on this report again! YAY! Only 800 other reports to catch up with! :rotfl2:
Ooh, I fell a little behind here :blush:
The Oatmeal cookie you had for breakfast looks delicious. Looking at the cinnamon bun, it does look a little dry, not enough frosting it would seem
I adore dole whips but usually go for the pineapple and vanilla swirl, the vanilla cuts the pineapple tartness nicely
Great reviews as always Brenda :thumbsup2

No worries Linda! I'm definitely more of a cookie kinda gal. If the cinnamon roll came with a side tub of frosting I may consider it in the future. ;)

Now that I have my first Dole Whip under my belt I'm ready to expand my whip horizons. It was definitely tart which is why Em didn't like it.

We were only there for 3 full days as well. We will be back for a longer stay this summer (probably August - doing a Great American Road Trip down the coasts of Oregon and California) and then again at least once (hopefully twice) before our APs expire. I'm sure we can manage to meet up at some point! I mean, we all like to EAT! :laughing:

For some reason I thought you were here longer. I did think of you guys as we were out and about. I knew I'd be able to spot Willow if I saw her. :)Definitely let me know when you'll be back down! :thumbsup2

Well Brenda, you've done it again, your wonderful reports make me soooooooo hungry, while giving some great tips for some places we want to try. Thanks!!!

Ha ha! It's like a bad habit, you just cant turn away when the food sucks you in. :rotfl: I'm glad you are following along. As I've said every place we've dined has been heavily influenced by someone here on the dining boards.

I'm so far behind!! LOL

  • School Bread- I'm not sure that is something I would like, but I do feel the need to try it since everyone raves about it. But I'd rather taste a slither of someone else's… There should be a "taste-test" of certain things around "the world"! LOL:thumbsup2
  • Tony's- OMG. That scampi looks amazing, and I have always read such mixed reviews. I'm thinking I may have to try this place soon. But not this trip… but maybe since I'm adding another day?? Hmm….
  • I'm so sad that the Bakery got rid of their cinnamon rolls. I'm going to have to try Gaston's, but I've heard they aren't quite the same. Sigh…
  • If that cookie had raisins in it- GROSS! Raisins are disgusting. However, I LOVE cransins… go figure! LOL :rolleyes1
  • Glad you enjoyed the Dole Whip Float!!! Can't WAIT to have another one of those amazing things!
  • That table at B&C is TINY!! The food all looks tasty though! That is a place I really want to try. Maybe for my July trip, when it's just me and Corey?? :confused3
Okay, I'm all caught up on this report again! YAY! Only 800 other reports to catch up with! :rotfl2:

Christen!! You are so close to your trip. :cheer2:

You have a great suggestion - taste size portions I was hoping that Em would share the school bread but she had no interest. Darn.

Apparently that shrimp scampi at Tony's was worthy of a repeat order by Em. if you don't make it soon keep it on your someday list.

Yes, there were plenty of big fat raisins in that cookie. That's what made it healthy you know. :lmao: When I was a kid I wouldn't touch them... not sure when that changed. I still prefer them in something rather than just eating them by the handful. BUT... I will eat craisins any day on their own. I love them in salads.

I didn't know what I was missing with those Dole Whips! :)

Ahhh Beaches and Cream. You can now reserve a table so you save your spot. Try the Kitchen Sink!! :rolleyes:

Thanks for catching up my friend!
Day 14: Thursday August 29, 2013 - Crew's Cup Dinner


Dinner plans this night had been subject to change since earlier in our trip I had re-booked the Illuminations cruise. (Since that was soooo long ago in my DR as a reminder we were scheduled to share the Illuminations cruise with two other Disers; Vicki (Goofyson’smom) and DonaldDoleWhip.) With an 8:15pm ‘Ohana reservation we couldn’t possibly do both at the same time so we had to abandon the endless skewers of meat and the fabulous bread pudding.
We invited Dean and Linda (as somewhat of a pathetic attempt of thanks for the Dream Suite tour) to join us for the Illuminations cruise this evening which they accepted. Since we wanted to dine close to where the cruise departs at YC/BC I suggested Crew’s Cup at Yacht Club. This lounge, that is attached to Yachtsman Steakhouse, has a small bar menu.



We selected a booth and had our drink orders taken…. Bloody Mary for me, Bud Light for Dean, and an ice tea for Em. Linda couldn’t decide which wine she preferred so the server poured a tasting of both for her to choose. That was a nice touch.

Bloody Mary






As noted on the menu, the appetizers, sandwiches, and entrees are available 5pm-midnight; the hours that coincide with YSH. I’m not sure if one can order other items that are featured on the YSH menu or not. Someone here on the dining boards can confirm/deny that but I seem to recall that as an option similar to Territory Lounge offering the full menu for Artist Point.

Since Em and I had eaten a very late lunch we split an appetizer item, the crispy onion arrangement. Dean and Linda ordered the burgers that were served with fries.

I’m throwing up a caution sign now and saying that due to being more focused on catching up with this couple, talking about Dean’s book from which he was sharing stories that made me reach for a tissue, having a few cocktails, and the low lighting….I didn’t do such a great job with the camera during this meal. I think I rather abandoned my efforts so the few photos I took don’t really do this place justice.

Crispy Onion Arrangement with Sweet-and-Spicy creole mustard sauce ($6.49)


This was a generous portion of battered and fried onion slices. The sauce appeared to be a bit weak on the spicy but that’s just my tastes. The onion petals were very good. I believe the batter had a creole spice in it that was pretty tasty. That said I didn’t eat much. In fact, between the two of us attempting to eat this, neither of us would have received a clean plate sticker.

Angus Chuck Cheeseburger: lettuce, tomato, onion, cheese served with fries ($12.99)


Linda and Dean both presented their burgers for my camera, very nice of them to offer to pose their food for a photo. They both agreed that the burgers were excellent. I love the little condiment bottles they give but it sure makes it harder to dress your burger if you have to rip open the safety seal and then dump the contents of the wee bottles out. In any event, this was a good option so close to the boat dock.

They accept TiW which saved us $11.49.


Restaurant Photo:

A couple preview photos of the Illuminations cruise....




A great tour that was repeated with DISers for our December trip!

Next Up: Crystal Palace breakfast
Day 15: Friday August 30, 2013 - Crystal Palace Breakfast - Part 1



We’ve finally come to our last breakfast at WDW. We changed this up from our usual departure day meal which has been Cinderella’s Royal Table for the last several trips and booked Crystal Palace – A Buffet with Character.

We figured CP was an attraction option because:

a.) It allows early entry into MK for a pre park open reservation just like CRT and
b.) has adorable characters as well – just the bouncy, adorable, and fur variety.

I’m a bigger fan of CP than Em so she was nice to concede to my switcheroo.
MK opened at 9am; therefore, our 8:30am breakfast was before park open so we showed up at the “event entrance” a little after 8am. We took the requisite Main Street photos and even found one of the friendly photopass photographers that we had chatted with the day before. Further up the street, our favorite PP photographer in all of WDW – Alex! Not only is he bringing sexy back but he’s striking a diva pose! Loved it!



Oh look who showed up? The Mayor is coming over to say hi!


We made it over to CP where we were checked in for the short wait before we were seated. There was a dispenser of chilled water for the guests awaiting their reservation – such a nice touch! The OCD part of me wanted to straighten the crooked stack of cups and throw away the stray empties. I resisted the urge.


We were called to be seated and join the Friendship Day Celebration at a small table to the left of the buffet. Our server started us with some juice; orange for me, apple for Em.


The characters were not in the vicinity so we headed over to the buffet. Both the right and left sides offer the same food choices. The dead center of the buffet area is the made-to-order omelet cooktop.

Photo tour:

















Crystal Palace continued....

Day 15: Friday August 30, 2013 - Crystal Palace Breakfast Part 2

Looks like some jumpers!

Scrambled eggs

Sausage and Veggie Frittata

Breakfast pizza



Breakfast lasagna

Of all these wonderful options, what tempted our taste buds? My savory plate (remember I separate the cold/hot, savory/sweet, makes sense/doesn’t make sense…) was sausage and mushroom frittata, scrambled eggs, and potato casserole. All very good.


My sweet plate was a blueberry Danish, a piece of Pooh’s puffed French toast and a Mickey waffle. (Not sure why I only took 1 waffle other than the fact that the plate was small.) I should have ditched the blueberry Danish since I took one bite and didn’t eat any more, it wasn’t my favorite part of the meal.
What’s in that bowl? It’s a scoop of breakfast lasagna; layers of waffles, pancakes, pound cake with strawberries and bananas topped with pastry cream and caramelized sugar. A pancreas delight!



Em went for the Mickey waffles with strawberry topping and an assortment of mini muffins. Her second plate was scrambled eggs and puffed French toast. She’s not as much a fan of the puffed French toast as me but she liked the waffles – especially with the strawberry topping.



Em’s second trip to the buffet was for some fruit and a boiled egg.



The characters were making their rounds. We caught Tigger first….


Then Piglet….



Then Eeyore….

And finally Pooh himself.


What I love about this place is that you can partake of the healthy options or abandon all self-control like myself and indulge in all the danishes, waffles, French toast, and breakfast lasagna. Vacation eating at its finest!
Using or TiW card it saved us $9.20. Before leaving we paused for a few photos near the entrance of the restaurant of the character topiaries.




Note: I did a better job with getting photos of the food and adding the captions for my December CP review that I did on the live dining thread. It is found here.

I enjoyed this so much as a last breakfast that we plan to repeat it for our next trip in April/May.

Next Up: Plaza Restaurant

Loved your Crystal Palace review. It is one of my favorites! Looking forward to hearing about The Plaza, as I am considering adding that as our lunch ADR on our last day.
Loved your Crystal Palace review. It is one of my favorites! Looking forward to hearing about The Plaza, as I am considering adding that as our lunch ADR on our last day.

Thanks Jessica! Plaza Restaurant is one of our favorite burger and sandwich places in MK. Those fries! :faint: And if you are into ice-cream anything, that's a great place to dine. :)
Wonderful updates, Brenda.

First, Mark is feeling better. He goes to the doctor tomorrow for his follow up visit and I'm anxious to hear what they have to say.

Your dinner at Crew's Cup looks wonderful. I did not know they served food there. I'll have to remember that since we are spending part of our time at the Boardwalk in September.

LOVE LOVE LOVE Crystal Palace as you know. I can't go on our annual trip wthout having the puffed french toast.

I think the Mayor has a thing for you, my dear.

Mark and I were thinking of doing the Illuminations Cruise in September. Maybe we could do it together the night we are having dinner together at Via Napoli? We will have to talk or email prior to my ADR date.

Lovely pictures of you and Em with the characters.
I have been trying to decide if I should book a breakfast at Crystal Palace for my family's June trip. After seeing your pictures, it's official. I AM making ADRs for CP! So many things looked so delicious!
Great CP review and superb job getting those buffet shots
Mmm, I think I would be wheeled out of the restaurant in some kind of sugar induced trance with so many yummy options :)
That's a very extensive menu at Crew's Cup, even without the YSH offerings!! I was unimpressed with the limited selection at Territory Lounge, and I have no idea if they offer Artist Point's food, as our waitress totally ignored us. I wish it was better, as I'm looking for a place to go for a quick, light bite before the Wishes Dessert Party in September! (We're about 90% we want to book this.)
I'll have to remember the Crew's Cup Lounge when we at at the BC next month. We have three evenings without a dinner ADR, so it could be a good option. The menu for the food booths at the Flower and Garden Show just came out, and we are excited about eating our way around the World Showcase. And there may be a drink or two, too. ;)

Where is the event entrance for MK? We signed up for the Keys to the Kingdom Tour and need to be there early.
A lot of the deluxe lounges have some pretty decent food offerings...nice to know!

I think the Mayor needs to seriously check in for therapy......just sayin'. :rolleyes2
I love the Crew Cup lounge, I'm not sure however if you can order from YSH there. I know you can only order certain things from AP at TL and it depends on how busy AP is. Since YSH is almost always busy I imagine it is likely not possible. I actually think the Crew Cup Lounge's food is cooked in the Captains Grill kitchen and not the YSH kitchen..

I'm also a CP fan but due to the extreme high number of carbs at the meal Hunter is not... Want to ditch the men for a girls CP breakfast in April/May? Lol
Aw to your last morning breakfast. It's always sad to be leaving Disney World! The Crystal Palace breakfast looks delicious though, and your character pictures are adorable. I've been to CP for breakfast but I was supposed to have my first pre-park opening breakfast earlier this month for my nephew's birthday trip. Unfortunately, we elected to cancel it, due to a ridiculously late dinner at Ohana the night before and being too tired. Maybe next time!

- Juanita


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