The New *Official 2013 Disney Princess Half Marathon Thread*

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debbieandroo-------Thank you !!!! The video was great and I did it !!:cool1:

Congratulations, I know that must be a relief.

I went to the local running store this time since I hate going to just the regular sports store or shoe store since I want to make sure these are ones I really like. The owner was working today and was super nice. He actually ran the Goofy a couple years ago and said he really enjoyed it. I ended up with a pair of Mizuno ones that are super comfy. I wear a size 5 normally and have a narrow foot and they were the most comfortable, so much better than my Nike pair. I was hoping for pink but the aqua and orange are fun too!:cool1:

I really like my Mizunos too. I did the same thing as you did - got fitted for them at a running store. Funny, I had never heard of that brand but just bought them because the folks there told me to [guess I'm an easy sell!]. Since then, so runner-types have commented on my shoes - made me feel a whole lot more athletic than I really am!

Also, I posted this on the shopping thread but, when you're ready for another pair, try holabirdsports. com -- you can get older models of all types of running shoes for half the price of the newer models...super reasonable and shipping is free if you buy more that $75 worth of merchandise. Hope that helps.
:cheer2: Wednesday, I hit 100 miles since I started keeping track in Jan. - it's exciting, isn't it?! WTG!

Yes, it is! I also started keeping track in Jan.. I was running quite a bit last spring then got pregnant! and I had to stop running about 16 weeks into my pregnancy.. I still walked but I couldn't run anymore. I had the baby in October and started up again in December!
I ran 7.5 miles today, in less than 1:50!! :banana:

I went to the local running store this time since I hate going to just the regular sports store or shoe store since I want to make sure these are ones I really like. The owner was working today and was super nice. He actually ran the Goofy a couple years ago and said he really enjoyed it. I ended up with a pair of Mizuno ones that are super comfy. I wear a size 5 normally and have a narrow foot and they were the most comfortable, so much better than my Nike pair. I was hoping for pink but the aqua and orange are fun too!:cool1:

I love my local running store! Three weeks ago, I bought a pair of Brooks, then I went to the running store and stood on the computer thing that tells you what kind of shoes you need... I know, I did that totally backwards! :rolleyes1
So, my friend bought the shoes that I had and I went and bought a new pair. I LOVE them!! I got the Brooks Defyance.. they were on sale for $50!
Count me in for the 2013 Princess Half! This will be my first Princess (or any Run Disney races) and I am soooo excited! My friend and I will be running together and we'll be traveling without our husbands & kids for a girlfriend weekend :woohoo:

It's just so much fun to plan for this race!
Count me in for the 2013 Princess Half! This will be my first Princess (or any Run Disney races) and I am soooo excited! My friend and I will be running together and we'll be traveling without our husbands & kids for a girlfriend weekend :woohoo:

It's just so much fun to plan for this race!

Congrats !!!!! RunDisney Races are SO much fun to do!!!!!! This will be my first Princess race too.
Decided to get in my car today to see how far 13.1 miles is... It's a lot further than I thought it was going to be... Had the first bit of nervousness of if I can actually do this. Of course it makes me want to keep trying and I keep reasoning that I still have almost a year and have come a long way from where I was before but... :confused3

Did any of you have that feeling before you ran your first Princess 1/2?
Decided to get in my car today to see how far 13.1 miles is... It's a lot further than I thought it was going to be... Had the first bit of nervousness of if I can actually do this. Of course it makes me want to keep trying and I keep reasoning that I still have almost a year and have come a long way from where I was before but... :confused3

Did any of you have that feeling before you ran your first Princess 1/2?

I had that with my first few Disneyland 1/2 marathons. For me it can also be a mental thing too. Don't let negative thoughts get the best of you. It's just one mile at a time, one step at a time. I've had races where I am not feeling great, having to apply bio freeze while running while having back issues. There are so many words of encouragement that you hear while running and that really helps.

Personally....this will be my first 1/2 at WDW. I'm really nervous because I have not done it before with the buses, course and in general how it's done on the East Coast. It's the little details that I'm worring about like getting stuck on a bus and missing the start of the race. Not being able to see DH and our son since they have no idea where to go to watch me. The running part I'm looking forward to.

You have 11 months to train and prepare for the big day. Just think how proud you will be of yourself for doing this !!! Hope this helps. :)
I'm in! This will be my first 1/2. I'm currently on a training program. I will be running with two of my daughters, niece, sister-in-law, girlfriend and two their hubbies! Getting excited, but also nervous and anxious about working up to this goal. :yay:

Welcome aboard! You have a great group running with you. The Princess is so much fun. This year was my first and I had a blast. You have plenty of time to train. Hang out here. There is so much support and friendship!
Is there a thread somewhere of people's post Princess reports from 2012? I thought I saw one, but didn't have time to really look at it. I wanted to read them to get inspired and now I can't find the thread again!
Decided to get in my car today to see how far 13.1 miles is... It's a lot further than I thought it was going to be... Had the first bit of nervousness of if I can actually do this. Of course it makes me want to keep trying and I keep reasoning that I still have almost a year and have come a long way from where I was before but... :confused3

Did any of you have that feeling before you ran your first Princess 1/2?

As a PP said, it can become mainly a mental thing, its way to early to start stressing yourself out honey. Take it one mile at a time, build slowly, and you will be amazed at how much your body can do.

For me, the nervousness didn't hit until the night before the Princess, I started to cry, I felt I was in WAY over my head... then we went to church, prayed, I put it all in Jesus' hands, and I was OK :goodvibes That was my way to get thru it, everyone has their own way to get past the nerves, but its just too early to get into your own head about it, you have a LONG time to train! No worries!!
I've been doing interval training on a particular route near my home. It is rather hilly. Not big hills, but a lot of spots that have a enough of a grade to them that it slows me down a bit. I'm constantly going uphill and then downhill both ways. My time for that route is about 17:14.

Today I went on trail that is mostly all flat with a couple of hills and I cut my time down to 15:12. It is a crowded trail and that was with me slowing down to try and fix my stupid interval app and to let bikes pass so I could get around the people who were walking

Specifically with regard to the princess half, because that is my big goal at this point, should I visit the flat route more often, or the hilly route? I was thinking of doing the flat route twice a week and the hilly route once a week. Thoughts?
After spending the last few days reading about the Princess Half Marathon, I'm so excited! This will be my first half marathon. I've done a few 5Ks, but haven't really tried to run any further than that. I'm planning to do a 10K as well, but I'm still looking for one nearby that isn't in the middle of the summer.

Hopefully will be bringing a friend - but she's still a maybe.
Specifically with regard to the princess half, because that is my big goal at this point, should I visit the flat route more often, or the hilly route? I was thinking of doing the flat route twice a week and the hilly route once a week. Thoughts?

Lulu, train on all terrains and train consistently. I started March of last year and did as you did. When the Jeff Galloway program was released, I worked that plan. Being consistent in your training and not building mileage to fast. You will do fine. Hill training builds endurance and speed. So mix it up. Do a couple hard works a week then do a easy flat. Flip flop and do a couple flats and then do a hard hill work out.
Does anyone have any races coming up this weekend?

I'm doing a race called the Vesuvius Challenge. It's four miles, and the first 1.5 mile is up hill! It's a hard race, but I've been training on that hill for over a month now. My goal time is 40:00!! I'm nervous!
Decided to get in my car today to see how far 13.1 miles is... It's a lot further than I thought it was going to be... Had the first bit of nervousness of if I can actually do this. Of course it makes me want to keep trying and I keep reasoning that I still have almost a year and have come a long way from where I was before but... :confused3

Did any of you have that feeling before you ran your first Princess 1/2?

Absolutely. I started running straight, with no intervals. I made it to 5 miles and just did NOT see how I was going to make it 13 like that. That's when I started playing with run / walk intervals to see what would work best for me. Now, it's totally a matter of one mile at a time!

Is there a thread somewhere of people's post Princess reports from 2012? I thought I saw one, but didn't have time to really look at it. I wanted to read them to get inspired and now I can't find the thread again!

I have one from this past year (blog address in signature) and I know Heather has several Disney races on her blog - and another person named Amy has a blog at Anyone else, chime in!

I've been doing interval training on a particular route near my home. It is rather hilly. Not big hills, but a lot of spots that have a enough of a grade to them that it slows me down a bit. I'm constantly going uphill and then downhill both ways. My time for that route is about 17:14.

Today I went on trail that is mostly all flat with a couple of hills and I cut my time down to 15:12. It is a crowded trail and that was with me slowing down to try and fix my stupid interval app and to let bikes pass so I could get around the people who were walking

Specifically with regard to the princess half, because that is my big goal at this point, should I visit the flat route more often, or the hilly route? I was thinking of doing the flat route twice a week and the hilly route once a week. Thoughts?

I would definitely do a mix of the 2. I have trained consistently on a completely flat path and the last half I did kicked my butt because of it! So I am determining that one short run per week will be done with my kiddo in the jogging stroller at a nearby hilly park, while the other short run and the long run will be on the flat path. At least I'll get in a little hill training. If you wanted to stay with the hilly route exclusively, it certainly can only help you!
Lulu, train on all terrains and train consistently. I started March of last year and did as you did. When the Jeff Galloway program was released, I worked that plan. Being consistent in your training and not building mileage to fast. You will do fine. Hill training builds endurance and speed. So mix it up. Do a couple hard works a week then do a easy flat. Flip flop and do a couple flats and then do a hard hill work out.

I would definitely do a mix of the 2. I have trained consistently on a completely flat path and the last half I did kicked my butt because of it! So I am determining that one short run per week will be done with my kiddo in the jogging stroller at a nearby hilly park, while the other short run and the long run will be on the flat path. At least I'll get in a little hill training. If you wanted to stay with the hilly route exclusively, it certainly can only help you!

Thank you both!
Is there a thread somewhere of people's post Princess reports from 2012? I thought I saw one, but didn't have time to really look at it. I wanted to read them to get inspired and now I can't find the thread again!

Look at our blog to see quite a few posts about the Princess Half Marathon. It is such a fun race and be sure to bring a few girlfriends to make the weekend extra special. :)
Decided to get in my car today to see how far 13.1 miles is... It's a lot further than I thought it was going to be... Had the first bit of nervousness of if I can actually do this. Of course it makes me want to keep trying and I keep reasoning that I still have almost a year and have come a long way from where I was before but... :confused3

Did any of you have that feeling before you ran your first Princess 1/2?

I ran half #17 today. Even though I knew I was going to take it as a slow, casual training run with a friend, even though I had just raced the distance two weeks before, even though there was no question in mind whether I could cover the distance...I still got a few butterflies this morning! It's perfectly normal to be nervous! I think I get a few nerves before pretty much every long run, and I don't relax until until a few miles in when I remember, oh yah, it's just running. It's what I do.

Specifically with regard to the princess half, because that is my big goal at this point, should I visit the flat route more often, or the hilly route? I was thinking of doing the flat route twice a week and the hilly route once a week. Thoughts?

Hills are speedwork in disguise. The more you train on the better, since they will make you stronger.

However, what goes up, must come down. On any hilly route, you have downhills, which will definitely give you some aid. That's why it's important to train on some flats if you are planning on running a flat race, so you have an idea of what it feels like to run a truly flat route for xx amount of miles.

Does anyone have any races coming up this weekend?

I'm doing a race called the Vesuvius Challenge. It's four miles, and the first 1.5 mile is up hill! It's a hard race, but I've been training on that hill for over a month now. My goal time is 40:00!! I'm nervous!

good luck! let us know how it went!
I think someone answered this but I want to make sure. If I do a 10k in September, can I submit my time? Do all timed 10k races count or only specific ones? I know I could do the Turkey Trot in Detroit but I don't want to commit to something on Thanksgiving. Just want to make sure so I can begin setting smaller goals before the Princess.
Count me in too!

I too made a promise to myself many years ago that I would run a Disney half before I turned 40 and I will be 40 in July of 2013, so it's time to get busy! I plan on running with my husband (who has done a half dozen halts and will have a full under his belt by then) and a few girlfriends. This will be a family trip as I went to Disney last fall without the kids. Right now, I am still working out logistics of who will watch the kiddos while we run, but I am sure we can figure something out. Registration opens 4 days before my birthday, so one of my birthday presents to myself will be filling out that form.

As of now, I can do a 5k at a 15:30mm. I have a 5k race in May that I am training for. Between that race and when I officially need to train for the princess I plan to focus even more on speed and overall strength - oh and weight loss. I've dropped 15 pounds since the new year, mostly by wogging (my term for the walk/run) and hope to lose another 40-50.
I think someone answered this but I want to make sure. If I do a 10k in September, can I submit my time? Do all timed 10k races count or only specific ones? I know I could do the Turkey Trot in Detroit but I don't want to commit to something on Thanksgiving. Just want to make sure so I can begin setting smaller goals before the Princess.

My family all lives in Detroit and I was pondering doing the Turkey Trot to get my time in. As much as I don't want to run that early on Thanksgiving - I have heard it's a great race!
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