The Moist Exhausting Free Trip Ever - Link to Part II Thread pg. 244

Serioulsy? Great minds Glenn, great minds.:thumbsup2 I showed that clip to DH and he actually looked like this::eek: He thought it was a joke! I believe his question to me was 'what is wrong with her?':laughing:

Yep, seriously.

I can see how he'd think it was a joke, but I don't think it is...which is what makes it really scary.

Yup hand model lady is a freak. She says she does not do many things, no opening doors etc but I just have to wonder....

Does she have someone follow her into the bathroom to .... you know..... finish the paperwork so to speak. :eek: :rotfl2: :confused:

She may make a lot of money with her "gift", but whoever that person is is not getting paid nearly enough!

I will come wearing Duct tape at least until the food is served :lmao:

I hope that's not all. :scared1:

At least put your shower cap on.

well if that is the case, i guess i win the grand daddy of all prizes, as i saw the famous judy 2 times on that trip live and in person.

that should be like a gagillion points there.

I can do better than that....I'll give you half a point, but raised to the gagillionth power. ::yes::

well of course they are.:sad2:

what do you think there are people actually inside them playing characters.

i dont think so.

I'm with you Dan. It'd get mighty crowded in there -- chipmunks and people.
Glen my kids did the game too! It was really fun, I just watched. My DH did the Segway thing, I didn't though because I was afraid I would fall off :lmao:

We got our email with our games sorry. Maybe they were they having troubles
Glen my kids did the game too! It was really fun, I just watched.

That's what Judy did in '09, because she's not a videogame person either. But this year we told her that it's not really about the game, it's about being your own avatar.

My DH did the Segway thing, I didn't though because I was afraid I would fall off :lmao:

We got our email with our games sorry. Maybe they were they having troubles

I really want to try a Segway. Oh well, it'll happen someday.

Those e-mail things are really hit or miss. Strange.

sweet, put that in your pipe and smoke it marv

Yeah! :dance3:

Wait, have you worked the math out? If you don't know what a gagillion is, just try it with 1,000.

very true, i bet he didnt think of that when he made his observation.

Yep, not likely.
Day 7 - Part 2
And by “a little encouragement”, I mean turning on the lights, opening the curtains, pulling back the covers, and talking with our “outdoor voices”.[

Lucky that it worked! I know some kids who shall not be named that wouldn't have woken up. Not even to roll over and mumble and pull covers over their heads!

We arrived at Epcot at 9:45. My plan for the morning was to explore Innoventions. The couple of times we’ve been through there I’ve felt rushed, so we’d planned to be a little more deliberate in our time there.

not to spoil anything but...I still feel that way.

After that, we crossed the walkway to a game called “Runtime”. We each went into a booth to get pictures of us running, jumping, and doing a victory dance, which would become our very own game avatar.

All I can tell you is that I saw a blinding light, and the next thing I knew…

<insert strobe lights and a dramatic musical score>

I was in…

The Grid. A digital frontier. I tried to picture clusters of information as they moved through the computer. What did they look like? Ships, motorcycles? Were the circuits like freeways? I kept dreaming of a world I thought I'd never see.

I was captured and sentenced to “the game grid”. A female program gave me my identity disc and escorted me to the arena.

“What am I supposed to do?” I asked.

She simply replied, “Survive.”

I started to run.

We e-mailed these games to ourselves, but never got them. I don’t know if they got eaten by our spam detector or what. Well, at least I was able to get documentation of the events while we were there.

By the way, and I don’t know why I thought of this, but James and I went to see “TRON: Legacy” over the weekend. It was pretty good. :thumbsup2

That's AWESOME! Oh Jeff will be so bummed when he sees these pictures. Though granted, better now that we've seen the movie. Then again, Olivia Wilde might have soemthing to do with it. :rotfl:

I had the same email problem with postcards and videos from mission space in 08 but it worked fine this trip, go figure.
Don't worry, the kids will grow out of that stage and instead of breaking things and writing on walls, they'll just give you attitude.
Eh, we're already there.....wish two-year old Ashlyn. She's the only kid who's actually lived up to the "terrible twos." I fear what she'll become as a teenager....or even before that age :scared1: (she's crawling all over my back as I type this)
Just stopping in to say hi. I can't watch videos from my house (not enough Dataplan for our data) so am missing a bit of the Mrs. Hand lady who hires a wiper. But whatever...
Yeah! :dance3:

Wait, have you worked the math out? If you don't know what a gagillion is, just try it with 1,000.

Yep, not likely.
no need for the math, it sounds like alot and that is good for me, my luck i will try and figure it out and it will equal -1 or something.
Lucky that it worked! I know some kids who shall not be named that wouldn't have woken up. Not even to roll over and mumble and pull covers over their heads!

Hmmm, might they have the initials T, K, E, and E?

not to spoil anything but...I still feel that way.

Uh oh. Well, you can't do everything in one trip. Keeps you coming back.

That's AWESOME! Oh Jeff will be so bummed when he sees these pictures. Though granted, better now that we've seen the movie. Then again, Olivia Wilde might have soemthing to do with it. :rotfl:


She might have something to do with it from my perspective too. :rolleyes:

I had the same email problem with postcards and videos from mission space in 08 but it worked fine this trip, go figure.

Last time, I was planning on taking pictures for the TR from home, after I got the e-mail, which ended up never arriving. This time I wasn't taking that chance.

Eh, we're already there.....wish two-year old Ashlyn. She's the only kid who's actually lived up to the "terrible twos." I fear what she'll become as a teenager....or even before that age :scared1: (she's crawling all over my back as I type this)

There's a lot to that birth order thing. I was the baby of the family, so what's that tell you? :angel:

Just stopping in to say hi. I can't watch videos from my house (not enough Dataplan for our data) so am missing a bit of the Mrs. Hand lady who hires a wiper. But whatever...

It's not the end of the world if you miss that, but if you ever get a chance later on, go back and play it. As someone who "roughed it" in K-Stan and elsewhere, I think you'd get a kick out of it. :eek:

no need for the math, it sounds like alot and that is good for me, my luck i will try and figure it out and it will equal -1 or something.

Yeah, maybe it's better if you don't do the math. :rolleyes1
Looks like a pretty cool game. We've never been to Innoventions West, we'll have to try it out next time.

Hey, Glenn makes up enough Post Post Facto rules on his own! It is how the Rules Committee covers up their lack of due diligence when coming up with the wrong answer on the front end of the Judy-do contest installments.... :sad2:
Well there's a good argument, since they ALL are computer created images when he posts them! :rolleyes:
Okay, so if I had been the first to say 10, I'm betting you would have said that the one in the FP picture was actually crummy photography and since the Judy is blurred, it doesn't really count and the answer in 9..... :sad2: :sad2: :sad2:

Okay, Rosie came up with 10. That should tell you right there that 10 can't possibly be the correct answer!!! :lmao:
Sad when the Rules Committee loses ALL credibility....... :sad2: The woman lap dances pigs for goodness sake!!!
I bet you think that Chip and Dale you met at Disney are real too, don't you??? :rolleyes1 Besides, you have to be able to spell before you can hand down legal and binding judgements...... :rotfl:

I appreciate you both agreeing with me that my "Judy parts" are just as valid as every other image in this game! :thumbsup2 I think the Rules Committee is just upset that I was more thorough in my research than they were. Some of the members must be moonlighting as NCAA Sanctions Committee members too...... :rotfl2:

There is a good explanation for this. That is the thumb that Glenn, uh I mean the Rules Committee ;) sucks on while trying to decide how to get out of their embarrassment that Marv was better at examining the contest pictures than they were......AGAIN! :sad2:
I can't wait until the next DISmeet where Rosie blabs Judy's new role to her. Can you say :scared1: :mad: ! :lmao:

Bless your heart for having to put up with Marv!

It's not the end of the world if you miss that, but if you ever get a chance later on, go back and play it. As someone who "roughed it" in K-Stan and elsewhere, I think you'd get a kick out of it. :eek:

You don't know "roughing it" until you've tried out the cardboard they call paper. Seriously, the day that 2 ply was imported, we bought a whole case- our motto was always "When in doubt, Buy them out!"
You don't know "roughing it" until you've tried out the cardboard they call paper. Seriously, the day that 2 ply was imported, we bought a whole case- our motto was always "When in doubt, Buy them out!"

You have not lived until you have used the wax paper they called TP inEngland when I was growing up!!:lmao::lmao:
Looks like a pretty cool game. We've never been to Innoventions West, we'll have to try it out next time.

More coming up in a bit! :)

Bless your heart for having to put up with Marv!

Thanks. It helps to know that people like you recognize my plight.

You don't know "roughing it" until you've tried out the cardboard they call paper. Seriously, the day that 2 ply was imported, we bought a whole case- our motto was always "When in doubt, Buy them out!"

That sounds like a very happy day. And there was much rejoicing. :dance3:

You have not lived until you have used the wax paper they called TP inEngland when I was growing up!!:lmao::lmao:

Wax paper does not sound like a viable option! :rotfl2:
Day 7 - Part 3

After successfully venturing to “the grid” and back, we wandered around Innoventions West a little bit more. I had read about the Velcro show, “What’s your problem?” on the internet and had decided that we probably didn’t need to catch that one, but as we walked by they had a cast member trying to wrangle people inside, saying that the show was about to start, so we figured we might as well check it out.

Before we went into the actual theater, this guy came out and talked about Velcro. He told us a little about the origin of the idea for Velcro, and in the picture you can see photographs on the wall of a dog and a thistle, or what we used to call a “stick-tight”.


You’ve probably heard the story (I had), that the inventor returned from a walk in the woods with his dog and became curious about the burrs that stuck to his pooch. He thought, “if I can use this idea to invent a replacement to the zipper, ‘thistle’ make me a millionaire!” Okay, I made up that last part, but you get the idea.

Then we went into the little theater for the game show called, “What’s your problem?”, which presents problems that can be solved by, you guessed it, Velcro!


They needed some kid-volunteers and James was eager to participate. They spun a wheel to see what game they’d play.


The big wheel of fate stopped on a stacking game and James was teamed-up with these young ladies.


And they’re underway. I love the look on the face of the host-lady in this one.


It looks like James’ team’s stack just might be a little taller.


As long as he keeps steadying it. Once he lets go, it’s “Tim-berrrrrrr”!


Next up was a game for dads, and despite my kids’ enthusiastic efforts to volunteer me, I did not get picked. Which was fine by me. Instead, these two guys would be racing each other in a baby diapering game.


They had to take a baby off of the conveyor belt, diaper it, give it a bottle, and then stick it to their Velcro apron. Whoever diapered the most within some time limit, maybe a minute, would be the winner.

I couldn’t help but think how it was becoming oh-so-clear how Velcro could solve so many of our everyday problems….when I think of all the times I failed the babies on the conveyor belts of my life.

Anyway, the game got underway.


I’m not sure which dad diapered more, but really, it was the babies who won. Am I right people?

My assessment of “What’s your problem”? It was cute, it was light-hearted, and I didn’t hate it…but my pre-trip assumption was correct – we could skip it. So, if you’re nearby and a show is about to start, you might like it, but I wouldn’t waste too much time waiting around for the next showing.

After that, we headed over to Innoventions East. We had already been in there earlier in the trip, but on that occasion we had bee-lined to Sum of All Thrills, and this time we wanted to see what else they had to offer. We walked through Storm Struck for a little while, checking out the exhibits on storm damage and taking the interactive computer quizzes. Yeah, not a lot to report on there. I guess it didn’t hold our interest for too long.

Judy wanted to play the game at the Waste Management exhibit, “Don’t Waste It!”, and hey, what’s better than a game about recycling and incineration and....detritus?

We noticed that the line wasn’t very long, so we headed over there. I remember that we had to pull James away from one of the quizzes at Storm Struck so that we could move on, but that’s pretty much standard operating procedure.

The game could only handle 4 people on a team, so I opted to sit it out, which would give me a chance to document it with photos for this trip report.

For the game, you get a shopping cart-sized garbage truck that you take around to different stations. Here, a cast member delivers the garbage truck that my crew will be using. Judging by the reactions on my family’s faces, he must have been a typical, friendly, pixie-dust spreading Disney cast member.


First, they went over to a garbage sorting game. You can see Marlene docking our garbage truck.


Hmmm, they’re figuring out what they’re supposed to do.


Now arms are flying as they’re sorting it all out.


For someone who “doesn’t like videogames”, Judy looks like she’s having fun.


I moved to get some shots from the other direction. Look at the determination on those faces.



Time to move to the next station. I've heard of "wearing your heart on your sleeve", but it looks like James is wearing his Velcro frog on his shorts.


This next game was played at a big pillar, where 2 players were up on top and 2 were down at ground level. I guess they were driving machinery around an incinerator in the game. James and Lauren were on top.


Marlene and Judy were driving vehicles down below.



Here’s what the top of our trash truck looked like. Our team name is quasi-Spanish for “Dragons of death”. Oooooo.


The last game involved making a landfill. First you dig a hole…


…and then you fill it in.


And our certificate of accomplishment. Drat, we were one piece of sorted garbage short of perfection! The story of my life.


They had a lot of fun with this game. Obviously, it’s not a “must do” for a trip to Epcot, but Judy and the kids all ranked it over “What’s your problem?”.

Overall, we’d had a very enjoyable morning exploring Innoventions and I’m really glad we took the time to see what it had to offer. But what was on track to test us next?

Up next: Our third casualty
Link to next chapter
Hmmm, might they have the initials T, K, E, and E?

Well at least the first 2...:lmao: the E's are a bit easier but Kendall is the worst. She growls.

She might have something to do with it from my perspective too. :rolleyes:

LOL! Why does that not surprise me? So not fair, and she's a real life princess as if she needed more....

‘thistle’ make a millionaire!”

are you sure you aren't an engineer? Totally enginerd humor there. :rotfl:

I've heard of "wearing your heart on your sleeve", but it looks like James is wearing his Velcro frog on his shorts.
you are on your game today with the quips!

looks like a fun time all around though I won't make a beeline for "what's your problem"

uh oh...a casualty?
10 judys again

Darn it, I was just about to post that too!:lmao: 10 Judys, unless you count the partial reflection of her in one of those pics which would make it 11 (or 10 3/4?). But I defer to the rules committee!

Great update Glenn. You've really given a wonderful little tour of Innoventions. I think my DD's would like it in there, DD11 is very into weather so she'd probably love the storm exhibit. I have to say in all honestly, the velcro show looked a little what's the word...lame.:laughing: Maybe it's just me but I can't get that excited about velcro. I can appreciate it's many uses but I don't think I'd want to sit through an actual show. Sorry!:goodvibes And a conveyor belt of babies? Just weird, lol!

The garbage exhibit actually looks fairly interesting! And it certainly appears that your family enjoyed it!:goodvibes Too bad you were only 1 piece of garbage away from perfection.:headache: Did you name your truck or was it given to you? Either way, interesting name choice!:laughing:
The woman who was the host of what's your problem used to be one of the comedians from comedy warehouse at pleasure island.

We haven't done very many of the games at inventions. Do they still have the game where teams go through the house looking for fire....or places where a fire could start? The boys played that one several years ago.
10 judys but now I have to finish reading. ;)

ETA: All caught up.

Did you miss the storm struck show wher you go in the theater and experience a tornado?

I did Waste management in Sept with DS. The first station you were sorting recyclables and in the second station the drivers were dumping trash by the incinerator and the 2 on top were loading the incinerator being careful to not to have it too hot (red) or too wet ( blue).

Bet you didn't think you would have that much fun in innoventions. Not everything is a do every trip, but it good for a diversion now and again.


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