The Goofy Identity (Just whose side are you on anyway?) - Compleated!

yes all very interesting Personally I fin the number 15 rather messy I like number 13 better but alas we can't ask the secretary what she likes. ut turdi, gallus pulsat quarto mensis quinti

I did say second favorite.
Actually I'm also partial to 13 and that would be number one on the list now that you mention it.

Nearly all loose ends have been tied up.
It may be time to start Operation Mincemeat.

And it was damn good!

Certainly better then Beverly, that's for sure.

As far as addictions go... it's a pretty safe one.

Expensive at times, but I'll take it over most other examples of societies ails.

Just do what I do. If you don't have a working phone, how will they ever reach you?

Hummmm, Good Idea...
But I think it would be better financially to leave it at home rather then find a way to kill it out right. :rolleyes:

That's because they're funneling everyone in that direction.

That they were. Its how I ended up over there in the first place as well.

That would be hilarious to see!!

"Wait, wait... Stop for a minute...
I'm going to throw up and since this was your idea I want to make sure I don't miss you."

That bad, huh? I guess we shouldn't be surprised. Did you at least hit 5 digits on the score?

Oh yah... I wasn't that far behind them but the last time we were down there I whomped them by 500,000.
This was not my best outing.

Um... who was drinking the rum infused drinks?

I kept close tabs of the levels of distilled reinforcements
I think those two are just naturally loopy.

Bonus TTA fireworks!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:

Indeed :thumbsup2

I believe that explosions are like bacon...
They make everything you add them to just so much more satisfying.

And nothing beats a night ride!!!

It is a surprisingly different experience, ain't it?

Yeah, I hear ya.


But this is why it is still a must do on my list. I might not be crazy about that earworm... but it is a ride Walt was passionate about. I'm a nostalgic sucker.

Yep... That pretty much sums it up.
It ain't my favorite, but oddly enough, I end up on it most trips down that way.

Wow!!! How on Earth did that ever happen???

I'm still not sure.
Some type of major disturbance in the Force I suspect.

But you sure made the most of it!

One of our better sorties.
It was an excellent evening all around.

Because you're about to have a meltdown? :confused3

Not bloody likely mate.

:thumbsup2 MANLAW upheld.

As it should be.
ah i must have missed that part

Not quite agent Q needs to perform the number 8-3 before that can begin.

Understood... keep me apprised.
There is still room in the schedule; the cadaver currently allocated for the opp doesn't have the optimal characteristics. A more suitable candidate has been identyfied, but we must move cautiously for now.
Chapter 7: Relapse


Part 1: Inactivity

Supposedly, there is a time for everything.

This maxim I’ve heard once or thrice in my life, but the sentence also generally included the clause “and place”. While it is a certainty true that there are times when being inactive is acceptable (maybe even necessary), it is also understood that if one happened to be located within the confines WDW, then this curious notion may be a mite harder to justify. Both in a sense of lost opportunity and a sense of monetary mismanagement.

And yet…
one reaches a point at which an obviously foolhardy choice, may yet be the correct action at that time.


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A Walk in the Woods

We purposely did not set an alarm of any kind this morning. It had been a long week of hitting the parks and being out and about until we were basically kicked out of whatever venue it was that we were invading at the time.

The plan was to take it slow.
In fact, there was no plan for hitting any parks today.

No Disney parks that is.
But for now, the master plan had only a single dot-point.

It read: Nada!

Bright and early we got busy doing exactly that by undertaking a championship round of sleeping in.
Even so there has to be a first person to be up and about. As usual that was me…

Right at the crack of 10:00.

Now this surprised even myself.
It’s rare that I sleep late under any circumstances.
One would think I was tuckered or something from the previous several days’ exploits.

But I was now at least conscious. Once I’d gotten cleaned up and put together, I noticed that Tamara was in the process of waking up as well. I told her I was headed out for a walk around the grounds and that in a bit I’d bring her back some coffee to sip while she was getting ready. I then proceeded to step over whichever of the guys is was on the floor that morning and out the door (as expected, neither of them flinched).

Now, if you’ve not stayed at Riverside, let me tell you that POR is one of the prettier resorts On-World (visually speaking). The best single word description I can think might be: lush. I can very easily illustrate this as well. Our room this time around was just about as far away from The Mill and dining hall as was possible without pitching a tent off the property. Sometimes it goes like that (especially when you just cross your fingers and book a cost conscious “standard view” room). What that means right at the moment is that I’ve got a good stretch of the legs ahead of me, so while I’m at it I’ll take a few snaps and show all you preferred room residents a little bit of what y’all are missing out on…

Looking back at our building


The second or third buildings farther along the way.


More pathways and buildings (I did say we were out in the boonies)


Finally made it to the main path that follows along “The River”


That bridge back there, which leads over onto “Ol’ Man Island”, is about the halfway point to my destination. Here’s a bit of the resort map with the path I needed to traverse marked out in red…


As you can see, once you meet up with the main walkway it basically skirts its way along the edge of “The River” until it winds up at the main building. I’d say the whole walk is a little better than a quarter mile in distance. Were it a straight line and I had access to a Top-Fuel Dragster, we’d be looking at about three seconds of elapsed time to make the trip. On foot it’s more like 10 minutes or so if you ain’t powerwalking.

I’ll not bother you with the blow by blow of the return trip just now. Suffice it to say that I collected up the drinks I was after and returned back to our home base. Tamara was just sitting down the do her makeup and as such my return with a tall properly doctored mug of coffee was well timed. Interestingly the boys were up and about and it wasn’t all that much longer before the whole crew was presentable.

Even though, we hadn’t any specific spot that required our presence at the time.

But it did seem like a good time for a bit of grub. With the rest of the away team in tow this time (and using a mechanized personnel transport for efficiencies’ sake), I returned back down to The Riverside Mill for a spot of Brunch (and being neigh on to 11:00 am by this point, there was a heavy emphasis on the “unch” part of that contraction). In less time then it took me to make the journey earlier, everyone had acquired their vittles of choice, found a chair upon which to return to inactivity, and were enjoying some grub and nonspecific conversation on various topics of curious lore.

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Off World


Brunch now consigned to memory, the whole crew climbed back into the car and we then did something that in my entire life as a Disney traveler I’d only ever done once before (and that was a couple days ago)…

In mid-stay… we drove off property.

The Destination:

A fascinating and bazar amusement complex known the world over as…


That’s no minor thing actually - as I particularly hate the place - but that’s a work related issue and not worth worrying over right now. What it did have going for it at that moment though, was a mixture of proximity and a fairly decent guarantee that we’d likely locate and acquire the supplies which we were in need of.

Supplies like…
phone cards and pain killers.


Well, Toncy wanted to call back home and check in with his mom to ensure that all was well and relate some of the adventures thus far. He also was of a mind to call his girl for some needed chat time. Neither of these were bad decision on his part to be sure. However he had a pay-as-you-go type of phone and was running short on those precious minutes by now, so some extra “juice” (as it were) had just about become a necessity.

Ok, that takes care of half the explanation.

The other items on our punch list were actually for Tam. Unbeknownst to me until I returned with her coffee earlier, she hadn’t slept very well the night before. A tooth was starting to bother her (a recent crown that was in need of a bit of fine adjustment as it turned out).

Not good…

Being a long way from home and our regular dentist, the best short term option was going to be a decent pain med regime and a maybe topical analgesic to help keep the problem at bay. I was considerably unhappy that she was hurting. She, however, insisted that it wasn’t something that couldn’t be dealt with and that these extra supplies should be enough to keep things calm during the last couple day of the trip.
I still didn’t like it, but I took her at her word.

In any case, the supply mission was a success;
we foraged, we acquired, mission completed.

On the return trip we did notice something that really should come as no surprise…
The Mouse is everywhere.

Here we are driving along apparently off property and pass by an electric substation. Nothing amazing, the kind of utility infrastructure that one might encounter along nearly any road or highway. And yet there was just something about the towers supporting the power lines that seemed to just screamed Disney…


Don’t know if I can put my finger on precisely what it was about that bit of utilitarian structure that made me think of Walt, but it just did.


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Well, now we’ve had our fill of the outside world; time to return to the sanctuary of the Bayou…

For now at least.

Once back at mission control,
Mom and Dad had plans that were going to include additional stints of relative dormancy.

The boys begged to differ.

They felt that their inactivity part of this expedition should come to an end, and chose to head out on a search and destroy mission of their own choosing.

I actually considered that to be an excellent plan as it got them out of our hair for a bit.


Now, where to unleash…
I mean…
direct them?

As it turns out Disney was here to help. As part of our welcome package to POR, we received several coupons for various extras; points at the arcade, a couple passes to get into Disney Quest, that kind of thing. That trove of freebies also included a couple of free rounds of mini golf at one of D’World’s fine putting facilities.


I handed them the passes and they were off. On our last trip to WDW, we took some time to investigate one of the two Mini-golf venues on property by dropping in to the Fantasia Gardens over near the Swan and Dolphin resorts. As such, Max figured that he and Toncy might as well check out the other offering. Plan formulated, H-Hour reached, they set out to catch the bus over toward Blizzard Beach. Once landed on the beachhead, it was but a short march over to their objective.

This particular concentration of elaborate theming and Imagineering at its best…


Winter Sumerland

The back story goes (‘cause there’s always a backstory) that Saint Nick was flying over Florida on the return trip after another successful Christmas Eve. He noticed a spot down below that for some unexplained (and obviously magical) reason harbored both snow and sand. It seemed like a perfect place to create a summer getaway for the elves and himself, so a resort that perfectly fit the bill was built in short order. The last detail was the addition of a golf course. The elves were split into different camps, about the layout of said course with some wanting to use snow as the basic building material and the rest figuring that sand was the better choice. That little division is why there are two similar yet unique courses to choose from here.

The boys chose to play the Summer course.

Appropriate weapons were retrieved from the armory, ammo in the form of brightly hued golf balls were stockpiled, and the raid commenced as they headed for the first tee…


Don’t’ you all wish you had an “Elfstream” trailer as cool as that one there.

Actually this is pretty much how I picture CJ’s front yard looking once the rest of the DisDads start moving down that way (sorry for the inside joke but I just couldn’t resist that little bit of fluff for any of my compadres that might happen to actually read this missive).

Now since I wasn’t on the mission and the debriefing of the boys afterward yielded rather little in the way of actionable intelligence, I’m forced to improvise the rest of this incursion using what bits of detail I was able to extract. I’ll also be further constrained by a lack of available images as the boys tended to act quickly without documenting said actions (so some barrowing has occurred here).

I did ascertain the fact that honor was at stake during this duel as five whole bucks got wagered on the outcome.

I also know that one of them ended up losing a ball when it got stuck in a hazard that looked something like a barber pole. Research indicated that this incident must have taken place at the 14th hole…


It was also generally agreed that Max succeeded in acing what both combatants referred to as: “The Draw Bridge from Hell”. Again I’m surmising here but form the descriptions offered I believe this skirmish was carried out on the grounds of the 9th…


When I inquired as to what the luckiest shot of the day might have been, Toncy had an unequivocal answer. Mostly because he felt he’d been robed. Accompanied with the correct amount of gesticulation, the wording went something like this…

“Are you kidding me! - Two towers, bounce up off one, crash into the second, bounce off the back wall of the green, rolls dead center of the cup!”

Some more research turned up the only bit of terrain that might have yielded that particular outcome…


The incident in question must have taken place on the 8th.

The rest of the course presented them with hazards that included but were not limited to…

a Garden of Surfboards

Melting Snowman Mayhem

Rogue sand-pails

Giftwrapped Loop-d-Loop barriers

Possessed Toys (a Farris Wheel to be specific)


Even the Jolly Ol’ Elf himself
Buried up to his boots and sunglasses in a sand bank

When it was all said and done, fate, luck and a generous par count for each hole resulted in a final score of eleven under par versus a respectable minus eight.

And one Lincoln tucked in Max’s pocket.

Well with such blind luck infused shots as were pulled off on the eighth and ninth holes, I’m not surprised by that outcome. It is always better to be lucky than to be good.

Don’t worry too much about our guest commando though. Toncy would be graced by a couple instances of such supremely good luck that will cause this little defeat to fade into insignificance.

Of course, he’d have to really foul up first…

And that’s a story for a little bit later on in the day.

But while you’re waiting for the next update, here are the master plans that we stol….
I mean happened across…


Anyway and in either case, these measurements will allow you to successfully contrast your very own…
100% guaranteed…

Inactivity Figure!


Next up: Laundry Detail
Oh, and we may just get a smidgen wet.
Understood... keep me apprised.
There is still room in the schedule; the cadaver currently allocated for the opp doesn't have the optimal characteristics. A more suitable candidate has been identyfied, but we must move cautiously for now.

no worries he just forgot top fill out the correct paperwork he missed form xr7-j14 he is now know to his closest friends a 3 fingered lefty.
no worries he just forgot top fill out the correct paperwork he missed form xr7-j14 he is now know to his closest friends a 3 fingered lefty.

I see that the company applied the standard sanction commiserate for the infarction in question.
He may need to consider a transfer into the ML Section.
You might speak to Dr. Honeydew on his behalf if any openings present themselves.
I see that the company applied the standard sanction commiserate for the infarction in question.
He may need to consider a transfer into the ML Section.
You might speak to Dr. Honeydew on his behalf if any openings present themselves.

actually the missing digit apparently had nothing to do with any sort of discipline he lost it in a bizarre gardening accident after he completed the task in question. It us now possible to continue with all normally scheduled procedures.
Bright and early we got busy doing exactly that by undertaking a championship round of sleeping in.
Even so there has to be a first person to be up and about. As usual that was me…

Right at the crack of 10:00.
Wow!!! I don't know if I could do that if I tried!

Especially not on Disney property.

I’ll not bother you with the blow by blow of the return trip just now. Suffice it to say that I collected up the drinks I was after and returned back to our home base. Tamara was just sitting down the do her makeup and as such my return with a tall properly doctored mug of coffee was well timed. Interestingly the boys were up and about and it wasn’t all that much longer before the whole crew was presentable.
Well, everyone should at least be well rested and ready to go!

In mid-stay… we drove off property.

The Destination:

A fascinating and bazar amusement complex known the world over as…

Blech! Going off property... and it isn't even something fun like Universal Studios.

Supplies like…
phone cards and pain killers.
Well there's and interesting combination.

Actually this is pretty much how I picture CJ’s front yard looking once the rest of the DisDads start moving down that way (sorry for the inside joke but I just couldn’t resist that little bit of fluff for any of my compadres that might happen to actually read this missive).
I think this looks a little more clean and tidy than CJ's front yard will look.

When it was all said and done, fate, luck and a generous par count for each hole resulted in a final score of eleven under par versus a respectable minus eight.

And one Lincoln tucked in Max’s pocket.
Nice job Max!!! It looks like the Masters will likely be what the TV in our office is set on for the next couple of days. I'll watch for you.

Toncy would be graced by a couple instances of such supremely good luck that will cause this little defeat to fade into insignificance.

Of course, he’d have to really foul up first…
You've got me intrigued now. Looking forward to this story.

Anyway and in either case, these measurements will allow you to successfully contrast your very own…
100% guaranteed…

Inactivity Figure!
Sweet! I'm actually half tempted to build my own platypus.
Wow!!! I don't know if I could do that if I tried!

Especially not on Disney property.

We weren’t going to any of Disney’s Parks that day and we didn’t really get to sleep until somewhere between 2:30 and 3:00am. So it wasn’t as hard or consequential as it seemed.

We did have a plan to go somewhere else (and I’ll get to that in a minute) but we gave the boys a choice as to how soon we wanted to get to that spot and they wanted to wait until the evening came around. Basically… we had time.

Well, everyone should at least be well rested and ready to go!

I do believe that’s a given :lmao:

Blech! Going off property... and it isn't even something fun like Universal Studios.

The supplies we needed were going to be considerably more adorable at WallyWorld than at Disney World. Just being prudent.

Well there's and interesting combination.

It’s always the stuff that you either didn’t bring enough of, or didn’t anticipate needing that will bite you. Both items were pretty much a necessity at that point.

I think this looks a little more clean and tidy than CJ's front yard will look.

There is a distinct lack of pizza boxes and beer cans strewn about.

You've got me intrigued now. Looking forward to this story.

It’s actually a repeat performance kind’a thing. The question will be:

Is it possible to lose the same thing twice on one trip and recover it both times?

We’ll see.

Sweet! I'm actually half tempted to build my own platypus.

I guarantee that if you build it to those plans…

It will certainly be inactive.
Chapter 7: Relapse


Part 2: Living a Triple Life

There’s the face that you show the everyday folks.
And there’s the face that you show to those that you know and trust.

But then there’s the one that you keep to yourself.

That one that you don’t admit to.
The one that doesn’t fit into that nice safe mold that everyone has you pegged into.
That third self that you may even try to keep at bay

But the truth is still there.

We’re all living a Triple Life.

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Meanwhile, Back at the Bayou…

While the guys were off on their duffing expedition, the grownups (you know, those boring folks that are always laying down the rules and regulations and generally making life miserable for anyone that still has possession of their youth), well those folks – us that is - we had other things to attend to. The first item on that agenda of “other things” was an additional bit of housekeeping.

Laundry Detail
(well, it’s nice to have plenty of clean socks and britches during an extended field-op now ain’t it?)


Yeah, the boys were about as unimpressed with that notion as the rest of you.
Thus their departure from the scene

Their absence though would allow me to concentrate more fully on my master plan…
A return to being inactive.

(at least that’s the face that I was going to show to the regular rabble)

Now it is true that we did collect up a bag full of necessities and it is true that we did actually drop them into a washing machine along with the requisite hand full of quarters and a bit of detergent. But just as quickly we abandoned the machinery to perform its appointed tasks. In actual fact, laundry was really no more than a cover for our true objective for the afternoon…

Tall drinks and some alone time.


(and there’s the face that one generally shows only their trusted comrades)

When located at Port Orleans Riverside…

there are several locations where one can acquire a competent potent potable
(at Disney prices to be sure, but that’s an accepted fact among those of us that chose to spend time here.)

But for our purposes, the spot that beckoned is known as…


Muddy Rivers

Located near the feature pool and in the heart of Ol’ Man Island, this unassuming open air tavern happens to be closest to our base camp.

Score one.

We strolled over to collect up our libations, found ourselves a fine little table in corner of the expansive porch and proceeded to take in the calm.


Traveling to this spot also gave me a chance to grab a few images of some of the other amenities this part of the resort will make available to you…
The Prospective Future Guest

First off, there’s the Fishing Hole…



You can bring you own rod and reel or they’ll rent you enough gear to get started.
There’s the “Campfire on the Island” that is lit each evening for those that wish to gather round, coffee and hot chocolate in hand and reminisce about their exploits

(there are often CMs in the area with the fixins required to make s’mores as well) …


And of course the ubiquitous Hot tub…


(Had to borrow that image, don’t know why I forgot to snap a picture, but I didn’t.)

From our table in the corner we also had a good view of the playground.

Which was being ignored at the time…


And that was a fact which just added to the perceived serenity of our location.

From here we also had another fine view of the main feature pool for the property.

It was just far enough off from where we were sitting that the sequels and hollers weren’t much of an intrusion and yet we could still clearly hear the sound of all the water pouring from the overhead flumes and spillways down into the pool below.

And that means that y’all get another look at what I’m on about here…


Very relaxing…
Or was that just the drinks talking?


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A Return to the Dark Side


(eventually that is…)

Let’s see now, drinks consumed, laundry detail finished up, the boys have arrived back from their expedition no worse for wear, mandatory daily deluge of central Florida rain in progress
(cracks of thunder and lightning included this time)…

That pretty much ticks off all the other events that transpired prior to our relapse and return to the Dark Side…

Our distinctly non Disney side…

(And there’s that third face that we generally try to hide from everyone else)

Other than a quick stop for a bit of diner at the Riverside Mill, we were once again headed off property.


There was one other thing that occurred before we got started.

We lost a phone.

More specifically, Toncy lost his phone.

At first it was assumed that said communications device was merely under a bed or stuffed in a bag or buried beneath one of the many piles of clothes or junk that had taken over the young’ens side of the room. Max even sent him a few text messages to see if we could hear approximately where the thing might be hiding.

While all this was going on it occurred to Toncy that he just might…
Now I said “might”, mind you…

Might have left it sitting on the bus they’d just ridden back from their outing.

Left it on the bus?

That was Max’s reaction, at least.
He sent a couple more texts and tried to call it directly just to ensure that the thing was not within earshot and then it was time for a Plan-B.

“What should I do now”, was the question asked next.

I busted into the resort directory to find the numbers for the front desk and lost and found. I then handed those over to the guys with instructions to start here and figure it out for themselves.

They’re more than old enough to work this one out.

And they actually did.
It turns out that *a* phone *was* found on the bus in question and even turned in to the driver. The device hadn’t yet made its way to Lost and Found but when it did, they’d confirm that it matched the type, model and description given and if so, then they’d send it on to the concierge desk at our resort.

All we had to do was check back in later to see if all of this sending and receiving actually occurred.
(Disney once more going the extra mile for their guests)

OK, that’s enough drama.
Let’s get back to the mission at hand.

We piled into the car again for our third trip off property this week and second assault on
Universal Studio’s Islands of Adventure.

The only problem now was that the rain which had begun back in the late afternoon was still coming down.


Worse yet, it was quite steady and even gaining strength.

So be it.

We actually intended to get a little wet this evening anyway.
So much so was the intention that the guys (me included) wore bathing suits rather than shorts and brought a change of clothes. We just weren’t intending to get that wet or do so this early in the mission. So for the most part, all was good. I was worried only about Tamara who really had only intended to watch us make fools of ourselves from a safe distance. But she assured me that so long as she had an umbrella, it’d all work out.

Alright then... we're gonn'a get wet, so let’s get on with it.

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From the Universal Parking garage, our primary destination was just about as far away as one could possibly be when infiltrating USO-IOA. So we had plenty of time to get mightily soaked to the bone; everyone except Tamara of course. She did bring her umbrella while the rest of us didn’t even bust out even so much as a poncho.

But once the decision was made, we no longer cared about the impact.

If you haven’t figured it out by now, we were bound for Hogsmead.

It was time for us to finally take on the biggest baddest ride in all of the Big-O
(at least at the time)

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey

As of now, there is nothing “exactly” like this at Disney. But if you were to combine three of the attractions currently resident at - say - Epcot in particular, you’d end up with pretty much what’s going on here.
The three I have in mind are:

The Sum of All Thrills


and *ahem*
Journey into Imagination

Now hold on, hold on…
stick with me here, while I work through this.

The main working part of the ride is an “Enchanted Bench” for us Muggles to ride on because we’d never be able to keep up with the magical folks any other way (being Muggles and all). This contraption is basically a row of four seats with coaster style harnesses (think RnRRC for the harness) that is attached to a robotic arm. It’s that robot bit of the equation where things are similar to - The Sum of All Thrills – And that attraction uses a similar robot. In fact, it uses one that is made by the same manufacturer: KUKA Robotics (so it counts as a precursor to Forbidden Journey). The difference here is that these robots ain’t stationary.
They’re each attached to self-propelled dolly.

Of course, the robot/dolly combination is behind you and you never see it.
Unless you’re reading my TR.

‘Cause then you do get to see it.


First off, there’s the benches in the loading area of the attraction.
Note that there is basically a wall of mirrors behind them to hide the business end of the contraption.
Well here’s what the business end looks like…



Now that they’ve got you strapped into the thing, it becomes a classic Dark Ride. And that’s where it’s similar to - Journey into Imagination. Actually I could have chosen nearly any of the dark rides on Disney property, but that one happened to also be at Epcot and sorely needs at least some type of positive press (really it needs a complete makeover – maybe to something like Forbidden Journey…. Hummmmm). Now, as I was saying, this is where it becomes more of a dark ride (albeit on steroids); one filled with fantastical sets, animatronic critters, and beasties and even water, wind and smoke effects. And all the while you’re being thrust around, in and amongst the various settings by that robot you can’t see.

Here’s a look at the basic plans for the show building to give you an idea of what going on here


Hay, I’m an equal opportunity clandestine intelligence operative…
I’ll steal from both sides

Now there is a third element to this. Along the path of the ride and interspersed among the various hard-scape set pieces, there are also several concave projection screens that you’re “enchanted bench” will be thrust into. This is where the ride resembles - Soarin’ - to a great degree. The images projected in these as you move through them are designed to heighten the sensations of flight and speed in the same way that Disney’s’ hang glider analog does, and it’s quite effective in the task.

The contraption as a whole is referred to as a “Robocoaster” by those in “The Biz” and this new titan has been changing the game since it first opened in June of 2010. As you can see from the descriptions back there, in truth it’s not a coaster at all (although there are planes I’ve heard of that would attempt to combine the robotic workings of this with a steal coaster of some type… scary thought there). It does twist you, turn you, shake you and swing you around as far as being completely vertical on your back, but does not ever actually turn anyone upside down (as of yet as least). So basically - while it’s not a speed demon (though it mocks that aspect pretty well) - it certainly doesn’t lack for instilled excitement
(or terror depending on the temperament of the rider in question).

So what did we actually think about the thing?

Can’t wait to do that again sometime!

Our adventure here began by chucking all our belongings into one of the complimentary lockers (and fittingly, one on row 13). From there it was into the queue, most of which was empty seeing as we’d arrived toward the end of the day as most IOA quests were heading out. We were in the serpentines in an area themed as Hogwarts massive greenhouses (which gave us a chance to dry off a bit). Then it into the castle…

First through the portrait hall where you can hear the Founding Wizards arguing with one and other, and then through an amazing representation of Dumbledore’s chambers. Next along the path is the Defense Against the Dark Arts class room where you’ll first encounter some of the major cast of characters (via video screens built in to the scenery). Onward into the Gryffindor Commons room, and then into the final hallway as the Sorting Hat welcomes you and issues a few well-chosen warnings about the dangers you may be facing.

As Queues go, this one is elaborate
(And that may be an understatement).

The next thing you know you’re on a “MK - Haunted Mansion” style moving walk way and being loaded onto your “Enchanted Bench”. From there is all moves very quickly. Encounters with dragons occur right off the bat and then you find yourself flailing around trying to avoid the Whomping Willow (this is one of those point in the journey where you’ll find yourself flat on your back staring at the ceiling before being flung on into the next animatronic infused scene. That scene by the way include Spiders. Lots of ‘em. Bigg’ens too. One of the several incursions into one of the IMAX caliber concave screens will put you in the midst of a Quidich match which is then descended upon by Dementors. Of course Harry and the rest of the crew will be there to help you save both yourself and the day thus allowing for an escape back to the Great Hall inside the castle.

Once ejected from our enchanted benches we were quickly back to row 13 retrieving our “valuables”.
That was so intense that an immediate decision was made…

Even if we didn’t get to anything else here this evening,
We dang well had to do that again.

Tamara, wasn’t quite so sure, but insisted that we go ahead on while she performed a bit of reconnaissance around Olivandre’s and Hogsmead in general (I married well, there is no other way to explain it).

So we hit the queue once more and encountered something amazing. It was a walk on this time. A couple of minutes walking directly to the load area and we were airborne again being shaken about willy-nilly like so many rag dolls.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Water, Water Everywhere

Now it is common knowledge that Universal doesn’t stay open near as long as - say - a Disney park. You may also have noticed that we didn’t even bother to get here until rather late in the day.

I can hear many of y’all thinking to yourselves…
Hummm, that seems like a waste of both time and money.

Well don’t worry too much about us on this account. We had gotten rather a good deal on a multi-day ticket into both of the USO-IOA parks. We also discussed it at length with the boys and there were pretty satisfied with all that they’d accomplished during our previous incursion and really only want to hit Forbidden Journey (assuming that we even went back at all). This is why we were able to justify all that inactivity at the beginning of the day. Well if they were cool with it, then so was I.

So where were we?
Once we immerged from Hogwarts for the second time we were greeted by the rain in Hogsmead. As our next plan was to get wet in the first place, this was of no consequence. It was time to head on over to…

Toon Lagoon

We had basically ignored this part of IOA during the first skirmish because realistically, it’s pretty much a water park. In truth there are only two major water saturated attractions here (other than a ship themed playground for the tots), but we now intended to hit both of these.
First up…


Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls

This is a highly themed log flume ride roughly equivalent to Splash Mountain (but considerably wetter). Here the story is based on everyone’s favorite oblivious officer from for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police…

Dudley himself.

The idea being that he once again needs to save Nell from Snidely Whiplash’s evil clutches. The theming, music and animatronics are far superior at Disney, but this version wins out for thrills, drops and of course, ensuring that everyone comes out sopping wet.

As you’d expect, there are a number of drops varying in severity built into this one. But none grander than the actual plummet down the ride’s namesake Rip Saw Falls.


It also has one seriously long queue. Even though there was no one in it to speak of, it was a good stretch of the legs just to wind our way through it before arriving at the final serpentine in the load area (and given the lateness of the day, even this was only about a third full at the time). I do believe that they could stuff three or more hours’ worth of hot sweaty miserable folks in that monster queue without anyone else in the park having an inkling on the horrors going on inside.

Tamara – being considerably smarter than the rest of us – waited outside. Rain or no, she’d end up being far dryer then we would. She did try to catch us as we made the descent, but our little snap camera was being rather uncooperative in this light and weather…


But even from that you can get a good idea of just how soaked one must be willing to get in order to tackle
The Falls.

The next attraction would also end up being be our last for the day.

This one is a wild river type ride (think Kali River Rapids, but seriously wetter) themed for a pair of classic characters and veterans from the days of theater shorts and newsprint…

Popeye & Bluto's Bilge-Rat Barges


Had to borrow that one just so y’all would have an idea of want I was on about here.

Again Tamara tried to get a few pictures of her foolhardy fellas plying the waves and rapids…


But again, you can see that the conditions and equipment available were hindering the attempt.

When we got back to the loading area for this one, there wasn’t a sole in line. Seeing an opportunity, we begged and pleaded the attendant to just let us go around again.

Wish granted…

We got drenched again.

The next time we approached the dock, it was closing time for Islands of Adventure so no amount of pleading or cajoling was getting around for a third circuit.

Enough’s enough.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Drying Out

For the second time in as many days we were walking nearly alone through a darkened and practically empty park bound for the front gates and garages beyond. Now, at USO this occurs earlier then at Disney and also requires you to tromp through their shopping and party district. That was in full swing still and plenty busy, but we were in no condition to be partaking of any of that noise just now. Instead we trudged on until we got back to our car in the now mostly empty deck.

Here’s where initial planning made things a good sight more tolerable. We’d all brought towels and a change of clothes and left them stowed in the trunk of the car. I wrung out my trunks as best as I could, toweled off the rest of me, changed into a dry shirt and traded the flip-flops for dry shoes. All that was left to do was spread a towel on the driver’s seat and I was good to go.

Max walked through a similar routine, but Toncy felt that our plan just didn’t quite cut it for getting back to a semblance of normalcy. Nope… the damp swim suit had to go as well. So he surveyed the garage up and down, figured that the coast was clear for the moment and dropped trou right there in front of God and everybody.

I really don’t know what I’m gonn’a do with that boy…

As we were heading back to the confines of POR and D’World The boys needed to take care of one other piece of business…

a “Phone” call.

Toncy used Max’s phone to dial up the concierge desk back at Riverside and inquired about his lost phone.

Turns out, they had a device delivered to them a bit earlier from the lost-n-found folks which appeared to match the description of his wayward cell. Furthermore, they’d have it out and ready for him to ID it once we got back over there.

So we stopped by the main building as soon as we got on property…

headed toward the lobby…
and crossed our fingers.

Low and behold,
The phone that they had retrieved off one of their buses that day was indeed the selfsame piece of hardware lost by out compatriot that day…


Needless to say we were all plenty relieved by this turn of events and also quite impressed by the extra mile all of the CMs involved went to in order to make this happen.

Extra Magic to the N’th degree.

As we were headed off to grab some drinks and snacks for the road, Toncy checked over his now regained cell phone and then busted out on a full blow belly laugh.

Obviously we had to inquire as to the source of this sudden bout of mirth.

“Remember when I first lost my phone and I told Max to send me some texts so that we could hear if it was in the room somewhere?”

Yea… I do believe I remember something to that effect…

“Well, he was texting me insults and I just noticed it”


Well, it actually was pretty funny
But you may have had to have been there.

The rest of the evening was comprised of showers, hanging up sopping wet clothes to dry out and - for mom and dad at least - a bit more rum pored over frosty beverages.

The boys headed off toward the fire pit and then on to the hot tub over on Ol’ Man Island to…

“warm up a bit”.

Hay, y’all do it your way, and I’ll do it my way.

It had been another good day.
One filed with a little bit of nothing followed by a good deal of something.
But now it was simply time to call it a day.

We had one more ahead of us and every intention of making the best of it.

Next up: A Battle of Designs
Well… a battle of wits wasn’t really in the cards, now was it?
Last edited:
No Disney parks that is.
But for now, the master plan had only a single dot-point.

It read: Nada!

Quite bold! I'm not good at that particular plan, myself.

Now, if you’ve not stayed at Riverside, let me tell you that POR is one of the prettier resorts On-World (visually speaking). The best single word description I can think might be: lush.

Agreed on all counts! :thumbsup2

The Destination:

A fascinating and bazar amusement complex known the world over as…



Don’t know if I can put my finger on precisely what it was about that bit of utilitarian structure that made me think of Walt, but it just did. does seem familiar somehow...

The boys begged to differ.

They felt that their inactivity part of this expedition should come to an end, and chose to head out on a search and destroy mission of their own choosing.

Can't blame them there.

I actually considered that to be an excellent plan as it got them out of our hair for a bit.

Spoken like a veteran parent.

Actually this is pretty much how I picture CJ’s front yard looking once the rest of the DisDads start moving down that way (sorry for the inside joke but I just couldn’t resist that little bit of fluff for any of my compadres that might happen to actually read this missive).


I did ascertain the fact that honor was at stake during this duel as five whole bucks got wagered on the outcome.

Wow. Now that's quite the serious event.

And one Lincoln tucked in Max’s pocket.

Nice work Max!

Next up: Laundry Detail

Gee...can't wait for that one.

In actual fact, laundry was really no more than a cover for our true objective for the afternoon…

Tall drinks and some alone time.

I stand corrected. Well done.

And that means that y’all get another look at what I’m on about here…

Ol' Man Island is terrific. I think that's one of the better pools on property that I've seen.

We lost a phone.

More specifically, Toncy lost his phone.

Well, at least he can start a support group with @afwdwfan .

Cute. :rotfl2::rotfl2:

As of now, there is nothing “exactly” like this at Disney. But if you were to combine three of the attractions currently resident at - say - Epcot in particular, you’d end up with pretty much what’s going on here.
The three I have in mind are:

The Sum of All Thrills



and *ahem*
Journey into Imagination

Wait--what?? Never mind.

Of course, the robot/dolly combination is behind you and you never see it.
Unless you’re reading my TR.

‘Cause then you do get to see it.

I knew I was here for a good reason! :thumbsup2

Now that they’ve got you strapped into the thing, it becomes a classic Dark Ride. And that’s where it’s similar to - Journey into Imagination. Actually I could have chosen nearly any of the dark rides on Disney property, but that one happened to also be at Epcot and sorely needs at least some type of positive press (really it needs a complete makeover – maybe to something like Forbidden Journey…. Hummmmm).

Once again, now I'm on board with you. Please, make this happen, Disney. I don't care what @KatMark says.

Now, as I was saying, this is where it becomes more of a dark ride (albeit on steroids); one filled with fantastical sets, animatronic critters, and beasties and even water, wind and smoke effects. And all the while you’re being thrust around, in and amongst the various settings by that robot you can’t see.

Sounds awesome.

So what did we actually think about the thing?

Can’t wait to do that again sometime!

Still sounds awesome.

As Queues go, this one is elaborate
(And that may be an understatement).

My daughter has been begging and begging to visit this place. I know someday I will need to break down and go. Descriptions like this don't make it any easier to say no.

But none grander than the actual plummet down the ride’s namesake Rip Saw Falls.

Not quite as steep as Splash Mountain, or do my eyes deceive me?

Wish granted…

We got drenched again.


Nope… the damp swim suit had to go as well. So he surveyed the garage up and down, figured that the coast was clear for the moment and dropped trou right there in front of God and everybody.

Goodness. Just when you think you've read it all.

Needless to say we were all plenty relieved by this turn of events and also quite impressed by the extra mile all of the CMs involved went to in order to make this happen.

Extra Magic to the N’th degree.

Excellent work, CM's!:thumbsup2

Yea… I do believe I remember something to that effect…

“Well, he was texting me insults and I just noticed it”

Quite bold! I'm not good at that particular plan, myself.

The original plan had us getting up quite early again, but by then we’d been going nonstop for a good number of days. It was just time to take a break.


That’s pretty much my reaction any time I even see a Walmart,
But sometimes ya’ just gott’a do what ya’ gott’a do. does seem familiar somehow...

Yah there was just something about them…
something “hidden” yet in plain sight.

Can't blame them there.

Me neither. Like I said, we were going to be headed off somewhere else to begin with, but they actually wanted to stop for a break that morning and in particular to use the time to hit one of the putting courses. We could have gone as well, but since there were only two free passes, we just let them go off and get lost for a bit.

Spoken like a veteran parent.

Takes one to know one

Wow. Now that's quite the serious event.

Were talkin’ high stakes here.

Gee...can't wait for that one.

Patience Padawan… patience

I stand corrected. Well done.

And all will be revealed.

Ol' Man Island is terrific. I think that's one of the better pools on property that I've seen.

::yes:: good size, nice features, the trees shelter it from the cross winds and cut out the morning and evening glare… all around, a good relaxing swimming hole.

Well, at least he can start a support group with @afwdwfan .

Yah, but I don’t think Andy will have the chance to recover his.

That rather tickled me as well, so I decided to share.


Yes you do.

Wait--what?? Never mind.

Patience Padawan… patience

Once again, now I'm on board with you. Please, make this happen, Disney. I don't care what @KatMark says.

And all will be revealed…

Actually, I think something similar would be an amazing repurpose of that show building and could easily stay on topic and even keep Figment (I mean, he flies for goodness sake, why not have all of us follow him). I also think they should convert all that space on second floor to another signature restaurant, serving “imaginative” dining experiences. There are plenty of chefs out there doing interesting things and it would again fit the theme. The pavilion would be transformed from a laughing stock to the hit of the park.

Sounds awesome.

Still sounds awesome.

My daughter has been begging and begging to visit this place. I know someday I will need to break down and go. Descriptions like this don't make it any easier to say no.

It is worth a day trip, that is certain. We’d intended to spend two full days there, but even with my adrenalin addicted boys in tow, we knocked out nearly everything that was a must in just one.

Not quite as steep as Splash Mountain, or do my eyes deceive me?

Nope, nor as far a drop. But this has several higher speed areas and several lesser drops as well, where Splash really is a dark ride with just one big drop. As usual, Disney wins for theming here, but Ripsaw will get you considerably wetter (if that’s what you want).

Goodness. Just when you think you've read it all.

He is a unique individual.

Excellent work, CM's!:thumbsup2

Yes it was. I was amazed that it turned up at all, much less got delivered to the resort.

It had us all tickled at the time (but we may have been a little punchy by then too).
While the guys were off on their duffing expedition, the grownups (you know, those boring folks that are always laying down the rules and regulations and generally making life miserable for anyone that still has possession of their youth), well those folks – us that is - we had other things to attend to. The first item on that agenda of “other things” was an additional bit of housekeeping.

Laundry Detail
Laundry??? On vacation???


When located at Port Orleans Riverside…

there are several locations where one can acquire a competent potent potable
(at Disney prices to be sure, but that’s an accepted fact among those of us that chose to spend time here.)
Mmmm... can't go wrong with a good cold drink. Even at Disney prices.

(there are often CMs in the area with the fixins required to make s’mores as well) …
And let me guess... they charge Disney prices for said fixins?

Very relaxing…
Or was that just the drinks talking?
Yes and yes!!!

While all this was going on it occurred to Toncy that he just might…
Now I said “might”, mind you…

Might have left it sitting on the bus they’d just ridden back from their outing.

Left it on the bus?
Well, at least he has an idea where it might be. That's something anyway.

“What should I do now”, was the question asked next.

I busted into the resort directory to find the numbers for the front desk and lost and found. I then handed those over to the guys with instructions to start here and figure it out for themselves.

They’re more than old enough to work this one out.
::yes:: :thumbsup2 Time to be a big boy and fix your mistake.

And they actually did.
It turns out that *a* phone *was* found on the bus in question and even turned in to the driver. The device hadn’t yet made its way to Lost and Found but when it did, they’d confirm that it matched the type, model and description given and if so, then they’d send it on to the concierge desk at our resort.
Well, that's some good news. Hopefully.

It was time for us to finally take on the biggest baddest ride in all of the Big-O
(at least at the time)
That's debatable. Maybe the most cutting edge. But biggest and baddest... I don't know.

The three I have in mind are:

The Sum of All Thrills


and *ahem*
Journey into Imagination
:scared1: That drink was stronger than normal wasn't it?

Well here’s what the business end looks like…


::yes:: ::yes::

Now there is a third element to this. Along the path of the ride and interspersed among the various hard-scape set pieces, there are also several concave projection screens that you’re “enchanted bench” will be thrust into. This is where the ride resembles - Soarin’ - to a great degree. The images projected in these as you move through them are designed to heighten the sensations of flight and speed in the same way that Disney’s’ hang glider analog does, and it’s quite effective in the task.
It is also quite effective in making me feel like "I WANT OFF!!!! NOW!!!!!!"

So what did we actually think about the thing?

Can’t wait to do that again sometime!
I enjoyed it. I thought it was a fun ride. But those concave screens... man I don't know what it was, but I felt like I wanted to die during some of those scenes. Seriously, I don't know how I managed to keep myself from puking or falling down when I got up off my bench. I've never had a ride have that kind of effect on me.

As Queues go, this one is elaborate
(And that may be an understatement).
No... it IS an understatement. Best queue ever. Disney parks included.

So we hit the queue once more and encountered something amazing. It was a walk on this time. A couple of minutes walking directly to the load area and we were airborne again being shaken about willy-nilly like so many rag dolls.
Nice! I'm glad you were able to walk back on. If it were me... I'd be done with that attraction for the day. Or at least I'd need a few hours for my stomach to re settle.

I can hear many of y’all thinking to yourselves…
Hummm, that seems like a waste of both time and money.
::yes:: But it seems to have worked out well for your scenario.

But even from that you can get a good idea of just how soaked one must be willing to get in order to tackle
The Falls.
::yes:: It will definitely get you wet.

This one is a wild river type ride (think Kali River Rapids, but seriously wetter)
And seriously better! :thumbsup2

When we got back to the loading area for this one, there wasn’t a sole in line. Seeing an opportunity, we begged and pleaded the attendant to just let us go around again.

Wish granted…

We got drenched again.
Sweet! I loved that ride. A long, well themed ride... but you definitely should stay away if you want to stay dry!

Max walked through a similar routine, but Toncy felt that our plan just didn’t quite cut it for getting back to a semblance of normalcy. Nope… the damp swim suit had to go as well. So he surveyed the garage up and down, figured that the coast was clear for the moment and dropped trou right there in front of God and everybody.

Needless to say we were all plenty relieved by this turn of events and also quite impressed by the extra mile all of the CMs involved went to in order to make this happen.

Extra Magic to the N’th degree.
Great news I'm glad they found it! And those text messages should have made it easy to identify the phone.

Well, it actually was pretty funny
But you may have had to have been there.
No... that's funny. :rotfl2:
Laundry??? On vacation???

Can’t see that one from here, but I suspect I deserve it.
Like I was telling Mark, The initial plan was that we were going to hit Universal at rope drop and stay there till they kicked us out. It was actually the boys that felt they’d had enough of the offerings over there. They only wanted to do the Potter experience and the wet rides and didn’t even care to see the other park again. At this point in the week, they wanted to take a rest day (or at least a rest morning). We were just chilling and enjoying the resort while waiting for our second run on IOA that evening. Laundry got done only because we had time to kill. The Disney priced libations were the actual objective, but writing it out the other way gave y’all more to pick on us about.

Mmmm... can't go wrong with a good cold drink. Even at Disney prices.

And they were quite satisfying.

And let me guess... they charge Disney prices for said fixins?

Oddly… no.
If you’re there and they have the cart out, the s’mores are free.

Yes and yes!!!

And yes.

Well, at least he has an idea where it might be. That's something anyway.

Being as it was Max who lost a phone on our last grand adventure, and Toncy didn’t let him forget it,
I believe Max took great relish in giving him a hard time about it.

::yes:: :thumbsup2 Time to be a big boy and fix your mistake.

Yep. And they handled it right well too.

That's debatable. Maybe the most cutting edge. But biggest and baddest... I don't know.

A fair assessment, actually.
It is (or was) all the rage to be sure, but Hulk is bigger and badder, as far as I’m concerned. Transformers and Spiderman also came very close for overall experience as well.

:scared1: That drink was stronger than normal wasn't it?

That one is the only continuous track dark-ride left at Epcot, so it fit in to the comparison. If I was to choose a different Disney dark-ride for a better comparison, it would have been one that’s no longer at WDW: Mr Toad’s Wild Ride.

It is also quite effective in making me feel like "I WANT OFF!!!! NOW!!!!!!"

I enjoyed it. I thought it was a fun ride. But those concave screens... man I don't know what it was, but I felt like I wanted to die during some of those scenes. Seriously, I don't know how I managed to keep myself from puking or falling down when I got up off my bench. I've never had a ride have that kind of effect on me.

Sorry to hear that. Actually these screens messed with Tamara’s eyesight a bit as well in ways that a lot of the simulators do but that Soarin’ doesn’t (and why she didn’t hit it again with us). Might have something to do with the scale of the visuals.

No... it IS an understatement. Best queue ever. Disney parks included.

I’m compelled to agree.
Now I need to see what they went and did with the Diagon Ally part of it.
US/IOA have certainly upped the anti

::yes:: But it seems to have worked out well for your scenario.

And I’d gotten a very good deal on the tickets, so I didn’t argue too much when the boys felt that more time on Disney property better suited them.

::yes:: It will definitely get you wet.

Sweet! I loved that ride. A long, well themed ride... but you definitely should stay away if you want to stay dry!

I enjoyed the wet rides over there.
I’ll purposely dress for the part and hit them again if given the opportunity.

I just don’t know what I’m gonn’a do with that boy…

Great news I'm glad they found it! And those text messages should have made it easy to identify the phone.

No... that's funny. :rotfl2:

Didn’t think about it that way.
So they lesson here is to always load up a lost phone with insults to ease identifying it later on.
Got it! :thumbsup2

And it was funny.

In any case, he was very lucky they found it and that it got back to him.
(I wonder if he would be so lucky if it happened perchance that he’d repeat the error later on? Hummmm…)
Can’t see that one from here, but I suspect I deserve it.
I'm sure you've seen the meme or video sometime in the past. But if not, just Google "Ain't nobody got time for that."

The Disney priced libations were the actual objective, but writing it out the other way gave y’all more to pick on us about.
True. But we'll always find some way to pick on you! :thumbsup2

Oddly… no.
If you’re there and they have the cart out, the s’mores are free.
Best deal on property, right there!

Being as it was Max who lost a phone on our last grand adventure, and Toncy didn’t let him forget it,
I believe Max took great relish in giving him a hard time about it.
And rightfully so! :rotfl2:

It is (or was) all the rage to be sure, but Hulk is bigger and badder, as far as I’m concerned.
::yes:: ::yes:: ::yes::

Now I need to see what they went and did with the Diagon Ally part of it.
US/IOA have certainly upped the anti
::yes:: I don't know when I'll get there again, but I really want to see what they've added and check out the Transformers attraction.
I'm sure you've seen the meme or video sometime in the past. But if not, just Google "Ain't nobody got time for that."

Yep...I deserved that :lmao:

True. But we'll always find some way to pick on you! :thumbsup2

A truth that I count on.

::yes:: I don't know when I'll get there again, but I really want to see what they've added and check out the Transformers attraction.

That would be a good idea if I just happened to be down there where I also had part of a day to get into whatever I wanted before I had to travel back home.

Hummmmm... :scratchin
Chapter 8: Redemption

Part 1: Who Does Things Like That?

It’s a valid question.

Why would perfectly normal folks do perfectly un-normal things?

Why would an otherwise “sane” individual chose to spend inordinate amounts of hard won currency at a place that many scoff at as being sanitized and lacking in reality?

Why would someone that has a recognized fondness for one kind of adventure (which might even qualify as obsession), betray that passion for a rival distraction?

Why would someone with unfettered access to a grand world of amazing immersive interaction, choose instead to just sit in a darkened space and merely watch someone else’s adventure?

Or an even better question…

Why would you bother reading along as I try to figure out possible answers to these obviously pointless queries?

The easy answer would be:
Well, it’s a mystery.

But who wants easy answers?
(Well… besides nearly everyone, that is…)

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Let’s get a move on…

One day left. That’s it, that’s all.
Tomorrow we need to head back from where we came.
Which means that we now must find a way to make the most out of the one day that remains.
Given that stark reality, it’d be best if we got moving early.

And believe it or not…

We did.

We’re headed back for our third incursion into the mixed-up and sometimes nonsequitur world that is…



There was extra magic happening at the Big E today. And in an attempt to take advantage of that little bit of “extra”, we busted our collective rumps and got over to the front gates by
(what for us is an exceptionally early)


Yah, that’s all well and good, but rope-drop was at 8:00.



While we did get us some of that extra magic, it just wasn’t quite extra enough.

The Primary mission was to get ourselves on to Test Track and during the days prior to the FP+ system that was handled via the now quant paper ticket system. I knew we wouldn’t be getting passes for say like 9:30 but then again it surprised me just how far back that lost half hour would indeed end up costing us.
The return time for four passes acquired at 8:40?


We got the passes anyway (and again I ask who would do something so foolish?)
Well, we knew which part of the park we’d be spending the morning in at least.
Basically what we had here were passes to go have some breakfast.

Well, I know one place where we can get some grub…


Sunshine Seasons over in the land pavilion offers a lot of choice and some of it is fairly unique. Although the fair is not nearly as diverse during the breakfast hours as later on, there are still a lot of options. Being as all of our collective tastes tend to range rather widely, this made for a good choice.

And just for giggles, on the way in we could see just how astronomical the stand-by wait time may have gotten to for Soarin’

I don’t actually remember what that calculated number ended up being at the time, but I do remember shaking my head and I might even have tripped over the third commandment as well, but it’s hard to recall clearly. Oh, and just to drive home the point, the return for FPs here was already well into the late afternoon. Being as we were already locked out of acquiring any additional passes until near lunch time as it was, this attraction wasn’t going to be a justifiable repeat option of the day.

So we settled for sustenance instead.


And since we were there anyway…

And since there was a minimal wait for it…

We hopped a boat headed into the greenhouse.
Hay, we might as well see where some of the produce we’d just consumed may well have been procured from.


That’s the original plans for this section of the pavilion,
but the layout for the river is unchanged.

I’ve always liked this little excursion, although I do miss having the live guides aboard these boats. Progress though (and by progress I mean finding additional ways to remove people from the work force),
that is a constant and unending thing.

Since we still had a good bit of time that needed killin’ (so to speak)
we figured that we might as well knock out everything else that resided on the west side of Future World. And for us, that meant starting off here…


The first time I was able to see Epcot this attraction did not yet exist.
They intended for it to, but hadn’t gotten around to building it
(something to do with money and time I think).

But since the grand opening 1986 as “The Living Seas”, I’ve made an effort to see it at some point on every subsequent visit. As an actual working aquarium, this place along with greenhouse boat ride over at the land, does one of the better jobs of carrying out the mission that Future World strived for when it was originally opened. It offers not only a possible vision of things that could be, but also goes out of its way to actually provide a teaching opportunity.


Since the refurb to add the Finding Nemo theme and tie in’s, the place has moved away form a more science based exploration and on toward an entertainment based take on the topic. I get the obvious relationship between the existing pavilion and the film property. I also see why they’d go that direction. But I must say…
time wasters though they may have been… I for one kind’s miss the “hydrolators”


They did a fine job of coaxing one’s own imagination to venture beyond its perceived boundaries and consider new possibilities. Change happens though, and often for good reasons. Not to mention, there is still plenty here that one cannot experience readily on their own and much that will spark that desire to learn.


Now back on the surface and in the harsh daylight we squinted at our watches, well more like at our phones as most folk no longer wear watches, but squinting none the less to see if our window was open yet. The answer was nope. We still had about fifteen to twenty minutes that needed killin’. Ok, since we are on this side of the park, and since it’s generally a walk on and thus “relatively” painless, we went ahead and knocked off the last “attraction” in the area.

This one here…


And the less said about it…
the better.

On the way back across the park we did make the mandatory stop at Club Cool though. Refreshment was had and offerings were tried, as usual. But just as we’d experienced a few days before, for some reason there was no “Beverly” available. Apparently even the dispensers could no longer tolerate this vile liquid. Not that I intended to drink even a drop of the poison, but it did lower the entertainment factor just a mite. Its absence left the newbies and uninitiated only to wonder what this soda might have been like rather than offering up the numerous and entertaining facial contortions that the anise infused Italian aperitif regularly inspired.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Hitching a Ride


We had struggled and sacrificed much to reach this point…

That is if you were to call sitting through ‘Figment Roulette” a struggle or remaining in Future World all morning a sacrifice.

But enough, we were finally getting a chance to experience the “new” and “improved” rendition of…

Test Track


With the added Design Studio feature


Actually I rather liked this aspect of the show…


If you haven’t heard about it by now (which also indicates that you must be living the life of Patrick – that is – under a rock), the idea here is that you’ll be assigned to a design panel (usually two guests per station) and given the opportunity to design your own concept vehicle. First off one is able to choose from several general vehicle types and then allowed a couple minutes to customize an automotive design that suites you. To add a now almost obligatory competition component to the experience, your designs will be “graded” on four main categories:





But so as to also add on to the potential learning end of it, the choices you make (be it the engine or wheels or body lines… you get the idea), these can adversely affect one or more of those base metrics and cause you to lose more at one end then you might gain at the other. It’s supposed to be a bit of a balancing act. Of course the boys saw this whole challenge part of the ride as a do or die scenario. At all costs, they had to beat me.
Nothing else mattered beyond that single directive.

And as a parent, I’d expect no less
(though I may have hoped for a bit more).

Anyway… we both, as it turns out chose to start off with the same general road car body and then went our separate ways. They bet on their vast life experience and came to the conclusion that power was the only important thing and that everything else was pretty much for losers (both being 18 at the time, this also does not shock me). To that end they chose to power their vehicle with an option listed as “Solar Drive”; a choice that quickly sucked most of the life out of the other three categories. They then did their best to add and subtract elsewhere to make up for that as best they could. The end result looked like this:


Having never gone through this particular exercise prior to now I just tried to come up with something that got decent marks across the board while hopefully looking a bit more like a sports car and a bit less like a modern Hot Wheel or worse a reject from a video game….


In the end I don’t think I did too badly; reminds me more of a Viper then a Corvette though.

Once your grand vision has completed its design phase the CMs roll you on into a queue that’s really not much more than a hallway. While we were waiting in this area a fella’ just ahead of us struck up a quick conversation. He asked if we’d survived the stand-by line or had passes. Passes, I replied. So he asked how long our wait was once we hit the line. I figured it was only about six minutes. He noted that they’d been on line near two hours.

My gracious, that’s a lot of waiting around in a place that costs more than a Benji per person just to enter.
I know it’s a signature attraction and all, but seriously?

In fairly short order that hallway ended up rolling us into the serpentine in the original loading area. Everything out here is pretty much the same as it was prior to the referb…


…but that’s fine because were about to actually get to ride the thing.

They have renamed the cars to now be referred to as “Sim-Vehicles” and you scan an ID card that they handed to you back there at the entrance which identifies your design to the vehicle. It then “simulates” your design out on the track, supposedly collects up the raw data and displays your results at the end of the circuit.
Everything else about the car is the same as before.

Now then…
About the changes made out in the business end of the attraction.
The track itself…


Well, the “Belgian Blocks” are no longer present after the initial hill climb and the hot and cold tests are gone, but nearly everything else works just as before. The physical track that the cars are part of is completely unchanged mechanically and layout wise.

What has changed is all the scenery that surrounds you as you traverse the course from one test to the next. Basically everything reminds one of scenes from the contemporary remake of the older Disney film Tron. It’s all black with neon accents (mostly in that ubiquitous electric-blue from the film) with hints of circuit boards liberally ghosted into the walls and structures. It looked so much like the film that we immediately renamed the entire attraction:

Test Tron

Here’s a barrowed shot from inside the show building…


That would be fairly representative of the whole thing (on the inside that is)

Now I ask you…
Is it just us or do y’all see the same thing here?

Well one part of this mind trip that hasn’t been altered is the bit that rams you through the wall and out onto the open road. That’s just the same as it always was and it is just as thrilling.
And as such it still makes the whole exercise 100% worth it.

Oh, the scores…

Well my design pulled a total of 198.

The boys…
They got 199
Thus justifying their youthful belief that power is all that matters
(in their minds at least).

But truth be told, neither design came close to catching that day’s current reigning championship test vehicle which pulled down an unassailable 225.

With Test Track now thoroughly… ummm…. tested,
We’ve officially run the board of everything residing in Future World.
As far as this trip goes that is.

So that means it’s time to see if we can’t completely knock out Epcot by ticking off all the boxes out in the World Showcase.

As far as mom and dad were concerned, that sounded like an excellent plan.
The boys, however, had different ideas on the subject. This is where the fact that they’re old enough to look after themselves (somewhat at least) comes in handy. We unleashed them on the rest of D’World with instruction only to meet back up with us latter on.

So, now you’re a couple of independent guys with the status of legal adult, have access to the entire Disney transportation system, valid Park-Hoppers in your pocket and no specific curfew.
Under those conditions, what would you be getting into?

Well this is what they had in mind…


A movie?

All of Disney at your feet and you want to go see a film?

Yep, that’s what they wanted.

It seems that there was a new Pixar feature which just happened to be opening nationally that very day. The notion of catching a world premiere of a Disney/Pixar film while actually being at Disney World was something they considered to be a must. Not to mention, they were looking forward to trying out the recently refurbished theater over at Downtown Disney and partaking of its latest craze offering…
Dinning in during the film.


If that’s what y’all really want to do this afternoon, then have at it.
What film was it y’all are headed off to see again?

This one…



“You two have managed to accomplish something together no one ever has…
you surprised me.”

So the question that got asked at the beginning of this exercise was: who does things like that?

Well now we have an answer.
Apparently, we do.

They headed off toward the monorail…
We headed off toward the rest of the world…

Or at least the Disnyfied version of it that exists out in the Showcase.


And I can live with that.

Next up: Dating my wife​

Yah, that’s all well and good, but rope-drop was at 8:00.

:sad2: You'll never get it.

And just for giggles, on the way in we could see just how astronomical the stand-by wait time may have gotten to for Soarin’

I don’t actually remember what that calculated number ended up being at the time, but I do remember shaking my head and I might even have tripped over the third commandment as well, but it’s hard to recall clearly.
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: It is absurd how quickly that one backs up. But then again when you consider the fact that you're looking at a solid half hour to ride, even if you have FP... it doesn't take too much to back it up like that.

I’ve always liked this little excursion, although I do miss having the live guides aboard these boats.
::yes:: Live guides tend to make it more interesting.

But since the grand opening 1986 as “The Living Seas”, I’ve made an effort to see it at some point on every subsequent visit. As an actual working aquarium, this place along with greenhouse boat ride over at the land, does one of the better jobs of carrying out the mission that Future World strived for when it was originally opened. It offers not only a possible vision of things that could be, but also goes out of its way to actually provide a teaching opportunity.
::yes:: I've always enjoyed the "historic" EPCOT attractions that still try to remain educational. And I can't argue against the Nemo addition to the Living Seas. They still have their educational displays, but the addition of Nemo and Crush gives the kids something to be excited about.

But I must say…
time wasters though they may have been… I for one kind’s miss the “hydrolators”
::yes:: ::yes:: ::yes::

Ok, since we are on this side of the park, and since it’s generally a walk on and thus “relatively” painless, we went ahead and knocked off the last “attraction” in the area.
You call that skunk smell painless?

With the added Design Studio feature


Actually I rather liked this aspect of the show…
::yes:: My favorite part of the refurb.

Of course the boys saw this whole challenge part of the ride as a do or die scenario. At all costs, they had to beat me.
Nothing else mattered beyond that single directive.
Well, of course!

They bet on their vast life experience and came to the conclusion that power was the only important thing and that everything else was pretty much for losers (both being 18 at the time, this also does not shock me).
Power definitely is the most important thing. :thumbsup2

To that end they chose to power their vehicle with an option listed as “Solar Drive”; a choice that quickly sucked most of the life out of the other three categories. They then did their best to add and subtract elsewhere to make up for that as best they could. The end result looked like this:
What???? :eek: They were focusing on power and didn't go with the Plasma Burner???? Rookies... :rolleyes1

Having never gone through this particular exercise prior to now I just tried to come up with something that got decent marks across the board while hopefully looking a bit more like a sports car and a bit less like a modern Hot Wheel or worse a reject from a video game….
Nice looking car, indeed.

Passes, I replied. So he asked how long our wait was once we hit the line. I figured it was only about six minutes. He noted that they’d been on line near two hours.
:eek: :crazy2: :faint:

Basically everything reminds one of scenes from the contemporary remake of the older Disney film Tron. It’s all black with neon accents (mostly in that ubiquitous electric-blue from the film) with hints of circuit boards liberally ghosted into the walls and structures. It looked so much like the film that we immediately renamed the entire attraction:

Test Tron
Close... I call it Tron Track. But same difference.

Oh, the scores…

Well my design pulled a total of 198.

The boys…
They got 199
Thus justifying their youthful belief that power is all that matters
(in their minds at least).
Well, beating you is priority number one.

But I don't believe I've ever designed one that has scored under 210. :rolleyes1

It seems that there was a new Pixar feature which just happened to be opening nationally that very day. The notion of catching a world premiere of a Disney/Pixar film while actually being at Disney World was something they considered to be a must. Not to mention, they were looking forward to trying out the recently refurbished theater over at Downtown Disney and partaking of its latest craze offering…
Dinning in during the film.


If that’s what y’all really want to do this afternoon, then have at it.
What film was it y’all are headed off to see again?

This one…
Ok... I can see this one. I wouldn't particularly want to go see a movie during park hours. But if you're going to see a premier showing of a Disney film, on Disney property, in a theater that serves you dinner. I can't exactly argue against it. :confused3


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