The bald and the beautiful are going to see SNOW-WIPE AGAIN. (take two) PTR!


DIS Veteran
Jul 20, 2007


My beautiful family and I were originally planning a trip to DLR this June for our 10 year wedding anniversary. Unfortunately life and tragedy got in the way. Due to financial difficulties and a death in the family we had to postpone our lovely trip. :sad2: We weren’t expecting to be able to plan another until sometime NEXT summer, which was really depressing. The more and more I thought about it I realized that there is no way I can wait that long. :sad1: I deserve and NEED a vacation more then ever, I especially need something to keep my mind busy and something to look forward too. So with that in mind my husband and I decided that we’re going to do everything in our power to go this October. :woohoo:

The original plan was to include my brother and his family, but now it will just be the four of us. But on the plus side we’ll be going during Halloween , the weather should be perfect, and the crowds will be minimal. :thumbsup2

So let me introduce you to the family.

DH - Will (35) My High School sweetheart and the love of my life.:hug: We were married at Disney World almost 10 years ago.:bride: He works so hard to make sure that I can stay home with our children and to fund my many Disney trips. He’s the most amazing father in the world and would do anything for his children. He agrees that nothing is better then seeing his children’s faces light up every time we get to visit a Disney park.


DS- Jayden ( 16 months) This will be Jayden's 1st visit to DLR. His first visit to WDW was a year ago when he was only 3 months old. He's a boy by every definition of the word.pirate: In other words a pain in my behind.... He can’t sit still for one minute and EVERYTHING goes in his mouth. But he's also the most amazing and lovable baby boy in the World. I'm so lucky he's a part of my life.


DD- Reya (5) This will be Reya’s 3rd trip to DLR. She first visited when she was 6 months old, then again when she was 2 ½. I almost hear on a daily basis “When can we go to Disney mommy” We will be taking her out of school for a week, which doesn’t make me to happy, but she’ll be in kindergarten so I don’t think it will be that big of a deal. She’s also the most amazing, sweet, kind hearted, talented little girl in the world. princess: This will be a surprise trip for her and I’m excited to see how she reacts when she finds out.


Me - Deanna - (32) I’m a SAHM and love “almost” every second of it. We're debating on having another baby so it looks like I’ll be a SAHM for a long, long time. This will be my 5th trip to DLR. We love to alternate our disney trips between WDW and DLR. My obsession started back in 1996 when my grandmother sent me to florida for my high school graduation.


up next.... preliminary plans.
Yay for another trip!!! :banana: I'm sorry to hear that you've been thru a rough patch.....Disney trips are what keeps us going....something to look forward to. It helps us get thru the long days. :hug:

We're looking at pulling our kids out of school too to do a Christmas time trip......I just don't want to experience the holidays at DL when the crowds are out of control. We debated about doing Halloween time but I LOVE Christmas so it won out. Unfortunately for us, my hubby was informed today that his boss is taking the week off we planned on going (I even had our motel reserved) :headache: So if we can't get the 2nd week of December for our trip we'll be looking at mid-October.

Look forward to seeing your plans come together & my fingers will be crossed that this trip will happen for you!!! :woohoo:
Yay for another trip!!! :banana: I'm sorry to hear that you've been thru a rough patch.....Disney trips are what keeps us going....something to look forward to. It helps us get thru the long days. :hug:

We're looking at pulling our kids out of school too to do a Christmas time trip......I just don't want to experience the holidays at DL when the crowds are out of control. We debated about doing Halloween time but I LOVE Christmas so it won out. Unfortunately for us, my hubby was informed today that his boss is taking the week off we planned on going (I even had our motel reserved) :headache: So if we can't get the 2nd week of December for our trip we'll be looking at mid-October.

Look forward to seeing your plans come together & my fingers will be crossed that this trip will happen for you!!! :woohoo:

I still have to cancel my hotel for June. I kept it in hopes that a miracle would happen and we would be able to go, but it's just NOT. :( Guess I should do that this weekend. :rolleyes1

Christmas time was something we considered too. :confused3 I would love to see Disney decorated for the holidays. The thing that kept me from booking a vacation for that timeof year, was the crowds AND the weather. It would just be so weird going to southern california and not being able to wear my capris and flip flops. ;)

We've always been able to plan our vacations during non peak times because we didn't have kids or our kids weren't old enough to be in school. But DD just turned 5 and starts kindergarten in September. :( So that luxury is now gone.

Thanks for reading and posting. :goodvibes I'll keep you updated on plans. As of right now I'm trying to decide if I should go through AAA or do the planning myself.

Ohhh nooo, got to go... DS just got ahold of the duster and is running amuck.. :scared1: I can't take my eyes off of him for a second.
Having school age children does change things, but after surviving a couple spring breaks, we decided we will NEVER do that again. We took a summer trip last year & it really wasn't as bad as I thought......much better than spring time. So that's always an option. We've wanted to go for both holidays so if we end up doing the Halloween over Christmas......I'll be ok.....just a tad disappointed since I love Christmas so much.

I don't like taking kids out of school either, but like you, I don't want to spend that kind of money & have the place packed (which it sounds like it has been the last couple years) I'm willing to pull them out for a special trip but wouldn't make it a habit.

Well time to go see what the twins are into.........having young ones is tiring work!!
We had to cancel a trip last Oct due to life stuff to but are rebooked for June!!
I took my kids out of school for trips as long as I gets harder and harder the older they get. It helps that they are all get terrific grades!

Having an upcoming vacation to look forward to and plan is so really helps me thru those AARRGGHH days!!!

The family times and memories really are priceless!!!

Looking forward to hearing about your plans and trip!
I don't think you'll regret going during Halloween time. I've seen the park done normal, Halloween and Holidays and I feel that the Halloween time is my personally favorite :cloud9: Where I grew up, the holiday season meant SNOW, so going to DLR for Thanksgiving or Christmas without snow was a little odd :rotfl: But both are beautiful either way!! :thumbsup2

Can't wait to read more, your kids are too adorable!!
We had to cancel a trip last Oct due to life stuff to but are rebooked for June!!
I took my kids out of school for trips as long as I gets harder and harder the older they get. It helps that they are all get terrific grades!

Having an upcoming vacation to look forward to and plan is so really helps me thru those AARRGGHH days!!!

The family times and memories really are priceless!!!

Looking forward to hearing about your plans and trip!

Yeah, I figure we might be able to take her out of school once in a great while when she's in elementary school. We normally take LOONNGGG vacations, so that really won't be an option anymore, unless we go during summer. Our usual vacations last 2 to 3 weeks. This trip will be around 10 days, which is still pretty great. ((but we're driving))

Planning vacation really helps me get through those ARRGGHHH days too. :thumbsup2 It usualy gives me some motivation to loose some weight too. I'm hoping to loos 30 pounds by then. So wish me lots of luck. Hope can do it.

Thanks for reading. :yay:

Having school age children does change things, but after surviving a couple spring breaks, we decided we will NEVER do that again. We took a summer trip last year & it really wasn't as bad as I thought......much better than spring time. So that's always an option. We've wanted to go for both holidays so if we end up doing the Halloween over Christmas......I'll be ok.....just a tad disappointed since I love Christmas so much.

I don't like taking kids out of school either, but like you, I don't want to spend that kind of money & have the place packed (which it sounds like it has been the last couple years) I'm willing to pull them out for a special trip but wouldn't make it a habit.

Well time to go see what the twins are into.........having young ones is tiring work!!

When we went to WDW last year, we went the week before the Spring break crowds came in. Actually, our last day at the parks was the day the crowds came in. It was INSANE!!! The entire week was so dead... we rarely needed a fast pass, but the last day we were there lines were around 45mins to 1 hour. It was almost impossible to get around with a stroller, because there were so many people. We really lucked out. So I will NEVER go during Spring Break. The last time we went to DLR, it was the 3rd week of september, and we didn't need to use one fast pass. It was AMAZING!! So I'm hoping the crowds will be simular the 2nd week of October.

Yes, having little ones is a LOT of work. I was reading your PTR, and you must be one busy momma, I admire you. That's so great that you got that wonderful tax break. I'm so jealous. ((I have to go back and finish up reading your report))

I don't think you'll regret going during Halloween time. I've seen the park done normal, Halloween and Holidays and I feel that the Halloween time is my personally favorite :cloud9: Where I grew up, the holiday season meant SNOW, so going to DLR for Thanksgiving or Christmas without snow was a little odd :rotfl: But both are beautiful either way!! :thumbsup2

Can't wait to read more, your kids are too adorable!!

Last time we were there it was around Halloween time and we LOVED the decorations... I think it's one of my favorite times too. I'm really looking forward to it. We never went to the Halloween party though, an will have to do that this year.

Thanks for reading. :) And thanks for the comment on my kids. I think they're pretty adorable too. ;)
Like I mentioned before this will be a SURPRISE trip for DD. I haven’t quite decided how I’m going to reveal the news to her yet. :confused3

Any creative suggestions?

I don’t know if I should tell her a couple days before we leave, if we should tell her when we’re packed up and on the road, or if I should just make her wait till we arrive at the front gates?!?

Hmmmmmmm ……… Have any of you planned a surprise trip for your kids? What did you do, or what would you do?

The year we surprised our kids, we were going to be driving (14 hrs) & figured when they started complaining about being in the car, we would tell them that it takes a long time to get to Disneyland......but we couldn't wait. So we told them the day before by doing a scavenger hunt. The kids were younger, so we did easy clues & the last thing they found was a scroll when urolled read........WE'RE GOING TO DISNEYLAND!! They were so excited & they asked when & we said we're getting up super early & leaving in the morning. It was great, no whining daily about how soon do we go. Their reactions were priceless & we captured it on video.
The year we surprised our kids, we were going to be driving (14 hrs) & figured when they started complaining about being in the car, we would tell them that it takes a long time to get to Disneyland......but we couldn't wait. So we told them the day before by doing a scavenger hunt. The kids were younger, so we did easy clues & the last thing they found was a scroll when urolled read........WE'RE GOING TO DISNEYLAND!! They were so excited & they asked when & we said we're getting up super early & leaving in the morning. It was great, no whining daily about how soon do we go. Their reactions were priceless & we captured it on video.

How FUN!!! And that's so awesome that you got it on video too. I'm hoping to get a new camcorder before our trip so I can do the same. I love those new Disney commercials with the parents surprising their kids with Disney trips. I get a little teary eyed watching them, and that's with them not being my own children. CAN'T WAIT!!! :yay:
I think it has been decided that we’re going to keep every detail of our trip a secret from DD. princess: She won’t know what we’re doing, until we’re doing it.
((Details to follow, during my PTR))
But I would like to mention that Tinkerbell will be following us along on our trip, and leaving DD and DS little surprises along the way!
Oct 13th- Night before we leave

After Reya brushes her teeth and we go into her room to read a book, she’ll notice a wrapped present on her bed from Tinkerbell. :tinker: I will have to come up with a creative message explaining that Tinkerbell is visiting Colorado on a special assignment, and has been asked by Cinderella to bring her a gift because Mommy and Daddy wrote to let her know what a good girl she has been. I will also have to include a message stating that if she continues to be well behaved, listens and does EVERYTHING that mommy and daddy tell her too, she might expect another visit or two before she has to fly back home to Disneyland. ((Hopefully we can use this to our advantage during our long drive.)) It’s almost as good as using Santa Clause as leverage around Christmas time. :rolleyes1

I think I'll buy her something that will be helpful during our drive. Maybe a Disney Movie, a book for her tag reading pen, or a game for her leapster? I will have to keep an eye out for clearance items or deals on Ebay and Amazon. :scratchin

Just an FYI… I also plan on sharing pictures of past Disney Trips with you during my PTR, so keep an eye out for them. :surfweb:

I know everyone here likes lots and lots of pictures. :thumbsup2
Joining in!! Your family is adorable, and I love your reveal idea!! Can't wait to hear more of your plans! :goodvibes

October 4th

8:30 AM- Take Reya to school. :teacher:
** We’ll have 2 ½ hours to get the car packed up, and tie up any loose ends.

11:30 AM- Pick up Reya from school. ((Usual dismissal time is 3:30 pm))

** When I pick DD up, she's going to be very confused as to why she's geting to leave early. She's especially going to be confused when she notices the van is all packed up. :confused3 We’re going to tell her that Mommy and Daddy have decided that we’ve all been working REALLY hard and the four of us deserve to go on a much needed Family Adventure. We’ll tell her we don’t exactly know how long we’ll be gone. It could be one day or it could be longer, we just don’t know.??? :rolleyes1 All she has to do is sit back, relax,enjoy the ride and we’ll see where the day takes us? :car:


Once we see the BIG smile on her face :goodvibes our vacation will have officially started!


12:15 PM- Arrive in the small town of Idaho Springs Colordo to have lunch.

We'll stop at one of our Favorite Pizza joints to have some yummy pizza and spinach dip! Mmmm Mmmmm Mmmmmm

After we have filled up our tummies we’ll hit the road again. I’ll be hoping and praying that the baby will fall asleep soon after getting in the car. We will only have a two hour drive to our first destination and it would be wonderful if we didn’t have to take any breaks until we got there? ((I might need a star bucks stop though)) ;)

To be continued ………. Where will our first surprise stop be?!? I don’t think Reya will be disappointed! :rolleyes1

Like I said before we will have a 2 hour drive to our 1st destination. It’s a really beautiful drive and I’m hoping that the Aspens will still be turning at the time. Driving through the Rocky Mountains during the fall is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! :love:

So allowing the possibility of a bathroom break, I figure will arrive at 4:00 PM if not sooner?

Our first Destination of our trip will be the small town of …......

Glenwood Springs Colorado

We’ll be staying the night at the
Courtyard Marriott


It’s a brand new hotel ((FYI … I’m a hotel snob)) I don’t need the Ritz, but I need a nice, clean, comfortable hotel.

Once we get checked in and our luggage has been brought to our room, Reya and Jayden will each find another hidden present from Tinkerbell. ((Not sure what the message will say with the accompanying card yet))

When she opens it, she’ll notice a brand new bathing suit and Jayden will receive some sort of floating device.

Me: “Wow Reya, what a beautiful bathing suit!!! You should put it on and we'll go find a pool somewhere?"

She will no doubt be super excited and anxious to leave. She's a total fish and would swim everyday of the year if she could.

So we'll all get ready to swim and head across the street to the historical, theraputic, relaxing, enormous Hotsprings Pool.


The pool is open until 10:00 PM, so we can swim and relax to our hearts content. I’ve always wanted to be there at night, so I'm really excited!! It will also be the middle of the week and a non-peak season so I'm hoping it will be pretty dead. ;)


After our evening of swimming and fun, we'll probably pick up sandwiches or takeout to bring back to the room for dinner. Then hit the hay for some much needed sleep that we'll need for the next day's LONG drive.

Up next ...... Sharks, M&M's, and my favorite Chicken friend Chicken in the world.
I love your title! You have a beautiful family. I'm on board your adventure.
:cheer2: Sounds awesome so much fun!!!! :cheer2:

Thank you.... I guess I should have mentioned that this isn't JUST a Disney trip.. We love to take roadtrips. ((Well I like to take road trips anyway)) and we like to do lots of stuff along the way, rather then just drive straight through to our destination. We'll be doing disney for about 6 days. ;)

I'm so happy that Reya isn't going to know what is going on. Half the fun is going to be surprising her everyday. :yay:

I love your title! You have a beautiful family. I'm on board your adventure.

Thank you so much, and welcome. ;)

I've always used THE BALD AND THE BEAUTIFUL in my trip reports.. When I did my first trip report back in 2007 my DD was 18 months old and bald as a cue ball :lmao: She didn't start growing hair until she was 3.


And my husband has been shaving his head for as long as I've known him. So I thought it was an appropriate title.

Also DD still call's Snow White, "Snow Wipe" :rotfl: ((Her favorite princess))
Loving you plans so far! I didn't realize you were driving from Colorado, WOW! I wouldn't be able to make it, our 17 hour drive from Portland, OR was bad enough! :scared1: Well, kudos to you for that long drive, and here's hoping your kiddos are well-behaved for it, lol!


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