The ABC's of Trip Planning, Pt 1- K is for Keeping Things Kooky- Drinks V-Z; pg. 197 + New Link

I went half way with soaking my feet in a hot tub WITH a (tall) glass of red wine. Then went straight to bed where I plan to fall asleep soon.

Close enough!
Hope today was better for you!
I am caught up again. Budget season at work seems impossible this year. I am sorry the SIM lab didn't go so well, but you did learn and that is what they are for. Next time, you face this situation, you will know what to do.

My son is 19 and just got his permit. We will see how that goes.

Hope you have a great weekend.
I am so happy that you had a good second day with your simulation!
Chapter 20: T is for Taking Time to Learn and Look Forward

Carrying on with the newest, greatest little tradition of making little milestone markers, which actually serve as nice little incentives for pressing on, I present to you....

The hardest thing I find about making these every couple of weeks is keeping it to 8. There are so very many things I am longing to do- especially after weeks like this past one. Here are my take-aways, and then I'll get back to Disney...

I'm happy that it ended on a high note and that I felt like a redeemed myself somewhat by the end of the 2 days, but stressful does not even begin to describe all that. Being put on the spot and having 9 other people watch your every move, decision, word, etc... is HORRIBLE, but as you all have said, useful in the grand scheme of things. I will not soon forget the lessons I learned, from being more decisive and taking action when a situation warrants, to being thorough in assessments on the front end to keep a bad situation from going worse. Looking back, each of us 7 students made errors that were graciously and kindly corrected, but often not until the END of the scenario in order to let that error really sink in. I learned the value of a total patient scenario, which is moreso than that of a single skill check-off. While those have their place, when you add panicking moms, cranky girlfriends, and needy family to the alarms and failing vitals signs, things get very stressful and it's good to have that be practiced in Lab where it's safe and de-briefed.

Back to your regularly scheduled (sort of-ish) Disney-focused chatter...

I cannot say I have a very favorite attraction, so I put those 2 for this time (ToT and 7DMT) because one will be new to me and the other is just such a fantastic ride. Others that will make the grade very soon will probably be HM and Pirates because they hold some of my most very favorite memories of my grandma taking me as a young child to DLR. I have vivid visions of a PoTC coloring book that she got me as a souvenir, that I spent HOURS choosing the colors for every little space (still love me some Midnight Blue from the Crayola 64-pack) and making up stories of myself as a pirate wench with hoards of gold. Only half of that came true.

I still do not know which resort we'll end up at since I don't know if we'll be ready to pay the resort fees by the 11-month mark to go the renting points route at Yacht or Beach Club, or if we'll end up going with the AoA for most of the time with a couple nights at AK. The next year and how much work I get this summer will tell. But wherever that is, a day by the pool with a tall, frosty drink in my hand is something I often find myself daydreaming about during lecture. Sometimes I have to pinch myself and re-focus. Because, despite my current 88%, I would still really love my A this term. So need to focus and not let up until I've crossed that finish line!

One of the things that I REALLY loved during my last trip was taking the time to stop and listen to all the wonderful music groups around the parks. I spend gobs of time listening to African groups in AK, the piano guy at Casey's, and several others. It is just something I really love to do, and find so relaxing.

Those all certainly bring back some really amazing memories.

I know there will be plenty of time to make some more, because I'll be purposely building in that margin of time to take in the tunes when I'm there again. I hope you all are having one FANTASTIC weekend.
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Yay!!! Glad things are looking up!!

Thanks! It was really a valuable time and I'm so thankful I could get some helpful take-aways!!

Close enough!
Hope today was better for you!

Amazing what letting it go can do. Elsa was right, despite how annoying her song became.

I am caught up again. Budget season at work seems impossible this year. I am sorry the SIM lab didn't go so well, but you did learn and that is what they are for. Next time, you face this situation, you will know what to do.

My son is 19 and just got his permit. We will see how that goes.

Hope you have a great weekend.

Glad you're back!! :) Missed you to be sure.

ANd you're right! I will never hesitate again with that particular action. I am really finding it a challenge to find time to get us to the DMV so we can sit for a couple of hours waiting to be called and then taking the test, etc... It may have to wait until summer before I can really do that again. Meantime we keep quizzing to keep it all fresh.
Hi Lisa! Happy Birthday to Zach! Passing your mom up is a good feeling for a guy, whatever age it happens! Disney gift cards have been the gift of choice around here, too. It makes shopping easy and the anticipation of how it will be spent is also fun.

I remember your trinkets well! It was extra special for me to be at your home and see them around your kitchen after reading about them on your TR.

Sorry you had a had experience in class. Hope today goes better for you. Hope you have a great Friday!

In the next few months, we'll have several nice GCs to have stashed away for future enjoyment. YAY!! :banana:I like that they can be used for pretty much anything there. And that I won't have to keep getting that, "Can I have more?" song and dance. My job as Trip Coordinator is to make sure they are aware of their options- from Tours to Water Park tix to Souvies.

I actually found the rest of my pictures of the trinkets I bought. I should post them sometime. :)

Thanks for your continued encouragement, Tammie! I'm glad to have friends that are there for the long-haul. :hug:

Sorry you had such a crappy day. Hopefully things go better this time around. If not, definitely go for margaritas and self medicate.

It did. And I did. And it ended up being more of a happy dance, not a cry-in-your-marg time. :)

Sorry you had a crappy day but you learned a great lesson in a safe environment and I bet you won't hesitate again!

Jill in CO

Thanks, Jill! It was a really good couple of days, despite the stress of it all. I've heard next year is even more so; not so much looking forward to that!

Well, that sounds extremely difficult and I can understand where the aftermath would be a cruddy place to be.

If I can offer any encouragement, it would be this:

1. No one was actually hurt in this scenario. That's why they practice. This is the place to make the mistakes.
2. In time, it will be a great learning experience. You will not forget this easily. And now you know what to do. Mistakes are usually the best teachers.
3. Today is a new day. Odds are it will be much better. At the very least, it's Friday.

Spoken like a true engineer! And yes, you can ALWAYS offer encouragement... sometimes it's those other perspectives that help us see clearer. You really should think of becoming a nursing instructor; you have the script down pat. Seriously, almost word for word that's how they wrapped up the day.

These two have put it so well! Mistakes happen and learning about the theory and applying it are two very different things. That's what simulations are for.


Yes, they are! Having the right answers in a lecture are certainly one thing; having your wits about you to DO something and having the knowledge in the front of you mind when needed are so different. Textbooks don't add crying kids, poopy bottoms and spurting blood to make the sitution real.

I totally agree with what Magdalene wrote, and of course jedyjill and captain o.

I hope this day will be a new and better experience!

It was a lot better, and I wasn't the one who got the toughest scenario on day 2.

What he said ^.. Great Job.

That's how you learn - and unfortuately you will remember the poor outcome a lot longer than the one you smoked... That may be good thing.

And that is definitely the truth. And the nice thing is that the scenario I messed up on is one that will happen FAR more often in real life than the one I did fine on. Which is also a good thing!

I am so happy that you had a good second day with your simulation!

I am glad that your very stressful week has come to an end and that it was a learning experience that will stick with you as you start your new career.

I am sure that whatever resort you pick, it will be awesome. You will be in Disney and every resort there is amazing, so how can you possibly go wrong? :confused3
Dreaming about Disney helps me get through things too...I bet many of us here have that in common with you!! And of course, anywhere at Disney you stay will be amazing. I just stayed onsite for the first time in forever...and it really was so much more magical. Glad your week ended on a better note and I hope your weekend is going well!
The hardest thing I find about making these every couple of weeks is keeping it to 8.

That's good! It would be no fun if it was a struggle.

I will not soon forget the lessons I learned, from being more decisive and taking action when a situation warrants, to being thorough in assessments on the front end to keep a bad situation from going worse.


making up stories of myself as a pirate wench with hoards of gold. Only half of that came true.

Please post a picture of you in your pirate wench outfit.


Wow! I love this photo. Wish I'd seen this. I would've spent more time there.
Um... Because I love guitar, of course.
Yeah. The guitar.

I hope you all are having one FANTASTIC weekend.

Busy. Busy. Busy. But not too bad.
I got on my Harley to go to work.
Anytime I get to ride, can't be bad.
Great update. TOT Rocks!

Congrats on making it through your battle drills. It will ALL be worth it!

If you aren't a member of D-cot, go join. Park music on demand. It's good for Disney fix.
Sorry I haven’t been around here much lately, but I am STILL just having a really hard time feeling motivated enough about being here following the major update, to undertake learning all the new crap needed to function. Every time I try to get comfortable again, I find something else that makes me get highly agitated with the effort it takes to do the simplest of things anymore. :headache: The good news (I guess…..………….hopefully you agree) is that I can easily keep up with and converse with you in other more user friendly forums. Anyway, so much for my (latest) rant and on with my very limited comments………..

I love the way you used the intricacies of the English language, and the multitudinous meanings that so many words can possess. The one I found the most humorous was for Progress being a “ceremonial journey.” Somehow, I must have missed that phrase taking the form of “A Princess’ work is never done.” l:laughing:

I have to admit, “this lady’s out of her ever-loving mind” never once entered my mind. Twice……..maybe…………but once……………..:rolleyes1

Loving all of your Mickey Head milestone markers; Sitting by the pool, drink in hand sounds pretty good right now. :drinking1::yes::

Congrats again on your Exam scores, and your SIM work. :jumping1:

We have got to do some ToT together. I used to not care much for it, but for some reason it is starting to become a favorite of mine also. :thumbsup2

When did you get hoards of gold??? :confused3 Oh wait, you probably meant the wench part………… :rolleyes:

Looking forward to some of your DISmeets during your trip. :goodvibes
That's good! It would be no fun if it was a struggle.

True enough. And I'm sure finding 24 more won't be so hard either. Given that there are quite possibly around 24,000 swirling in my head at this very moment.

Please post a picture of you in your pirate wench outfit.



You mean this one?? Thank you very much for your kind words about my giving Ariel a run for her money when you rode by and ogled.


And you're welcome.

Wow! I love this photo. Wish I'd seen this. I would've spent more time there.
Um... Because I love guitar, of course.
Yeah. The guitar.

Funny, I thought it was definitely for the drums.

And I know (and cater to) my audience very well. Post what sells, they say. ;)

Busy. Busy. Busy. But not too bad.
I got on my Harley to go to work.
Anytime I get to ride, can't be bad.

Sounds like your weather has finally taken a turn for the better. Or were you dodging snowflakes during that commute?
I am glad that your very stressful week has come to an end and that it was a learning experience that will stick with you as you start your new career.

I am sure that whatever resort you pick, it will be awesome. You will be in Disney and every resort there is amazing, so how can you possibly go wrong? :confused3

I'm glad it's over too!! This week I'm back at my regular Med-Surg rotation, then it's 4 shifts in Labor and Delivery, then one week left in Med-Surg, then DONE!! Woot!

You are right! I've stayed in Pop, Ft. Wilderness, the Poly, and Riverside. I've never had a horrible time, although some were better than others. And to be honest we spend very little time at the resort during our stays, so it's all good!

Dreaming about Disney helps me get through things too...I bet many of us here have that in common with you!! And of course, anywhere at Disney you stay will be amazing. I just stayed onsite for the first time in forever...and it really was so much more magical. Glad your week ended on a better note and I hope your weekend is going well!

LOL! I'm sure you're right. I suppose not many of us would even been here if that weren't true.

I always look at theming first; for me I want to be swept away to a brand new place and time. That's what's so lovely about a Disney vacation, especially one that is "on property"! You can completely immerse yourself in a make-believe place and leave (most of) the cares of this world somewhere else.

Busy weekend with church, family, a bit of studying, and some VERY much needed cleaning. :)
Great update. TOT Rocks!

Congrats on making it through your battle drills. It will ALL be worth it!

If you aren't a member of D-cot, go join. Park music on demand. It's good for Disney fix.

Hey There G-B-N-F!!!!

Great to see you here! Super excited for your upcoming whirlwind, slightly un-nerving, yet, sure-to-be-fun trip!

Yes. It. Does!!! I used to watch the Twilight Zone marathon every single Thanksgiving Day growing up and still LOVE the episodes. Working on building my library of the series.

I sure hope so GB. As painful as it all is, it would be infinitely more so to harm someone in real life because I was ill-prepared and hadn't gone through the rigors of learning what I need to now. But, it does hurt- but isn't anything that's worth doing, ANYTHING that reaps reward a bit painful on the front end?

I have not seen D-Cot. I know there are others like Mouse World Radio, but can't seem to ever get anything to PLAY on it. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong??!! Next time at school, where I have unlimited internet, I will dink around with the one you are suggesting. I NEED MY PARK MUSIC!! In fact, remember the last time I was there?? I went around the all the BGM speakers and recorded a BUNCH of it, especially from EPCOT. I had always meant to send you that chip for you to "clean it up", but as you well know, life got away from me and that never happened. In fact, I'm not even sure where it is. :'(
And I'm sure finding 24 more won't be so hard either. Given that there are quite possibly around 24,000 swirling in my head at this very moment.


Thank you very much for your kind words about my giving Ariel a run for her money when you rode by and ogled.

Ogled??? Ogled?????
I did not ogle!
I... admired. Cherished. Glanced....

Yeah... Okay.
I ogled.


And you're welcome.


And I know (and cater to) my audience very well. Post what sells, they say. ;)


Sounds like your weather has finally taken a turn for the better. Or were you dodging snowflakes during that commute?

Nope! No snow! Pool's open (Still freezing... but it's open) and it's 20C/68F right now.
But a few nights ago, I rode the bike to work... and the temp dipped down to 3C/37F for the ride home.
Yes... I froze.


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